The Cape Charles Town Council will hold a public hearing on Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 6:00 pm in the Cape Charles Civic Center, 500 Tazewell Avenue, to receive comment on the proposed multi-year Master Tree Plan for the Cape Charles Historic and Harbor Districts.

The proposed plan is available for public review on our website at under Agendas and Minutes/Town Council. This item will be brought to a vote during the regular meeting which follows the public hearing.
This proposal by the Cape Charles Tree Advisory Board (TAB) includes a multi-year plan for the purchase, installation, and maintenance of additional tree canopy in the Cape Charles Historic District and Harbor. Year One utilizes the current budget of $10,000 and is slated for spring 2024 planting. Year Two assumes a Town budget of $10,000 and the possible receipt of a $10,000 matching grant. Years Three and Four include additional installation of canopy and understory trees throughout the Historic District and Harbor Park.
If planted along town streets, does VDOT have to be consulted or approve since that’s VDOT Right of Way? How long might their review/approval take, or has this already been run past them?