WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, Congresswoman Luria was named to the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol. The Select Committee will investigate and report upon the facts and causes of the attack and it is charged with reporting its findings, conclusions, and recommendations for preventing future attacks. The Committee is bipartisan, with thirteen members appointed by the Speaker, five of whom will be appointed after consultation with the Minority Leader.
You can watch Congresswoman Luria’s remarks at the press conference here.
It is indeed interesting that as we LOYAL AMERICANS who don’t drink Democrat KOOL-AID, or Republican KOOL-AID, “celebrate,” if that is the correct word for it, anymore, INDEPENDENCE FROM THE TYRANNY OF GEORGE III OF ENGLAND DAY, commonly called the Fourth of July, as if we were celebrating a calendar day, as opposed to a significant day in this nation’s political history, like it or not, and many don’t, as we clearly see from an article in the feminist website Jezebel (an impudent, shameless, or morally unrestrained woman according to Merriam-Webster) entitled “I’m Sorry but Biden’s Whole ‘Independence From the Virus’ Thing Is So Corny” by Harron Walker on 3 July 2021, where the author stated “(S)econd and most importantly, the Fourth of July is famously one of the worst holidays, (After Flag Day, of course, whatever the hell that is.)” and “(T)rying to fold the government’s coronavirus response into the nationalist mythologies of a country built on genocide and slave labor? The loudest buzzer noise I can summon!!,” that we are faced with a TYRANNY (cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control) from within in the form of this “select House committee that will investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol” that was put together by the DEMOCRAT TYRANT (an absolute ruler who is unrestrained by law) Nancy Pelosi, the San Francisco congresswoman who rules her “People’s House” with an iron fist, as befits a Stalin-esque type of DESPOT.
First of all, if one actually looks up the meaning of the word “bipartisan,” it is taken to mean “involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other’s policies,” or as Wikipedia has it, “(B)ipartisanship, sometimes referred to as nonpartisanship, is a political situation, usually in the context of a two-party system in which opposing political parties find common ground through compromise,” the PELOSI-ite FARCE is hardly “bipartisan,” at all, unless one wants to stretch that definition to the point of where it means nothing at all, as WE, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE clearly see from a CNBC entitled “Pelosi names 8 members of Jan. 6 committee, including Republican Liz Cheney, to probe pro-Trump riot” by Jacob Pramuk on 1 July 2021, as follows:
The panel’s formation comes as Democrats and Republicans splinter over how much more Congress needs to do to investigate what led to the attack on the Capitol, which interrupted the transfer of power.
Many GOP lawmakers — who see highlighting Trump’s role in the riot as a possible liability ahead of next year’s midterm elections — have contended a new investigation would duplicate existing efforts from the Justice Department and standing congressional committees.
Underscoring the Republican resistance to starting another probe, McCarthy threatened to revoke GOP representatives’ committee seats if they accepted an appointment to the panel from Pelosi, according to NBC News.
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So much for that BULL**** that this McCarthy-ite FARCE is bipartisan.
And going back to that CNBC article, we have this Pelosi-ite BULL**** to contend wit, to wit:
* House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced her picks for the select House committee that will investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol.
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And there is where the DEMOCRAT POLITICAL BULL**** begins, because there was NO INSURRECTION anywhere in the United States on 6 January 2021, and there certainly was not an insurrection at the Capitol that day or any other day for that matter, where an “insurrection” is defined as “the act or an instance of revolting esp. violently against civil or political authority or against an established government,” and 18 U.S. Code § 2383 – Rebellion or insurrection, states in clear and unambiguous language that one would think the TYRANT Nancy Pelosi would be able to comprehend or understand, “(W)hoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years,” which statutory language raises the important legal question of exactly what “authority of the United States or the laws thereof” were “rebelled” against on 6 January 2021.
And the only answer to that question is NO authority of the United States or the laws thereof were “rebelled” against on 6 January 2021.
So why is the DEMOCRAT DESPOT Nancy Pelosi setting up what she calls a “select committee,” which is to say a highly partisan committee selected by herself to do her bidding, to investigate something that never happened?
And if there was anyone engaged in a rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, it would have to be Nancy Pelosi herself, who willfully subverted to electoral vote count process on 3 January 2021, which thought takes us first to a Business Insider article entitled “Senate aides rescued boxes containing the electoral votes as a mob besieged the Capitol. Without them, Congress may not have been able to affirm Biden’s win as quickly” by Aylin Woodward on Jan 7, 2021, where we have, to wit:
Pro-Trump rioters breached the US Capitol on Wednesday, forcing members of Congress to evacuate the building at 2:30 p.m. local time.
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Which brings us back to a USA TODAY article entitled “Timeline: How a Trump mob stormed the US Capitol, forcing Washington into lockdown” by George Petras, Janet Loehrke, Ramon Padilla, Javier Zarracina and Jennifer Borresen on Jan. 15, 2021, where we find this following entry, to wit:
1:46 p.m.
Rep. Elaine Luria, D-Va., tweets she is being evacuated after reports of a pipe bomb outside.
“Supporters of the President are trying to force their way into the Capitol and I can hear what sounds like multiple gunshots.”
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So if members of Congress were forced to evacuate the building at 2:30 p.m. local time, wh6y was congresswoman Luria, herself appointed a member of this McCarthy-ite POLITICAL FARCE, TWEETING 1:46 p.m., FORTY-FOUR (44) minutes earlier that she was being evacuated, and to whom was she TWEETING that message, and WHY was she TWEETING it?
Getting back to the Business Insider story, we have:
Congress was in the middle of a congressional joint session to count electoral votes from the 2020 presidential election.
Federal law dictates that sealed certificates of each state’s electoral votes — which were cast December 14 — are transported to the Congressional chamber in ceremonial, 18-inch by 10-inch mahogany boxes lined with leather.
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And stop right there, people and focus on what FEDERAL LAW dictates, to wit:
Federal law dictates that sealed certificates of each state’s electoral votes are transported to the Congressional chamber in ceremonial, 18-inch by 10-inch mahogany boxes lined with leather, which thought then takes us to Which takes us in turn to an article in THE HILL for a literal storm of pure BULL**** entitled “Pelosi sets up call on election challenge: ‘No situation matches Trump presidency’” by Joseph Choi on 01/03/21, where we had as follows:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in a Sunday letter told her Democratic colleagues they would discuss the process for expected challenges to the Electoral College results from House Republicans during a call on Monday.
“Over the years, we have experienced many challenges in the House, but no situation matches the Trump presidency and the Trump disrespect for the will of the people,” Pelosi wrote in her letter.
Pelosi outlined a plan for the Democratic lawmakers as they prepare to certify the Electoral College votes this week.
More than 100 House Republicans are expected to challenge the results of the election in various battleground states, and a dozen Senate Republicans have vowed to do so.
She said the result would end with President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris being “officially declared the next President and Vice President of the United States,” but acknowledged this declaration might have to take place in “the middle of the night.”
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Now, think about, people, the electoral college votes are in sealed mahogany boxes that are to be opened on 6 January 2021, and yet, THREE (3) days early, before the boxes have even been op0ened, which there is a process for according to OUR LAWS, Nancy Pelosi is not free to disregard, although she did, anyway, Nancy Pelosi already knew the results?
That is what needs to be investigated, which takes us back to the Business Insider article, to wit:
As they evacuated, Congressional aides grabbed the boxes, rescuing them from possible harm or vandalism.
“If our capable floor staff hadn’t grabbed them, they would have been burned by the mob,” Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon tweeted.
Some of those aides were part of Senate parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough’s staff, according to a pool report compiled by Capitol Hill reporters.
MacDonough’s office, which is responsible for interpreting Congressional rules, has not responded to Insider’s request for further comment.
The votes in these boxes were a crucial piece in the final step, under federal law, to certify the 2020 presidential election and reaffirm the winner.
Both Democrat and Republican members of the House of Representatives and Senate needed to read aloud the certificates inside the boxes that recorded each state’s electoral votes.
Congress then needed to count those votes before Vice President Mike Pence could confirm President-elect Joe Biden as the winner of the election.
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But Nancy Pelosi had already declared Joe Biden the winner THREE (3) days earlier, so what is up with that, and why isn’t that being questioned?
Getting back to that article, it continues, thusly:
One video shows how the Senate Parliamentarian’s office had been ransacked after extremists besieged the Capitol.
Papers and files were strewn across furniture and the floor, possibly suggesting the mob had been searching for the boxes containing the votes needed to certify Biden’s win.
Those ceremonial wooden boxes do not contain the only copy of each state’s electoral vote count, so had they been left behind, the certification process could have preceded, but perhaps not as quickly.
But, given the boxes containing the physical copies of the certificates is safe and sound, Congress had one less barrier to overcome in order to finish the certification process early Thursday morning.
Lawmakers returned to the Congressional chambers, boxes in hand, around 8 p.m. local time to finish the joint session.
Lingering objections to the results by some Republicans were overruled, and Congress finished the certification process and vote count eight hours later.
They concluded Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris won the 2020 election with 306 Electoral College votes.
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So, where was the insurrection, people?
And that answer is there wasn’t one.
So what then is the real purpose of this Pelosi-ite select committee?
Stay tuned!
And before we go further into this INCIPIENT DEMOCRAT DESPOTISM descending down on America the way the Iron Curtain of the Communists descended down in Europe in the 1950’s, let us go back to the CNBC article entitled “Pelosi names 8 members of Jan. 6 committee, including Republican Liz Cheney, to probe pro-Trump riot” by Jacob Pramuk on 1 July 2021, where we have this bull**** to debunk, to wit:
The panel’s formation comes as Democrats and Republicans splinter over how much more Congress needs to do to investigate what led to the attack on the Capitol, which interrupted the transfer of power.
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Interrupted the transfer of power?
That’s pure bull****, because according to the 20th Amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1933, the transfer of power takes place on 20 January, not 6 January.
So why are the Democrats lying to us like we are all more stupid than they are?
And let us go back to the article in THE HILL entitled “Pelosi sets up call on election challenge: ‘No situation matches Trump presidency’” by Joseph Choi on 01/03/21, where we had as follows:
She said the result would end with President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris being “officially declared the next President and Vice President of the United States,” but acknowledged this declaration might have to take place in “the middle of the night.”
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And then the Business Insider article entitled “Senate aides rescued boxes containing the electoral votes as a mob besieged the Capitol. Without them, Congress may not have been able to affirm Biden’s win as quickly” by Aylin Woodward on Jan 7, 2021, where we have, to wit:
Lawmakers returned to the Congressional chambers, boxes in hand, around 8 p.m. local time to finish the joint session.
Lingering objections to the results by some Republicans were overruled, and Congress finished the certification process and vote count eight hours later.
They concluded Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris won the 2020 election with 306 Electoral College votes.
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So, on 6 January 2021, exactly what Nancy Pelosi predicted would happen three (3) days before on 3 January 2021, is what happened – the result ended with President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris being officially declared the next President and Vice President of the United States in the middle of the night, like Nancy had it all scripted well in advance, and that takes us back to 6 November 2020, and a POLITICO story entitled “Pelosi confident Biden will win presidency, ‘This morning, it is clear that the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket will win the White House,’ the speaker says” by Sarah Ferris, to wit:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday that Vice President Joe Biden would win the White House, repeatedly calling him “president-elect” as she discussed the Democratic Party’s agenda next year.
“This morning, it is clear that the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket will win the White House,” Pelosi said in her first press briefing since the Nov. 3 election.
Pelosi spoke to reporters in the Capitol as thousands of votes were still being counted in battleground states.
Biden gained the lead Friday morning in Pennsylvania, potentially clinching his path to victory, though Trump has made clear he will pursue legal challenges.
Pelosi said the outcome was “imminent,” and could be declared “momentarily.”
“It’s a happy day for our country,” Pelosi said, adding: “President-elect Biden has a strong mandate to lead.”
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So what are we seeing here, people?
Extreme bias, is it not?
And consider that this so-called “select committee” is in reality a JURY, which should be impartial, but it is not, which means that the members of it, especially Elaine Luria and the smarmy Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin, should all be challenged for cause, which is a challenge that aims to disqualify a potential juror for some stated reason, typically bias, prejudice, or prior knowledge that would prevent impartial evaluation of the evidence presented in court.
But that is not going to happen, and those members of this “select committee” were picked by the DEMOCRAT DESPOT Nancy Pelosi precisely because they are biased and prejudiced, and thus guaranteed to produce the results that the DEMOCRAT DESPOT Nancy Pelosi has predetermined she wants produced!
McCarthy-ism all over again, except Democrat style this time around, and stay tuned, because this Democrat ****-show is just getting started.
And let me make it incandescently clear in here that I am not a Conservative, nor am I a Republican, and I certainly am not and never have been any kind of supporter or cheerleader for Donald Trump.
To the contrary, I am a LOYAL AMERICAN CITIZEN who adheres to the dictum of Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu (18 January 1689 – 10 February 1755), generally referred to as simply Montesquieu, a French judge, man of letters, historian, and political philosopher known as the principal source of the theory of separation of powers, which is implemented in our Constitution, as well as being known for doing more than any other author to secure the place of the word “despotism” in the political lexicon, which word very much applies to this Pelosi-ite “select House committee that will investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol,” that “in a free state every man who is supposed to be a free agent, ought to be concerned in his own government, which is the perspective that my comments on this “select House committee that will investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol” come from, and what I am doing in here in the face of this blatant DEMOCRAT BULL**** inimical (tending to obstruct or harm; unfriendly; hostile) to our LIBERTIES is standing up for RULE OF LAW, which is the restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by TYRANTS like DEMOCRAT Nancy Pelosi subordinating it to well-defined and established laws, or the mechanism, process, institution, practice, or norm that supports the equality of all citizens before the law, secures a nonarbitrary form of government, and more generally prevents the arbitrary use of power by DESPOTIC TYRANTS like Nancy Pelosi who is arrogating (take or claim something without justification) unto herself powers and duties reserved by law to a GRAND JURY, the function of which is to determine whether the person being investigated by the government shall be tried for a serious federal crime alleged to have been committed within the district where it sits, and in all these cases, the grand jury must hear evidence before taking action.”
Simply stated, in the United States of America, assuming RULE OF LAW as opposed to rule of Pelosi, insurrection is a CRIME, which thought takes us back to a CNBC story entitled “Trump becomes first president to be impeached twice, as bipartisan majority charges him with inciting Capitol riot” by Jacob Pramuk on Jan. 13, 2021, where we have the following essential background to this story, as follows:
President Donald Trump, a man hyperaware of his achievements and place in history, added a first to his record on Wednesday.
A week before he will leave office, Trump became the first president impeached by the House twice.
The chamber charged him with high crimes and misdemeanors for inciting an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol last week.
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Now, that was the prerogative (a right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class) of Pelosi’s “People’s House” to do according to OUR Constitution, charge Trump, who the Democrats hate with a venomous (full of malice or spite) passion, with anything under the sun they could possibly want to charge him with, no evidence of anything being required, because these are DEMOCRATS, and DEMOCRATS are guided by their feelings and passions, not RULE OF LAW.
And so they chose to charge Trump with a serious crime, that being INSURRECTION, which would bar Trump from ever holding office again, the goal of the DEMOCRATS who want absolute control of government in America – a DEMOCRAT PARTY DESPOTISM.
And after charging Trump with a crime, the DEMOCRATS, read, Jamie Raskin, one of the members of this KANGAROO COURT, FAILD TO PREVAIL in the Senate trial, and not only did he fail to prove Trump committed a crime, he totally failed to prove that a crime had even been committed, that crime being the “insurrection” that never happened, and so, this is OBSCENE (offensive to moral principles; repugnant) having Jamie Raskin on this “select” committee, because he is biased, prejudiced, and he has to defend his failure to convict Trump and that would prevent an impartial evaluation of the evidence presented to this “select” committee, the members of which have been selected by the DESPOTIC TYRANT Nancy Pelosi because they are politically reliable and will do her bidding in this matter, which takes us back to CNBC as follows:
The president’s behavior in the 13 months since the first impeachment has left House Democrats making a more clear-cut case than the first time around.
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So what these nefarious ( wicked or criminal, as in “the nefarious activities of the organized-crime syndicates”) DEMOCRATS are doing is simply saying that because they IMPEACHED Trump for insurrection, then it follows that because they said it, there had to be one, and so, they don’t need to prove it, and as we can see from the NBC News story “Trump could be called to testify before House Jan. 6 panel, Clyburn says” by Teaganne Finn on July 4, 2021, the sleazy (sordid, corrupt) DEMOCRATS plan to put Trump on trial in a DEMOCRAT KANGAROO COURT (an unofficial court held by a group of people in order to try someone regarded, especially without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor) for something that never happened, because to date, NO GRAND JURY has issued a finding of INSURRECTION and NO PERSON has been indicted by the Justice Department under Joe Biden for Insurrection, and the DEMOCRATS, having had every opportunity to have their impeachment charges brought before a GRAND JURY for an indictment of Trump, despite the Senate acquittal, have complketely and totally failed to do so, to wit:
WASHINGTON — House Majority Whip James Clyburn says “if it comes to that” the select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack will ask former President Donald Trump to testify, but would prefer not to call on a former president.
“They should go wherever the facts lead,” the South Carolina Democrat told CNN’s “State of the Union.”
“I would not want to see a former president testify in such a situation as this, but if that’s what it takes in order to get to the bottom of this.”
The House voted 222-190 on Wednesday to establish the committee to probe the attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., who serves as chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, will chair the select committee, along with several other democrats and lone Republican, Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming.
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And that reference to Liz Cheney, who also should not be on this committee because of bias and animus and prejudice, takes us back to the CNBC story, to wit:
The four-page article of impeachment the chamber was set to approve on Wednesday argues Trump fed his supporters months of false claims that widespread fraud cost him the 2020 election, then urged them to contest the results before they marched to the Capitol and disrupted Congress’ count of President-elect Joe Biden’s win.
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That, however, even if proven true, does not constitute evidence of an insurrection, and if the Democrats thought it did, then after the Senate vote to acquit Trump, those charges should have been laid before a GRAND JURY for them to decide if a crime had actually been committed, and what the Democrats are doing here by reinstating the insurrection charges is making themselves into an arbitrary judge and jury usurping the functions of the GRAND JURY which should have heard these charges of insurrection before this “select” committee was ever formed, which again takes us back to CNBC, as follows:
“He threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, and imperiled a coequal branch of Government.”
“He thereby betrayed his trust as President, to manifest injury of the people of the United States,” the House’s charging document reads.
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And now they are bringing that political horse**** back around as if those charges had already been proven true, thus justifying a further investigation by the house.
Which is FOUL PLAY!
Getting back to the hatred the snarling, snapping, ravening DEMOCRATS have for Trump, which drives them into a foam-at-the-mouth rage and has them doing everything in their power to bring down Trump, because of hatred, the CNBC story continues as follows:
After the insurrection that killed at least five people, including a Capitol Police officer, Democrats have argued allowing Trump to serve out his term both lets him dodge consequences and raises the prospect of more violence before Biden’s inauguration.
Still, Congress may not have enough time to push the president out of office before next week — even if the now GOP-held Senate chooses to convict him.
Democrats urged Vice President Mike Pence and the Cabinet to start the faster process of removing Trump through the 25th Amendment.
Pence refused, arguing in a letter Tuesday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., that the move is not “in the best interest of our Nation or consistent with our Constitution.”
Pelosi opened debate on the House floor and argued the country cannot risk leaving the president in power.
“He must go.”
“He is a clear and present danger to the nation we all love,” she said.
Though a handful of Republicans said they would vote to impeach Trump, the vast majority of GOP representatives opposed the effort.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said Wednesday that Trump “bears responsibility” for the riot but called impeachment “a mistake” without an investigation or hearings.
“A vote to impeach will further divide the nation.”
“A vote to impeach will further fan the flames of partisan division,” he said, calling for a resolution to censure Trump.
Once the House sends the impeachment article to the Senate, the upper chamber has to quickly start a trial.
It then would vote on whether to convict Trump.
The House plans to send the article across the Capitol immediately, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., told NBC News on Wednesday.
The Senate as of now plans to reconvene on Jan. 19.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has argued Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., can use emergency powers to bring the chamber back sooner.
A spokesman for McConnell confirmed Wednesday that the Senate won’t be back until Jan. 19, which means that an impeachment trial would likely drag into the early days of Biden’s term.
While the Senate may not have enough time to remove the president from office, it can stop him from becoming president again in 2025.
He could also lose perks given to former presidents.
In making the case for Trump’s conviction in the Senate, Pelosi called a vote in the upper chamber a “constitutional remedy that will ensure that the republic will be safe from this man who is so resolutely determined to tear down the things that we hold dear and that hold us together.”
The first time the House impeached Trump, only one congressional Republican — Mitt Romney of Utah — joined Democrats in trying to remove the president.
The Capitol insurrection made more GOP lawmakers willing to boot their party’s president from office.
The GOP lawmakers who said they would vote to charge Trump on Wednesday include Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the third-ranking member of the GOP caucus.
“There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution,” she said in a statement Tuesday of Trump’s behavior before and after the attack.
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And there is more bias and prejudice and hatred coming onto this “select” committee in the person of this Liz Cheney, which is why the TYRANNICAL DEMOCRAT DESPOT Nancy Pelosi selected Liz Cheney to be a member of this ‘select” committee, which is nothing more than a Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT.
But again, stay tuned, because this story ha legs and it is just getting going.
In the political essay titled “A Democratic Federalist” published two hundred thirty-four (234) years ago now on 26 Nov. 1787, the author stated thusly:
This is a most enlightened time, but more especially so in regard to matters of government.
The divine right of kings, the force of ecclesiastical obligations in civil affairs, and many other gross errors, under which our forefathers have lain in darker ages of the world, are now done away.
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Two hundred thirty-four (234) years later, in 2021, under the rule of the TYRANNICAL DESPOT DEMOCRAT Nancy Pelosi, the San Francisco congresswoman who bought for herself the position of speaker of the house in our national government, this has become a time of incredible benighted “in a state of pitiful or contemptible intellectual or moral ignorance) ignorance, not enlightenment, which thought reminds me of these words of Joseph Story (September 18, 1779 – September 10, 1845), an American lawyer and jurist who served on the Supreme Court of the United States from 1812 to 1845, in Chapter 45 of his “Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States” published in 1833, to wit:
The past is secure.
It is unalterable.
The seal of eternity is upon it.
The wisdom which it has displayed and the blessings which it has bestowed, cannot be obscured; neither can they be debased by human folly or human infirmity.
The future is that which may well awaken the most earnest solicitude, both for the virtue and the permanence of our republic.
The fate of other republics — their rise, their progress, their decline, and their fall — are written but too legibly on the pages of history, if indeed they were not continually before us in the startling fragments of their ruins.
They have perished, and perished by their own hands.
Prosperity has enervated them, corruption has debased them, and a venal populace has consummated their destruction.
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And there I would say that he is talking about us in this sorry divided nation at war with itself that we find ourselves in today.
With respect to this thread and this Pelosi-ite “selected committee” of hers, going back to the political essay “A Democratic Federalist” from 26 Nov. 1787, we find as follows, to wit:
The power of impeachment, vested in our federal Representatives, and the right to hear those cases, which is vested in the Senate, can produce no punishment in person or property, even on conviction.
Their whole judicial power lies within a narrow compass.
They can take no cognizance of a private citizen and can only declare any dangerous public officer no longer worthy to serve his country.
To punish him for his crimes, in body or estate, is not within their constitutional powers.
They must consign him to a jury and a court, with whom the deprivation of his office is to be no proof of guilt.
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That, people is RULE OF LAW as it was conceived to be at the beginnings of this nation’s political history.
The Democrats in Nancy Pelosi’s “People’s House” charged Trump with the serious crime of INSURRECTION in their second FAILED IMPEACHMENT, and now they are trying to do an end run around RULE OF LAW, by not first submitting those charges to a GRAND JURY, to get an indictment of Trump.
Coming forward in time, in an August 18, 2000 Memorandum Opinion for the Attorney General entitled “Whether a Former President May Be Indicted and Tried for the Same Offenses for Which He was Impeached by the House and Acquitted by the Senate,” the Attorney General concluded, as did the Democratic Federalist in 26 Nov. 1787 that the Constitution permits a former President to be indicted and tried for the same offenses for which he was impeached by the House of Representatives and acquitted by the Senate, to wit:
IV. Conclusion
We conclude that the Constitution permits a former President to be criminally prosecuted for the same offenses for which he was impeached by the House and acquitted by the Senate while in office.
Assistant Attorney General
Office of Legal Counsel
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And pay attention to this specific language from that Report that the Constitution permits a former President to be indicted and tried for the same offenses for which he was impeached by the House of Representatives and acquitted by the Senate, where the key word is “indicted,” which word means “to charge with a crime by the finding or presentment of a jury (such as a grand jury) in due form of law.”
So what game is Nancy Pelosi up to here with this selected committee of hers that she says is going to investigate an INSURRECTION on January 6, 2021, which never happened, because there is NO PROOF of an insurrection as found by a GRAND JURY?
Which thought takes us back to the CNBC article entitled “Pelosi names 8 members of Jan. 6 committee, including Republican Liz Cheney, to probe pro-Trump riot” by Jacob Pramuk on 1 July 2021, where we have as follows:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday named members of the select committee that will investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, including Republican Rep. Liz Cheney.
And that, people, people, is Nancy Pelosi blatantly pushing THE BIG LIE, because there was no INURRECTION on 6 January 2021, and Nancy Pelosi saying there was one, and appointing a hand-picked panel to do an investigation does in no way create an INSURRECTION, because Nancy Pelosi is not a JUDGE to make such a decision, which is outside of her authority, jurisdiction and discretion!
Getting back to CNBC, it continues thusly:
Every lawmaker Pelosi chose is a Democrat except for Cheney, who was one of two GOP representatives who voted to create the committee.
She was also one of 10 Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump for inciting an insurrection after a mob of his supporters stormed the Capitol while Congress counted President Joe Biden’s electoral victory.
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So, okay, people – follow this along because this is where it gets interesting – despite having no proof or evidence of an INSURRECTION anywhere in the United States in the year 2021, congressperson Liz Cheney, acting in her capacity as a congressperson, voted to impeach Trump for the criminal charge of INCITING AN INSURRECTION, and let us be clear here that impeachment is analogous to an indictment.
According to the Chapter 27, Impeachment, of the official House practice manual, we LOYAL AMERICAN CITIZENS who do not drink toxic and poisonous Pelosi-ite KOOL-AID, have as follows on the subject of an impeachment being the analog of an indictment, to wit:
A. Generally
§ 1. In General; House and Senate Functions
Impeachment is a constitutional remedy to address serious offenses against the system of government.
It is the first step in a remedial process — that of removal from public office and possible disqualification from holding further office.
The purpose of impeachment is not punishment; rather, its function is primarily to maintain constitutional government.
An impeachment is instituted by a written accusation, called an ‘‘Article of Impeachment,’’ which states the offense charged.
The articles serve a purpose similar to that of an indictment in an ordinary criminal proceeding.
The House votes to ‘‘impeach’’ in the constitutional sense when it adopts an impeachment resolution and accompanying articles.
The Senate then conducts a trial on these articles and either convicts by two-thirds vote or acquits the ‘‘impeached’’ Federal official.
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So, Liz Cheney voted to accuse Trump of a serious crime, which is to say, Liz Cheney INDICTED Trump for the criminal charge of INCITING A RIOT.
So what is she doing back on this Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT getting set to waste even more of our government resources by conducting yet another DEMOCRAT WITCH HUNT as these out-of-control DEMOCRATS have been doing since Hillary Clinton was defeated by Trump back in 2016?
Getting back to CNBC, we have:
“It is imperative that we find the truth of that day and ensure that such an assault on our Capitol and Democracy cannot ever again happen,” Pelosi said in a statement Thursday.
Cheney said she was honored to be appointed to the committee.
“What happened on January 6th can never happen again,” the lawmaker said in a statement.
“Those who are responsible for the attack need to be held accountable and this select committee will fulfill that responsibility in a professional, expeditious, and non-partisan manner.”
The select House committee will investigate what led to the attack on the Capitol.
The panel will issue a report on its findings and how to prevent another violent attempt to disrupt the transfer of power.
Asked Thursday whether the committee will subpoena Trump, Pelosi would not say.
“I have made the appointments, the committee will make its decisions,” she said.
end quotes
And there for the moment, I will rest.
According to an article in The Hill entitled “First hearing of Jan. 6 probe to feature Capitol Police testimony” by Mike Lillis on 07/01/21, this hand-picked Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT Nancy has charged with investigating the Jan. 6 attack will launch the probe with witness testimony from Capitol Police officers who were on duty during the deadly riot, because let’s face it, people, the first rule of these DEMOCRAT KANAGROO COURTS is to bring in the EMOTION, right off the bat – get people really so pissed off at Donald Trump for making these police officers feel bad about themselves, they will be screaming to Nancy Pelosi for his head on a platter.
According to the article, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), the chairman of the hand-picked committee, made the announcement on July 1st after huddling in the office of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who had named eight members of the 13-member committee just hours earlier.
Speculation is that he was huddled with Nancy to get his marching orders from her as to the results she wants him to produce with these hearings.
According to The Hill, Thompson did not specify when the hearing will occur or which officers the committee would call to appear, but he made clear that the process will begin with or without the participation of Republican appointments to the panel — a commitment that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has not yet made.
So much for bipartisanship, but let’s not dwell on that, since we all know it is a myth with Nancy Pelosi and her Democrats in charge of the so-called “House of Representatives,” which is inaptly named, because most of the people in this country have absolutely no representation whatsoever in there.
Instead, let us go back to the CNBC article entitled “Pelosi names 8 members of Jan. 6 committee, including Republican Liz Cheney, to probe pro-Trump riot” by Jacob Pramuk on 1 July 2021, to get the ROSTER of the A-TEAM, the team of politically-reliable sluggers and power hitters that can finally get it done for Nancy this time after numerous spectacular failures in the past, that Nancy Pelosi has put on the field here, so to speak, for THE BIG GAME, which team members are as follows:
Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., who will lead the panel
Rep. Pete Aguilar, D-Calif.
Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo.
Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif.
Rep. Elaine Luria, D-Va.
Rep. Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla.
Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md.
Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.
Starting with Nancy’s lead-off batter, a real slugger who can be counted on by coach Nancy to get some good wood on the ball, for those who don’t know him, Bennie Gordon Thompson (born January 28, 1948) is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for Mississippi’s 2nd congressional district since 1993.
A loyal member of the Democratic Party, Bennie has been the chair of the Committee on Homeland Security since 2019 and from 2007 to 2011, being both the first Democrat and the first African American to chair the committee.
According to his published stats, Bennie attended Hinds County public schools before earning a B.A. in political science from Tougaloo College in 1968 and an M.S. in educational administration from Jackson State University in 1973, and he served as an alderman and then mayor of Bolton before being elected to the Hinds County Board of Supervisors, which experience set him in good stead to be the chair of the Committee on Homeland Security.
As to proof of Bennie’s proven political reliability, a necessary qualification to serve on Nancy Pelosi’s KANGAROO COURT, in an article in The Hill entitled “Who are the House Democrats backing Trump impeachment?” by Cristina Marcos on 9 June 2019, where we have as follows:
The nearly 60 House Democrats publicly supportive of launching an impeachment inquiry against President Trump represent a microcosm of the caucus, showing how fervor is spreading across diverse factions despite leadership’s efforts to contain it.
end quotes
Note the word “FERVOR” (intense and passionate feeling) in that sentence, and here, of course, we are talking about the FIRST FAILED DEMOCRAT IMPEACHMENT that was botched up by the smarmy Hollywood, California Democrat Adam Schiff, who if one checks the roster above, is back on the field for another try at Trump, after having failed big time the first go round.
Getting back to the story:
Most of the members who support an impeachment inquiry are liberal.
They include much of the Congressional Progressive Caucus leadership, as well as 17 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, whose members have long been among the most outspoken on impeachment.
Half of the members of the House Judiciary Committee, which would be charged with impeachment proceedings, already support launching an inquiry.
end quotes
And now that they have failed in that attempt, they are doing an end-run around RULE OF LAW with these hearings, which takes us back to the story, once again, to wit:
The Hill’s whip list currently has 58 Democrats in support of an impeachment inquiry.
About two-thirds of the Democrats publicly in favor of starting an impeachment inquiry are members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
They include the two Progressive Caucus co-chairs, Reps. Mark Pocan (Wis.) and Pramila Jayapal (Wash.), a Judiciary Committee member.
Three vice chairs who also sit on the Judiciary Committee have come out in favor of an impeachment inquiry: Reps. David Cicilline (R.I.), Joe Neguse (Colo.) and Veronica Escobar (Texas).
Progressive freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) – who drew attention on her first day in office in January by pledging to “impeach the motherf—-r” – introduced a resolution in late March calling for an impeachment inquiry.
It now has 12 cosponsors.
“I think that at this point, it is getting to become so overwhelming that we need to uphold the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), a Tlaib ally, told reporters this week.
“I think that the tide is turning with the public.”
One of the most vocal advocates in the House has been Rep. Al Green (D-Texas), who forced two floor votes on his articles of impeachment in 2017 and 2018.
The articles of impeachment from Green, a Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) member, accused Trump of stoking racial divisions in America.
“At some point we will have to say the word ‘impeachment’ if we’re going to get to impeachment.”
“And I hear people saying that the president should be impeached.”
“So it shouldn’t be a difficult thing to say, and hopefully we’ll get to it,” Green said.
Just under two-thirds of Green’s CBC colleagues supported his articles of impeachment on the House floor in the last Congress.
The bitter feelings toward Trump among black lawmakers began long before the president even took office: when he raised doubts about whether then-President Obama was born in the U.S.
And it’s only gotten worse after Trump engaged in racial controversies like casting equal blame on white supremacists and counterprotesters for the 2017 violence in Charlottesville, Va., as well as personally attacking multiple members of the Black Caucus.
“Given where the CBC historically has been with respect to this president, we have been the number one company that he rejects.”
“We don’t get invited to any meetings,” House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), a CBC member, said on MSNBC’s “Kasie DC.”
Thompson is one of nine Democrats endorsing an impeachment inquiry against Trump who were in office the last time the House voted to impeach a president: Bill Clinton in 1998.
He’s also one of five committee chairs to call for impeaching Trump, which includes House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.), Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.).
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), meanwhile, has been privately pushing Democratic leadership to begin an impeachment inquiry only to be rebuffed.
But half of his committee’s members – many of whom are in safe liberal districts – are already on board with the idea.
“My district’s been for impeachment for a long time,” said Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), who chairs a Judiciary subcommittee.
“It’s hard not to get there.”
California, one of the bluest states in the country, has many pro-impeachment voices.
“I think you can count members from every corner of our caucus,” Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.), who supports impeachment, said in an interview.
“You’re going to get a lot of Californians simply because we’re by far the biggest delegation.”
The 11 California Democrats on board with launching an impeachment inquiry now doesn’t include Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), who reintroduced articles of impeachment on the first day of the new Congress in January.
Sherman said he thinks Democrats should build more public support first.
“Impeachment without removal is not where I want to go,” he said.
Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-Fla.), who flipped a GOP-held district last fall, is among the Judiciary Committee members who haven’t endorsed an impeachment inquiry.
But she indicated that it’s on her mind.
“To tell you the truth I have been thinking more and more about when it would be appropriate to start the inquiry,” Mucarsel-Powell told CNN’s “New Day” on Friday.
“I’ve read the Mueller report.”
“There is clear evidence that this president has obstructed justice and I think that there have to be serious consequences.”
Another freshman Judiciary Committee member, Rep. Greg Stanton (D-Ariz.), won his race by more than 20 points last fall but represents a district that’s been targeted by the GOP in recent years.
He’s already on board with an impeachment inquiry.
“I accept that this conclusion will be unpopular with some, but it is the right thing to do,” Stanton said.
And while the nearly 60 House Democrats publicly supportive of impeachment is still only about a quarter of the 235-member caucus, Huffman said he’s heard privately from colleagues who are more are on board than they’re letting on.
“I know the number’s higher,” Huffman said.
“But many members don’t want to get ahead of leadership.”
“And so that’s the delicate process that is underway.”
end quotes
And there, people, we have the beginnings of this “GET TRUMP AT ANY COST BY ANY MEANS” crusade that Bennie Thompson is now in charge of, but don’t go away, because we have more heavy hitters to detail before the game gets going in earnest, and after a word from our sponsors and a break for station identification, we’ll be right back.
And before we go back to Nancy Pelosi’s A-TEAM of heavy hitters and sluggers who are finally going to “get it done” for the “GIPPER,} as the “team” lovingly call Coach Nancy, let us go back a minute to this nation’s beginning days as a Republic, not a democracy, and the political essay of Virginian George Mason entitled “Objections to the Constitution” on September 13, 1787, where we have as follows:
In the House of Representatives there is not the substance, but the shadow only, of representation, which can never produce proper information in the legislature, or inspire confidence in the people.
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And how right he was, as we consider how few people in any congressional district actually vote these Democrats into office.
Consider Nancy’s lead-off batter, team captain and heavy hitter Bennie Thompson, who in 2020, was elected by 196,331 votes in a congressional district with a population in 2019 of 692,452 people, which means 28% percent of the people in that district put Bennie into office with power over everyone in that district, whether they want him in office, or not.
And it is an interesting historical fact that while the Democrats today screech and holler and moan and groan about the “sacred right to vote,” that following Reconstruction, the Democratic Party in Bennie Thompson’s Mississippi regained control of the state legislature and worked to reduce Republican voting strength in the state by redefining congressional districts, thereby creating a ‘shoestring’ congressional district running the length of the Mississippi River and taking in the black-majority (then Republican) areas of the Mississippi Delta, and by this gerrymandering, they created five other districts with white majorities.
As to the “sacred right to vote,” according to our history as written, election campaigns in Mississippi were often accompanied by fraud and violence as Democrats tried to reduce black Republican voting, and finally, the Democratic-dominated legislature passed a new constitution in 1890, with barriers to voter registration and other measures that effectively disenfranchised most blacks and many poor whites for decades, subduing the Republican and Populist movements of the late 19th century.
So, before the right to vote became “sacred” in Mississippi, it really wasn’t all that sacred before, if you weren’t a Democrat and happened to be Black or a poor white who didn’t truckle to the Democrats or drink their poisonous and toxic KOLL-AID, but hey, that was then and this is obviously now, so let’s go back into the record to document the bias and prejudice Bennie Thompson brings onto the playing field with him as Nancy Pelosi’s lead-off slugger, which bias and prejudice guarantee that there is no way in Hell that Bennie can be either fair or impartial or non-partisan, which is precisely why Coach Nancy picked Bennie out of the crowd in the first place, which thought takes us back to an article in the New York Times entitled “Opinion | Democratic Voters Want Impeachment. The House Dawdles” by Michelle Goldberg, Opinion Columnist on June 3, 2019, where we have the following background, to wit:
Until quite recently, Democratic House leaders justified their refusal to begin an inquiry into impeaching Donald Trump by saying that it wasn’t something their rank-and-file voters cared about.
“I can tell you I never hear somebody bring up the Mueller report,” Representative Cheri Bustos, chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said in Chicago last month.
After the Memorial Day recess, that argument is no longer tenable.
Across the country, Democratic voters have begun demanding that their representatives take a position on impeachment.
“At virtually every town hall, round table, or even, today, a kaffeeklatsch at a senior center, people want to know what we are going to do about this guy,” Mary Gay Scanlon, Democrat of Pennsylvania, told me.
Scanlon is vice chairwoman of the Judiciary Committee, which would oversee an impeachment inquiry, and two weeks ago she came out in favor of starting the process.
On Friday, Bennie Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat who is the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes that he’d come around to supporting an impeachment inquiry after speaking to people in his district: “To the person, everybody said, ‘What are you all going to do about President Trump?’”
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And now, thanks to the Cape Charles Mirror, we are all getting a first-hand look at what the Democrats are going to do about Trump with this KANGAROO COURT Bennie Thompson is now in charge of, which takes us back to that article once again, where we have Bennie’s team mate, long ball hitter Jamie Raskin, who is a CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR, on the record proving his bias, as follows:
Jamie Raskin, a Maryland Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, told me, “I had about a dozen events this weekend, and there was an overwhelming sense that we have been presented with abundant evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors and we need to launch an inquiry.”
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Except they did launch an inquiry, and then they impeached Trump, and FAILED TO PREVAIL in the Senate trial, because there was NO EVIDENCE of either high crimes or misdemeanors, which thought takes us back to that article, as follows:
It’s no wonder so many Democrats want their representatives to take a more aggressive approach to the president.
It has now been five months since the party took control of the House of Representatives, a month and a half since the redacted report by the special counsel Robert Mueller was released, and almost a week since Mueller stood before the nation and all but asked Congress to hold a lawless president accountable.
Yet Democrats have largely failed to even begin presenting a cohesive case to the public about Trump’s corruption and criminality.
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They couldn’t present a cohesive case to the public because they has no case, period!
And here we are, coming back around again, and this time they are going to try to pin the crime of insurrection on Trump, despite the fact that there was no insurrection.
Getting back to the article, here we see A-TEAM member Jaime Raskin spitting some serious gouts of venom towards Trump’s eyes, as follows:
Resisting calls to open an impeachment inquiry, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has argued that various congressional committees need to continue their investigations.
Yet many of these investigations have been stymied, particularly in the Judiciary Committee.
“The president’s wholesale defiance of Congress, and orders to not participate in our investigation, have created an untenable situation,” said Raskin.
“The members are just livid about this categorical defiance of congressional power.”
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So we can tell Jaime is hot to bring down Trump any way he can, and that is why Nancy has Jaime on the team – because he is a dude of proven political reliability who can be counted on to do the right thing for Nancy who has been gunning for Trump with a passion, which takes us back to that article one more time for this essential background history, to wit:
Pelosi is a formidable person and, as she herself once said, a master legislator, so it’s tempting to imagine that she has some sort of plan for curbing Trump’s abuses of power.
Greg Stanton, a Democrat from a swing district in Arizona, is a member of the Judiciary Committee, and might seem like the sort of freshman who needs to be protected from taking a tough vote on impeachment.
Last week, he came out for starting an inquiry.
“I think there’s been an over-analysis of the politics of it,” he told me.
“I think there should be more focus on simply asking everyone what you think the right thing to do is.”
“The moment demands it, and so do the people who put Democrats in charge.”
end quotes
And there we have it, people – game is on!
And we’ll be right back after a break for station identification and a word from our sponsor, so if you need to go to the frig for a snack, now is the time to do it.
And here we need to go back to the New York Times entitled “Opinion | Democratic Voters Want Impeachment. The House Dawdles” by Michelle Goldberg, Opinion Columnist on June 3, 2019, for this following, to wit:
Greg Stanton, a Democrat from a swing district in Arizona, is a member of the Judiciary Committee, and might seem like the sort of freshman who needs to be protected from taking a tough vote on impeachment.
Last week, he came out for starting an inquiry.
“I think there’s been an over-analysis of the politics of it,” he told me.
“I think there should be more focus on simply asking everyone what you think the right thing to do is.”
“The moment demands it, and so do the people who put Democrats in charge.”
end quotes
Now, people, when Greg Stanton, a Democrat from a swing district in Arizona and a member of the Judiciary Committee, which one would think would demand that he be fair and impartial at all times, tells us as a member of the Judiciary Committee in connection with the FIRST FAILED DEMOCRAT IMPEACHMENT ATTEMPT that he thought there should be more focus on simply asking everyone what you think the right thing to do is, because in his opinion, which has been proven subsequently to be not worth much at all, if anything, “(T)he moment demands it, and so do the people who put Democrats in charge,” according to Gallup, for the week of June 3-16, 2019, he is talking about 26% of the voters being registered as Republicans, 46%, a clear majority, identifying as INDEPENDENT, and only 27% registered as DEMOCRATS, and for the week of June 19-30, 2019, 27% are still Republican, 41%, still a clear majority are INDEPENDENT, and 29% were registered as DEMOCRATS, so that if every single DEMOCRAT in America in June of 2019 wanted Trump impeached, that was less than one-third of the American voters, and yet, they were the ones who got their way, and then, THE DEMOCRATS FLUBBED THE IMPEACHMENT those 29% of the American people thought was the “the right thing to do,” which is what Hussein Obama used to say all the time about his ideas.
So, having failed not one, but two prior impeachments of Trump, including impeaching him for inciting the insurrection that never was which serves as the basis for this hand-picked Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT, what is the “right thing to do?”
Go with what the DEMOCRATS want, as we have already done twice before?
Or is it time to restore RULE OF LAW here in the United States of America?
And since this hand-selected committee of Nancy Pelosi’s has just come back into the national news in a Reuters story entitled “U.S. House select committee announces first hearing to probe Jan. 6 attack” by Jan Wolfe on July 14, 2021, rather than beginning at the beginning of the story, let us save valuable time by cutting first to the chase, the last sentence, where we have the important news, important because it is so revealing as to the blatantly political motivation behind this Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNT/KANGAROO CLOURT, as follows:
The special committee, which will have subpoena power, could keep questions alive about Trump’s activities on Jan. 6 and possibly complicate Republicans’ efforts to win majority control of the House in the 2022 congressional elections.
end quotes
And there is what it is all about, people, and that is all it is about – Pelosi and the Democrats are wasting our government resources on POLITICAL BULL**** for no other purpose than to influence the upcoming 2022 congressional elections, which makes them no different from the Russians who do the same thing – use dirty political tricks to influence our elections.
So let’s then go to the beginning of the story, where we have as follows:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The special congressional panel investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump said on Wednesday it would hold its first hearing on July 27.
Members of the Democratic-led panel, known as the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol, said in a statement the hearing would include testimony from U.S. Capitol Police officers.
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Didn’t we already hear from the Capitol Police once already?
And my goodness, of course we did, at least according to an article on the Law Fare Blog entitled “What Did We Learn From House and Senate Hearings on the Capitol Assault?” by William Ford and Rohini Kurup on March 25, 2021, where we had as follows:
Over the past two months, Congress has convened a series of hearings on the failures that enabled the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol.
During approximately 20 hours of questioning over eight hearings, lawmakers in both houses of Congress heard from an array of current and former officials on what went wrong.
The testimony the witnesses gave was dense.
And at times, witnesses offered competing accounts of the events that took place and deflected blame for their agencies’ lack of preparation.
Though notable, these inconsistencies and witnesses’ occasional equivocation only marginally detracted from the value of the congressional proceedings.
Taken together, the House and Senate hearings appreciably enriched the factual record and offered important insight into how lawmakers, Capitol security officials and federal agencies are thinking about correcting the errors that led to the breach of Congress.
Many questions about the insurrection and the changes that will follow remain unanswered.
Still, it’s clear from the hearings that an array of failures — of intelligence sharing and collection, communication, and law enforcement training — left Capitol and D.C. Metropolitan Police, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security astonishingly unprepared for the scale of the violence they witnessed on Jan. 6.
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Now, those are not idle speculations or tin-hat conspiracy theories – those are congressional findings.
So why all of a sudden are those prior findings being buried, as it seems this selected committee is trying to do by bringing in Capitol Police officers to testify who are not in the inept management structure that put them in jeopardy in the first place?
And the answer is quite simple when we consider that these hearings are CLASSIC PROPAGANDA in the form of POLITICAL THEATER.
Propaganda, quite simply, is biased information spread to shape public opinion and behavior, and in this case, the purpose of the PROPAGANDA this hand-selected committee is to produce is to influence the 2022 congressional elections against the Republicans, which takes us back to propaganda, to wit:
The power of propaganda depends on:
Means of communication
Audience receptivity
Propaganda uses truths, half-truths, and lies, omits information selectively, simplifies complex issues or ideas, plays on emotions, advertises a cause, attacks opponents, and targets desired audiences.
In this case, and we are dealing with MASTERS here, the propaganda generated by these hearings, especially that from the Capitol Police, is intended to play on the human emotions of fear, hope, anger, frustration, and sympathy to direct audiences toward the desired goal of hating Trump and the Republicans.
Hitler argued that the successful propagandist had to understand how to psychologically tailor messages to the public’s emotions in order to win people over, and the Democrats are masters of the technique!
And how the horse**** does flow freely here, people, and I am referring to a Roll Call article entitled “McCarthy names five choices for Jan. 6 select committee – Pelosi could veto any and all GOP leader’s picks” by Chris Marquette on July 19, 2021, where we had as follows with respect to this supposedly “bipartisan” committee, to wit:
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy appointed Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Banks to lead Republicans on the Jan. 6 select committee, but his position and the four other GOP picks are contingent on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s approval.
If Pelosi signs off on McCarthy’s picks, Banks would serve as ranking member and would be joined on the panel to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol attack by Reps. Rodney Davis of Illinois, Jim Jordan of Ohio, Kelly Armstrong of North Dakota and Troy Nehls of Texas.
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So what is up with that?
Unless people who are Republicans are acceptable to Nancy Pelosi, who has already declared that an insurrection occurred on 6 January 2021 when there was no insurrection, thus tainting this committee before it has had a single meeting, they can’t be on this committee?
What kind of partisan bull**** is that?
Pelosi ought to save us time and money by simply writing the report she wants written instead of going though all this rigmarole with this bogus committee of hers, which takes us back to the Roll Call story, to wit:
Banks said Pelosi created the panel to “malign conservatives” but added that he will work to provide Americans with the facts surrounding the attack.
“I have accepted Leader McCarthy’s appointment to this committee because we need leaders who will force the Democrats and the media to answer questions so far ignored,” the Indiana Republican said in a statement.
“Among them, why was the Capitol unprepared and vulnerable to attack on January 6?”
“I will do everything possible to give the American people the facts about the lead up to January 6, the riot that day, and the responses from Capitol leadership and the Biden administration.”
“I will not allow this committee to be turned into a forum for condemning millions of Americans because of their political beliefs,” he stated.
The panel’s first hearing is scheduled for July 27 and will feature testimony from Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police Department officers.
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So things are definitely heating up here and where they will go from here, nobody knows, so stay tuned for more breaking news as it happens!
And talk about the train leaving the station with no brakes, square wheels and a full head of steam and then some, with the boiler about to explode as the DEMOCRATS on Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked KANGAROO COURT pour on the coal, and true to form the TYRANNICAL DESPOT Nancy Pelosi has vetoed two of the Republican choices because they didn’t meet her standards, while there is no challenge whatsoever of obviously biased and prejudiced DEMOCRATS on the hand-picked KANGAROO COURT like Elaine Luria, let’s go to an article in The Guardian entitled “Capitol attack committee chair vows to investigate Trump: ‘Nothing is off limits’” by Hugo Lowell in Washington on 21 July 2021, where we have as follows:
Congressman Bennie Thompson, the chairman of the new House select committee to scrutinize the Capitol attack, says he will investigate Donald Trump as part of his inquiry into the events of 6 January – a day he sees as the greatest test to the United States since the civil war.
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And talk about HYPERBOLIC (exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally) HORSE****, people, there we have it in spades staring us right in the face, because as events go, what happened on January 6 was a YAWNER, despite what Bennie wants us to believe, an event bordering on HO ******* HUM and it certainly was far from the “greatest test to the United States since the Civil War,” as we can clearly see from this newsreel footage of an assault on the Pentagon by protesters during the DEMOCRAT VEET NAM DEBACLE:
Anti Vietnam War Protest
Or this assault on the capitol in 1971 by VEET NAM WAR protesters:
Or how about this for a candidate for the “greatest test to the United States since the Civil War,” to wit:
Protesters besiege White House as chaos sweeps Washington | ITV News
And my goodness, having been around back then, who can possibly forget this from a time when the United States was truly at the breaking point:
Vietnam War protest in Washington
Which thought about America at the breaking point back then because of the Democrats and the VEET NAM war of Democrat Lyndon Baines Johnson takes us to this:
1969 Point Of Breaking (The Vietnam Protest – Washington, DC)
And this makes what took place on 6 January 2021 look like small potatoes:
Largest Anti-Vietnam War protest in Washington, D.C. – 1969 | Movietone Moment
And my goodness, people, talking about an event that is another prime candidate for the “greatest test to the United States since the Civil War,” who can possibly forget the Bonus Army, which was a group of 43,000 demonstrators – made up of 17,000 U.S. World War I veterans, together with their families and affiliated groups – who gathered in Washington, D.C. in mid-1932 to demand early cash redemption of their service certificates.
According to Wikipedia, organizers called the demonstrators the “Bonus Expeditionary Force,” to echo the name of World War I’s American Expeditionary Forces, while the media referred to them as the “Bonus Army” or “Bonus Marchers.”
Many of the war veterans had been out of work since the beginning of the Great Depression.
The World War Adjusted Compensation Act of 1924 had awarded them bonuses in the form of certificates they could not redeem until 1945.
Each certificate, issued to a qualified veteran soldier, bore a face value equal to the soldier’s promised payment with compound interest.
The principal demand of the Bonus Army was the immediate cash payment of their certificates.
On July 28, 1932, U.S. Attorney General William D. Mitchell ordered the veterans removed from all government property.
Washington police met with resistance, shot at the protestors, and two veterans were wounded and later died.
President Herbert Hoover then ordered the U.S. Army to clear the marchers’ campsite.
Army Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur commanded a contingent of infantry and cavalry, supported by six tanks.
The Bonus Army marchers with their wives and children were driven out, and their shelters and belongings burned.
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So, bottom line, people, do not let Bennie Thompson and the Democrats bury you under a mountain of hyperbolic horse**** that simply is not true.
This nation has faced far worse in its history than what happened on 6 January 2021 and we survived.
And we survived 6 January 2021, as well, although the Democrats will have us believing otherwise with their full-bore propaganda barrage, which is what these hearings will be, this as we read in the breaking NBC News story entitled “McCarthy threatens to pull his choices from Jan. 6 panel after Pelosi rejects GOP Reps. Jordan and Banks” by Teaganne Finn and Leigh Ann Caldwell on 21 July 2021, as follows:
WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., rejected two of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s picks for the select committee charged with investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, prompting the Republican leader to threaten to pull all of his proposed appointees.
end quotes
What ******* BULL****!
Pelosi DEMOCRACY in action, right before our eyes!
“Republicans will not be party to their sham process and will instead pursue our own investigation of the facts,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said in a statement withdrawing his nominees.
That statement is from a just-published Reuters article entitled “Republicans abandon Capitol riot probe after Pelosi rejects Jordan, Banks” by Reuters staff on July 21, 2021, where were were informed of the latest BULL**** associated with this highly partisan and biased and prejudiced hand-picked KANGAROO COURT by Nancy Pelosi, who intends to bury us continuously in an avalanche of a toxic mixture of bull****, hog**** and horse**** between now and the 2022 congressional elections, as follows:
WASHINGTON, July 21 (Reuters) – The top Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday withdrew his five nominees to serve on the special committee probing the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol after Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected two of them.
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So much for this bull**** committee being bipartisan, which thought takes us back to The Guardian article entitled “Capitol attack committee chair vows to investigate Trump: ‘Nothing is off limits’” by Hugo Lowell in Washington on 21 July 2021, to wit:
In an interview with the Guardian, Thompson said that he is also prepared to depose members of Congress and senior Trump administration officials who might have participated in the insurrection that left five dead and nearly 140 injured.
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Except there was no insurrection, except in the fertile imaginations of these rabid, hate-filled, vengeful Democrats looking to impose one-party rule on us, which takes us back to The Guardian, as follows:
“Absolutely,” Thompson said of his intent to pursue a wide-ranging inquiry against the former president and some of his most prominent allies on Capitol Hill.
“Nothing is off limits.”
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And we need to pay some very serious attention to that statement about “nothing is off limits,” as we consider the “WITCH HUNT” nature of this proceeding, which brings in the definition of McCarthy-ism, as follows:
a campaign or practice that endorses the use of unfair allegations and investigations.
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Wikipedia has it as “the practice of making unfounded accusations of subversion and treason,” while The First Amendment Encyclopedia describes it as “the practice of publicly accusing government employees of political disloyalty or subversive activities and using unsavory investigatory methods to prosecute them.”
And Definitions.net tells us McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence.
Looking at all of those descriptions of McCarthy-ism, we can clearly see that Democrat zealot Bennie Thompson is our new Joe McCarthy and McCarty-ism is again flourishing inb the United States of America thanks to the DESPOTIC TYRANT DEMOCRAT Nancy Pelosi, who rules the United States of America with an iron fist, which takes us back to The Guardian, as follows:
The aggressive move to place Trump in the crosshairs of the select committee underscores Thompson’s determination to uncover the root causes of 6 January, even after Senate Republicans, fearing political damage, blocked the creation of a 9/11-style commission.
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Uncover the root causes?
Does that mean that the Democrats are prepared to investigate themselves, and most importantly, Nancy Pelosi, who on 3 January 2021 informed the Democrats that she was guaranteeing that on 6 January 2021, Joe Biden was going to be declared the president?
Getting back to The Guardian:
Addressing some of the key questions at the heart of the select committee’s investigation into the attack, Thompson characterized the inquiry as an undertaking to safeguard the peaceful transition of power and the future of American democracy.
“The issues of January 6 are one of the most salient challenges we have as a nation, to make sure that this democracy does not fall prey to people who don’t really identify with democracy,” Thompson said.
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And let us stop right there with that statement about to making sure that “this democracy does not fall prey to people who don’t really identify with democracy.”
Now, who does anyone suppose those people are going to be?
How about everybody in America who is not a registered, dues-paying, DEMOCRAT?
In his political essay “A Countryman II” on November 22, 1787, Roger Sherman (April 19, 1721 – July 23, 1793), an early American statesman and lawyer, as well as a Founding Father of the United States who was the only person to have signed all four great state papers of the United States: the Continental Association, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution, openly made mock of Cato, who in his own political essay “Cato V” on November 22, 1787, stated thusly:
It is a very important objection to this government, that the representation consists of so few; too few to resist the influence of corruption, and the temptation to treachery, against which all governments ought to take precautions.
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In his reply, Roger Sherman first of all is forced to have to admit to the obvious, to wit:
On examining the new proposed constitution, there can not be a question, but that there is authority enough lodged in the proposed federal Congress, if abused, to do the greatest injury.
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And that is exactly what we are witnessing today in our REPUBLIC, which it is no more, with this Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT which has as its purpose to be the slimiest political smear job in this nation’s sorry political history excoriating Republicans as insurrectionists and terrorists right up to the morning of election day 2022 as we clearly see from an article in The Guardian entitled “Capitol attack committee chair vows to investigate Trump: ‘Nothing is off limits’” by Hugo Lowell in Washington on 21 July 2021, as follows:
“Notwithstanding elections next year, we will not stop until our investigation is complete,” Thompson said.
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In that same article, we are further informed as follows:
“The issues of January 6 are one of the most salient challenges we have as a nation, to make sure that this democracy does not fall prey to people who don’t really identify with democracy,” Thompson said.
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Democracy is becoming a state religion in this country.
Getting back to Roger Sherman, he got around his telling us that there can not be a question, but that there is authority enough lodged in the proposed federal Congress, if abused, to do the greatest injury, by employing sophistry (the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving), as follows:
If the members of Congress can take no improper step which will not affect them as much as it does us, we need not apprehend that they will usurp authorities not given them to injure that society of which they are a part.
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Which raises the serious question of is Nancy Pelosi really a part of the same society that we common folks in America are a part of?
Think about this, people!
And think seriously, because this is hardly a frivolous question: since thye have excisted as a political party or faction in American politics, have the Democrats ever told us, we, the real American people who are not Democrat KOOL-AID drinkers, the ones who DEMOCRAT Bennie Thompson, the head of the Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT, wants to make sure democracy does not fall prey to, as people who don’t really identify with the democracy of the Democrats, as if the democracy of the Democrats were now our state religion, the truth about anything?
