February 17, 2025

18 thoughts on “Poultry Litter Fire still Smoldering

    1. Because the people of Northampton County eat chicken eat 3-4 times a week, 52 weeks a year. There is something very wrong with any group of people that wish to eat chicken, each week, but are unwilling to support the industry that provides the chickens.

      1. Mr. Bell, there is your nonsensical statement again. Please explain how it is wrong for a group of people to hope for a sustainable diet while maintaining a clean environment. Please enlighten us.

        1. If you can not understand that simple statement, I am not willing to help you. I have been holding a mirror up to others for 48 years. It is a rare human being that can look into that mirror and tell me what they really see.

          1. Exactly the answer I expected from you. Interesting that in a few articles back, I did the courtesy of answering the question(s) you asked of me. But it seems the demagoguery of your world only allows for rudeness and short, flippant non-statements and non-answers. Continue to wallow in the misery of your self-imposed non-functioning and threatened world. For the rest of us, we live life for its challenges and the solutions to solving those challenges. Good day sir…and we shall never speak of your foolish statements again.

      2. Mr. Bell, Rather than trying to stop poultry industry expansion in Accomack County, I would like for emphasis to be placed on good zoning regulations for poultry operations. My main interest in sharing any information here is that we need certain setbacks for poultry manure sheds so that they are not a health and safety hazard to their neighbors. I would like to see a 1000 foot setback from a commercial poultry manure shed and any nearby residence. These regulations are being reviewed now in Accomack County, and new legal setbacks will soon be enacted. All Eastern Shore residents should now be considering what appropriate setbacks would be, based on their own living situations, and those of their neighbors.
        Thanks for listening,
        Miriam Riggs

        1. Tina, After all the time we spent together and all the chicken we ate together, there is no need to call me Mister!

    1. I am quite sure the topic is poultry. I bet you blame Bush every time Obama’s failed leadership is mentioned.

  1. Stuart Bell, do me the courtesy of answering my question. If you don’t, can I assume you have no answer? And if so, please don’t make this statement again. It has no substance.

    1. If you can not understand that simple statement, I am not willing to help you…..you are welcome to ‘assume’ anything you wish but do not forget a couple things.

      1) To do so makes an a$$ out of U and Me.
      2)Look over that log before you leap.

      1. Naw…just you. I can “Safely” assume you are just one step ahead of troll status. And as for as that log you like leaping over, you’re all bark… no bite. As in no intended informational value. I’ll pass on a “real” answer from you. Folks like you, I don’t need any “help” from.

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