February 19, 2025

2 thoughts on “Remembering My Visit to to United Poultry Concerns and Karen Davis

  1. Thanks for sharing your memories of Karen Davis and her work as well as your own experiences regarding the cruelty of factory farming. As always, you’ve given the reader much to think about. I haven’t eaten meat for more than 25 years and haven’t missed it at all.

  2. I wish more people had such epiphanies when they saw chicken and turkey crates piled on those trucks, or when they saw the terrified eyes peering through the openings in transport trucks. But for most people, the trucks are just part of the business supply chain on the move.

    I can imagine how Davis would felt seeing them. She was tireless in fighting for the animals, particularly for chickens, who came late into getting the help they desetved.

    Not many people devote their lives to a cause, especially when thst cause doesn’t result in fame and fortune and it benefits beings noted as drumsticks and nuggets.

    Davis was a hero for the AR movement. We can only hope more activists will emulate her example.

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