Did they tell us the truth about Korea?
How about Viet Nam?
And how about lying about an insurrection at the Capitol on 6 January 2021, when there is no credible evidence that an insurrection ever occurred, and credible evidence of an insurrection would only come out after the Department of Justice convened a federal grand jury, and based on evidence presented to it, the grand jury returned an indictment, which to date has not happened.
So back to the question of whether a Democrat would ever tell the truth about anything, with their long and well-known history of deceit, dishonesty and outright political violence as a political party, does anyone who is not a KOOL-AID drinking Democrat seriously believe that the Democrats are even capable of telling the truth, about anything, including the time of day and whether the sun is shining, or not?
Consider a recent Politico article entitled “Pelosi mulls adding more anti-Trump Republicans to Jan. 6 investigation” by Heather Caygle, Olivia Beavers and Nicholas Wu on 22 July 2021, where we had as follows:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is considering adding another anti-Trump House Republican to the select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, with Rep. Adam Kinzinger as a leading contender.
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What Nancy is doing of course, is known in the gutter politics hack politicians like Nancy Pelosi practice as “stacking the deck,” which is “to arrange a situation unfairly against someone, or in your own favour,” as in “The Speaker of the House of Representatives is doing everything in her power to stack the deck in her favour and guarantee her regime’s lock on power, which takes us back to the article, as follows:
“We’ll see,” Pelosi told reporters when asked if she’d appoint more Republicans to serve alongside Cheney.
“It’s not even bipartisan; it’s nonpartisan.”
“It’s about seeking the truth and that’s what we owe the American people.”
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Seeking the truth?
Nancy Pelosi?
Seriously, people, is there anyone out there who actually believes that BULL****?
Going back to that article, we have this in response to my question above, to wit:
Rep. Jaime Herrera Butler (R-Wash.), who joined Cheney and Kinzinger in voting to impeach Trump in February told reporters that she would not participate.
“Unless this is made up of people who are not members of Congress, the American people cannot trust the results,” she said.
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And how very true that statement is, given the long history of the Democrats lying to us and feeding us copious amounts of BULL****, because they have nothing else to offer, which takes us to a Yahoo News story entitled “Exclusive: Jan. 6 select committee will include former CIA inspector general found to have retaliated against whistleblower” by Jenna McLaughlin · National Security and Investigations Reporter, on July 23, 2021, where we learned as follows about this Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT that is rapidly taking on the characteristics of a STAR CHAMBER PROCEEDING, to wit.
WASHINGTON — As the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot prepares to get underway next week, it will include former CIA Inspector General David Buckley in the role of staff director.
The selection of Buckley to serve in that capacity, however, could come back to haunt the Democrats on the committee who selected him.
Yahoo News has obtained a previously unpublished 2019 report compiled by the Department of Homeland Security’s watchdog office showing that investigators urged the CIA to take action against Buckley for his alleged retaliation against a whistleblower, a conclusion that would likely be troubling to potential witnesses who might testify in the Jan. 6 inquiry.
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Now, keep in mind that the head of the KANGAROO COURT is Bennie Thompson, who also happens to be the head of the House Homeland Security Committee, so it is hardly credible that Bennie Thompson would be ignorant of this history, which takes us back to that story, as follows:
The authors of the report recommended that “at minimum” the CIA determine “whether [their] findings affect the security clearances” of Buckley and several fellow senior officials — a serious rebuke that would have affected his future government contract work as well as his tenure with the highly sensitive Capitol riot investigation.
The future of Buckley’s security clearance remains uncertain, and it is unclear whether the CIA heeded the report’s recommendations or took any action against him or his former colleagues.
The CIA declined to comment.
Buckley did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The target of Buckley’s retaliation, former CIA IG official Andrew Bakaj, has yet to receive any remedy for a series of adverse actions that affected his career, including being put on administrative leave and having his security clearance suspended after cooperating with an external investigation into potential evidence manipulation at the CIA inspector general’s office.
While intelligence community whistleblowers do not always have substantial protections for disclosing evidence of government fraud, waste, abuse or wrongdoing, several developments including a policy directive issued by President Barack Obama in 2012, referred to as PPD19, were designed to fix that gap.
Bakaj was, in fact, in charge of implementing Obama’s directive at the CIA, making him extremely familiar with the protections afforded under the law.
Bakaj’s superiors became frustrated, however, when he did not inform them he had responded to requests for information from the intelligence community inspector general, who was tasked with independent reviews affecting agencies within the intelligence community.
Bakaj ultimately chose to retire rather than continue to suffer professional consequences, later becoming the lead counsel for the still anonymous whistleblower who raised concerns about then-President Donald Trump’s dealings with Ukraine.
He waited over five years for the Department of Homeland Security inspector general to conclude an impartial review of his retaliation complaints, which vindicated him, as Yahoo News reported in September 2019.
According to a spokesperson for the Jan. 6 select committee, the subject of the investigation into Buckley’s actions as CIA watchdog did surface during his interviews for the position.
During that questioning, Buckley denied he had retaliated against Bakaj for his “claimed whistleblowing,” despite the fact that an independent government agency substantiated those allegations.
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Isn’t this simply incredible, people – the dude appears to have been lying through his teeth to the committee that hired him, a totally transparent lie, and still they hired him on, which takes us back to that story, as follows:
But in their report, DHS investigators concluded that Buckley’s decision to launch an investigation into Bakaj’s record in the first place, regardless of what it found, was “tainted” and motivated by retaliation.
The Report of Investigation viewed by Yahoo News was sent to Christine Ruppert, then the acting CIA inspector general, on June 10, 2019.
While a previously published executive summary revealed that CIA IG leadership opened a “retaliatory investigation” into an employee whistleblower, the newly obtained, 36-page report goes into further detail about the conclusions of the investigation and the specific people involved.
The report names Bakaj as the whistleblower who raised the complaints, as well as Buckley as one of the perpetrators.
According to the report’s timeline, Bakaj met with intelligence community inspector general deputy counsel Paul Wogaman in April 2014 to help with an inquiry into the CIA IG’s office.
When his superiors learned of the disclosure they became angry, telling Bakaj that he should have “confirmed that the request was authorized” before speaking to Wogaman, though Bakaj had no responsibility to do so.
In response, the CIA launched a review of his computer searches and other professional activity.
The investigation into Bakaj turned up one instance in which he accessed and copied a sensitive CIA file on his computer.
However, the CIA couldn’t find any evidence that Bakaj had done anything with the files, and he told interviewers the search was benign.
During the investigation, Buckley placed Bakaj on administrative leave.
Ultimately, the CIA concluded the files were not leaked, and the FBI declined to investigate Bakaj’s computer searches.
By then, however, he had retired from the agency.
In 2015, after Bakaj had retired, he filed a complaint of retaliation against the CIA.
The DHS inspector general got involved after determining that the CIA had failed to properly review it.
“Upon reviewing the case file, the DHS-OIG determined that the CIA-OIG did not complete a full local agency review under PPD19,” the investigators wrote.
DHS investigators determined that the evidence revealed in Bakaj’s complaint was protected under the law.
Additionally, the investigators concluded that the CIA OIG’s investigation into his record “was a pretext for gathering evidence to use to retaliate against” him.
In addition, Bakaj’s disclosures were a “contributing factor” that led to his administrative leave and clearance suspension, the investigators continued.
There is “significant evidence” that the CIA OIG “had a motive to retaliate” against Bakaj, wrote the investigators.
Despite the fact that Buckley retired in 2015 to work at the U.S. audit, tax and advisory firm KPMG, the DHS-OIG forwarded the report to the CIA “to determine appropriate corrective action.”
While it’s unclear whether the CIA responded to those recommendations, Christopher Sharpley, Buckley’s former deputy who served as the acting CIA IG in 2018, withdrew his nomination for the full-time IG job after his involvement in retaliating against Bakaj and others was covered by the media.
The Democratic leadership’s decision to hire Buckley despite the DHS’s conclusions has enraged former CIA IG officials familiar with Buckley’s tenure as well as experts on whistleblower protections who, as a result, are casting doubt on the legitimacy of the select committee’s investigation.
Dan Meyer, who previously led the whistleblowing and source protection program at the Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General, told Yahoo News he was unable to comment on the specific case, due to a nondisclosure agreement.
However, Meyer, currently a managing partner at the law firm Tully Rinckey, wrote in an email that “reprising [creates] a corrupting management culture,” a pattern of behavior that “will give congressional sources pause.”
“The IC whistleblowing program, from 2013 to 2018, received a number of allegations, some substantiated, that inspectors general themselves were engaging in retaliation against their own intelligence officers charged by President Obama and Director [James] Clapper with, ironically, protecting whistleblowers,” Meyer, speaking in his personal capacity, continued.
“It was an unanticipated challenge, and one that ultimately ended the program.”
“No whistleblower is likely to trust someone with a record of opening a retaliatory investigation,” wrote Jason Foster, the former chief investigative counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
“The chaos and partisanship infecting the process undermines the committee’s credibility, which has developed into a full-blown dumpster fire at this point.”
One former CIA IG employee told Yahoo News that he “came out of his seat” when he heard Buckley had been selected for the Jan. 6 select committee.
“There’s an objective, impartial government agency that substantiated the allegations against him … and now he’s going to be the chief of staff to a high-visibility committee [that is] going to have whistleblowers providing testimony before the committee,” he said.
“This makes absolutely no sense.”
“It taints the entire process.”
Irvin McCullough, deputy director of legislation at the whistleblower protection nonprofit the Government Accountability Project, agreed.
“The free flow of information through whistleblower testimony is the lifeblood of any congressional investigation,” McCullough wrote in an email to Yahoo News.
“How can whistleblowers safely step forward to the Select Committee when a federal watchdog found its staff director reprised against a whistleblower?”
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And who will it benefit?
As the longtime chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, Thompson is accustomed to dealing with grave matters of national security.
But his stewardship of the Jan. 6 panel will be a test unlike any other, as he tries to untangle the events of a violent insurrection that many House Republicans increasingly play down and deny.
“We have to get it right,” Thompson said.
If the committee can find ways to prevent anything like it from happening again, “then I would have made what I think is the most valuable contribution to this great democracy.”
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That, people, is the latest news to come out in an Associated Press story entitled “‘We have to get it right,’ Dem vows as Jan. 6 probe begins” by Mary Clare Jalonick on 26 July 2021 concerning this Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT headed up by Homeland Security Committee Head Honcho and Big Dog Democrat Bennie Thompson, who has already picked his conclusion, that despite no evidence to support the premise, there was a “violent insurrection” on 6 January 2021 that was incited by Trump which is an absurd assertion since if Trump actually did incite a real insurrection, which this was not, he would have been attempting to overthrow his own administration, given that an “insurrection” is defined as “a violent uprising against an authority or government,” and then Bennie, using the art of casuistry (the use of clever but unsound reasoning) is going to link the alleged “insurrection” to domestic extremism and its links to white supremacy, which are familiar subjects for Thompson not only from his time on the Homeland Security Committee but also from his early involvement in the civil rights movement in Mississippi, as we see by returning to that AP article, to wit:
A frequent critic of Trump, Thompson joined other Democrats in filing a lawsuit against the former president after the insurrection, charging that he incited the attack and conspired to prevent Congress from certifying Biden’s victory.
Last week, Thompson withdrew his participation in that lawsuit, which he joined soon after the Senate acquitted Trump, at his second impeachment trial, of inciting the insurrection.
Thompson’s withdrawal petition said he “wishes to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest between his role on the Select Committee and his role as a Plaintiff in this litigation.”
The lawsuit, which is still active, names as defendants Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, and the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers.
The Justice Department has filed charges against members of those groups in connection to the attack, and the panel is expected to investigate them as part of its probe.
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And that’s how you do it, people, if you are a DEMOCRAT seeking to influence and undermine the 2022 congressional elections and tilt them in your favor – pick your conclusion, and then keep hammering home the conclusion while carefully arranging the “evidence” to support the conclusio9n, no matter how unsound the conclusion really is, because people, it is not about truth, it is not about facts – it is about PROPAGANDA, and good propaganda is based on an appeal to the emotions, not the rational mind.
And talk about HYPOCRISY, people, returning to the AP article, we have this:
Still, Thompson has taken sharply partisan stances.
He joined with about 30 Democrats in a 2005 vote to invalidate President George W. Bush’s victory — not unlike the dozens of Republicans who voted to invalidate Biden’s in January.
In that challenge, the dissenting Democrats claimed irregularities if not fraud in Ohio’s vote.
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Sauce for the goose versus sauce for the gander?
Looks like it to me, anyway.
Today, people, is the day that RULE OF LAW in the United States of America goes the rest of the way out the window and into the trashbin of history to be replaced by RULE OF NANCY AND BENNIE as this highly partisan Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT/STRUGGLE SESSION (a form of public humiliation and torture used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at various times in the Mao era, particularly during the years immediately before and after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and during the Cultural Revolution, the aim of which was to shape public opinion, as well as to humiliate, persecute, or execute political rivals and those deemed class enemies) headed up by the highly biased and prejudiced Democrat Bennie Thompson who is out for some revenge here, payback time for those he deems to be “white supremacists,” a broad brush label he can apply to literally anyone in America he takes a disliking to, and so has already formed his conclusions and now is going to use these carefully scripted and orchestrated “hearings” such as the one this morning where Bennie and Nancy had well-coached witness Capitol Police officer Aquilino Gonell come in and give some real tearjerker testimony to the effect that he and fellow officers were beaten repeatedly and that he thought he would die, which is a very necessary element to this drama, and a real good one to start off with, the goal here being to use the compliant media to the fullest to build disgust, hatred and revulsion (a sense of loathing) for Trump and the Republicans in order to influence the 2022 congressional elections in the favor of the Democrats, with officer Gonell, who I heard being interviewed this morning on NPR about his then-upcoming testimony, adding more drama and a Vietnam-wartime feel to it with him being faced by a literal human wave assault like the Viet Cong favored, telling the world which sits on the edge of its seat in suspense, “We fought hand to hand, inch by inch,” and then, the cover-up by the Republicans, with Mr. Gonell telling us and the candid world this morning before Bennie Thompson, who had him there as a witness for that very purpose, that he is troubled by any effort to play down the severity of the attack, saying “(T)here is a continuous and shocking attempt to ignore or try to destroy the truth of what truly happened that day, and to whitewash the facts,” which is total bull****, because it was on TV, and now it is all over YouTube, which makes it pretty hard to ignore, and a contrived statement as well, a “lawyer” statement calling for officer Gonell to state an opinion hew cannot support with facts, because officer Gonell himself has not a clue as to what what truly happened that day, experiencing as does anyone in combat, and yes, I have been there, only the small scene that was happening around him, and since he was fighting hand to hand for his very life, that was all he observed that day, along with being beaten, and so he cannot say the truth is being destroyed, BECAUSE TRUTH, BEING TRUTH, CANNOT BE DESTROYED, to assemble the narrative that will support Bennie’s pre-arranged conclusion as he kicks off his initial hearing with a bunch of emotionally-tinged and laden testimony from Capitol police officers, and as this toxic torrent of DEMOCRAT HORSE**** continues unabated here, people, as the DEMOCRATS begin their efforts to influence the 2022 congressional elections in their favor with this Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT/STRUGGLE SESSION, by way of essential background, let us go back to an article in The Guardian entitled “Capitol attack committee chair vows to investigate Trump: ‘Nothing is off limits’” by Hugo Lowell in Washington on 21 July 2021, where we have the following background, to wit:
In an interview with the Guardian, Thompson said that he is also prepared to depose members of Congress and senior Trump administration officials who might have participated in the insurrection that left five dead and nearly 140 injured.
“Absolutely,” Thompson said of his intent to pursue a wide-ranging inquiry against the former president and some of his most prominent allies on Capitol Hill.
“Nothing is off limits.”
Thompson indicated that Trump and the House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, are among the top witnesses for his investigation, in large part because McCarthy was on the phone with the former president as the riot unfolded.
But Thompson went further, and said that he expects anyone – whether a sitting member of Congress or former White House official – who may have spoken to Trump on 6 January to become the subject of the select committee’s investigation.
He also warned Republicans against attempting to stymie the committee’s investigation, saying that it had no deadline to furnish a report and as a result, would be immune to delay tactics previously deployed during the first Trump impeachment inquiry.
“Notwithstanding elections next year, we will not stop until our investigation is complete,” Thompson said.
“If the respect for the rule of law is not adhered to, that’s even more reason for this select committee to exist.”
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Nothing is off-limits?
If the respect for the rule of law is not adhered to, that’s even more reason for this select committee to exist?
That’s horse****, because it is the select committee itself that is throwing “RULE OF LAW” right out the window, as previously stated.
For example, the Speech or Debate Clause (Clause) of the U.S. Constitution which clearly states that “[F]or any Speech or Debate in either House,” Members of Congress (Members) “shall not be questioned in any other Place.”
According to a legal analysis of the clause done for the House of Representatives by the Congressional Research Service in a publication titled “Understanding the Speech or Debate Clause” by Todd Garvey, Legislative Attorney on December 1, 2017, a time when Bennie Thompson was a member of congress, and so, would not be entitled to the flimsy excuse of ignorance of our fundamental law, we have as follows:
The Clause serves various purposes: principally to protect the independence and integrity of the legislative branch by protecting against executive or judicial intrusions into the protected legislative sphere, but also to bar judicial or executive processes that may constitute a “distraction” or “disruption” to a Member’s representative or legislative role.
This immunity principle protects Members from “intimidation by the executive” or a “hostile judiciary” by prohibiting both the executive and judicial powers from being used to improperly influence or harass legislators.
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But what about when it is partisan rogues like Bennie Thompson who are using powers granted to themselves by themselves to do the harassing, which this is very clearly a case, and to improperly influence other members of the house?
And what about protecting the independence and integrity of the legislative branch?
How does hauling Republican members of congress before Bennie Thompson’s COMMITTEE OF INQUISITION serve to protect the independence and integrity of the legislative branch given that in the same Guardian article, we have from Bennie, as follows:
Thompson indicated that Trump and the House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, are among the top witnesses for his investigation, in large part because McCarthy was on the phone with the former president as the riot unfolded.
McCarthy called Trump in a panic as rioters breached the Capitol and begged him to call off his supporters, only for Trump to chastise the top Republican in the House for not doing more to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.
“There will not be a reluctance on the part of the committee to pursue it,” Thompson said of McCarthy’s call.
“The committee will want to know if there is a record of what was said.”
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And WHOA, put on the brakes there, people!
How does anyone including Bennie Thompson know what was said between House minority leader Kevin McCarthy and Trump on January 6, 2021 if they don’t have a record confirming they even had a conversation?
And where does Bennie Thompson get the authority to treat House minority leader Kevin McCarthy as if he were a potential criminal without affording him due process in the house itself to face Bennie’s charges, given that the House of Representatives is expressly authorized within the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 5, clause 2) to discipline or “punish” its own Members for “disorderly Behaviour” in addition to any criminal or civil liability that a Member of the House may incur for particular misconduct, which is used not merely to punish an individual Member, but to protect the institutional integrity of the House of Representatives, its proceedings, and its reputation?
How does dragging House minority leader Kevin McCarthy through the mud and slime of these politically charged and biased “hearings” do anything for the reputation of the House of Representatives other than to make them look as what they are, vindictive small people who are fools!
As to discipline of a member of congress, it is not meted out by Bennie Thompson.
To the contrary, sanctions are imposed by the full House of Representatives, while the standing committee in the House which deals with ethics and official conduct matters, the House Committee on Ethics — formerly called the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct — is authorized by House Rules to issue a formal “Letter of Reproval” for misconduct which does not rise to the level of consideration or sanction by the entire House of Representatives.
So why isn’t the Constitution being scrupulously followed here?
Oh, right, that would not serve Nancy Pelosi’s purpose!
But continue to stay tuned, for the action is about to get fast and furious here as the Bennie Train leaves the station under a full head of steam down a steep incline with no brakes!
Somehow, I knew Elaine Luria would have a hand in it all. Nancy Pelosi’s number one puppet. They even look alike. I think Luria is Pelosi’s long lost daughter.
Elaine Luria is on the hand-picked committee because she has proven herself to be politically reliable to Nancy Pelosi.
28 July 2021
“January 6th select committee member thinks a majority of House Republicans are ‘morally bankrupt’”
Starring Congresswoman Elaine Luria (D-VA), a member of the January 6th select committee, who is displaying for all the world to see the bias that landed her a position on Nancy Pelosi’s KANGAROO COURT which is investigating the Republicans Congresswoman Luria has pre-determined are “morally bankrupt,” which is why they should be investigated by the more morally pure among us as represented by Congresswoman Luria.
And before we go further, to more than amply demonstrate the total bull**** nature of this hand-picked Pelosi-ite COMMITTEE OF INQUISTION, all we need do is go back to the article in The Guardian entitled “Capitol attack committee chair vows to investigate Trump: ‘Nothing is off limits’” by Hugo Lowell in Washington on 21 July 2021, where we have this following bit of absurdity from Democrat Bennie Thompson, the GRAND INQUISITOR, as follows:
Thompson indicated that Trump and the House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, are among the top witnesses for his investigation, in large part because McCarthy was on the phone with the former president as the riot unfolded.
McCarthy called Trump in a panic as rioters breached the Capitol and begged him to call off his supporters, only for Trump to chastise the top Republican in the House for not doing more to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.
“There will not be a reluctance on the part of the committee to pursue it,” Thompson said of McCarthy’s call.
“The committee will want to know if there is a record of what was said.”
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So, people, is everyone following this logic we are being given to follow by Democrat Bennie Thompson?
According to Bennie’s theory of reality that we are all supposed to blindly buy into, as if everyone in this nation was a moronic idiot, just because those who follow Bennie Thompson are, on 6 January 2021, House minority leader Kevin McCarthy is alleged by Bennie to have called Trump in a panic as rioters breached the Capitol, begging him to call off his supporters, only for Trump to chastise the top Republican in the House for not doing more to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.
But seriously, people, what kind of a mindless moron does one have to be to think or believe that somehow, Trump, from wherever he was hiding, was able to do a thing about ANYBODY on the Capitol grounds on 6 January, especially after the Capitol was breached.
Look at the videos of the actual assault on the Capitol on 6 January 2021, and ask yourself how Trump could have done anything to stop what you are seeing in the videos, which raises the question of why on earth would House minority leader Kevin McCarthy call Trump after the Capitol was breached to call off the mob who breached it?
And when you watch the videos, ask yourself why it is that Democrat Bennie Thompson wants YOU to believe Trump was controlling the actions of what you see in the videos:
Feds Release More Capitol Riot Video Of Attack On Police Jun 19, 2021
Capitol riot video appears to show attack on slain officer Mar 25, 2021
See stunning video of rioters inside Capitol Jan 6, 2021
US Capitol Attack: Pro-Trump Mob Storms US Capitol, Clashes With Police Jan 6, 2021
And then we have my all-time favorite right here:
Climbing Wall FAIL at DC Protests Footage: Trump supporter falls scaling Capitol Building Jan 8, 2021
So, people, given that this is just a smattering of all the videos out there of actual footage from 6 January 2021, how can we possibly believe the Wall Street Journal article entitled “Capitol Police Officer Describes Fighting ‘Hand to Hand, Inch by Inch’ in Jan. 6 Testimony” by Alexa Corse on 28 July 2021, where we were fed the following, to wit:
Capitol Police officer Aquilino Gonell said that he and fellow officers were beaten repeatedly and that he thought he would die.
“We fought hand to hand, inch by inch,” he testified.
Mr. Gonell said that he is troubled by any effort to play down the severity of the attack.
“There is a continuous and shocking attempt to ignore or try to destroy the truth of what truly happened that day, and to whitewash the facts,” he said.
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“Whitewash” the facts, people?
Where “whitewash” in the political sense means “deliberately attempt to conceal unpleasant or incriminating facts about someone or something,” with all those videos out there, what exactly is it that is being “whitewashed?”
And how?
How do you “whitewash” something that was on TV and now is all over the internet in countless videos?
So why are we being fed that “whitewash” horse**** by Bennie Thompson and the Wall Street Journal?
Because it suits their purposes?
And what am I thinking, of course it does, but stay tuned, for more of this made-for-TV drama is yet to come.
And while we have a break in the action here, and while we are on the subject of conflicts of interest being a pre-requisite for someone to be considered for Nancy Pelosi’s KANGAROO COURT, let us go back to the CNBC article entitled “Pelosi names 8 members of Jan. 6 committee, including Republican Liz Cheney, to probe pro-Trump riot” by Jacob Pramuk on 1 July 2021, where we had on the ROSTER of the Nancy Pelosi’s A-TEAM, the team of politically-reliable sluggers and power hitters that can finally get it done for Nancy this time after numerous spectacular failures in the past, the A-TEAM that Nancy Pelosi has put on the field here, so to speak, for THE BIG GAME, team members Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif.
And where have we heard that name before, people?
How about Zoe Lofgren being the Chairperson of the Committee on House Administration?
And what does that have to do with her having a serious conflict of interest that borders on a COVER-UP or WHITEWASH, because according to the Capitol Police website https://www.uscp.gov/the-department/oversight the United States Capitol Police (USCP) is overseen by the Capitol Police Board and has Congressional oversight by appropriations and authorizing committees from the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, which oversight affords the Department the support and opportunity to continually ensure that the USCP meets the safety and security needs of the Congress, the staff, and the many visitors who come to the United States Capitol each day.
And as we all clearly know, and as was reinforced in an extensive and well-researched 95-page report by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration entitled “EXAMINING THE U.S. CAPITOL ATTACK: A REVIEW OF THE SECURITY, PLANNING, AND RESPONSE FAILURES ON JANUARY 6,” on January 6, 2021, the USCP failed to meet the safety and security needs of the Congress, the staff, and the many visitors who come to the United States Capitol each day, to wit:
January 6, 2021 marked not only an attack on the Capitol Building—it marked an attack on democracy.
The entities responsible for securing and protecting the Capitol Complex and
everyone onsite that day were not prepared for a large-scale attack, despite being aware of the potential for violence targeting the Capitol.
The Committees’ investigation to-date makes clear that reforms to USCP and the Capitol Police Board are necessary to ensure events like January 6 are never repeated.
The failures leading up to and on January 6 were not limited to legislative branch entities.
As has been made clear in the Committees’ two public hearings on the subject, failures extended to a number of executive branch agencies.
A key contributing factor to the tragic events of January 6 was the failure of the Intelligence Community to properly analyze, assess, and disseminate information to law enforcement regarding the potential for violence and the known threats to the Capitol and the Members present that day.
Further scrutiny of these failures and the preparations and response of federal agencies will continue.
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As to a WHITEWASH (deliberately attempt to conceal unpleasant or incriminating facts about someone or something) involving Zoe, the Chair of the Committee on House Administration, we have this from her committee’s website, to wit:
Capitol Security
The security of the Capitol Complex has become an even higher priority since the devastating attacks of September 11, 2001.
The House Administration Committee, which oversees security on the House side of the Capitol Complex, works closely with the Capitol Police to ensure that every effort is made to keep the Capitol Complex extremely secure while maintaining accessibility for the millions of constituents who visit every year.
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Except they quite obviously did not!
So why?
What role did Zoe have to play in those failures?
And why is she getting to “investigate” something she quite likely had a role in causing to happen?
She should be called as a witness and grilled about those failures, not be given a chance by Nancy Pelosi to cover over her role in causing those failures, which brings us to the question of with that 95-page report in the record, why exactly do we need this Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT?
What exactly is its true purpose, given these words from the Executive Summary:
This report addresses the security, planning, and response failures of the entities directly responsible for Capitol security—USCP and the Capitol Police Board, which is comprised of the House and Senate Sergeants at Arms and the Architect of the Capitol as voting members, and the USCP Chief as a non-voting member—along with critical breakdowns involving several federal agencies, particularly the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”), and Department of Defense (“DOD”).
The Committees also made a series of recommendations for the Capitol Police Board, USCP, federal intelligence agencies, DOD, and other Capital region law enforcement agencies to address the intelligence and security failures.
The Committees’ investigation uncovered a number of intelligence and security failures leading up to and on January 6 that allowed for the breach of the Capitol.
These breakdowns ranged from federal intelligence agencies failing to warn of a potential for violence to a lack of planning and preparation by USCP and law enforcement leadership.
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And there we see another conflict of interest involving Bennie Thompson himself, as Chair of the Homeland Security Committee for Nancy Pelosi, as the Senate Report makes it incandescently clear that the agency he has oversight of was responsible for “critical breakdowns” in the security, planning, and response failures of the entities directly responsible for Capitol security, to wit:
The federal Intelligence Community—led by FBI and DHS—did not issue a threat assessment warning of potential violence targeting the Capitol on January 6.
Law enforcement entities, including USCP, largely rely on FBI and DHS to assess and communicate homeland security threats.
Throughout 2020, the FBI and DHS disseminated written documents detailing the potential for increased violent extremist activity at lawful protests and targeting of law enforcement and government facilities and personnel.
Despite online calls for violence at the Capitol, neither the FBI nor DHS issued a threat assessment or intelligence bulletin warning law enforcement entities in the National Capital Region of the potential for violence.
FBI and DHS officials stressed the difficulty in discerning constitutionally protected free speech versus actionable, credible threats of violence.
In testimony before the Committees, officials from both FBI and DHS acknowledged that the Intelligence Community needs to improve its handling and dissemination of threat information from social media and online message boards.
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So, people, what role did Bennie Thompson play with regard to those failures?
And the answer is we will likely never know, because this hand-picked “committee” of Democrat Nancy Pelosi’s is poised to shove all of those unanswered questions under the rug.
And let me come back here and reiterate that when I talk about “RULE OF LAW,” what I am referring to is the restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by people like Nancy Pelosi, and Bennie Thompson by subordinating whatever “power” they may have to well-defined and established laws so that the rule of law is a durable system of laws, institutions, norms, and community commitment that delivers accountability, and the law is clear, publicized, and stable and is applied evenly.
