CAPE CHARLES, Va. — The Cape Charles Public Works team has wrapped up a series of tasks to ready Central Park for upcoming work by Broader Hite.
Preparations included the removal of existing mulch from the bases of all park trees, an inspection to ensure all lights on Mason Avenue were unplugged for the season, and the assembly of a large materials order ahead of the season’s start.
In addition to these tasks, the team addressed an odor issue at the library and readied signage and barricades for beach week. They also inspected and secured all globes along Mason Ave and devised a lighting plan for the golf cart path.
Ongoing efforts included the renovation of the public works shop and routine brush and yard debris pick-ups. Notably, the team collected 7 truckloads of brush, totaling approximately 1190 cubic yards, for recycling purposes.
The team conducted regular trash pick-ups from all municipal trash cans, servicing a total of 33 cans daily. They also managed the dumping, swapping, and repair of residential trash cans, including the delivery of 4 new cans, swapping 2 cans, and replacing 1 lid.
Did they fix the standing water issue? Or that broke ass water fountain that rusted out and went missing?
That so-called “standing water issue” happens to be a GOLD MINE in the making for Cape Charles if they jump on the financial opportunity afforded them here by that standing water the town had to go to no expense for, it’s free, by infesting it with some alligators as a means of siphoning off rich tourists from up north who would otherwise go all the way to South Carolina to see an alligator and have them come to Cape Charles instead, which would be a win-win for the economies of Eastville and Cape Charles, both.