Yes, we agree with you cat and dog. It’s a cray cray situation down there. Advice from Uncle Wiggly, “Hold on to your wallet with both hands, and if you have to tie your shoes, sit down, don’t bend over. It is a town of idiots. We are lucky, we have fulfilled the prophesy, we are governed by a council of Asses and Villains.”
Congrats to all for nice election.
5 thoughts on “Quick and Dirty Cape Charles Election Results”
You shall reap just what you sow…and just look at the seeds you have tried to use.
I would suggest showing up to the Town Counsel or Planning Commissions meetings to voice you opinions or suggestions. We are not mind readers.
Note: Old School Cape Charles would ask, “What part of almost a year of public comment, articles, press opinion pieces, protests, packed fundraising events, hundreds of signatures, and an eventual court case is mind reading?” The Cape Charles Town Council finds public comment as useful as the ‘G’ in Lasagna. Buchholz already seems to be taking a page out of the Sullivan – Panek – Bannon playbook. Quash dissent and then spin, spin, spin. Dude’s not even sworn in yet…luckily, it’s not that easy to shut Mr. Bell up…
I don’t know Andy, you seem to frequent this site. Here is as good a spot to voice concerns and/or opinions. Spoken suggestions sometimes seem to have a way of going by the wayside to
any politician within earshot. But one suggestion (as one man to another) I would like to make is this. Arrogance is not a becoming trait when one takes an office seat. Your position is as a servant. You were voted in to serve a constituency and manage their needs. Think of it as what if a staff member or a servant said to his employer “How would I know that, I am not a mind
reader”. Just how long do you think they would survive in that position? It comes across as condescending, the last thing a politician should to appear to be.
I would like to put forth to you that you seriously consider the options of looking into the refurbishment of your town’s infrastructure. This seems to me to be a very serious issue and will directly impact the tourist trade. If not dealt with soon, it will have a serious domino effect. Septic and water do not heal themselves. Lastly, the town’s debt is another serious issue. I would seriously consider looking into ways to diminish and/or have those responsible for paying down the debt and do so NOT by using the backs of the town’s people. From what I can tell (and from what I’ve read) there have been a lot of shenanigans taking place over the years that need straightening out. Seems you have your hands full. You don’t have time to argue with Mr. Bell or any other constituency you represent. Besides, believe me…it doesn’t end well.
turn Cape Charles into a Gamming Center, OTB, Ferry Ride with dinning , dancing and gaming, a festivale of arts call it “Crape Myrtle Festival ” first two weeks in August. folks come leave their cash and go back where they live.
Tony Sacco theDreamer
You shall reap just what you sow…and just look at the seeds you have tried to use.
I would suggest showing up to the Town Counsel or Planning Commissions meetings to voice you opinions or suggestions. We are not mind readers.
Note: Old School Cape Charles would ask, “What part of almost a year of public comment, articles, press opinion pieces, protests, packed fundraising events, hundreds of signatures, and an eventual court case is mind reading?” The Cape Charles Town Council finds public comment as useful as the ‘G’ in Lasagna. Buchholz already seems to be taking a page out of the Sullivan – Panek – Bannon playbook. Quash dissent and then spin, spin, spin. Dude’s not even sworn in yet…luckily, it’s not that easy to shut Mr. Bell up…
The School is gone! Move on.
Note: Public access may be gone, but the metaphor, as a teachable moment, is still very rich.
I don’t know Andy, you seem to frequent this site. Here is as good a spot to voice concerns and/or opinions. Spoken suggestions sometimes seem to have a way of going by the wayside to
any politician within earshot. But one suggestion (as one man to another) I would like to make is this. Arrogance is not a becoming trait when one takes an office seat. Your position is as a servant. You were voted in to serve a constituency and manage their needs. Think of it as what if a staff member or a servant said to his employer “How would I know that, I am not a mind
reader”. Just how long do you think they would survive in that position? It comes across as condescending, the last thing a politician should to appear to be.
I would like to put forth to you that you seriously consider the options of looking into the refurbishment of your town’s infrastructure. This seems to me to be a very serious issue and will directly impact the tourist trade. If not dealt with soon, it will have a serious domino effect. Septic and water do not heal themselves. Lastly, the town’s debt is another serious issue. I would seriously consider looking into ways to diminish and/or have those responsible for paying down the debt and do so NOT by using the backs of the town’s people. From what I can tell (and from what I’ve read) there have been a lot of shenanigans taking place over the years that need straightening out. Seems you have your hands full. You don’t have time to argue with Mr. Bell or any other constituency you represent. Besides, believe me…it doesn’t end well.
turn Cape Charles into a Gamming Center, OTB, Ferry Ride with dinning , dancing and gaming, a festivale of arts call it “Crape Myrtle Festival ” first two weeks in August. folks come leave their cash and go back where they live.
Tony Sacco theDreamer