And there, I am referring in part to 115th Congress, 2d Session House Document No. 115–177, CONSTITUTION, JEFFERSON’S MANUAL AND RULES OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES ONE HUNDRED SIXTEENTH CONGRESS, THOMAS J. WICKHAM, PARLIAMENTARIAN, 2019, wherein is stated as follows:
November 30, 2018.
Resolved, That a revised edition of the Rules and Manual of the House of Representatives for the One Hundred Sixteenth Congress be printed as a House document, and that three thousand additional copies shall be printed and bound for the use of the House of Representatives, of which nine hundred eighty copies shall be bound in leather with thumb index and delivered as may be directed by the Parliamentarian of the House.
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Which raises the question of whether or not Bennie Thompson is familiar with these rules, because he does not appear to bother to abide by them, which thought takes us to JEFFERSON’S MANUAL OF PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE, SEC. I—IMPORTANCE OF ADHERING TO RULES, where we have as follows concerning that subject of which Nancy Pelosi and Bennie Thompson seem to be quite ignorant, for following the rules means nothing to either of them, to wit:
Mr. Onslow, the ablest among the Speakers of the House of Commons, used to say, ‘‘It was a maxim he had often heard when he was a young man, from old and experienced Members, that nothing tended more to throw power into the hands of administration, and those who acted with the majority of the House of Commons, than a neglect of, or departure from, the rules of proceeding; that these forms, as instituted by our ancestors, operated as a check and control on the actions of the majority, and that they were, in many instances, a shelter and protection to the minority, against the attempts of power.’’
So far the maxim is certainly true, and is founded in good sense, that as it is always in the power of the majority, by their numbers, to stop any improper measures proposed on the part of their opponents, the only weapons by which the minority can defend themselves against similar attempts from those in power are the forms and rules of proceeding which have been adopted as they were found necessary, from time to time, and are become the law of the House, by a strict adherence to which the weaker party can only be protected from those irregularities and abuses which these forms were intended to check, and which the wantonness of power is but too often apt to suggest to large and successful majorities.
And whether these forms be in all cases the most rational or not is really not of so great importance.
It is much more material that there should be a rule to go by than what that rule is; that there may be a uniformity of proceeding in business not subject to the caprice of the Speaker or captiousness of the members.
It is very material that order, decency, and regularity be preserved in a dignified public body.
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And there is exactly where I am coming from, people, as a loyal American citizen who is neither a Democrat nor a Republican, nor a Trump supporter, either – it is very material indeed that order, decency, and regularity be preserved in a dignified public body, and that is exactly what we do not have in connection with this Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT headed up by Bennie Thompson, which takes us back to the Guardian article entitled “Capitol attack committee chair vows to investigate Trump: ‘Nothing is off limits’” by Hugo Lowell in Washington on 21 July 2021, where we have, to wit:
The exchange between McCarthy and Trump is of singular importance, since it provides a rare window into what Trump, sequestered in the West Wing, was privately thinking and saying as the Capitol was invaded.
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To which all I can say is HUH?
We are to believe that Bennie Thompson now has a way to find out what Trump was privately thinking on 6 January 2021?
That’s absurd and bizarre, because in a court of law, nobody can give testimony as to what another person is or was thinking at any given time, and what’s more, Bennie Thompson cannot compel another member of congress to appear before his committee to testify about anything, given that the Supreme Court has determined that the Speech or Debate Clause is an absolute bar to interference by the Courts and in Brewster, 408 U.S. at 509, the Court
has gone so far as to say that legislative acts may not even be the subject of “inquiry” by either the executive or judicial branches: “The privilege protects Members from inquiry into legislative acts or the motivation for actual performance of legislative acts.”
Which takes us back to The Guardian, a British publication which is why they know nothing about our form of government or our laws, or even our way of life, where we have the following:
But Thompson went further, and said that he expects anyone – whether a sitting member of Congress or former White House official – who may have spoken to Trump on 6 January to become the subject of the select committee’s investigation.
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A WITCH HUNT, anyone?
And again, how is Bennie Thompson going to compel any of those persons to come before his committee, which takes us back to the WITCH HUNT nature of this Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT, as follows:
“If somebody spoke to the president on January 6, I think it would be important for our committee to know what was said.”
“I can’t imagine you talk about anything else to the president on January 6,” Thompson said.
end quotes
And there we have it, people – it is about what Bennie Thompson thinks, no matter how wild or bizarre or absurd!
Bennie thinks that there is a GRAND CONSPIRACY to overthrow our precious “democracy,” and because he is fixated on that thought, unable to see any other possibilities, he is convinced that anybody and everybody who talked to Trump on 6 January 2021 was talking about Trump’s “insurrection,” and he isn’t going to let loose of that, period, which again takes us back to the story, as follows:
Against that backdrop, Thompson said he expects to demand testimony from senior Trump administration officials who were in the Oval Office as the riot unfolded, from the then White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, to Trump’s daughter Ivanka.
If Trump administration officials refuse to appear before the committee, citing executive privilege, Thompson said he would issue subpoenas and launch lawsuits to enforce his congressional oversight authority.
“We will pursue it in court,” he said.
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And this is where this becomes not only bizarre, but scary, as well, with Bennie trying to substitute his committee for a citizen grand jury, to wit:
Thompson added that he expects the select committee and senior House investigators to meet with the attorney general, Merrick Garland, and expressed optimism for conducting his investigation in close coordination with the justice department.
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For the record, the Justice Department is a part of the executive branch of our national government, not the legislative branch, and this looks like Hell, the Democrats in Congress who twice failed to convict Trump by impeachment now colluding with the Democrat-controlled Justice Department under Trump’s Democrat successor Joe Biden who has previously and publicly condemned Trump’s supporters as “DREGS OF SOCIETY!”
Getting back to the story:
He was adamant that his investigation would not overlap with existing criminal probes opened by the justice department and the US attorney for the District of Columbia.
Still, he said he hoped the DoJ would cooperate with his inquiry.
“We don’t want to get in the way of indictments,” Thompson said.
“But I think there could be some sharing of information that could be germane to our investigation, just like other committees have negotiated in the past.”
Thompson said that although no date has been set for a meeting with the attorney general, it will involve the 6 January select committee’s members and senior staff.
To emphasize his seriousness, Thompson said the select committee would draw on legal counsel and investigative staff from existing House panels as well as the US intelligence community – including the NSA, CIA and FBI.
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So, all in all, people, this promises to be quite a show the Democrats and the compliant media are going to put on for us here, so as always, stay tuned, and we’ll be right back with more of this made-for-TV soapbox drama starring Bennie Thompson as the avenging Democrat angel who is finally going to be the one after Adam Schiff, failed, and Jamie Raskins failed, to take Trump down for the count!
And let me say here that when I use the term “witch-hunt,” I use it in its political context as a term that refers to a process whereby the authorities of a country, in this case, Nancy Pelosi and Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney, try to find out and punish people within the country who they believe are a threat to the well-being of the country, with the key phrase being, “THEY BELIEVE.”
That’s it!
It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with written laws or rules!
It is simply about their feelings!
What they feel the law should be is what their law is, not what is written on a piece of paper called a law book that we, the people rely on, and that brings us back to a POLITICO article entitled “Pelosi mulls adding more anti-Trump Republicans to Jan. 6 investigation” by Heather Caygle, Olivia Beavers and Nicholas Wu on 22 July 2021, where we had this drivel from Nancy Pelosi, to wit:
The effort to potentially beef up Republican representation on the select panel comes after House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy pulled all five of his choices on Wednesday following Pelosi’s veto of the two most controversial names on his list, Reps. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Thursday that it’s possible Jordan and other House Republicans who communicated with McCarthy could be asked to testify before the select panel.
But Pelosi dismissed McCarthy’s protests on Thursday, saying she made the right decision by blocking Banks and Jordan because of their “antics” in the months following the deadly insurrection.
Pelosi said her decision to block those two, while allowing McCarthy’s three other selections, to serve on the panel, had nothing to do with their votes to challenge certification of Trump’s loss on Jan. 6.
“The other two made statements and took actions that just would have been ridiculous to put them on a committee seeking the truth,” Pelosi told reporters.
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A committee seeking the truth?
And how about an Associated Press story entitled “Pelosi says ‘deadly serious’ Jan. 6 probe to go without GOP” by Mary Clare Jalonick on 23 July 2021, to wit:
WASHINGTON (AP) — Unfazed by Republican threats of a boycott, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared Thursday that a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection will take on its “deadly serious” work whether Republicans participate or not.
Pelosi made clear on Thursday that she won’t relent, and Democrats mulled filling the empty seats themselves.
“It is my responsibility as the speaker of the House to make sure we get to the truth of this, and we will not let their antics stand in the way of that,” Pelosi said of the Republicans.
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And is it really her responsibility as speaker of the house to get to the truth?
And in a nation of rule of law, where does Nancy get that responsibility from?
Wouldn’t it have to be from a book of rules?
How about the government publication titled “House Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents and Procedures of the House, Chapter 34. Office of the Speaker, From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, http://www.gpo.gov, where we have as follows, to wit:
Sec. 1 . Role of Speaker
The Speaker is the presiding officer of the House and is charged with numerous duties and responsibilities by law and by the House rules.
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Focus on those words, “charged with numerous duties and responsibilities by law and by the House rules,” which means Nancy doesn’t get to make it up as she goes as she is doing here with this horse**** about her “responsibility as the speaker of the House to make sure we get to the truth of this,” for the law of our land does not give her that responsibility, which takes us back to the rules as written, even if Nancy Pelosi disregards them in her arrogance at her own perfection, to wit:
As the presiding officer of the House, the Speaker maintains order, manages its proceedings, and governs the administration of its business. Manual Sec. 622; Deschler Ch 6 Sec. Sec. 2-8.
The major functions of the Speaker with respect to the consideration of measures on the floor include recognizing Members who seek to address the House (Manual Sec. 949), construing and applying the House rules (Manual Sec. 627), and putting the question on matters arising on the floor to a vote (Manual Sec. 630).
The Speaker’s role as presiding officer is an impartial one, and his rulings serve to protect the rights of the minority. 88-1, June 4, 1963, pp 10151-65.
In seeking to protect the interests of the minority, he has even asked unanimous consent that an order of the House be vacated where the circumstances so required. 89-1, May 18, 1965, p 10871.
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And once again, people, focus on these words: “The Speaker’s role as presiding officer is an impartial one, and his rulings serve to protect the rights of the minority.”
That, people, is the truth, because it comes from OUR book of rules, not the flawed version that Nancy Pelosi uses that turns lies into her version of the truth, which is a warped and twisted version.
Nancy Pelosi is hardly impartial, for one, despite the rules, and she is not interested in the rights of the minority, let alone protecting them.
To the contrary, her interest is in crushing the minority and with these hearings of hers, this WITCH HUNT, that is her goal!
As to more of the truth that we will never get from Nancy Pelosi, going back to the government publication titled “House Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents and Procedures of the House, Chapter 34. Office of the Speaker, we have this to consider, to wit:
Many matters have been held to be beyond the scope of the Speaker’s responsibility under the rules.
The Speaker does not:
Determine whether a Member should be censured or whether an office he holds is incompatible with his membership, these being matters for the House to decide. 2 Hinds Sec. 1275; 6 Cannon Sec. 253.
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Nonetheless, disregarding rule of law, which I doubt she has ever followed, Nancy is indeed censuring house members who are Republicans on her own, as if she actually had that authority, which she doesn’t!
And for some more truth, let us go back to the 115th Congress, 2d Session House Document No. 115–177, CONSTITUTION, JEFFERSON’S MANUAL AND RULES OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES ONE HUNDRED SIXTEENTH CONGRESS, where we have as follows in Rule No. 2:
Preservation of order
2. The Speaker shall preserve order and decorum and, in case of disturbance or disorderly conduct in the galleries or in the lobby, may cause the same to be cleared.
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So, on 6 January 2021, why didn’t she do that, given that it was her responsibility as speaker of the house according to her own book of rules?
Because for her purposes, she need that riot to happen?
And how about Rule No. 3:
Control of Capitol facilities
3. Except as otherwise provided by rule or law, the Speaker shall have general control of the Hall of the House, the corridors and passages in the part of the Capitol assigned to the use of the House, and the disposal of unappropriated rooms in that part of the Capitol.
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If the rules Nancy is supposed to follow say that on 6 January 2021, it was Nancy in her capacity as speaker of the house who had general control of the Hall of the House, the corridors and passages in the part of the Capitol assigned to the use of the House, and the disposal of unappropriated rooms in
that part of the Capitol, then why did she allow what happened on 6 January 2021 to happen?
Some serious questions before us, people, as we watch this Pelosi-ite WHITEWASH COMMITTEE seeks to do some serious blame-shifting here to protect Nancy, whose failures resulted in the breaching of the capitol on 6 January 2021.
Will they ever get answered?
Personally, I doubt it – the purpose of a WHITEWASH, afterall, is to bury those questions under the rug!
Is it possible, people, to start with a pack of lies, and then somehow, distill the truth out of that pack of lies, which is what Nancy Pelosi wants us to believe is going to happen with this hand-picked “select committee” of hers?
And rather than take my word for the fact that in its first hearing, Chairman Bennie Thompson started right out in his opening statement feeding us a like of hog**** – let’s simply go to the transcript, where we have as follows from Chairman Bennie, Nancy’s hand-picked captain of her A-TEAM that is now going to ,get it done for Nancy after two previous dismal failures to nail Trump’s hide to the wall, to wit:
January 6 House Select Committee Hearing Investigation Day 1 Full Transcript
Chairman Thompson: A quorum being present, the select committee to investigate the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol will be in order.
The select committee is meeting today to receive testimony on the law enforcement experience on January 6th.
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Actually, they were receiving testimony from four very well-coached witnesses out of hundreds of law enforcement officers on duty at the capitol on 6 January 2021, and if the purpose of the committee is to find the truth of what happened on 6 January 2021, why then were they allowing testimony into the record by these witnesses as to what are their personal opinions, not facts?
For example, the Reuters article “Police recount mayhem and ‘attempted coup’ in U.S. Capitol riot” by Richard Cowan and Sarah N. Lynch on July 27, 2021, where we had the following political statement from one of the witnesses, to wit:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Four police officers on Tuesday told lawmakers they were beaten, taunted with racial insults, heard threats including “kill him with his own gun” and thought they might die as they struggled to defend the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 against a mob of then-President Donald Trump’s supporters.
Often tearful, sometimes profane, the officers called the rioters “terrorists” engaged in an “attempted coup” during a 3-1/2 hour congressional hearing in which they also criticized Republican lawmakers who have sought to downplay the attack.
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An attempted coup?
When exactly was there an attempted coup?
Where is there any evidence anywhere that there was an attempted coup on 6 January 2021?
I thought it was an insurrection.
And in a supposedly non-partisan hearing, which is complete BULL****, given the highly partisan make-up of this hand-picked committee, why are criticisms of the Republicans, which are personal opinions, being allowed into the record, other than to taint the record and contribute to a narrative of the Republicans being enemies of democracy and therefore, enemies of America who much be crushed into non-existence by the Democrats, who are morally superior not only to the Republicans, but to all of us, as well.
And here, I would like to go to the HOUSE ETHICS MANUAL, COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS OF OFFICIAL CONDUCT, which rules should apply to Nancy Pelosi, Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney, Elaine Luria, Pete Aguilar, Zoe Lofgren, Stephanie Murphy, Jamie Raskin, Adam Schiff and Adam Kinzinger, although in truth, they all appear to be quite immune from the rules that govern others, probably because of their moral superiority, where we have as follows on the subject of ethics as it pertains to the members of this hand-picked KANGAROO COURT, to wit:
Members, officers, and employees of the House should:
Conduct themselves at all times in a manner that reflects creditably on the
Abide by the spirit as well as the letter of the House rules; and
Adhere to the broad ethical standards expressed in the Code of Ethics for
Government Service.
They should not in any way use their office for private gain.
Nor should they attempt to circumvent any House rule or standard of conduct.
end quotes
HA HA HA HA HAH, you know what I am saying, people?
Unless everything that happens in the so-called “PEOPLE’S HOUSE” is a lie and everyone in there a liar, which may well be the facts of the matter, then there is no way that this hand-picked committee can be said to be conducting themselves at all times in a manner that reflects creditably on the House, which takes us back to the ethics, as follows:
General Ethical Standards
Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees; and both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people.
That public office is a public trust has long been a guiding principle of government.
To uphold this trust, Congress has bound itself to abide by certain standards of conduct, expressed in the Code of Official Conduct (House Rule 23) and the Code of Ethics for Government Service.
These codes provide that Members, officers, and employees are to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect creditably on the House, work earnestly and thoughtfully for their salary, and that they may not seek to profit by virtue of their public office, allow themselves to be improperly influenced, or discriminate unfairly by the dispensing of special favors.
This chapter discusses the overarching principles that inform both codes, the penalties for violating their provisions, and the history and procedures of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct.
Appropriate standards of conduct enhance the legislative process and build citizen confidence.
Ethics rules, if reasonably drafted and reliably enforced, increase the likelihood that legislators (and other officials) will make decisions and policies on the basis of the merits of issues, rather than on the basis of factors (such as personal gain) that should be irrelevant.
Members, officers, and employees should, at a minimum, familiarize themselves with the Code of Official Conduct and the Code of Ethics for Government Service.
The Code of Official Conduct and the Code of Ethics for Government Service not only state aspirational goals for public officials, but violations of provisions contained therein may also provide the basis for disciplinary action in accordance with House rules.
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And with that all stated, a bunch of empty words, actually, in reality, as is so much of what comes out of Washington, D.C. these days, let’s go back to Bennie, as follows:
I now recognize myself for an opening statement.
Let me say a few words at the outset about this committee’s work and how, as chairman, I plan to run things.
We’re going to be guided solely by the facts, the facts of what happened on January 6th and the run up to that tragic day and what has taken place since.
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Except they started out not with facts, but with personal opinions, which takes us back to Bennie for more bull****, as follows:
That’s what we’re charged to do by House Resolution 503.
There’s no place for politics or partisanship in this investigation.
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And while there might be no place for it, the reality is that the committee is rife with politics and partisanship, as we clearly see with the police officer’s criticisms of the Republicans.
Getting back to Bennie, ho goes on as follows:
Our only charge is to follow the facts where they lead us.
And while we have a lot to uncover, there are a few things we already know.
We know that the insurrection on January 6th was a violent attack that involved vicious assault on law enforcement.
end quotes
And let us stop right there, people, because there was no insurrection on 6 January 2021.
Yes, the Democrats and their lapdogs in the compliant media keep bandying about the term “insurrection,” but the Democrats mouthing the word “insurrection” does not an insurrection make.
In the United States, insurrection is a crime!
Crimes are not proven in the house of representatives – that is a function of the justice system, and to date, no charges of insurrection have been brought against anyone, including Trump, outside of the failed second impeachment charges which committee member Jamie Raskin failed to prove!
So why is Bennie Thompson starting out the hearing before a word is heard from a single witness, talking about an “insurrection” that didn’t happen, priming the pump, so to speak, for the witnesses to then be able to talk about “insurrections” and “attempted coups” as if they had really happened?
How is that in any way ethical?
So what do we have here, people, confronting us with this Pelosi-ite “selected” committee of hers to supposedly get to the bottom of what really happened on 6 January 2021, as if by now, none of us could possibly have a clue and so, would need Bennie Thompson and his crew to give us the unvarnished “truth,” as if there was any possibility of that happening, which there isn’t, because you cannot arrive at the truth by starting out with a pack of lies, as Bennie has done in his first hearing, which takes us back in time to May 10, 2021 and a House Administration Committee Hearing on the very same January 6 Capitol Attack that Bennie and his hand-selected crew on his committee are said to be investigating, where we had as follows:
Today’s hearing continues the oversight of this committee and the House of Representatives of issues related to January 6th, 2021, the insurrectionist attack on the Capitol.
Specifically, the scope of today’s hearing is the latest flash report by the inspector general for the US Capitol police, which was provided to congressional oversight committees and the department on April 30th.
end quotes
And there we are, back to the same BULL**** Bennie is pushing about an “insurrection” on 6 January 2021.
So what is the relevance here?
Why am I going back to that hearing?
And the answer to that question is Zoe Lofgren, the chair of that committee, as well as being a member of Bennie Thompson’s COMMITTEE OF INQUSITION, Jamie Raskin, also a member of that committee as well as being a member of Bennie’s WITCH HUNTERS, and Pete Aguilar, himself also a member of Zoe’s committee as well as being a member of Bennie’s FLIM-FLAM, and according to the transcript, along with Zoe, both Jamie Raskin and Peter Aguilar were present at that May 10, 2021 hearing, to wit:
Chairperson (Zoe Lofgren): The Committee on House Administration will come to order.
I’d like to welcome our members.
We have a quorum present.
The ranking member.
Mr. Raskin, Mr. Style, Mr. Aguilar, Ms. Scanlan and Ms. Fernandez.
And so we have a quorum and I’d like to welcome everyone.
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And since they were all there, Zoe, Jamie and Peter, on that day, at that hearing, this is what the three of them heard, which is a matter of public record given the existence of the transcript, to wit:
But before we get to that, I want to take a moment to clarify what I think appeared to be some confusion the last time Mr. Bolton appeared before us.
I asked a question that apparently some misinterpreted as a statement, but I was merely quoting from an officer who was part of an office of professional responsibility review.
It was not a review of the radio transmission.
It was a quote from an officer who was interviewed, and I’d like to quote this officer directly.
“I was originally drafted for CDU at 1000 hours on January 6, 2021.”
“I then swapped my starting time with another officer who starting time was 0800 hours.”
“I enjoyed being part of the CDU.”
“Few minutes after our roll call, my squad was directed to help the east front security posture at the Capitol division.”
“As I was crossing the street at traffic six, a radio broadcast was sent out to all outside unit: ‘Attention. All unit on the field, we’re not looking for any pro-Trump in the crowd.'”
“‘We’re only looking for anti pro-Trump, who wants to start a fight.’”
“At that point, I started thinking about my initial intelligence that was disseminated.”
“The entire crowd was a threat based on the intelligence.”
“The pro-Trump were the threat because they’re coming to stop the count.”
“However, I convinced myself that perhaps the mission has changed.”
“The CDU that was scheduled at 1000 hours was initially supposed to be part of our rotation.”
“However, they were sent to patrol garages around the House division.”
“At that point, I was convinced that the mission has changed and the threat was not a high level threat because of the radio call and the decisions that were made to send the other group to patrol garages.”
“I was on at the east front with officers, a small group, perhaps prior or still in the military, approach one officer and ask him if he wants to talk, because what is happening at the lower west front terrace, what happened at the east front as well, and nothing will stop that.”
“I automatically realized that there was a disconnect or a miscommunication about the event that is occurring today.”
And that’s the point.
We need to make sure the threat assessments and the planning and the preparation were adequate for the event that was to present this huge challenge to our country, and specifically to the officers who protected us.
As inspector general Bolton reported, he and his team have concluded to date that the department’s threat assessment and counter surveillance programs had a number of deficiencies, including: operating under outdated or vague guidance; failure to adequately report, stop, or contact activities; lack of a dedicated counter-surveillance entity; and insufficient resources for supporting both threat assessment and counter surveillance activities among other shortcomings.
end quotes
So, when Bennie Thompson on 27 July 2021 told the people of America and the watching world “A quorum being present, the select committee to investigate the January 6th attack on the United States Capitol will be in order,” and “The select committee is meeting today to receive testimony on the law enforcement experience on January 6th,” why didn’t Bennie include that above testimony from a police officer who was quite obviously present at the capitol on 6 January 2021?
Why wasn’t that “law enforcement experience” which was relevant on May 10, 2021 no longer relevant on 27 July 2021?
Because it would mess up the narrative Nancy Pelosi has Bennie Thompson trying to create to WHITEWASH the failures of the Democrats to protect the capitol on 6 January 2021?
And when Bennie told us on 27 July 2021 “And while we have a lot to uncover, there are a few things we already know,” why is it that he did not include any of what committee members Zoe Lofgren, Jamie Raskin, who is a constitutional scholar, you know, one of the best in the world, they say, and Peter Aguilar all knew on May 10, 2021 as a result of that earlier hearing where it was clearly stated by Zoe, that as inspector general Bolton reported, he and his team have concluded to date that the department’s threat assessment and counter surveillance programs had a number of deficiencies, including: operating under outdated or vague guidance; failure to adequately report, stop, or contact activities; lack of a dedicated counter-surveillance entity; and insufficient resources for supporting both threat assessment and counter surveillance activities among other shortcomings?
And why didn’t any of them make an effort to remind him of those earlier findings?
Oh, right, they are the truth that Nancy Pelosi wants buried.
How could I have forgotten that!
And staying with this May 10, 2021 House Administration Committee Hearing on the January 6 Capitol Attack for the moment, because it is the genesis of what has followed leading up to this latest KANGAROO COURT headed up by Bennie Thompson which Elaine Luria is a member of, as we shall see from the transcript, we have Zoe Lofgren, the chair of that committee and herself a member of Bennie Thompson’s KANGAROO COURT/FARCE, on the record, as follows:
Chairperson (Zoe Lofgren): We’ll hear more about these issues and the inspector General’s recommendations for addressing these problems today.
I continue to believe Congress must establish a commission focused specifically on the January 6th insurrection.
end quotes
And BINGO, people, there we have it, right there – GENESIS, which takes us back to the transcript as follows, to wit:
Such a review is necessary, even though I agreed with Senator Mitch McConnell, former speaker John Boehner, and representative Cheney that former president Donald Trump bears ultimate responsibility for inciting the dangerous and deadly insurrection.
end quotes
And BINGO once again, people – there is what qualified both Zoe Lofgren and Liz Cheney to become members of Nancy Pelosi’s A-TEAM of WITCH HUNTERS – the two of them, both morally superior to all of the rest of us, being Democrats as they are, fervently believe in their little hearts that former president Donald Trump bears ultimate responsibility for inciting the dangerous and deadly insurrection, even though there was no insurrection, and even though, given plenty of prior opportunity to prove an insurrection, or to prove Trump incited it, the Democrats headed up by CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR Jamie Raskin, a member of both committees, they failed to produce proof to support the allegations.
But being Democrats through and through, they don’t need proof and theuy don’t need evidence – to the contrary, like Zoe Lofgren and Liz Cheney, who is as much a Democrat as AOC and Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, they go with what they feel in their gut, which again takes us back to Zoe on May 10, 2021, as she sowed the seeds for this present KANGAROO COURT, to wit:
As we begin this hearing, I know that this is a start of national police week.
In years past, this annual commemoration of law enforcement from agencies and jurisdictions has included a large gathering on the west front of the Capitol to remember officers who’ve fallen in the line of duty and to thank all men and women who serve our nation and our communities and law enforcement.
It’s a perverse irony that this year, this important gathering will not be held in person because of the pandemic, which has killed more police officers in the past year than any other line of duty cause of death combined.
Instead, the largest multi-jurisdictional gathering of law enforcement at the Capitol so far this year, may well be that which occurred January 6th, when officers from multiple departments responded to the insurrectionist attack.
end quotes
See how she has managed using the “BIG LIE” technique of repeating a lie over and over so that people think it is the truth, because my goodness, people, it is a member of congress saying it, so it would have to be true, would it not, in just a few lines of testimony on her part to get the words “insurrection” and “insurrectionist” into the record, which record then forms the basis for Bennie Thompson’s committee to investigate the insurrection Zoe Lofgren, a committee member, has already said happened in her capacity as chair of the Committee on House Administration, which committee has oversight responsibility of the Capitol Police, and that in turn takes us back to Zoe on May 10, 2021, as follows:
Last week, that officer, officer Michael Vernon, who serves in the Washington DC metropolitan police department, said a powerful open letter about his experiences address to all elected members of the United States government.
That includes us.
He details what happened to him that day, including how he was, “Pulled into the crowd away from my fellow officers, beaten with FIS metal objects, stripped of my issued badge, radio, and ammunition magazine, and electrocuted numerous times with a taser.”
In his letter, officer Vernon writes, “I struggle daily with the emotional anxiety of having survived such a traumatic event, but I also struggle with the anxiety of hearing those who continue to downplay the events of that day, and those who would ignore them altogether with their lack of acknowledgement.”
His letter is a stark reminder of the plain facts of the events of that day.
His attackers were not foreign terrorists, they were as fellow Americans incited to insurrection and violence by the then president of the United States.
end quotes
So, on 27 July 2021, when Bennie Thompson, the DEMOCRAT GRAND INQUISITOR, tells us that “And while we have a lot to uncover, there are a few things we already know,” and “We know that the insurrection on January 6th was a violent attack that involved vicious assault on law enforcement,” his source of information is Zoe Lofgren, a member of his own committee, which is how the Democrats play this BULL**** game they are playing here, acting as judge and jury, charging people with criminal conduct, as if it were they who were a grand jury, which is a TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE (a debased, distorted, or grossly inferior imitation) which impacts on us all, because if these DEMOCRAT WITCH HUNTERS can pin crimes on one America, be it someone as reviled as Donald Trump, they can then do it to any of us and all of us, and that people, is known as a TYRANNY!
Hence my speaking out in here, and thank God there is a Cape Charles Mirror to speak out in, or this crap would go totally unchallenged in the complaint, captive main-stream media which writes it down as directed to by the Democrats!
And while we are on the subject of WITCH HUNTS and WHITEWASHES and COVER-UPS, and ACCOUNTABILITY, as in who really bears responsibility for the fiasco at the Capitol on 6 January 2021, at a time when Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House, and thus, according to Rule 3, Control of Capitol facilities, of the 115th Congress, 2d Session House Document No. 115–177, RULES OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES ONE HUNDRED SIXTEENTH CONGRESS, had general control of the Hall of the House, the corridors and passages in the part of the Capitol assigned to the use of the House, and the disposal of unappropriated rooms in that part of the Capitol on 6 January 2021, to dig through this mountain of BULL**** we are being presented with here by Nancy Pelosi and Zoe Lofgren and Bennie Thompson and the WITCH HUNTERS as they do a SHIFTING OF THE BLAME off of Nancy Pelosi and Zoe Lofgren as a part of their mission to conduct a thorough COVER-UP to protect Nancy, we need to once again go back to May 10, 2021, and the opening statement on the record of Rodney Davis, the ranking Republican on what is otherwise a committee packed with Democrats, including Jamie Raskin and Peter Aguilar, who are also some of Bennie Thompson’s WITCH HUNTERS, where we have as follows:
Mr. Davis: Thank you, chairperson Lofgren, and thank you to our witness, Mr. Bolton for being here again.
I continue to be extremely concerned about the USCP’s limited intelligence gathering and analysis capabilities.
If we have the intelligence about an attack or threat against a member of Congress or against the Capitol complex, but do not have the correct policies or people in place to properly gather, interpret and operationalize that Intel, then what’s the point?
While I’m happy to chat with Mr. Bolton again, I’m disappointed the committee has not yet publicly heard from Chief Pitman or anyone else who are responsible for implementing these recommendations.
Also brings me to my next point, and that’s the need for this committee to hear from the full Capitol police board.
As I’ve mentioned several times before, the board has a ton of power over the USCP.
Therefore I think it’s imperative, and it looks like it’s going to happen, that this committee is going to hear from the entire board.
Just so everybody’s aware, according to the congressional research service, the entire board hasn’t appeared before congressional oversight in the House since 1945.
That’s 76 years.
As Mr. Bolton also noted in a previous hearing, there’s little to no oversight of the board, which makes the majority of security decisions on Capitol hill.
I believe the oversight and accountability is desperately needed, and I think this committee could work together to provide it.
end quotes
What’s this now?
As Inspector General noted in a previous hearing before Zoe Lofgren’s House Administration Committee, there’s little to no oversight of the Capitol Police Board, which makes the majority of security decisions on Capitol hill?
What’s up with that now?
According to the Congressional Research Service, the entire Capitol Police Board hasn’t appeared before congressional oversight in the House since 1945, which is 76 years?
But how can that possibly be, people?
I mean, seriously, people, we are talking about what appears to be some very serious dereliction of duty on the part of Zoe Lofgren’s House Administration Committee, which includes WITCH HUNTERS Peter Agular and Jamie Raskin, who is the DEMOCRAT CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR who not only failed to get a conviction of Trump on impeachment charges for inciting insurrection, the same charges he is again facing before Bennie Thompson’s KANGAROO COURT, but further either failed to bring the charges before a federal grand jury to get an indictment of Trump for the federal crime of insurrection, or failed to get the indictment after Trump peacefully transferred power to Joe Biden on 20 January 2021, the only day in our Constitutional system when presidential power is transferred, despite any horse**** Bennie Thompson was trying to feed us on 27 July 2021, when he stated on the record that “We (Nancy Pelosi, Bennie Thompson, Elaine Luria, Zoe Lofgren and the Democrat Party) know that men and women who stormed the Capitol wanted to derail the peaceful transfer of power in this country,” which is hog**** all the way around, given that none of those Democrats know what was in the mind of anyone on that day, while we do, in the case of the so-called “Q-ANON COWBOY,” who came to the capitol on 6 January 2021 looking like the lunatic he is in real life, as we see in the Business Insider article “The ‘QAnon Shaman’ is in plea negotiations after being diagnosed with mental illnesses, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, report says” by Kelsey Vlamis on July 25, 2021, where we learned as follows concerning this “insurrectionist” as follows, to wit:
The Capitol-riot suspect known as the “QAnon Shaman” is in plea negotiations after being diagnosed with mental illnesses while in prison, his attorney told Reuters on Thursday.
Jacob Chansley became one of the most visible people from the January 6 attack, when he was pictured inside the chambers of Congress shirtless, wearing a fur headdress with horns and red, white, and blue face paint.
He was arrested in January on six charges, including disorderly conduct and violent entry.
He has denied the charges.
His lawyer, Albert Watkins, told Reuters that the Federal Bureau of Prisons had diagnosed Chansley with transient schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety.
Watkins said the Bureau of Prisons’ evaluation also found that Chansley’s mental health had declined while he was kept in solitary confinement in a Virginia jail.
Chansley is now seeking a plea deal, in which he could plead guilty to a less serious charge in hopes of receiving a lighter sentence, Reuters reported.
end quotes
Hmmmmm, nothing about an insurrection, because there wasn’t one, and nothing about this “Q-ANON COWBOY” trying to to derail the peaceful transfer of power in this country, because there was no transfer of power on 6 January 2021, which makes Bennie Thompson sound like an ignorant moron for claiming there was one on 6 January 2021.
And Bennie knows what was going on in the mind of somebody with transient schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety?
Yeah, right, and good luck with that, which takes us back to operative reality and the fact that according to her own published bio, in 2019, Zoe was appointed Chairperson of the Committee on House Administration by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and confirmed unanimously by the House Democratic Caucus, so she has no excuse for that failure to provide oversight of the Capitol Police Board, and as to a WHITEWASH (deliberately attempt to conceal unpleasant or incriminating facts about someone or something) involving Zoe, the Chair of the Committee on House Administration, we have this from her committee’s website, to wit:
Capitol Security
The security of the Capitol Complex has become an even higher priority since the devastating attacks of September 11, 2001.
The House Administration Committee, which oversees security on the House side of the Capitol Complex, works closely with the Capitol Police to ensure that every effort is made to keep the Capitol Complex extremely secure while maintaining accessibility for the millions of constituents who visit every year.
end quotes
Except as we all know, on 6 January 2021, the capitol was not secure at all, so that seems to be in the nature of a deliberate falsehood Zoe is peddling there, and that takes us to the HOUSE ETHICS MANUAL, COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS OF OFFICIAL CONDUCT, which rules should apply to Nancy Pelosi, Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney, Elaine Luria, Pete Aguilar, Zoe Lofgren, Stephanie Murphy, Jamie Raskin, Adam Schiff and Adam Kinzinger, although in truth, they all appear to be quite immune from the rules that govern others, probably because of their moral superiority, where we have as follows, to wit:
General Ethical Standards
That public office is a public trust has long been a guiding principle of government.
To uphold this trust, Congress has bound itself to abide by certain standards of conduct, expressed in the Code of Official Conduct (House Rule 23) and the Code of Ethics for Government Service.
These codes provide that Members, officers, and employees are to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect creditably on the House, work earnestly and thoughtfully for their salary, and that they may not seek to profit by virtue of their public office, allow themselves to be improperly influenced, or discriminate unfairly by the dispensing of special favors.
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So, people, think about it – if Zoe Logren’s committee provided no oversight of the Capitol Police Board as Inspector General Bolton is making clear in his testimony, given that Zoe Lofgren makes extra money for serving as chair of the House Administration Committee, is Zoe Lofgren working earnestly and thoughtfully for her salary, or is she ripping off the taxpayers, and now is using her position as a WITCH HUNTER to do some BLAME-SHIFTING to COVER OVER her own negligence?
And here we need to go back to an Associated Press story entitled “Pelosi says ‘deadly serious’ Jan. 6 probe to go without GOP” by Mary Clare Jalonick on 23 July 2021, where we had Nancy spouting off as follows, to wit:
“It is my responsibility as the speaker of the House to make sure we get to the truth of this, and we will not let their antics stand in the way of that,” Pelosi said of the Republicans.
end quotes
Which inane statement by Nancy about the undefined “antics” by the Republicans takes us back to the Rules of the House of Representatives, which rules seem to be totally worthless, where we have as follows:
Committee on Ethics
3. (a) The Committee on Ethics has the following functions:
(1) The committee may recommend to the House from time to time such administrative actions as it may consider appropriate to establish or enforce standards of official conduct for Members, Delegates, the Resident Commissioner, officers, and employees of the House. A letter of reproval or other administrative action of the committee pursuant to an investigation under subparagraph (2) shall only be issued or implemented as a part of a report required by such subparagraph.
(2) The committee may investigate, subject to paragraph (b), an alleged violation by a Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House of the Code of Official Conduct or of a law, rule, regulation, or other standard of conduct applicable to the conduct of such Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee in the performance of the duties or the discharge of the responsibilities of such individual. After notice and hearing (unless the right to a hearing is waived by the Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee), the committee shall report to the House its findings of fact and recommendations, if any, for the final disposition of any such investigation and such action as the committee may consider appropriate in the circumstances.
(3) The committee may report to the appropriate Federal or State authorities, either with the approval of the House or by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the committee, any substantial evidence of a violation by a Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House, of a law applicable to the performance of the duties or the discharge of the responsibilities of such individual that may have been disclosed in a committee
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So, with respect to these alleged “antics,” has Nancy Pelosi, to anyone’s knowledge, preferred charges against any of these Republicans to the Ethics Committee concerning these alleged “antics?”
And the answer is, no, I didn’t think so, because all Nancy is doing here is playing silly little childish but quite malicious nonetheless political children’s games, making these charges in public with no attempt to support them with any kind of facts or evidence warranting an investigation by the Ethics Committee, which is headed up by Democrat Theodore E. Deutch of Florida, which takes us to the government publication titled “House Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents and Procedures of the House, Chapter 34. Office of the Speaker, From the U.S. Government Publishing Office, http://www.gpo.gov, where we have as follows concerning the position in OUR national government that to our detriment as a nation and as a people that Nancy Pelosi presently holds, to wit:
Sec. 1 . Role of Speaker
The Speaker is the presiding officer of the House and is charged with numerous duties and responsibilities by law and by the House rules.
As the presiding officer of the House, the Speaker maintains order, manages its proceedings, and governs the administration of its business. Manual Sec. 622; Deschler Ch 6 Sec. Sec. 2-8.
The Speaker’s role as presiding officer is an impartial one, and his rulings serve to protect the rights of the minority. 88-1, June 4, 1963, pp 10151-65.
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Except Nancy Pelosi is quite obviously is not at all impartial, and it is her intent with this KANGAROO COURT to crush the minority, not protect their rights, because in her little Democrat heart, she doesn’t believe they have any, or deserve any.
So she saddles us with the antics of her GRAND INQUISITOR/CHIEF PROSECUTOR/HIGH JUDGE Bennie Thompson, instead, who is testifying at his own hearing, amd who instead of giving us anything resembling truth, is giving us stupid, ignorant, moronic BULL**** easily picked apart and debunked by a seventh grade student, such as his comment on 27 July 2021, as follows:
We won victories and we’ve suffered failures, but the peaceful transfer of power has stood as the pillar of our democracy.
It’s one of those things we rely on, a safeguard that we hold close, because as heated and angry and divided as we may be, whatever victories we celebrate or upheavals we endure, we can rest easy knowing that when the moment comes, our system guarantees that one party will hand the reigns to another if that’s the will of the people.
end quotes
And there is some seriously ignorant BULL**** right there, people, because our Constitution says nothing about “parties,” on purpose, because factions were not supposedly able to gain control of all the branches of our national government as the Democrats have today, which brings us back to Bennie for this following spew of moronic horse****, to wit:
And while our institutions endured and while Joe Biden is the legitimately elected President of the United States, a peaceful transfer of power didn’t happen this year.
It did not happen.
Let that sink in.
Think about it.
end mquotes
And when I think about it, what I end up thinking is what an ignorant clown Bennie Thompson is, because on 20 January 2021, the day the TWENTIETH AMENDMENT of OUR CONSTITUTION, an amendment Bennie Thompson seems pitifully ignorant of, states is the last day of a president’s administration at noon, and by noon on 20 January 2021, as a review of the news will prove, Trump was long gone from Washington, and Joe Biden was very peacefully able to enter the white house, so what is this drivel this ignorant Demorat clown is feeding us here about no peaceful transfer of power in 2022?
And then we have even more gross ignorance from Bennie, as follows, and before we go there, let us go to an Associated Press article entitled “‘We have to get it right,’ Dem vows as Jan. 6 probe begins” by Mary Clare Jalonick on 26 July 2021, to see where Bennie Thompson himself was on 6 January 2021, to wit:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Bennie Thompson, didn’t realize the severity of the Jan. 6 insurrection until his wife called him.
end quotes
So Bennie himself is a witness who should be called before a grand jury investigating this matter, which takes us back to that story as follows:
He was inside the Capitol, sitting in the upper gallery of the House, hoping for what he called a “birds-eye view of the process” and to be able to tell his grandchildren that he was there when Congress certified Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential victory.
end quotes
Okay, people, so picture that scene – there is Bennie in the upper gallery of the House on 6 January 2021, so he could get what he is calling a ““birds-eye view of the process,” so he would be able to tell his grandchildren that he was there when Congress certified Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential victory, and what pray tell was the “process” he was watching?
It would be the process outlined in 3 U.S. Code § 15 – Counting electoral votes in Congress, would it not, assuming that laws in this country mean anything, and what that law says is as follows:
Congress shall be in session on the sixth day of January succeeding every meeting of the electors.
The Senate and House of Representatives shall meet in the Hall of the House of Representatives at the hour of 1 o’clock in the afternoon on that day, and the President of the Senate shall be their presiding officer.
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So as a member of Congress with Congress in session that day according to federal law, what was Bennie doing in the gallery watching?
Getting back to the AP story:
People are breaking into the building, London Thompson told him, and it was on television.
“I’m watching people climbing over the wall right now,” she said.
“It doesn’t register,” the Mississippi Democrat recalled in an interview with The Associated Press.
“I said, ‘You can’t break in.'”
“‘There’s police and barricades and a lot of things out there.’”
end quotes
Which then takes us back to Bennie’s testimony before his own committee on 27 July 2021, as follows:
A violent mob was pointed toward the Capitol and told to win a trial by combat.
They marched on the Capitol with the clear intentions of stopping the certification of the election.
And those rioters breached the Capitol.
They smashed the windows, scaled walls, broke down doors and invaded the halls of Congress.
It was a scene of violence in the citadel of our democracy, not seen since 1814 when British soldiers sacked the building.
end quotes
Which is hysterical hype, and helping Bennie out here, because he quite obviously wasn’t there in school the day American history was taught, the British soldiers, who were at war with the United States in what is known to history as James Madison’s War, burned the Capitol and only a torrential rainstorm saved the Capitol from complete destruction with the blaze particularly devastating the Capitol’s Senate wing, the oldest part of the building, which was honeycombed with vulnerable wooden floors and housed the valuable but combustible collection of books and manuscripts of the Library of Congress, then located in the Capitol building, and the heat from the intense fire reduced the Senate chamber’s marble columns to lime, leaving the room, in one description, “a most magnificent ruin.”
(A view of the capitol after the conflagration of the 24th August 1814, engraved by William Strickland https://www.whitehousehistory.org/photos/photo-5-3 )
But it’s America, so if Bennie wants to believe that what happened at the Capitol on 6 January 2021 (See stunning video of rioters inside Capitol Jan 6, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9WPuA6EUaw ) was a scene of violence in the citadel of our democracy, not seen since 1814 when British soldiers sacked the building, it’s his privilege, so long as we all know that is merely his opinion, a biased opinion given his mission and marching orders to pin an insurrection on Trump and the Republicans, and not a fact, or the truth, which takes us back to Bennie’s antics on 27 July 2021, as follows:
They stormed onto the Senate floor because they wanted to stop the Senate from certifying the election.
The rioters tried to take over the House floor for the same reason.
end quotes
And what the hell, people?
They stormed onto the Senate floor because they wanted to stop the Senate from certifying the election?
But there was nobody in the Senate chamber to stop.
It was a JOINT SESSION (a session of the two houses of a legislature meeting together and acting as one body) of congress, so they were all in the House of Representatives, where Bennie was sitting in the gallery instead of being on the floor, and that is something a seventh grader would know.
And one other note: again we have Bennie testifying about “intentions,” to wit:
They marched on the Capitol with the clear intentions of stopping the certification of the election.
end quotes
But in our system of law, which as a Democrat Bennie disregards, because Democrats don’t believe in our laws, and don’t feel they apply to Democrats, we have as follows:
Q: Is a witness allowed to testify to what somebody else was thinking?
A: If a witness seeks to testify about what someone else was thinking or feeling, no foundation is possible.
By definition, the witness cannot have personal knowledge of what is inside another’s head.
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So how is it then that Bennie Thompson can appear before his own committee and give testimony as a witness as to what was inside the heads of literally thousands of people in Washington., D.C., including this ******* moron (Climbing Wall FAIL at DC Protests Footage: Trump supporter falls scaling Capitol Building Jan 6, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_uKKY-_VpY )?
Is he GOD?
Or does he just believe he is?
As an older American citizen who began learning about America as a nation and our responsibilities to that nation through our citizenship on the first day of kindergarten back in the 1950s, a time when ignorance was ill tolerated, unlike today when ignorance is so prevqlent one wonders if that mis all there is anymore, as I follow the news today, all these years later on a daily basis, as hard as that is to do today, given the gross ignorance and stupidity often contained therein, especially NPR radio news, all too often, and as I read transcripts of all these various hearings the Democrats have been holding since the unforgiveable happened when Trump beat Hillary Clinton in their unrelenting effort to destroy Trump in retaliation for Trump winning the election instead of Hussein Obama’s hand-picked lineage holder to carry on the Obama legacy, and talk about arrogance of hubris there, alright, as if Obama were some African chieftain who got to choose who he would hand rule of the tribe to when he stepped down, I am both amazed at and appalled by the pitiful ignorance and stupidity of the members of the House of Representatives we are stuck with in this country today, and I seriously wonder how they ever got in there, for who but a moron would want a stupid idiot representing them in congress?
Is it that we have become that stupid as a people over the years to the point of where we wish to be ruled by a circus of clowns and fools in Washington, D.C.?
In his political esaay “Cincinnatus IV: To James Wilson, Esquire” by Cincinnatus on November 22, 1787, we have as follows concerning the people of America back then, to wit:
I should be very unwilling to believe the latter, and yet it is utterly incomprehensible, how such a systematic violation of all that has been deemed wise and right, from which no other result can be expected, but the establishment of a baneful aristocracy, could have been recommended to a free and enlightened people.
end quotes
A free and enlightened people?
Well, where are they today?
Then we have “A Democratic Federalist” on 26 Nov. 1787, where we have as follows:
This is a most enlightened time, but more especially so in regard to matters of government.
end quotes
And as Democrat Bennie Thompson, head of the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS, is proving today, these are a most benighted (in a state of pitiful or contemptible intellectual or moral ignorance) time in regard to matters of government, which has been made a FARCE by the Democrats ever since Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election to Trump, which set the Democrats to howling and screeching and thirsting for revenge, and now we have Bennie Thompson as the DEMOCRAT AVENGING ANGEL whose terrible swift sword is going to remove the morally bankrupt Republicans from our midst, at which time joy will reign in the land.
In “Massachusetts Centinel” by Centinel on November 10, 1787, he talks about the “enlightened citizens of America.”
So, two hundred thirty-four (234) later, how on earth did we end up with somebody so ignorant of American history in congress as Bennie Thompson who on 27 July 2021 in his testimony to his own committee was telling us about people on 6 January 2021 who in his words were trying to “upend American democracy,” which is an absurd statement, and “rioters who tried to rob us of our democracy,” which is an equally absurd and bizarre statement, as if democracy were an object as opposed to an idea or concept?
And while we are on the subject of this Pelosi-ite “selected committee” of hers functioning as a KANGAROO COURT, i.e., an unofficial court held by a group of people in order to try someone regarded, especially without good evidence, as guilty of a crime or misdemeanor; which term comes from the notion of justice proceeding “by leaps”, like a kangaroo – in other words, “jumping over” (intentionally ignoring) evidence that would be in favour of the defendant, while Merriam-Webster has it as a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted as is the case here with Bennie Thompson’s “selected committee” of WITCH HUNTERS, to include Virginia’s own Elaine Luria, who has condemned the Republicans on Congress as being morally bankrupt, compared to the Democrats, or a court characterized by irresponsible, unauthorized, or irregular status or procedures, which this Bennie Thompson CLOWN SHOW investing 6 January 2021 clearly is, let us go to the transcript of the 27 July 2021 committee hearing where we have committee member Liz Cheney testifying on the record before her fellow committee members , as follows, as the committee, pursuant to the directive of Nancy Pelosi to provide the American people, which happens to be us, with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth concerning the events of 6 January 2021, was starting its quest for the “truth” that Nancy Pelosi wants the American people to be fed with, as follows:
And people need to know the truth.
end quotes
Yes, people, that is Liz Cheney on 27 July, 2021, TWO HUNDRED TWO (202) days after Bennie Thompson’s wife called him while he was sitting in the house gallery so he could get what he is calling a ““birds-eye view of the process,” so he would be able to tell his grandchildren that he was there when Congress certified Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential victory to tell him what everybody in the world except for Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney and Elaine Luria was seeing on their TV sets in their own living rooms, to wit:
People are breaking into the building, London Thompson told him, and it was on television.
“I’m watching people climbing over the wall right now,” she said.
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So given that live coverage of what was actually happening at the Capitol on 6 January while Liz Cheney was hiding inside, why is it that TWO HUNDRED TWO (202) days later, Liz Cheney is telling us we need to know the truth, when we already saw it live as it was happening?
And why on earth would we look to Liz Cheney of all people to get the truth from?
And here, let us go to the legal definition of the truth, given that we are going to hear this same Liz telling us about “rule of law,” as follows:
The question for every one of us who serves in Congress, for every elected official across this great nation, indeed for every American, is this.
Will we adhere to the rule of law?
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And the answer is in the negative with respect to the WITCH HUNTERS of Bennie Thompson’s KANGAROO COURT who have thrown RULE OF LAW and RULES OF EVIDENCE right out the window, which takes us to the definition of “truth,” where the word “true” is held to mean “conformable to fact; correct; exact; actual; genuine; honest,” while a half-truth, which applies to the work product of this KANGAROO COURT is defined as a deceitful act where only part of the truth is told where all of the truth will lead to a different conclusion, which brings us back in time to this:
“Donald Trump’s incitement of a deadly insurrection against the U.S. Capitol is without precedent in our nation’s history and an egregious violation of his oath of office,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., tweeted early Wednesday.
“Fulfilling our oath to defend our Constitution requires that we act to remove him from office immediately.”
That is from the NBC News article “AOC says she feared for her life during Capitol riot: ‘I thought I was going to die’ – The Democrat said it’s ‘not an exaggeration’ to say that many members of the House were nearly assassinated” by Yuliya Talmazan on Jan. 13, 2021, and people, as far as Liz Cheney and Bennie Thompson and Elaine Luria are concerned, that is the only truth there is, even though they have had every opportunity under the sun to present that allegation to a federal grand jury to get an indictment of Trump, and that is the pre-determined outcome of the KANGAROO COURT, which takes us to this:
The House is meeting Wednesday morning to consider an article of impeachment that accuses the president of “inciting an insurrection.”
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That is from the Gothamist article “Congressional Reps Were ‘Nearly Assassinated’ During Capitol Riots, AOC Says” by Sophia Chang on Jan. 13, 2021, and in fact, as a review of our history clearly demonstrates, Nancy and the Democrats did in fact bring an article of impeachment against Trump for “inciting an insurrection,” and they failed to prevail, because there was no insurrection.
Which brings us back to Liz on 27 July 2021, as follows:
I want to begin by reflecting briefly on the investigation that we’re launching today.
Every one of us here on the dais voted for and would have preferred that these matters be investigated by an independent non-partisan commission composed of five prominent Americans selected by each party and modeled on the 9/11 commission.
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Which would have been another BULL**** commission, and if our Liz, herself an arch patriot, really wanted “these matters” investigated by an independent non-partisan commission, after the failed impeachment of Trump, Liz should have very publicly demanded that the matter of inciting an insurrection be brought before a federal grand jury to secure an indictment of Trump on federal criminal charges, and if she or any other Democrat truly had evidence that Trump actually incited an insurrection, which would have been to topple his own presidency, hey could have testified before the grand jury, and the American people would now have the truth, as a result.
But there is no evidence in the record that I have been able to find that would indicate that Liz Cheney or any other Democrat including CHIEF IMPEACHMENT PROSECUTOR Jamie Raskin, who is a constitutional scholar, ever attempted to get Trump indicted for incitement of insurrection, which is what they would have done if they were truly interested in RULE OF LAW, as opposed to a political WITCH HUNT and DOG AND PONY SHOW, which is what we are getting from Liz Cheney and this Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT, the report of which has already been written before the first hearing ever began.
And while we are on this subject of “(A)nd people need to know the truth,” as if we were all stupid, ignorant morons incapable of thinking for ourselves and discerning reality for ourselves to determine what the real truth is for ourselves, without the need for intercession by this DEMICAN Liz Cheney, or is she a REPUBLOCRAT, let’s drop back to 10 May, 2021 and WITCH HUNTER Zoe Lofgren’s House Administration Committee Hearing on the January 6 Capitol Attack where we had fellow WITCH HUNTER Jamie Raskin, the HOT-SHOT Democrat CONSTUTIONAL SCHOLAR, said to be the sharpest tack in the box, the same HOT-SHOT lawyer who couldn’t get it done when he prosecuted Trump for incitement of insurrection before the Senate earlier his year, testifying on the record in that hearing, to wit:
I know that the Department of Homeland Security had identified domestic violent extremism, violent White supremacy, as the number one terror threat in the country, but were they just overwhelmed and stunned at the complexity and magnitude of the attack?
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And that business about WITCH HUNTER Jamie Raskin knowing that Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security, which has CHIEF WITCH HUNTER/GRAND INQUISITOR Bennie Thompson as the congressional overseer, has identified domestic violent extremism, violent White supremacy, i.e., the ones Joe Biden called “DREGS OF SOCIETY” in 2020, as the number one terror threat in the country, takes us back in time to President Joe Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress on 28 April 2021 where we have the following from Joe on that same subject:
100 days since I took the oath of office, lifted my hand off our family Bible, and inherited a nation in crisis.
The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.
Now, after just 100 days, I can report to the nation: America is on the move again.
Turning peril into possibility.
Crisis into opportunity.
Setback into strength.
Life can knock us down.
But in America, we never stay down.
In America, we always get up.
And today, that’s what we’re doing: America is rising anew.
Choosing hope over fear.
Truth over lies.
Light over darkness.
And, we won’t ignore what our own intelligence agencies have determined – the most lethal terrorist threat to the homeland today is from white supremacist terrorism.
And my fellow Americans, we must come together to heal the soul of this nation.
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So when WITCH HUNTER Jamie Raskin, who when he was a member of Zoe’s committee on 10 May 2021 knew that Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security had identified domestic violent extremism, violent White supremacy, as the number one terror threat in the country, when he is then sitting as a member of GRAND INQUISITOR Bennie Thompson’s KANGAROO COURT, does he still know that same thing, or does he know something different?
And if that is the idée fixe (an idea or desire that dominates the mind; an obsession) of WITCH HUNTER Jamie Raskin, then how can he possibly be objective, especially when being objective would have him then crossing swords with Joe Biden, who has the same idée fixe as Jamie?
And for a real good look at the purely partisan and punitive nature of this “selected” committee of Nancy Pelosi’s dubbed the “WITCH HUNTERS,” all we need do is go to the story in The Hill entitled “Jan. 6 Committee will reconvene after Labor Day — Republicans should be scared” by Brad Bannon, Opinion Contributor, on 08/05/21, where we have as follows, to wit:
More than six months have passed since Joe Biden took office after a fair election, and still, most of Donald Trump’s supporters believe the election was stolen and that their fallen hero won.
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Now, what makes this particular “OPINION PIECE” valuable from the perspective of contemporary history is that Brad Bannon is not just some schmo (a stupid person) or schlub (a talentless, boorish person) out there with an opinion about something.
To the contrary, he is nothing less than a Democratic pollster and CEO of Bannon Communications Research and he is also the host of a radio podcast “Deadline D.C. With Brad Bannon” that airs on the Progressive Voices Network, so what we have here is what is known as an informed opinion or an inside view of what is really going on behind the scenes with Nancy Pelosi and her WITCH HUNTERS whose only purpose we shall see is to bury the Republican party for good so the Democrats will have their THOUSAND YEAR REICH here in the United States of America with the Democrats as the sole political party, and thus, the party with all the political power of the three branches of our national government gathered into its own hands, which of course will be a tyranny, but that, people, is the natural end of democracies – dictatorship, which takes us back to the inside look at the HYSTERICAL HYPE the Democrats are spreading across the nation to influence the 2022 congressional elections in their favor, as follows:
The attack on the Capitol was more than a riot.
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And no, people, the attack on the Capitol was NOT more than a riot; it was an attack on the Capitol, plain and simple, and any attempt to make it more than that by the Democrats is pure BULL****, which takes us back to the inside strategy document of the Democrats to influence the 2022 congressional elections, to wit:
It was an atrocious assault against the American way of life.
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And talk about HYSTERICAL HYPE, people, this Democrat Bannon dude is a real master at the art, and no, the attack on the Capitol on 6 January 2021 was hardly an atrocious assault against the American way of life (a method or manner of behaving or living that is regarded as distinctively characteristic of the U.S. and representative of its values at the center of which is the belief in an American Dream that is claimed to be achievable by any American through hard work) because the phrase the “American Way of life” is an idea, and ideas cannot be attacked by rioters, no matter how hard they might try, so that is nothing more than a real stupid political statement to say the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol was an atrocious assault against the American way of life, when it was nothing more than a riot, like every other riot in Washington, D.C., including riots by BLACK LIVES MATTER.
But these are Democrats, people, and they are not interested in the truth or the facts, they are creating political propaganda, and political propaganda is based on THE BIG LIE, which again takes us back to that insider’s bird’s-eye of the thinking and machinations (a plot or scheme) of the big spider at the center of the web, that being Nancy Pelosi, to wit:
The extremists who attacked Congress tried to prevent the certification of the results of the election in which Biden earned a decisive popular and electoral vote victory.
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Actually, we really do not know why any of those people were at the Capitol that day, unless we have an actual confession from them, which takes us to another story in The Hill entitled “Virginia couple gets home detention in Jan. 6 case” by Jordan Williams on 08/04/21, to wit:
A Virginia couple was sentenced to home confinement on Wednesday after pleading guilty to charges related to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, according to multiple reports.
Jessica and Joshua Bustle were both sentenced to two years of probation and 40 hours of community service, according to NBC News.
Additionally, Joshua Bustle was sentenced to 30 days of home confinement, while Jessica Bustle was sentenced to 60 days home confinement.
The Bustles pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor charge of demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building in June.
They were facing up to six months in jail and a fine of no more than $5,000.
The couple allegedly entered the Capitol through the east entrance to the Rotunda.
Joshua Bustle appeared to film his wife carrying a sign.
Jessica Bustle also bragged of their involvement on Facebook, writing that former Vice President Pence was a “traitor” while adding that “we stormed the Capitol.”
During Wednesday’s hearing, U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan acknowledged that the Bustles originally went to Washington to participate in an anti-vaccine rally, according to NBC.
The Bustles are not the first defendants sentenced to probation for their roles in the Capitol riot.
Anna Morgan-Lloyd of Indiana was handed probation in late June after pleading guilty to demonstrating in the Capitol.
She allegedly spent roughly 10 minutes inside the building, but didn’t cause damage or act violently.
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So the truth and facts of the matter are quite a bit different than this Democrat Bannon is portraying, which takes us back to his HYSTERICAL HYPE, to wit:
If the invaders had succeeded, they would have tragically upended more than two centuries of democratic traditions.
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If the invaders had succeeded?
Succeeded at what?
Tragically upending more than two centuries of democratic traditions?
What rot!
And here we are getting a very good look at the masterful use of THE BIG LIE by the Democrats as they create today the political propaganda they will be blasting the people of the nation with the closer we get to the 2022 congressional elections where the Democrats hope to deal the Republican Party a death blow, which again takes us to the in side view as follows:
The long-term implications of the attempted coup are horrifying.
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Now, see how slick the dude is here – he has now brought the word “coup” (a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government) into the narrative the Democrats are creating as a PROPAGANDA COUP to blast the nation with come November of 2022, and since there was no coup, or even an attempted coup, it must logically follow that there are no long-term implications, although there are very serious long-term implications if the Democrats should succeed in imposing ONE-PARTY RULE on us come November of 2022.
And here at that point, I am going to rest for the moment, to let the implications of the Democrat’s strategy to influence the 20022 congressional; elections to sink in before proceeding further, and again, thanks to the Cape Charles Mirror for being there as a GRAND PALLADIUM OF LIBERTY so we loyal Americans who do not drink the toxic sludge known as DEMOCRAT KOOL-AID can expose this Pelosi-ite scheme to steal our REPUBLIC from us to make it into a DEMOCRAT TYRANNY!
And staying for the moment with this opinion piece in The Hill entitled “Jan. 6 Committee will reconvene after Labor Day — Republicans should be scared” on 08/05/21, which opinion piece is of value to us American citizens who are not Democrats and who do not drink Democrat KOOL-AID from the perspective of contemporary history because as was stated previously, the author, or holder of the opinions expressed, one Brad Bannon, is not just some schmo (a stupid person) or schlub (a talentless, boorish person) out there with an opinion about something but is instead nothing less than a Democratic pollster and CEO of Bannon Communications Research and he is also the host of a radio podcast “Deadline D.C. With Brad Bannon” that airs on the Progressive Voices Network, so what we have from him is what is known as an informed opinion or an inside view of what is really going on behind the scenes with Nancy Pelosi and her WITCH HUNTERS whose only purpose we shall see is to bury the Republican party for good so the Democrats will have their THOUSAND YEAR REICH here in the United States of America with the Democrats as the sole political party, and thus, the party with all the political power of the three branches of our national government gathered into its own hands, which of course will be a tyranny, the natural end of democracies – dictatorship – which takes us back to the inside look at the political machinations of Democrat Nancy Pelosi as she blatantly wields the United States House of Representatives as a political weapon against the Republicans to influence the 2022 congressional elections in the favor of the Democrats, as follows:
The controversy over the composition of the special investigatory committee demonstrates House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) legislative genius.
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And no, people, it does not demonstrate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) legislative genius, because as House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi has a set of duties and responsibilities that are well defined in the public document House Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents and Procedures of the House, Chapter 34. Office of the Speaker, from the U.S. Government Publishing Office, http://www.gpo.gov, as follows:
Sec. 1 . Role of Speaker
The Speaker is the presiding officer of the House and is charged with numerous duties and responsibilities by law and by the House rules.
As the presiding officer of the House, the Speaker maintains order, manages its proceedings, and governs the administration of its business.
The Speaker’s role as presiding officer is an impartial one, and his (her) rulings serve to protect the rights of the minority.
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Of course, this author of this political opinion is a Democrat, so our laws and rules are immaterial to him, and Nancy Pelosi, who is hardly impartial, with her rulings intended to strip from the minority any rights it might have under our laws and rules which Nancy as House Speaker disregards and runs roughshod over.
So we can clearly see Nancy Pelosi perverting the office of Speaker of the House, not displaying any “legislative genius” as this Democrat pollster would have us believe, which takes us back to the opinion piece as follows:
Senate Republicans left their House colleagues high and dry when they killed the creation of a joint committee to investigate the attack.
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House colleagues?
In our system of government, which is seventh grade civics, our Congress is divided into two institutions: the House of Representatives and the Senate.
The two houses of Congress have equal but unique roles in the federal government.
While they share legislative responsibilities, each house also has special constitutional duties and powers.
So the Republicans in the Senate are not the colleagues (a person with whom one works in a profession or business; an associate or coworker typically in a profession or in a civil or ecclesiastical office and often of similar rank or status) of the Republicans in the House of Representatives and it was really quite stupid of this Democrat op-ed writer to conflate (to fuse into one entity) them, and equally stupid of The Hill to allow this trash to go pout under its masthead, which takes us back to the stupid trash as follows, and this is where we get to see that this selected committee of WITCH HUNTERS have nothing to do with getting any kind of “truth” to the American people, to wit:
That left the House in charge and House Republicans subject to the tender mercies of the speaker.
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That left the House in charge of what?
Acting in the capacity of a federal grand jury?
Which thought takes us to another public document from the United States Department of Justice on Grand Juries where we have in Section 9-11.010, INTRODUCTION, as follows:
This chapter contains the Department’s policy on grand jury practice.
In dealing with the grand jury, the prosecutor must always conduct himself or herself as an officer of the court whose function is to ensure that justice is done and that guilt shall not escape nor innocence suffer.
The prosecutor must recognize that the grand jury is an independent body, whose functions include not only the investigation of crime and the initiation of criminal prosecution but also the protection of the citizenry from unfounded criminal charges.
The prosecutor’s responsibility is to advise the grand jury on the law and to present evidence for its consideration.
In discharging these responsibilities, the prosecutor must be scrupulously fair to all witnesses and must do nothing to inflame or otherwise improperly influence the grand jurors.
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Now, if Nancy Pelosi was really interested in getting the truth to the American people, as opposed to playing her toxic and destructive and petty, vindictive and malicious political games, she would have referred all the evidence in her possession that Trump incited an insurrection of 6 January 2021, and then we would all know the truth if Trump was indicted.
But that never happened, because Nancy has no proof and she has no evidence, and so she is going to have her WITCH HUNTERS fabricate evidence instead, to influence people going into the 2022 congressional elections, which actions on her part are not protected legislative activities, which takes us back to the opinion piece or political insider’s view, as follows:
The House under Pelosi’s leadership voted to act alone, and the majority gave her the final say on the composition of the committee.
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Said another way, Nancy asked the permission of the Democrats who rule the House of Representatives for their permission to make a mockery of due process of law and equal protection of law so she could use that power as a political weapon against the minority, whose rights as Speaker she was supposed to protect, and the Democrats gave her that power, which again takes us back to the insider’s view, to wit:
The speaker vetoed two of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) nominations, Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Jim Banks (R-Ind.), who are ardent Trump acolytes.
At that point, the GOP Leader punted under pressure instead of going for a first down.
Instead of choosing replacements, he chose to withdraw GOP participation from the panel.
The speaker returned the kick quickly, saw the opening and ran right through it.
She already had used one of her choices to bring Trump antagonist Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) on board.
She raised the stakes by adding another GOP critic of the 45th president, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.).
McCarthy’s decision to take his ball and go home created the best of both worlds for the Democrats.
The panel stayed bipartisan with two Republicans but there was no one left to defend Trump or the fanatics who assaulted the police and the Constitution in the sacred temple of American democracy.
The GOP hopes to weaponize the rising crime rate against Democrats to win back control of Congress next year.
But memories of Trump enthusiasts attacking the Capitol police will become 30 second TV ad nightmares for Republican congressional candidates next fall.
The carnage and chaos from the Capitol coup could seriously undermine the party’s law and order image.
If Republicans do manage to take control of the House after the midterms, they should worry about McCarthy’s capacity to act as speaker after Pelosi served him up on a silver platter for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Trump admirers should also be concerned about the next stage of the committee deliberations because the police testimony this week was simply an appetizer for the main course to be served when the special panel reconvenes after Labor Day.
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And there we have it, people, the Democrat’s game plan for 2022 laid out in print for all to see.
But stay tuned, because this story is just getting going and is far, far from being over!
And to see why it is that Nancy Pelosi never attempted to bring Trump’s alleged “incitement of insurrection” before a federal grand jury of American citizens like you and me, let’s go back to the public document from the United States Department of Justice on Grand Juries where we had in Section 9-11.010, INTRODUCTION, as follows:
The prosecutor must recognize that the grand jury is an independent body, whose functions include not only the investigation of crime and the initiation of criminal prosecution but also the protection of the citizenry from unfounded criminal charges.
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A grand jury of American citizens like yourself and myself is indeed an independent body whose functions include not only the investigation of crime and the initiation of criminal prosecution but also the protection of the citizenry from unfounded criminal charges, and it is that independence from hack politicians like Nancy Pelosi to whom RULE OF LAW is a joke that scares the hell out of Nancy, because she can’t control a grand jury like she can he selected committee of WITCH HUNTERS to rig the game, which thought about rigging the game takes us to a CNN article entitled “Former Republican congressman to join staff of January 6 committee” by Jamie Gangel and Rachel Janfaza on August 6, 2021, where we learned as follows about the latest addition to Nancy Pelosi’s A-TEAM of long ball hitters and power sluggers who are going to get it done for Nancy this time after her other teams failed miserably not once but twice before to get it done, to wit:
(CNN) – Former Rep. Denver Riggleman is joining the staff of the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, the third Republican that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has added to the panel that GOP leadership has attacked as a partisan endeavor.
Riggleman — a former Virginia congressman and Air Force intelligence officer who has been an outspoken critic of former President Donald Trump — will be a senior technical adviser for the committee, according to two sources familiar with the selection.
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Now, to be on this A-TEAM, as we see from the other members, it is not only necessary to be biased AGAINST Donald Trump, but to have given objective proof of that bias in the past, so as to have an established track record of TRUMP HATRED, which takes us back to the story as follows:
But as a former member, Riggleman brings a high profile, and his national security background will add additional legitimacy to the investigation.
“I have to say, doing this might be one of the biggest things I’ve ever done in my life,” Riggleman said in a video posted to Twitter Friday night touting his intelligence and data analytics experience.
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A big thing because it brings him to the notice of Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful woman in America and the world who can do his failed political career a world of good if he makes nice to Nancy and helps her get what she wants, which is a ONE-PARTY STATE in America like North Korea is a one-party state.
Getting back to Denver, the failed Republican, we have further as follows:
A former member of the hardline House Freedom Caucus who was first elected to the House in 2018, Riggleman lost the GOP nomination for Virginia’s 5th District — despite having the backing of Trump — in a convention last year after his decision to officiate a same-sex wedding angered some local Republicans.
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So the Republicans treated him shabbily and the dude holds a serious grudge as a result, and now he has a chance to help Nany’s WITCH HUNTERS eviscerate the Republicans and put an end to them as political rivals for once and for all, which takes us again to the story, to wit:
“We can’t worry about the color of the jerseys anymore, or whether we have an ‘R’ or a ‘D’ next to our name.”
“It’s time for us to look in a fact-based way at what happened on January 6,” Riggleman continued in the video, “to see if we can prevent this from ever happening again in the future.”
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Which is BULL****, people.
If the Democrats want to keep this from ever happening again, then what they need to do, and should do, to prove this is a one-party police state under Democrat party rule, is to erect huge concrete, unscalable blast walls all around the Capitol like the Green Zone in Iraq and have entry restricted by checkpoints with heavily armed guards manning them.
Ore they could try giving us an honest, efficient national government that nobody distrusts anymore.
That would certainly do it.
And to see just how ******* stupid Denver sounds there, let’s go to a POLITICO article entitled “Many Capitol rioters unlikely to serve jail time – The cases could embarrass the Biden administration, which has portrayed the Jan. 6 siege as a dire threat to democracy” by Josh Gerstein and Kyle Cheney on 03/30/2021, where we have the following:
Americans outraged by the storming of Capitol Hill are in for a jarring reality check: Many of those who invaded the halls of Congress on Jan. 6 are likely to get little or no jail time.
While public and media attention in recent weeks has been focused on high-profile conspiracy cases against right-wing, paramilitary groups like the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys, the most urgent decisions for prosecutors involve resolving scores of lower-level cases that have clogged D.C.’s federal district court.
A POLITICO analysis of the Capitol riot-related cases shows that almost a quarter of the more than 230 defendants formally and publicly charged so far face only misdemeanors.
Dozens of those arrested are awaiting formal charges, even as new cases are being unsealed nearly every day.
In recent days, judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys have all indicated that they expect few of these “MAGA tourists” to face harsh sentences.
There are two main reasons: Although prosecutors have loaded up their charging documents with language about the existential threat of the insurrection to the republic, the actions of many of the individual rioters often boiled down to trespassing.
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Let us face reality here, people – the Democrats need these charges to be trumped up so as to be able to influence the 2022 congressional elections in their favor, but the Justice Department isn’t giving them what they want, which take us back to that story, to wit:
“My bet is a lot of these cases will get resolved and probably without prison time or jail time,” said Erica Hashimoto, a former federal public defender who is now a law professor at Georgetown.
“One of the core values of this country is that we can protest if we disagree with our government.”
“Of course, some protests involve criminal acts, but as long as the people who are trying to express their view do not engage in violence, misdemeanors may be more appropriate than felonies.”
The prospect of dozens of Jan. 6 rioters cutting deals for minor sentences could be hard to explain for the Biden administration, which has characterized the Capitol Hill mob as a uniquely dangerous threat.
Before assuming office, Biden said the rioters’ attempt to overturn the election results by force “borders on sedition”; Attorney General Merrick Garland has called the prosecutions his top early priority, describing the storming of Congress as “a heinous attack that sought to disrupt a cornerstone of our democracy, the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected government.”
Justice Department prosecutors sent expectations sky-high in early statements and court filings, describing elaborate plots to murder lawmakers — descriptions prosecutors have tempered as new details emerged.
The resolution of the more mundane cases also presents acute questions about equity, since most of the Capitol riot defendants are white, while misdemeanor charges are often a vexing problem for minority defendants in other cases.
There are also sensitive issues about precedent for the future, given the frequency of politically inspired demonstrations on Capitol Hill that run afoul of the law.
While violent assaults in the Capitol are rare, protests and acts of civil disobedience — such as disrupting congressional hearings or even House and Senate floor sessions, are more common.
That means prosecutors and judges will have to weigh how much more punishment a Trump supporter who invaded the Capitol during the Electoral College count deserves than, say, an anti-war protester chanting at a CIA confirmation hearing or a gun-control advocate shouting in the middle of the State of the Union address.
Judges are also attempting to reckon with separating the individual actions of rioters from the collective threat of the mob, which they have noted helped inspire and provide cover for violent assaults, property destruction and increased the overall terror and danger of the assorted crimes committed.
That reckoning is coming sooner rather than later, lawyers say, putting prosecutors in the position of wrist-slapping many participants in the riot despite framing the crimes as part of an insurrection that presented a grave threat to American democracy.
Prosecutors have signaled that plea offers for some defendants will be coming within days and have readily acknowledged that some of the cases are less complicated to resolve than others.
“I think we can work out a non-trial disposition in this case,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Emory Cole told Judge Dabney Friedrich last week in the case of Kevin Loftus, who was charged with unlawful presence and disrupting official business at the Capitol, among other offenses that have become the boilerplate set lodged against anyone who walked into the building that day without authorization.
The Justice Department will soon be in the awkward position of having to defend such deals, even as trials and lengthy sentences for those facing more serious charges could be a year or more away.
And prosecutors are facing pressure from judges to either back up their tough talk about sedition or put a lid on it.
Michael Sherwin, the former lead Jan. 6 prosecutor, found himself rebuked by other senior prosecutors and Judge Amit Mehta last week for publicly flirting with the possibility of sedition charges when none had actually been leveled.
Former federal prosecutor Paul Butler said he hopes that those most troubled by the Capitol riot won’t recoil at the looming deals for many participants.
“The punishment has to be proportional to the harm, but I think for many of us, we’ll never forget watching TV Jan. 6 and seeing people wilding out in the Capitol,” said Butler, now a law professor at Georgetown.
“Everybody who was there was complicit, but they’re not all complicit to the same degree for the same harm.”
A standard set of four misdemeanor charges prosecutors have been filed in dozens of the Capitol cases carries a maximum possible punishment of three years in prison.
But that sentence or anything close to it is virtually unheard of in misdemeanor cases, lawyers said.
“Nobody goes to jail for a first or second misdemeanor,” Butler said flatly.
One defense lawyer working on Capitol cases also said what many in the court system are referring to as “MAGA tourists” are almost certain to escape prison time.
“What about somebody who has no criminal record who got jazzed up by the president, walked in, spends 15 minutes in Statuary Hall and leaves?”
“What happens to that person?”
“They’re not going to get a jail sentence for that,” said the defense attorney, who asked not to be named.
“There is a natural cycle to an event like this,” the lawyer added.
“People will say it was the end of the world, then things will calm down, and they’ll begin looking at cases back on what people actually did.”
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So there we have some essential background to consider, given that it is the Justice Department and grand juries that determine who might be criminals, not Nancy Pelosi and her pack of WITCH HUNTERS, but stay tuned for there is still much more of this Pelosi-ite FARCE yet to come..
And staying with this CNN article entitled “Former Republican congressman to join staff of January 6 committee” by Jamie Gangel and Rachel Janfaza on August 6, 2021 in the interests of establishing an accurate contemporary history with which to confront the fake history Nancy Pelosi is going to have Bennie Thompson and his team of WITCH HUNTERS fabricate in order to influence the 2022 congressional elections in the favor of the Democrats, we have further as follows to consider, to wit:
“I’m (Denver Riggleman) happy to be a part of this (the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNT) and want to give my word to everybody that I’m going to do this in a way that’s professional, that’s transparent and that’s ethical,” the former congressman said.
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To which I would respond, that’s BULL****, Denver, and in turn, I would inform Denver that if he really wanted to be ethical, first of all, he would have nothing whatsoever to do with Nancy Pelosi about anything, because as soon as Denver got himself hooked up with her, his ethics went right out the window, assuming he ever had any, and if he wanted to be professional and transparent, he would go to a CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE legal review done for Nancy Pelosi and her team of WITCH HUNTERS, where we have the following legal guidance which is being thoroughly ignored by Nancy and the WITCH HUNTERS Denver has joined up with, to wit:
Capitol Unrest, Legislative Response, and the Bill of Attainder Clause
January 22, 2021
On January 6, 2021, a crowd gathered on the U.S. Capitol grounds, breached police barriers, entered and occupied portions of the Capitol building, and clashed with law enforcement.
The incident resulted in at least five deaths, dozens of injuries, and damage to federal property.
Members of Congress and the Vice President, who were counting electoral votes for the 2020 presidential election, were forced to evacuate in response to the unrest.
Following the incident, some Members of Congress and other commentators have called for accountability for the individuals directly involved in the incident, as well as for others, potentially including elected officials, who may have incited or supported the unrest.
Many of those calls for accountability raise complex legal issues.
As a recent CRS Legal Sidebar explains, the incident may implicate numerous provisions of existing criminal law.
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Referring to that CRS Legal Sidebar entitled “Federal Criminal Law: January 6, 2021, Unrest at the Capitol” on January 12, 2021, we find the following information on insurrection, to wit:
Insurrection: 18 U.S.C. § 2383
Federal prosecutors are reportedly considering whether a federal statute prohibiting insurrection could apply to the unrest at the Capitol.
That statute authorizes fines and up to ten years of imprisonment for anyone who “incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto.”
The statute also bars anyone convicted of violating that provision from “holding any office under the United States.”
The exact scope of the insurrection statute is unclear, in part because it does not define “rebellion” or “insurrection.”
In addition, there is little interpretive case law, because prosecutions under the insurrection statute are rare.
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So, Denver, dude, if according to the Congressional Research Service, your legal advisor, the exact scope of the insurrection statute is unclear, in part because it does not define “rebellion” or “insurrection,” and in addition, there is little interpretive case law, because prosecutions under the insurrection statute are rare, then exactly how is it that you and Nancy and Bennie and the WITCH HUNTERS are going to investigate an “insurrection,” when there is no evidence that an insurrection ever occurred?
And that takes us back to the CRS Legal Sidebar on Attainder, to wit:
In addition, on January 13, 2021, the House of Representatives impeached President Donald Trump for incitement of insurrection based on the events of January 6.
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Yes, people, they did in fact impeach Trump, which was a cheap political stunt on the part of the House Democrats, and then they not only failed to convict him in he Senate, but further, they failed to get a grand jury indictment against Trump for violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2383, Inciting Insurrection, and now, with these WITCH HUNT/KANGAROO COURT hearings, they are proceeding as if they were in fact a federal grand jury themselves, which takes us back to the CRA Legal Sidebar on Attainder, to wit:
Lawmakers and commentators have also explored imposing liability under other legal authorities, including by passing new legislation or seeking to bar certain individuals from holding office under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.
This Legal Sidebar addresses one of the more novel issues that these proposals may raise.
The Bill of Attainder Clause prohibits Congress from enacting legislation that inflicts punishment on an individual basis without a judicial trial.
This Sidebar provides an overview of the Bill of Attainder Clause and presents certain related legal considerations for Congress as the legislature responds to the Capitol unrest.
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Which Nancy Pelosi and her WITCH HUNTERS are ignoring, which takes us back to the Sidebar as follows:
The Bill of Attainder Clause
Article I, Section 9, of the Constitution provides that Congress shall pass “No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law.”
Article I, Section 10, likewise prohibits the states from enacting bills of attainder.
(Thus, there are two Bill of Attainder Clauses; this Sidebar uses the singular “Bill of Attainder Clause” to refer to the clause that binds Congress.)
The Supreme Court has described a bill of attainder as “a law that legislatively determines guilt and inflicts punishment upon an identifiable individual without provision of the protections of a judicial trial.”
Bills of attainder were common in England before the Founding, primarily targeting individuals accused of disloyalty to the government.
Bills of attainder were also used in the American colonies.
However, the Framers of the U.S. Constitution chose to depart from that historical practice.
The Supreme Court has explained that the constitutional prohibitions on bills of attainder “reflect the Framers’ belief that the Legislative Branch is not so well suited as politically independent judges and juries to the task of ruling upon the blameworthiness of, and levying appropriate punishment upon, specific persons.”
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And there we have it, people – what is causing the stench associated with the “selected” committee of WITCH HUNTERS Nancy Pelosi has assembled to do exactly that – rule upon the blameworthiness of and levy appropriate punishment upon specific persons.
So be scared, people – be very scared, because when that can happen with impunity (exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action) as it is happening here right before our eyes without a peep from the media, a toothless old watchdog asleep and drooling and dreaming on a rug on the floor, we are on a very slippery slope indeed.
And continuing with this CNN article entitled “Former Republican congressman to join staff of January 6 committee” by Jamie Gangel and Rachel Janfaza on August 6, 2021 for the rich background it provides us in the interests of establishing an accurate contemporary history with which to confront, refute and debunk the fake history Nancy Pelosi is having Bennie Thompson and his team of WITCH HUNTERS fabricate in order to influence the 2022 congressional elections in the favor of the Democrats, we have further as follows to consider, to wit:
“In addition to being a former House colleague, Mr. Riggleman brings a deep background in national security and intelligence matters,” Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson, the chair of the select committee, said in a statement late Friday announcing the selection of Riggleman and Homeland Security Department Principal Deputy General Counsel Joseph Maher as senior staff for the panel.
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Denver brings a deep background in national security and intelligence matters?
Get real, Bennie!
The dude is a failed politician who in 2014, with his wife, opened Silverback Distillery, a 50-acre craft distillery in Afton, Virginia, outside Charlottesville, and according to his published bio, Denver has pushed for deregulation of distilleries in the state and changes to the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority and together with other distillers, the Rigglemans established a “loosely formed distillers guild” and hired a lobbyist, while Denver has “criticized the state’s alcohol and tax laws as unfairly harsh toward spirits producers and spoke[n] of a new ‘whiskey rebellion.'”
So there’s a dude to be investigating insurrections, given that he looks like he is planning one.
And since leaving Congress in January 2021, Denver has been working with a spooky bunch of alleged “experts” and “academics” at something called the Network Contagion Research Institute, where Denver is studying disinformation and how to combat it, which would seem to have him over into the corner of government thought control,
In their website, the Network Contagion Research Institute Denver is working with seeks funds as follows:
NCRI relies on the donations of individuals and corporations who share in its mission to mitigate the epidemic of hate.
As the world wide web continues to expand, so too will the “red zones of infection” which continue to propagate the web.
Your donation will help the NCRI continue to invest in the people and technology to combat these ominous trends in network hate.
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And the irony here is that Denver is joining up with Nancy Pelosi’s overt effort to spread the epidemic of hate on the web as her technical expert, which takes us to December 11, 2020, and Denver’s moving and poignant farewell address on the floor of the House, where Denver said his experience as an Air Force intelligence officer taught him “… the invaluable lesson of considering the source” when examining disinformation.
And as we consider the disinformation Nancy Pelosi, Bennie Thompson and his WITCH HUNTERS are putting out to deflect attention away from the crappy security at the Capitol on 6 January 2021, I am doing exactly that: considering the sources, which takes us to a Pelosi Press Release from her official government page for the Speaker’s Office, which is supposed to protect the rights of the minority, to wit:
House Republicans Repeat Debunked Lies About January 6th
JULY 27, 2021
McCarthy & House R’s Attempt to Distract From Testimony of January 6th Heroes With Lie-Filled Press Conference
From the Speaker’s Press Office:
Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans have desperately tried to undermine and prevent a real investigation into the events of January 6th from the start.
Now that the bipartisan Select Committee is beginning its work, the only tools left in House Republican’s arsenal are deflection, distortion, and disinformation.
Unfortunately for McCarthy and his conspirators, their pathetic attempt to distract from the Select Committee’s upcoming hearing featuring the testimony from law enforcement officers who protected them and our democracy on January 6th has fallen flat once again.
Every single lie uttered by the Republicans this morning has been debunked time and again.
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Now that Nancy’s Select Committee, which is not bipartisan by any stretch of the imagination, is beginning its work, the tools from the House Democrat’s arsenal it is using, and masterfully so, given the Democrats are masters of deception, are the very same tools of deflection, distortion, and disinformation Nancy would have us believe the Republicans are using, which raises the question of the ethics of Nancy Pelosi using the official website of the Speaker of the House of Representatives to run down the Republican members of the House and to lie to us, while doing so.
Given the language in the public document entitled House Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents and Procedures of the House, Chapter 34. Office of the Speaker, from the U.S. Government Publishing Office, http://www.gpo.gov wherein is stated in Sec. 1 . Role of Speaker that the Speaker’s role as presiding officer is an impartial one, and his (her) rulings serve to protect the rights of the minority, I would say that using the official website of the Office of the Speaker to attack and denigrate the Republican members of the House is highly irregular and highly unethical, as well, and there is not a thing we American citizens can do about it, because quite literally, Nancy Pelosi is above the law and can lie to us with impunity without ever having to be concerned with being held to account, which takes us back to Denver’s farewell speech, to wit:
He stated that “a well-instructed” and knowledgeable people are the pillars of a functional republic, and that “Those pillars are now being assaulted by disinformation and outlandish theories surrounding this presidential election.”
“As we transition to a new administration I implore all to consider the sources of information you receive, to fact check diligently”, he pled, asking his fellow Americans “to recognize that many bad actors who spread spurious and fantastical conspiracy theories under banners like QAnon, Kraken, ‘Stop the Steal, ‘Scamdemic’ and many other emotive terms and coded language are not disseminating information rooted in knowledge but with questionable motives and greed.”
“They are rooted in misunderstanding, or fraud or in some cases, ignorance.”
He told “all those on the end of the disinformation fire hose” that “unbiased, fact-based information sustains our republic,” adding that “disinformation hinders our free exchange of ideas and creates super spreader digital viruses that create a fever of nonsense.”
He asked his audience to remember that “people are more important than party” and that “pandering is a political sickness.”
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And now Denver is coming back from his failed political career to serve as a “senior staffer” on a selected committee that is intentionally using disinformation to hinder our free exchange of ideas and to thereby create super spreader digital viruses about the Republicans in Congress that create a fever of nonsense in the minds of the American people to bias them in favor of the Democrats in the congressional elections in 2022!
And getting back to this on-going drama as we wait for Labor Day to pass and the Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT to resume its WITCH HUNT, let us go back to July 27, 2021, and the first hearing held by the WITCH HUNTERS, where we have the GRAND INQUISITOR Bennie Thompson, as loyal a Democrat as you will ever find, speaking on the record as follows:
We’re going to be guided solely by the facts, the facts of what happened on January 6th and the run up to that tragic day and what has taken place since.
That’s what we’re charged to do by House Resolution 503.
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And here, before we go to a LAW & CRIME article entitled “Sentencing Suddenly Delayed for MAGA-Hatted ‘Democrat’ Present at Capitol Siege after Feds Discover New Evidence” by Aaron Keller on 19 August 2021, focus on Bennie saying, “We’re going to be guided solely by the facts, the facts of what happened on January 6th,” because we now know, from his own admissions in court, that we had at least one Democrat in that mob portraying himself as a Trump supporter, big surprise, that, which takes us back to Bennie, to wit:
We know that the insurrection on January 6th was a violent attack that involved vicious assault on law enforcement.
We know there is evidence in a coordinated, planned attack.
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And today, we know that at least one participant in that “coordinated, planned attack” was in fact not a Republican, but a Democrat.
So what coordinated, planned attack was this Democrat a participant in, that he was disguised as a Trump supporter, instead?
And exactly who was it that coordinated and planned the attack this Democrat was a participant in?
Nancy Pelosi?
And going back to Bennie’s statement “We know that the insurrection on January 6th was a violent attack that involved vicious assault on law enforcement,” the question is raised as to how Bennie can possibly know that when House Resolution 503 states as follows:
This resolution establishes in the House of Representatives the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.
The select committee must (1) conduct an investigation of the relevant facts and circumstances relating to the attack on the Capitol; (2) identify, review, and evaluate the causes of and the lessons learned from this attack; and (3) submit a report containing findings, conclusions, and recommendations to prevent future acts of violence, domestic terrorism, and domestic violent extremism, and to improve the security of the U.S. Capitol Complex and other American democratic institutions.
The select committee consists of 13 Members of the House appointed by the Speaker; 5 must be appointed after consultation with the minority leader.
The resolution gives the select committee specified powers, including the authority to hold hearings, receive evidence, and issue subpoenas.
It also requires other House committees to share relevant records with the select committee within 14 days of the resolution’s adoption or receipt of such records.
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So, people, if the House Resolution authorizing the Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT states there as an attack on the Capitol, not an insurrection, and that the WITCH HUNTERS must (1) conduct an investigation of the relevant facts and circumstances relating to the attack on the Capitol; (2) identify, review, and evaluate the causes of and the lessons learned from this attack; and (3) submit a report containing findings, conclusions, and recommendations to prevent future acts of violence, domestic terrorism, and domestic violent extremism, and to improve the security of the U.S. Capitol Complex and other American democratic institutions, then how is it that Bennie Thompson can know that “the insurrection on January 6th was a violent attack that involved vicious assault on law enforcement?”
And with it now a matter of record in federal court that we had at least one Democrat posing as a Trump supporter while himself allegedly involved on attacks on police officers on 6 January 2021, when GRAND INQUISITOR Bennie Thompson states on the record “We know that men and women who stormed the Capitol wanted to derail the peaceful transfer of power in this country,” what we now know is that at least one Democrat was involved in that effort, if not more!
So when Bennie says “We’re going to be guided solely by the facts,” will the fact of this Democrat’s involvement in the violence be one of the facts in his record?
Or will it be curiously omitted as being not good for the narrative the WITCH HUNTERS are producing to influence the 2022 congressional elections in the favor of the Democrats?
And talking about the wind coming out of Pelosi-ite GRAND INQUISITOR Bennie Thompson’s sails while the wheels come off this run-away train called the Pelosi selected committee of WITCH HUNTERS loyal to Nancy Pelosi, not RULE OF LAW, let’s go to a Reuters article entitled “Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated – sources” by Mark Hosenball and Sarah N. Lynch on August 20, 2021, where we learn as follows, to wit:
WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters) – The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.
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Which of course flies directly in the face of the narrative BOSS Pelosi has charged her GRAND INQUISTOR Bennie Thompson with creating, which takes us back to Reuters, as follows, as we American citizens who do not believe in violence such as we see from ANTI-FA and BLACK LIVES MATTER and such as we saw on 6 January 2021 at the Capitol where this MAGA-hatted Democrat referred to above was filmed assaulting a police officer search for the real truth, not the version of “truth’ Nancy Pelosi has charged Bennie Thompson with fabricating, as follows:
Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations.
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And there goes the central premise of the political narrative of Pelosi, Joe Biden, Bennie Thompson, Virginia’s Elain Luria, and the rest of the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS right out the window, because for their false narrative to succeed in misleading the American people to influence them in the 2022 congressional elections, they need this GRAND CONSPIRACY to overthrow our democracy and instead install something else, a Marxist dictatorship, perhaps, which takes us back to Reuters and the gutting of the operating premise of Pelosi-ite KANGAROO COURT being a GRAND CONSPIRACY, to wit:
“Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases,” said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation.
“Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized.”
“But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.”
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So when Democrat Bennie Thompson, Nancy Pelosi’s GRAND INQUISITOR, says “We’re going to be guided solely by the facts,” will the fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation, part of a Biden Justice Department, found there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages be one of the facts in his record?
Or will it be curiously omitted from the narrative the WITCH HUNTERS are producing to influence the 2022 congressional elections in the favor of the Democrats?
Lt. Michael Byrd is a MURDERER!
Marginal IQ and poor impulse control will not prevent any black police officer from being promoted to lieutenant in today’s decayed, social-political environment. Byrd was outed months ago on the conservative-patriot outlets. His “debut” on the mainstream media outlets is a sanctification process to legitimize the host political order that is losing moral authority, today.
And while our attention has been riveted on the incredible incompetence of the Biden administration with respect to the BIDEN ANABASIS out of Afghanistan, the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS have themselves been quite busy, as we see from an opinion article by Jonathan Turley, the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University in The Hill entitled “Democrats’ Jan. 6 subpoena-palooza sets dangerous precedent” on 31 August 2021, where we have Pelosi-ite GRAND INQUISTOR and CHIEF WITCH Hunter Bennie Thompson, as staunch a Democrat as there ever was, speaking on the record, as follows:
“We have quite an exhaustive list of people.”
“I won’t tell you who they are.”
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And that people, is what a McCarthy-ite political Witch Hunt looks like in real life!
For those too young to remember, “Tailgunner Joe” McCarthy, a thuggish and ignorant U.S. senator who conducted a vociferous campaign against Democrats alleged to be communists in the US government and other institutions in the period 1950–54, gave us the term “McCarthyism,” which is a campaign or practice that endorses the use of unfair allegations and investigations, such as the testimony during the January 6, 2021 House Select Committee Hearing Investigation where we had as follows from the witnesses, all sworn police officers, to wit: The Washington Post and Carnegie Mellon University have estimated that there were about 9,400 terrorists out there.
So, by the way things are done today by the Democrat WITCH HUNTERS, the determination as to who is a terrorist is no longer a function of a grand jury based upon evidence and facts.
To the contrary, that determination is now left to the Washington Post and Carnegie Mellon University.
Getting back to the opinion piece, we have:
With those words, House Select Committee Chair Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) confirmed that a subpoena storm was about to be unleashed in the investigation of the Jan. 6 riot in Congress.
The targets would include Republican members, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who have already been told to preserve their phone records to be surrendered to the committee.
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Yes, people, while the inept and incompetent Joe Biden was making a real hash out of things in Afghanistan, the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS train has left the station under a full head of steam and is heading down the tracks with the intent of grinding our protections of law into dust beneath its wheels, which takes us back to the article, to wit:
The Democrats are reportedly trying to prove their prior claims that Republicans conspired or assisted “insurrectionists,” even though the FBI reportedly found no evidence of a planned insurrection.
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But seriously, people, what does the FBI know about anything?
So we need Bennie Thompson and his WITCH HUNTERS, including Virginia’s Elain Luria, and the incompetent and bumbling Adam Schiff, the smarmy pencil-necked congressman from Disneyland, who blew it big time with regard to Afghanistan’s government collapsing like a house of cards in a stiff wind as House Intelligence Committee Chairman, to act as an oversight committee on the FBI, since the judgment of the FBI is quite obviously seriously flawed when it comes to what happened on 6 January 2021 at the Capitol, and why.
As to the intelligence failures of the smarmy Hollywood Democrat Adam Schiff who represents Disneyland and Mickey Mouse and Snow White and Goofy in the House of Representatives, the Washington Examiner had a story entitled “McCarthy blames Schiff for focusing on impeachment over Afghanistan intelligence” by Emily Brooks on 26 August 2021, where we had as follows, to wit:
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy took aim at House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff for creating a “failure” by focusing on impeachment investigations against former President Donald Trump rather than on providing oversight on intelligence about the Taliban’s influence in Afghanistan.
“We should have been having hearings on what’s going on over there.”
“We should have been able to gather that they would collapse this fast.”
“But Adam Schiff was too focused on impeachment than doing the job he was supposed to do,” McCarthy, a California Republican, said in a press conference on Wednesday.
Schiff, a Democrat, also from California, became the face of the first impeachment effort against Trump as head of the Intelligence Committee, despite the House Judiciary Committee traditionally taking the leading role in impeachment proceedings.
“How much time did Adam Schiff spend looking around the world of what his responsibility is?” McCarthy said.
“When you’re on the Intel Committee, you learn things that other members do not know.”
“But he spent all this time on politics.”
A top concern of lawmakers in light of the U.S. being surprised by a swift Taliban takeover of Afghanistan as U.S. troops pulled out of the country is the quality of intelligence.
After a classified Intelligence Committee briefing on Monday, Schiff relayed in general terms what the intelligence agencies knew about the situation in Afghanistan leading up to the collapse.
“Intelligence agencies’ assessments of the Afghan government’s ability to maintain itself became increasingly pessimistic over the course of the last six months,” Schiff said.
“There were any number of warnings that the Taliban might take over, and some that included a potential of a very rapid takeover,” Schiff said, but added no one predicted such a rapid collapse.
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So much for the intelligence of the Democrat head of the house intelligence committee, which lack of intelligence is what qualifies Adam Schiff in the mind of Nancy Pelosi to be one of her WITCH HUNTERS, which takes us back to the opinion piece as follows:
The Democrats’ move to investigate members of the opposing party is a dangerous precedent in an institution that has always protected the privacy and confidentiality of phone and office records.
Two months ago, House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) was on practically every network denouncing one of “the most dangerous assaults on our democracy” – meaning the Trump administration’s search of phone log information related to Schiff and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) while looking for leakers.
For his part, Swalwell publicly fretted about this “fragile time for our democracy” if members could have their phone logs seized through secret surveillance orders issued to telephone companies.
After those disclosures, I testified in Congress on the need for greater protections for from secret surveillance for members and reporters alike.
At the hearing, the Democratic members expressed nothing short of disgust at the notion of such seizures of member phone logs.
Thompson has now admitted that he has sent letters to telecommunications companies to preserve documents – including phone logs – for hundreds of people, including members of Congress.
He would offer only a type of “the usual suspects” response when asked for specificity: “you know, in terms of telecom companies, they’re the ones that pretty much you already know, maybe the networks, the social media platforms, those kinds of things.”
Reports indicate that among the “hundreds” will be Trump family members and leading Republicans.
The House has decided to subpoena them all and let God (and the courts) sort them out.
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And let me stop here for the moment to let that all sink in, but stay tuned, because this is a breaking story with a lot of legs that has only just begun to run!
July 27, 2021
January 6 House Select Committee Hearing Investigation Day 1 Full Transcript
Chairman Thompson: Gentleman yields back.
Chair recognizes gentlemen from California, Mr. Aguilar.
Mr. Aguilar: Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee.
Gentlemen, like my colleagues, I want to extend my gratitude and appreciation for your service on January 6th, and since then, what you’ve had to go through.
I was on the house floor, like my colleagues, on the 6th, when I was told that a violent mob had breached the Capitol.
And it’s because of your service, it’s because of you and your colleagues, that we’re here today, because you were literally the last line of physical defense, laying your life on the line for democracy.
* * * * *
Mr. Aguilar: Officer Hodges, you characterize the attack on the capital as a White nationalist insurrection.
Can you describe what you saw that led you to label the attack that way?
Officer Hodges: The crowd was overwhelmingly White males, usually a little bit older, middle-aged older, but some younger.
I think out of entire time I was there, I saw just two women and two Asian males, everyone else was White males.
There are many known organizations with ties to White supremacy who had a presence there, three percenters [inaudible], that kind of thing.
And people who associate with Donald Trump I find more likely to subscribe to that belief system.
Mr. Aguilar: I want to thank the four of you for taking the very difficult step of sharing your stories and your recollections of the threats and violence that you endured.
No one should have to experience what you went through.
And this committee will continue its work to give a complete accounting of what happened to protect for their officers and to amplify the stories that you’ve shared today.
Thank you so much for being here.
Yield back, Mr. Chairman.
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Are nationalism and patriotism the same?
There is a considerable difference between nationalism and patriotism.
While nationalism emphasizes a unity of cultural past with inclusion of the language and heritage, patriotism is based on love towards people with a greater emphasis on values and beliefs.
And stop the presses here, people, because as we can clearly see from a CNN article entitled “Analysis: Pressure on January 6 panel ratchets up amid new explosion of Trump election lies” billed as “Analysis” by Stephen Collinson on 12 October 2021, we are having a CHANGE OF NARRATIVE here by the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS including the Virginia’s own very tough-talking Elaine Luria, who is looking to roll some heads herself, to wit:
The House’s US Capitol insurrection probe is fast turning into a race against time, up against Republican efforts to delay an accounting on ex-President Donald Trump’s coup attempt after losing the 2020 election even as he preemptively begins undermining the next one.
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Is everyone catching that?
The official line now coming out of DEMOCRAT CENTRAL is that what took place on 6 January 2021 was not only and insurrection, which is bad enough, but a coup attempt, as well, which makes it even worse, and consequently gives the Democrats a much better narrative to destroy Trump and the Republicans with as the Democrats seek to firm up their one-partyu rule here in the United States of America, now that they control not only the Congress, but the administration, as well, which takes us back to that story, as follows:
It’s hardly a shock that members of Trump’s orbit are seeking to evade accountability and the rule of law.
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Evade accountability and the rule of law?
That is what the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS are doing here as they trample RULE OF LAW as established by several United States Supreme Court decisions on limitations of congressional power into the sludge and muck of the swamp that is Washington, D.C., which some wag termed a waste of really good swampland in what used to be a part of Virginia.
SEVENTH GRADE CIVICS QUESTION: Can the United States House of Representatives act in a judicial capacity?
For an answer, let’s go to United States v. Icardi, 140 F. Supp. 383 (D.D.C. 1956), U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (D.D.C. 1956), April 19, 1956, where we have as follows:
There is a question as to the propriety of the report’s Conclusions, which state there is “probable cause” for charging Icardi and LoDolce with murder and embezzlement, but that they are not subject to prosecution under existing civil law or under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
The use of this language indicates the functioning of the subcommittee as a committing magistrate.
As to the report’s final Recommendations, which suggest that legislative amendments to the Federal Criminal Code be recommended to the Judiciary Committee, the court finds this portion of the subcommittee’s report was an exercise of a bona fide legislative function.
The validity of this latter recommendation, however, cannot cure the invalidity of the subcommittee’s adjudication of crime contained in the report’s Statement of Facts.
end quotes
The Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS, however, as we can clearly see from the CNN article, are in fact serving in the capacity of committing magistrates to adjudicate the serious federal crime of insurrection, and according to the Supreme Court, as if that matters anymore, by doing so, they are way off the reservation and firmly over into UNCONSTITUTIONAL TERRITORY, which takes us back to Icardi as follows:
Although the subcommittee’s report was made after Icardi’s testimony, its contents are relevant to show that body’s conception and exercise of its authority and functions.
Chairman Cole testified that the subcommittee already had in its possession sufficient information on which to base its report to the Congress, including Icardi’s prior statements on many occasions, and that the purpose of asking Icardi’s appearance before the subcommittee was to give him an opportunity to tell his side of the story.
Chairman Cole further testified that, to the best of his recollection, before asking Icardi to testify, he discussed with his colleague and counsel for the subcommittee the calling of Icardi, putting him under oath, and the possibility of a perjury indictment as the result of Icardi’s testimony.
It is unnecessary for the court to determine for which purpose Icardi’s testimony was sought or obtained, since neither affording an individual a forum in which to protest his innocence nor extracting testimony with a view to a perjury prosecution, is a valid legislative purpose.
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Does the WITCH HUNTERS special committee have a valid legislative purpose as it must to be held to be a CONSTITUTIONAL EXERCISE OF CONGRESSIONAL AUTHORITY?
According to the Supreme Court, again, if that matters any more now that the DEMOCRATS have tossed RULE OF LAW into the toilet, no they clearly do not, since they have been UNCONSTUTIONALLY CONSTITUTED to investigate crimes, which is not their function, given they are not a court of law, which again takes us back to Icardi:
While a committee or subcommittee of the Congress has the right to inquire whether there is a likelihood that a crime has been committed touching upon a field within its general jurisdiction and also to ascertain whether an executive department charged with the prosecution of such crime has acted properly, this authority cannot be extended to sanction a legislative trial and conviction of the individual toward whom the evidence points the finger of suspicion.
On the basis of all the evidence before it, the court therefore finds, as a matter of law, that at the time the subcommittee questioned the defendant Icardi it was not functioning as a competent tribunal.
There are, however, limitations upon the investigative power of the legislature which must be considered in any determination of materiality.
The investigation must be to aid in legislation. McGrain v. Daugherty, supra, 273 U.S. at *389 page 178, 47 S. Ct. 319.
“Similarly, the power to investigate must not be confused with any of the powers of law enforcement; those powers are assigned under our Constitution to the Executive and the Judiciary.” Quinn v. United States, 349 U.S. 155, 161, 75 S. Ct. 668, 672, 99 L. Ed. 964.
end quotes
Well, they used to be anyway.
Stay tuned!
And to see the slippery slope we are now on, as the Democrats seek to cement and solidify their tyrannical one-party rule on us, to our detriment as a FREE PEOPLE under RULE OF LAW, which has to be abolished if the Democrats hope to keep their grip on us, let us go back to the CNN article entitled “Analysis: Pressure on January 6 panel ratchets up amid new explosion of Trump election lies” billed as “Analysis” by Stephen Collinson on 12 October 2021, where we have as follows:
But it (RULE OF LAW) represents a problem for the committee nonetheless, as potential witnesses seek to drag out the process as long as possible.
end quotes
And let us being very clear here, people – ANYONE hauled before Congress does not automatically lose their CONSTUTIONAL RIGHTS to defend themselves from CONGRESSIONAL OVERREACH and CONGRESSIONAL DESPOTISM by some kind of decree of the Democrats in charge of the House of Representatives, and as we see from any number of United States Supreme Court cases on the subject, they have every right to challenge the process, even if that (BOO HOO HOO) “drags out the process” as long as it takes to seek the justice they will not find before the rabid Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS committee in the House of Representatives, where the majority of us have no representation, at all.
Consider, for example, the case of John T. WATKINS, Petitioner, v. UNITED STATES of America, Supreme Court, 354 U.S. 178, No. 261, argued March 7, 1957, decided June 17, 1957, Mr. Chief Justice WARREN delivering the opinion of the Court, to wit:
This is a review by certiorari of a conviction under 2 U.S.C. § 192, 2 U.S.C.A. § 192 for ‘contempt of Congress.’
The misdemeanor is alleged to have been committed during a hearing before a congressional investigating committee.
It is not the case of a truculent or contumacious witness who refuses to answer all questions or who, by boisterous or discourteous conduct, disturbs the decorum of the committee room.
Petitioner was prosecuted for refusing to make certain disclosures which he asserted to be beyond the authority of the committee to demand.
The controversy thus rests upon fundamental principles of the power of the Congress and the limitations upon that power.
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Ah, but how that phrase “limitations upon that power” chaffs and galls these rabid Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS who see themselves as having a license to now trample on the CIVIL RIGHTS of American citizens as was the case in Watkins, supra, because of the violence unleashed at the Capitol on 6 January 2021, that was stoked by and as a result of a HATE SPEECH by Democrat presidential contender Joe Biden on 31 August 2020.
Getting back to that toxic narrative CNN is peddling under the guise of “analysis,” we have:
They do so in the knowledge that Republicans who have high hopes in the midterm elections would almost certainly shut down probes into January 6 if they reclaim the House.
end quotes
Oh, really!
So CNN is now able to read people’s minds so it can ascribe nefarious motives to their actions to try them and convict them in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION?
How about they are challenging the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS because they live in a FREE COUNTRY, not yet the FASCIST TYRANNY the Democrats are trying to impose on us through one-party rule, where they still have that right!
Getting back to the “analysis,” which is analysis from the perspective of the RULING DEMOCRATS, we have:
The select committee’s members are showing fresh urgency, warning that Trump acolytes who diss subpoenas face criminal referrals, a move that would put the Biden administration’s Justice Department in the hot seat.
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And why is it, people, that this “fresh urgency” we are hearing about in here is now being shown by the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS?
Ah, yes, people, you nailed it – the 2022 CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS!
The Democrats hoped to have these Republicans tried, convicted and hung by early 2022, in order to influence the 2022 CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS in their favor, by essentially outlawing the opposition, as Adolph Hitler did in 1933 in Germany, when thanks to the Reichstag Fire, he was able to end DEMOCRACY in the Weimar Republic along with the Weimar Republic itself, to replace it with a dictatorship with him in charge, which is essential history EVERY high school student here in the United States of America should be cognizant of, which takes us back to some real tough talk from these WITCH HUNYERS, to wit:
“We’re not messing around,” Rep. Adam Schiff of California, a Democratic member of the committee, told CNN’s Ryan Nobles on Tuesday, emphasizing that the Department of Justice would be put in a position to make a critical choice on criminal referrals against Trump’s associates because “unlike the last administration, no one is above the law.”
“And so we intend to move quickly.”
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Except that is so not true, people – Adam Schiff himself is above the law, as are his fellow WITCH HUNTERS, and that is what makes them so dangerous to civilized society here in the United States of America, keeping in mind that the smarmy little pencil neck congressman from Disneyland had his chance to hang Trump high in his first impeachment by the Democrats, and Adam FAILED to do it, because his case was nothing but cobwebs and smoke, but being above the law, here is Adam back for another bite at the apple, which takes us to Virginia’s own Elain Luria making a cameo appearance here and getting some good press or herself in the process to impress the voters back home in Virginia with all congresswoman Elaine is doing for the cause of liberty and justice for all, er, well, okay, not everybody, because that wouldn’t be fair to the Democrats who want to look up and see the soles of Trump’s shoes as he swings from the DEMOCRAT LYNCHING TREE, to wit:
Another Democratic member of the committee, Rep. Elaine Luria of Virginia, said, “You will see the committee moving quickly” on CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront” on Tuesday.
end quotes
Let’s get those hands in the air and together for Elaine!
Getting back to the tough talk, the story continues, as follows:
And the committee’s Republican vice chair, Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, told CNN the panel “is completely in solidarity” on moving fast to pursue criminal contempt charges for those who evade subpoena deadlines.
“Every single person on the committee recognizes how important it is for us to make sure that we enforce our subpoenas and that we do so expeditiously,” Cheney said.
The sense that time is finite reflects the fact that the committee — the final manifestation of a formal accounting process that pro-Trump Republicans tried to strangle — is the last chance to provide an official historic record and to find the truth about January 6 before Americans next vote in a national election next year.
Leaders of the Democrat-heavy panel previously pledged to complete the probe by early next spring, before the midterm campaign consumes Washington.
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And there, people, is what this whole MEDIA CIRCUS is all about, right there in those two sentences – it is about influencing the 29022 congressional elections in their favor by any means possible!
Yes, people, Bizarre Beyond Belief, and here I am referring to an article in the Guardian entitled “Capitol attack panel’s message to Steve Bannon: we won’t forget about you” by Richard Luscombe on 17 October 2021, where we have a real good look at just how stupid this whole WITCH HUNTERS saga really is, to wit:
Adam Kinzinger, one of two Republicans on the special committee investigating the deadly 6 January US Capitol attack, said on Sunday the pursuit of a criminal contempt referral against Steve Bannon was “the first shot over the bow” for allies of Donald Trump defying subpoenas to testify.
“It’s very real, but it says to anybody else coming in front of the committee, ‘Don’t think that you’re going to be able to just kind of walk away and we’re going to forget about you’,” Kinzinger, a vocal critic of the former president, told CNN’s State of the Union.
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Now, seriously, people, what kind of totally ridiculous statement is that?
This idiot Kinzinger sounds like something you would expect to find in a FASCIST COUNTRY, with those ridiculous threats of his, because while the House can indeed refer criminal charges of contempt of Congress to the Justice Department, that is all they can do, so what is with the threat other than to make this WITCH HUNTER Kinzinger sound like a real tough guy?
Getting back to that story, we have:
He added that the committee would not rule out calling Trump himself to testify, though he acknowledged that such a move was not imminent.
end quote
YAWN, Adam, talk is cheap, including tough talk from fools like you – if you are going to haul Trump before your KANGAROO COURT, then get it done and quit the waffling and posturing for the TV cameras!
Getting back to the story:
Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist, has declined to appear before the committee, or respond to the subpoena demanding documents and testimony, claiming executive privilege.
The committee will decide on Tuesday whether to make a criminal contempt referral to the full House of Representatives.
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And here we see the process that will have to play itself out if the WITCH HUNTERS vote to refer criminal contempt charges against Bannon – before they go to the Justice Department, the full house must vote to do so, and there is where this saga is going to become even more interesting with the debate in the full House over the criminal referral, and here, let us go for a second to the
Congressional Record – United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167, WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2021 No. 4, for the prayer that Nancy Pelosi had read that day as the session started, to wit:
The Chaplain, Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben, offered the following prayer:
O God, our refuge and our strength, a very present help in times of discord and trouble.
Mountains crumble, waters rage, nations roar, and yet we need not be afraid, for even now You abide with us in these times of great discord, uncertainty, and unrest.
We, who have pledged to defend our Constitution against all enemies, we pray Your hedge of protection around this Nation.
Defend us from those adversaries, both foreign and domestic, outside these walls and perhaps within these Chambers, who sow seeds of acrimony to divide colleagues and conspire to undermine trust in Your divine authority over all things.
The journey of this experiment in democracy is perilous and demanding, fraught with anger and discontent.
But wise rulers still seek You.
So help us, God, to find You in the midst of us.
So help us, God, to see Your gracious plan even in the events of these days.
So help us, God, to serve You and this Nation with Godliness and dignity.
We lay before You the gifts of our hopes, our dreams, our deliberations, and our debates, that You would be revealed and exalted among the people.
We pray these things in the strength of Your holy name.
end quotes
Yes, people, GOD was there that day to make sure that Joe Biden became the next president, and the Republicans were conspiring to undermine trust in GOD’s divine authority over all things, and then there was an insurrection and coup and here we are today, back to the Guardian, to wit:
Kinzinger, an Illinois congressman who was one of 10 House Republicans to vote for Trump’s impeachment in January following the insurrection, also said that Joe Biden was right to call for the prosecution of those who resisted subpoenas.
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And as the annoited of GOD, wouldn’t that be Joe Biden’s perogative?
Getting back to Adam Kinzinger, who appears to be a WARRIOR OF GOD here, we have further as follows:
“The president has every right to signal, I think he has every right to make it clear where the administration stands.”
“God knows the prior administration every two hours was trying to signal to the justice department,” Kinzinger said, referring to Trump’s prolific pressuring of the DOJ.
“But that has to do with other pretty horrific things, and I think the president has made it clear that we need answers to this.”
“The vast majority of Americans agree, so this potential criminal contempt referral for Steve Bannon is the first shot over the bow.”
end quotes
I wonder when the movie comes out if they will have Brad Pitt playing the part of Adam Kinzinger.
Should be very exciting when it comes out!
A real blockbuster, so be sure to not miss it!
According to the news out this morning, the WITCH HUNTERS have voted to send Steve Bannon to the gallows, so to speak euphemistically, and now the games begin anew as the referral of Bannon to face very serious criminal charges comes before the full House for debate before the matter can then be further referred to Joe Biden’s “Justice” Department so they can try Bannon as a criminal and get him convicted, so he can do some hard time as a reminder to anyone else out there in America who might think of flouting the power and majesty of Democrat Bennie Thompson and his Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS committee, and that brings us back to John T. WATKINS, Petitioner, v. UNITED STATES of America, Supreme Court, 354 U.S. 178, No. 261, argued March 7, 1957, decided June 17, 1957, Mr. Chief Justice WARREN delivering the opinion of the Court, and the language of the fatally flawed Authorizing Resolution of Nancy Pelosi, as follows:
Having exhausted the several possible indicia of the ‘question under inquiry,’ we remain unenlightened as to the subject to which the questions asked petitioner were pertinent.
Certainly, if the point is that obscure after trial and appeal, it was not adequately revealed to petitioner when he had to decide at his peril whether or not to answer.
Fundamental fairness demands that no witness be compelled to make such a determination with so little guidance.
Unless the subject matter has been made to appear with undisputable clarity, it is the duty of the investigative body, upon objection of the witness on grounds of pertinency, to state for the record the subject under inquiry at that time and the manner in which the propounded questions are pertinent thereto.
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Which takes us back to the question of how anything Steve Bannon might say can be pertinent to an inquiry into something the FBI says never happened, which is an insurrection.
This whole thing is so stupid it boggles my mind.
“Mr. Bannon, even though there really was not an insurrection, we are demanding that you tell us everything you know about the insurrection or you will rot in jail!”
Getting back to Watkins:
To be meaningful, the explanation must describe what the topic under inquiry is and the connective reasoning whereby the precise questions asked relate to it.
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And there is something I hope we all get to see with Bennie Thompson in court under oath being asked to do exactly that, which takes us back to Watkins, to wit:
The statement of the Committee Chairman in this case, in response to petitioner’s protest, was woefully inadequate to convey sufficient information as to the pertinency of the questions to the subject under inquiry.
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I wonder how Bennie Thompson will handle that query under oath, and I hope it is televised when Bennie gets called to testify at Bannon’s criminal trial.
Going back to Watkins again, we have:
Petitioner was thus not accorded a fair opportunity to determine whether he was within his rights in refusing to answer, and his conviction is necessarily invalid under the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.
We are mindful of the complexities of modern government and the ample scope that must be left to the Congress as the sole constitutional depository of legislative power.
Equally mindful are we of the indispensable function, in the exercise of that power, of congressional investigations.
The conclusions we have reached in this case will not prevent the Congress, through its committees, from obtaining any information it needs for the proper fulfillment of its role in our scheme of government.
The legislature is free to determine the kinds of data that should be collected.
It is only those investigations that are conducted by use of compulsory process that give rise to a need to protect the rights of individuals against illegal encroachment.
That protection can be readily achieved through procedures which prevent the separation of power from responsibility and which provide the constitutional requisites of fairness for witnesses.
A measure of added care on the part of the House and the Senate in authorizing the use of compulsory process and by their committees in exercising that power would suffice.
That is a small price to pay if it serves to uphold the principles of limited, constitutional government without constricting the power of the Congress to inform itself.
The judgment of the Court of Appeals is reversed, and the case is remanded to the District Court with instructions to dismiss the indictment.
It is so ordered.
end quotes
And such is how American history is made!
And such it was to be!
The making of history, I mean, and that is in reference to the full house in the House of Representatives voting to send the matter of the alleged contumacious witness Steve Bannon, a private citizen whom a shrill, shrieking and apparently hysterical Liz Cheney was quoted in an article in the Independent titled “Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection – Bannon ‘appears’ to have had ‘substantial advance knowledge of the plans for January 6th’” by Namita Singh on 20 October 2021 as saying as follows:
Steve Bannon’s refusal to cooperate in the investigation of the 6 January Capitol riots suggests that former president Donald Trump “was personally involved in the planning and execution” of the insurrection, Liz Cheney said on Tuesday.
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And how absolutely boringly stupid and ridiculous this charade becomes, because there was NO INSURRECTION, and accordingly, since there was NO INSURRECTION, neither Trump nor Bannon could have been involved in the planning and execution of something the Federal Bureau of Investigation, an arm of the United States Department of Justice, says did not happen, except in the fevered imagination of the shrill, shrieking, hysterical Liz Cheney, who appears to be shooting for an award for most hysterical actress in a daytime sit-com soap opera, which takes us back to the Independent for more Liz, as follows:
Ms Cheney, who is the committee’s vice-chair and one of two Republicans serving on it, said their investigation has shown that Mr Bannon “appears” to have had “substantial advance knowledge of the plans for January 6th and likely had an important role in formulating those plans.”
“Mr Bannon was in the war room at the Willard on January 6th.”
” He also appears to have detailed knowledge regarding the President’s efforts to sell millions of Americans the fraud that the election was stolen,” said the Republican representative from Wyoming.
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Notice all the qualifiers, such as “also appears to have detailed knowledge.”
That is proof of exactly NOTHING – “appears to have!”
But we are dealing with rabid, fervent Democrats here, people, WITCH HUNTERS, and so, for them, that “appears to have” is good enough.
And there for the moment, I will rest.
And while we have been occupied elsewhere, our attention distracted by the drama of the WITCH HUNTERS holding Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress, an interesting thought given the contempt that some 80% of Americans have for the Democrat-controlled HOUSE OF NANCY, or NANCY’s House, the WITCH HUNTERS themselves have been busy, which takes us to an Associated Press story entitled “Former Justice Dept. lawyer cuts Jan. 6 deposition short” by Mary Clare Jalonick on 6 November 2021 where we have a LOYAL AMERICAN standing up to the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS, to wit:
WASHINGTON (AP) — A former assistant attorney general who aligned himself with former President Donald Trump after he lost the 2020 election has declined to be fully interviewed by a House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, ending a deposition after around 90 minutes Friday.
Jeffrey Clark, who championed Trump’s efforts to overturn the election, presented the committee with a letter saying he would not answer questions based on Trump’s assertions of executive privilege, including in an ongoing court case, according to a person familiar with the closed-door meeting who was granted anonymity to discuss it.
Clark left the interview with his lawyer, who told reporters that they were heading “home.”
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As a LOYAL AMERICAN sick of all the CRAP we have been getting from these out-of-control Democrats since Hillary Clinton lost to Trump,, which set the Democrats off on a snarling, snapping foam-at-the-mouth rampage to destroy Trump any possible way that they could, including the TWO famous FAILED IMPEACHMENTS, first by the pencil-necked smarmy WITCH HUNTER from Disneyland Adam Schiff, and then by ACE HOTSHOT CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR Jamie Raskin, when I read that about him getting up and walking out on these WITCH HUNTERS, I truly had to say, good for him.
And that takes us to Mr. Justice Black, with whom The Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Douglas concur, dissenting in Barenblatt v. United States (1959), as follows:
The Court today affirms, and thereby sanctions the use of the contempt power to enforce questioning by congressional committees in the realm of speech and association.
I cannot agree with this disposition of the case for I believe that the resolution establishing the House Un-American Activities Committee and the questions that Committee asked Barenblatt violate the Constitution in several respects.
(1) Rule XI creating the Committee authorizes such a sweeping, unlimited, all-inclusive and undiscriminating compulsory examination of witnesses in the field of speech, press, petition and assembly that it violates the procedural requirements of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.
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Yes, people the PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS of the DUE PROCESS CLAUSE of the Fifth Amendment to OUR Constitution, the same Constitution the Democrats shredded on 6 January 2021.
Just as the resolution establishing the House Un-American Activities Committee in Barenblatt violated the Constitution in several respects, as Rule XI creating the Committee authorized such a sweeping, unlimited, all-inclusive and undiscriminating compulsory examination of witnesses in the field of speech, press, petition and assembly that it violated the procedural requirements of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment, so too does the flawed Authorizing Resolution for the WITCH HUNTERS committee that Virginia’s tough-talking Elaine Luria is a member of, to wit:
H.Res.503 – Establishing the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.
117th Congress (2021-2022)
Sponsor: Rep. Pelosi, Nancy [D-CA-12] (Introduced 06/28/2021)
In the House of Representatives, U. S., June 30, 2021.
Whereas January 6, 2021, was one of the darkest days of our democracy, during which insurrectionists attempted to impede Congress’s Constitutional mandate to validate the presidential election.
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Now, focus on the word “insurrectionists.”
In the United States of America, “insurrectionists” are criminals, violators of federal law, so that Authorizing Resolution is in fact an ACCUSATORY INSTRUMENT, i.e., the document that is used to charge a person with a crime, except the Authorizing Resolution is a BLANKET ACCUSATORY, being used by the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS to criminalize THOUSANDS of Americans who happened to be anywhere near the Capitol that day, which is a power Congress simply does not have, which brings us back to Barenblatt, to wit:
(3) The Committee proceedings were part of a legislative program to stigmatize and punish by public identification and exposure all witnesses considered by the Committee to be guilty of Communist affiliations, as well as all witnesses who refused to answer Committee questions on constitutional grounds; the Committee was thus improperly seeking to try, convict, and punish suspects, a task which the Constitution expressly denies to Congress and grants exclusively to the courts, to be exercised by them only after indictment and in full compliance with all the safeguards provided by the Bill of Rights.
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As was the case in Barenblatt, the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS Committee proceedings are part of a Democrat legislative program to stigmatize and punish by public identification and exposure all witnesses considered by the Committee to be guilty of Republican party affiliations, as well as all witnesses who refuse to answer Committee questions on constitutional grounds so that the Pelosi-0ite WITCH HUNTERS are also improperly seeking to try, convict, and punish suspects, a task which the Constitution expressly denies to Congress and grants exclusively to the courts, to be exercised by them only after indictment and in full compliance with all the safeguards provided by the Bill of Rights.
So where are there any indictments of people for insurrection on 6 January 2021, outside of the Pelosi Authoring Resolution, that is?
What proof, what indisputable evidence are any of these WITCH HUNTERS including Virginia’s Elaine Luria is possessed of that proves beyond a doubt that anyone in Washington, D.C. on 6 January 2021 was an insurrectionist?
And the only answer to that question to date is they have none, but since we are dealing with DEMOCRATS here, actually, they don’t need proof, or evidence, anymore that Joe Stalin did back when.
Like Joe Stalin, these DEMOCRATS know who is naughty, they know who is nice, they know who is guilty of something, and who isn’t, and so, proof and evidence really are superfluous, which is really the way things should be in a DEMOCRAT DEMOCRACY, because it is the right thing to do.
Getting back to that Associated Press story, it continues as follows:
Clark, who was subpoenaed by the committee to appear, would not answer any questions from reporters as he departed.
In a statement Friday evening, Rep. Bennie Thompson, the committee’s chairman, confirmed that Clark refused to answer questions and said it was unacceptable.
He said he had rejected the claims of privilege and said Clark “has a very short time” to reconsider and cooperate.
“It’s astounding that someone who so recently held a position of public trust to uphold the Constitution would now hide behind vague claims of privilege by a former President, refuse to answer questions about an attack on our democracy, and continue an assault on the rule of law,” Thompson said.
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What a WINDBAG that WITCH HUNTER and CHIEF INQUISITOR Bennie Thompson is!
A real honest-to-gosh joke with his empty blather about RULE OF LAW when it is the WITCH HUNTERS themselves who are making the mockery out of the concept of RULE OF LAW.
If there is an assault on the rule of law, look no further than the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS for the guilty parties on that count.
Getting back to the story and the MASSIVE FISHING EXPEDITION the WITCH HUNTERS are conducting as they try to create a narrative that will turn people against the Republicans en masse come the 2022 congressional elections, we have more as follows:
Amid the legal wrangling, the House panel has struggled to gain cooperation from some of Trump’s other top allies — including his longtime associate Steve Bannon and former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows — as it conducts a sweeping investigation outside of public view.
The committee has so far interviewed more than 150 witnesses so far, according to two people familiar with the interviews who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss them.
The interviews have included a broad swath of former and current executive branch officials, Trump campaign aides, law enforcement officials and others.
The panel has also talked to several people who helped organize a rally the morning of Jan. 6 where Trump told his supporters to “fight like hell.”
The committee has also interviewed Justice Department officials who were in office after the election.
Thompson said Clark’s “refusal to answer questions about the former President’s attempt to use the Department of Justice to overturn the election is in direct contrast to his supervisors at the Department, who have come in and answered the committee’s questions on these important topics.”
Clark is one of almost 20 people the committee has subpoenaed so far.
Thompson wrote in Clark’s subpoena that the committee’s probe “has revealed credible evidence that you attempted to involve the Department of Justice in efforts to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power” and his efforts “risked involving the Department of Justice in actions that lacked evidentiary foundation and threatened to subvert the rule of law.”
It is unclear whether the panel will move to hold Clark in contempt of Congress, as they did with Bannon.
Thompson said the committee needs the information Clark is withholding and is willing “to take strong measures” to hold him accountable.
The House voted last month to recommend the charges against Bannon, and it is now up to the Justice Department to decide whether to prosecute.
As they voted to hold Bannon in contempt, lawmakers on the panel — including two Republicans — made clear they would fight any assertions of executive privilege, which was developed over the years to protect a president’s private conversations and communications.
Thompson said then that the panel “won’t be deterred” by any such claims.
A federal judge hearing the case also appeared to question Trump’s assertions this week, expressing skepticism when Trump’s lawyers argued the House panel did not have a legislative purpose for obtaining the documents.
“The Jan. 6 riot happened in the Capitol,” said U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan.
“That is literally Congress’ house.”
The House committee could pursue similar contempt charges against Meadows and former Trump administration aides Dan Scavino and Kashyap Patel, who have all been in extended discussions with the committee about testifying after they were subpoenaed.
Despite Trump’s false claims about a stolen election — the primary motivation for the violent mob that broke into the Capitol and interrupted the certification of Biden’s victory — the results were confirmed by state officials and upheld by the courts.
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And there we are with more of this BULL**** DEMOCRAT MIND-READING ABILITY that allows Democrats to know what thousands of people in Washington, D.C. on 6 January 2021, including one confirmed Democrat wearing a MAGA hat, were thinking on 6 January 2021.
Makes for a pretty efficient system of getting rid of people you don’t want on the planet when you come right down to it, which is why Joe Stalin used that method, choosing the path of repression and physical annihilation, not only against actual enemies, but also against individuals who had not committed any crimes against the Party and the Soviet Government.
And before we go to a Reuters article entitled “Trump allies Flynn, Miller, Eastman, others subpoenaed by Jan 6 committee” by Patricia Zengerle on November 8, 2021, where we were informed that the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS continued their FISHING EXPEDITION by issuing subpoenas seeking documents and testimony from six more associates of former President Donald Trump, including top aides from his re-election campaign, and a CNBC article entitled “Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, Stephen Miller and other White House officials subpoenaed in Jan. 6 House probe” by Dan Mangan on 9 November 2021, where we were informed that the WITCH HUNTERS also subpoenaed former Trump White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany to testify in the investigation, which shows not only the people of this nation but of the world as well just how intent these WITCH HUNTERS are on getting to the bottom of things here, let us go back once more to the the flawed Authorizing Resolution for the WITCH HUNTERS committee that Virginia’s tough-talking Elaine Luria is a member of, to wit:
H.Res.503 – Establishing the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.
117th Congress (2021-2022)
Sponsor: Rep. Pelosi, Nancy [D-CA-12] (Introduced 06/28/2021)
In the House of Representatives, U. S., June 30, 2021.
Whereas January 6, 2021, was one of the darkest days of our democracy, during which insurrectionists attempted to impede Congress’s Constitutional mandate to validate the presidential election.
end quotes
Now, besides noticing that that authorizing resolution is in fact an accusatory instrument that puts NANCY’S HOUSE on the same footing as a court of law, despite the fact that the House of Representatives is not a court of law, what other serious flaw do we see contained therein?
How about these words, to wit: attempted to impede Congress’s Constitutional mandate to validate the presidential election.
Is that true?
Or is that yet more Pelosi-ite BULLCRAP heaped on top of a mountain of Pelosi-ite HORSE**** that she has been spewing since 2016 when Trump beat Hillary Clinton?
Was there a Constitutional mandate to validate the presidential election on 6 January 2021?
Not according to the Twelfth Amendment of OUR Constitution, the same Constitution rejected on 6 January 2021 by Nancy Pelosi and the Pro-Biden/Anti Rule of Law Democrats, where we have as follows with regard to a contested election like the flawed and illegitimate presidential election of 2020, to wit:
And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President.
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And here in the contested 2020 presidential election, where at least Arizona and Pennsylvania set aside OUR Constitution to make Joe Biden president, the right of choice clearly did devolve upon the House of Representatives who had NO Constitutional mandate to validate the Joe Biden’s election, and that Constitutional language makes it patently clear that on 6 January 2021, there was no Constitutional necessity to choose Joe Biden, and the Constitution in that case clearly made provision for a peaceful transfer of power from Trump to Mike Pence, until such time as the Constitutional issues with Arizona and Pennsylvania were rectified, but since the Pro-Biden Democrats rejected that Constitutional language as being un-constitutional, Joe Biden was awarded the presidency instead by Nancy Pelosi, which takes us to the Reuters article and some very irresponsible reporting and editing, as follows:
WASHINGTON, Nov 8 (Reuters) – The U.S. congressional committee probing the deadly Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol issued subpoenas seeking documents and testimony from six more associates of former President Donald Trump, including top aides from his re-election campaign.
They are William Stepien, manager of Republican Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign; Jason Miller, senior adviser to the campaign; Angela McCallum, national executive assistant to the campaign; John Eastman, an attorney for Trump; Michael Flynn, who was briefly Trump’s national security advisor, and Bernard Kerik, a former New York City police commissioner.
The Democratic-led House of Representatives Select Committee wants those subpoenaed to sit for depositions scheduled for between Nov. 30 and Dec. 13.
The panel has now issued 25 subpoenas and received testimony from more than 150 witnesses.
More subpoenas are expected as soon as this week.
The subpoenas announced on Monday largely focus on Trump associates believed to have strategized about ways to overturn the results of the November 2020 election, including those who spent time at a “command center” at Washington’s historic Willard Hotel set up to steer efforts to deny Democrat Joe Biden his victory.
Eastman in particular has been under intense scrutiny.
He spoke at the Jan. 6 rally where Trump gave a fiery speech alleging election fraud and urging supports to march on the Capitol.
Eastman also wrote a memo outlining how, in his view, then-Vice President Mike Pence could thwart formal congressional certification of Trump’s re-election loss.
Pence ultimately declined to follow Eastman’s advice.
“In the days before the January 6th attack, the former President’s closest allies and advisors drove a campaign of misinformation about the election and planned ways to stop the count of Electoral College votes,” Representative Bennie Thompson, chairman of the Select Committee, said in a statement.
“The Select Committee needs to know every detail about their efforts to overturn the election, including who they were talking to in the White House and in Congress, what connections they had with rallies that escalated into a riot, and who paid for it all,” Thompson said.
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Congressional overreach, anyone?
Or worse?
Getting back to that story we have more as follows:
More than 670 people have been charged with taking part in the riot at the Capitol as Congress and Pence were to certify Biden’s defeat of Trump.
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And talk about an intentionally misleading statement there by the media, that’s a good example, because while those people have indeed been arrested, many of them were not charged in any way with “rioting,” nor has anyone been charged with being an insurrectionist.
Let us go to the Pro-Democrat/Anti-Trump Brit publication The Guardian and the article “Revealed: majority of people charged in Capitol attack aren’t in jail” by Lois Beckett in Los Angeles on 28 May 2021, where we have the following statistics on who has been arrested and why, to wit:
At least 70% of people charged in the Capitol riot have been released as they wait for trial, according to a Guardian analysis.
Many Capitol defendants are being released ahead of trial because they are facing relatively low-level charges, experts said, though other factors, including racial bias, may also play a role.
By mid-May, at least 440 people had been arrested on charges related to the 6 January Capitol breach, according to the justice department, including at least 125 charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement.
Many of the Capitol defendants are facing only relatively low-level federal charges, such as entering a restricted building or disorderly conduct within a restricted building.
A Washington Post analysis of court documents in mid-May concluded that 44% of the Capitol defendants faced only misdemeanor charges.
Some more serious potential charges, like conspiracy or seditious conspiracy, would require evidence of prior agreement to commit a crime that appears to be lacking for many participants in the chaotic Capitol mob, said Daniel Richman, a Columbia University law professor and former federal prosecutor.
“When you look at each individual, what they did might amount to destruction of property or illegal entry, and that’s in all likelihood what they’ll be charged with, but the larger dimension of their participation in a massive attack falls by the wayside,” Richman said.
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So that tells quite a bit different story than what Reuters is trying to peddle above here, which takes us to this ridiculous statement in that story, to wit:
It was the worst attack on the seat of the U.S. government since the War of 1812 and the only time power in the United States has not been transferred peacefully.
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The only time power in the United States has not been transferred peacefully?
That’s stupid, because there is NO TRANSFER of power in the United States of America on 6 January 2021.
Counting electoral college votes does not a transfer of power make.
It is the Twentieth Amendment of OUR Constitution, the same Constitution the Democrats renounced on 6 January 2021, that provides for the transfer of power in the United States of America, OUR nation, as follows:
The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.
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OUR Constitution provides for a transfer of Power on 20 January, not 6 January, and on 20 January 2021, there was in fact a very peaceful transfer or power, with Joe Biden being provided unimpeded and peaceful access to the white house.
In addition to providing foe the transfer of power on 20 January, the Twentieth Amendment further provides as follows:
If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.
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So, once again, it is clear from that constitutional language that Congress was under no obligation whatsoever on 6 January 2021 to certify Joe Biden as president.
So why doesn’t Reuters know that, given it is very basic information every American schoolchild should know cold by the time they are in the fifth grade?
And that takes us to the CNBC story “Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, Stephen Miller and other White House officials subpoenaed in Jan. 6 House probe” by Dan Mangan on November 9, 2021, where we learn as follows about the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS issuing a subpoena for former Trump White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany to testify in their investigation into the events of January 6, 2021, deemed by Nancy Pelosi one of the darkest days of our democracy, during which insurrectionists attempted to impede Congress’s Constitutional mandate to validate the presidential election,
Even though there really were no “insurrectionists” in Washington, D.C. on 6 January 2021, outside of the vivid and fevered and possibly insane imagination of Nancy Pelosi, and even though there was no Constitutional mandate for Congress to validate the presidential election, again, outside of the fevered mind of Nancy Pelosi, still in all, former Trump White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany is being called before the WITCH HUNTERS to not only have to pretend that there really were insurrectionists in Washington,D.C. on 6 January 2021 attempting to impede Congress’s Constitutional mandate to validate the presidential election, but further, they expect her to testify that she was really part of the cause, which takes us back to that article as follows:
The House committee probing the Jan. 6 Capitol riot on Tuesday subpoenaed former Trump White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, senior advisor Stephen Miller and other ex-White House officials to testify in the investigation and provide relevant documents.
In addition to McEnany, ex-officials issued subpoenas include former White House personnel director John McEntee, former deputy chief of staff Christopher Liddell, and ex-Vice President Mike Pence’s national security advisor Keith Kellogg.
The other subpoena recipients are Nicholas Luna, who served as personal assistant to then-President Donald Trump, Cassidy Hutchinson, who was his special assistant for legislative affairs, Kenneth Klukowski, former senior counsel to Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark, Benjamin Williamson, who served as senior advisor to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and Molly Michael, who served as Oval Office operations coordinator.
The latest round of subpoenas came a day after the same panel issued subpoenas to six top allies of Trump’s.
In a statement announcing the subpoenas, the committee noted that McEnany “made multiple public statements from the White House and elsewhere about purported fraud in the November 2020 election.”
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Which means, by God, that she is guilty, period!
How much more evidence is needed by the WITCH HUNTERS that that?
If they heard her say something, anything, actually, that they could construe as her causing the insurrection that wasn’t on 6 January 2021, then that is sufficient to establish her guilt, and if she refuses like Bannon, to put herself into that trap, and trap it most certainly is, where the WITCH HUNTERS have predetermined that serious crimes took place on 6 January 2021, even though that is a judicial branch function, not a legislative branch function in OUR Constitutional form of government the Pro-Biden/Anti-Rule of Law Democrats rejected on 6 January 2021, then the WITCH HUNTERS will come after her like the Hounds of Hell and charge her with contempt, which takes us back to that story, as follows:
The panel said that at the first White House press conference after the 2020 presidential election, “McEnany claimed that there were ‘very real claims’ of fraud that the former President’s reelection campaign was pursuing, and said that mail-in voting was something that ‘we have identified as being particularly prone to fraud.’”
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Now, people, take a very good look at those two claims by these out-of-control WITCH HUNTERS, to wit:
* McEnany claimed that there were ‘very real claims’ of fraud that the former President’s reelection campaign was pursuing; and
* Mail-in voting was something that ‘we have identified as being particularly prone to fraud.’
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And ask yourselves this important question, people – what is there that is incriminating in either instance?
Is mail-in voting prone to fraud?
Or is that a false statement?
How about an Albany, New York Times Union story entitled “Ballot fraud allegations swirl in Rensselaer County” by Brendan J. Lyons and Rebekah F. Ward on Nov. 8, 2021, where we have as follows:
RENSSELAER – The State Police recently launched an investigation into allegations of widespread absentee-ballot fraud that have been swirling in Rensselaer County in the wake of Tuesday’s elections, including in several tight races in the city of Rensselaer that remain undecided.
The accusations, leveled by opposing Republican and Democratic camps, are being made in a year in which a high number of absentee ballots were issued to political operatives and campaign volunteers on behalf of voters who authorized the individuals to handle their ballot.
The State Police investigation is examining absentee ballots in the city of Rensselaer, where Republican incumbent Mayor Michael E. Stammel and a Democratic challenger, former Mayor Richard J. Mooney, were separated by a handful of votes heading into Monday, when the absentee ballots began to be counted.
A criminal complaint that sparked the probe was filed by Todd Rutecki, a campaign volunteer for Mooney.
The complaint included an affidavit signed by Shawn Redden, a local mason, who claimed he never authorized anyone to apply for an absentee ballot on his behalf.
Public records indicate an absentee ballot application allegedly signed by Redden was time-stamped at the county Board of Elections on Oct. 21.
The ballot application gave Teresa Merriman authorization to pick up a blank ballot on his behalf.
She is a clerk on the county legislative staff where Stammel also serves as chairman of the Legislature.
Ed McDonough, the Democratic elections commissioner in Rensselaer County, said an executive order that remained in place this year due to the pandemic allowed “no-excuse” absentee voting, resulting in an extraordinarily high number of “release to” ballots — a term that describes the practice of someone authorizing another person to pick-up and submit their sealed absentee ballot to the board of elections.
A ballot proposal that would have allowed the Legislature to change Election Law to make “no-excuse” absentee voting permanent was defeated by voters last week.
But without rules limiting who can vote by absentee ballot, politicians have been raising allegations of fraud.
In one instance, McDonough said, roughly 66 absentee ballots were handled on behalf of about 90 residents of an elderly care residence in north Troy.
He said his office had learned some of those residents allegedly felt pressured to sign the absentee ballot applications, which were handled by their building’s manager.
“We started getting phone calls from people, more so friends of residents, who were reaching out on their behalf because the residents were feeling intimidated by (the candidate) to actually get the ballot and give it to (the person),” he said.
“I reached out to the state Board of Elections and I said I had spoken to three different people; however, of the three people, none of them were willing to file a complaint.”
McDonough said the residents conveyed that they were afraid of being evicted from their residence if they didn’t vote or filed a complaint.
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And that takes us to this exchange that took place on 6 January 2021 in the NANCY’S HOUSE, to wit:
Hearing none, this certificate from Wisconsin, the Parliamentarian has advised, is the only certificate from that State that purports to be a return from the State and that has annexed to it a certificate of an authority from the State purporting to appoint or ascertain electors.
Mr. President, the certificate of the electoral vote of the State of Wisconsin seems to be regular in form and authentic, and it appears therefrom that Joseph R. Biden, Jr., of the State of Delaware received 10 votes for President and KAMALA D. HARRIS of the State of California received 10 votes for Vice President.
For what purpose does the gentleman from Texas rise?
Mr. President, I object to the electoral votes of the State of Wisconsin because 71 House Members, all of who condemn violence as we witnessed today, are firmly committed to the resolution of disagreements in civil, lawful, peaceful institutions with full and fair debate, free of violence.
And though not a single court has allowed an evidentiary hearing to listen to the significant body of evidence of fraud, and though some seize on the court’s failure to misrepresent that no court would listen to the evidence as saying evidence did not exist; while Democrat leaders in Milwaukee illegally and unconstitutionally created more than 200 illegal polling places; tens of thousands of votes were changed by workers, despite election workers’ objections, plus so many other illegalities to fraudulently create a 20,000-vote lead, we object, along with a Senator who now has withdrawn his objection.
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My goodness, he mentioned fraud as well, so should he be called before the WITCH HUNTERS, as well?
And what about Jaime Lynn Herrera Beutler, born November 3, 1978, an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for Washington’s 3rd congressional district, whom stated thusly on 6 January 2021, to wit:
Look, I believe this was not a fraud-free election.
I believe that there were problems in Pennsylvania and in Georgia.
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How is that any different from what former Trump White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany is accused by the WITCH HUNTERS of saying?
Going back to that article, we have:
In its statement, the panel also noted that “McEnany was reportedly present at times with the former President as he watched the January 6th attack.”
Rep. Bennie Thompson, the Mississippi Democrat who is chairman of the probe panel, in a statement said, “The Select Committee wants to learn every detail of what went on in the White House on January 6th and in the days beforehand.”
“We need to know precisely what role the former President and his aides played in efforts to stop the counting of the electoral votes and if they were in touch with anyone outside the White House attempting to overturn the outcome of the election,” Thompson said.
“We believe the witnesses subpoenaed today have relevant information and we expect them to comply fully with the Select Committee’s investigation as we work to get answers for the American people, make recommendations on changes to the law to protect our democracy, and help ensure that nothing like January 6th ever happens again.”
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And let us stop right there with that statement from CHIEF INQUISITOR and HEAD WITCH HUNTER Bennie Thompson about making recommendations on changes to the law to protect our democracy, and help ensure that nothing like January 6th ever happens again, an impossibility outside of a rigidly controlled POLICE STATE, where he is trying to legitimize the WITCH HUNTERS, despite having a fatally flawed authorizing resolution, by pretending there is a legitimate legislative purpose to what are in fact extra-judicial proceedings in the House of Representatives.
And as this train with flat wheels and no brakes dubbed the WITCH HUNTER’S SPECIAL careens downhill towards a coming train wreck, and with CHIEF INQUISITOR and HEAD WITCH HUNTER Bennie Thompson now on record talking about making recommendations on changes to the law to protect our democracy, without really saying what law or laws he is thinking of changing to protect the democracy of the Democrats that they used to put Joe Biden into the white house as an illegitimate president, and to help ensure that nothing like January 6th ever happens again, an impossibility outside of a rigidly controlled POLICE STATE, where he is trying to legitimize the WITCH HUNTERS, despite having a fatally flawed authorizing resolution, by pretending there is a legitimate legislative purpose to what are in fact extra-judicial proceedings in the House of Representatives, let us go to a CNN article hot off the press with screaming headlines proclaiming “Federal grand jury indicts former Trump adviser Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress” so chock full of facts it took not one, not two, not three, but four fully grown CNN correspondents to write them all, they being Hannah Rabinowitz, Jessica Schneider, Evan Perez, Paula Reid and Zachary Cohen, on November 12, 2021, where we learned about what has to be called a SLAM-DUNK, as follows:
(CNN) – A federal grand jury has returned an indictment against former Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress, the Justice Department announced Friday.
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That is hardly a surprise that Bannon was indicted by a federal grand jury, which indictment now means that Bannon is on his way to the United States Supreme Court to challenge the WITCH HUNTERS jurisdiction over his person as a private person in America pursuant to John T. WATKINS, Petitioner, v. UNITED STATES of America, No. 261, argued March 7, 1957, decided June 17, 1957, Mr. Chief Justice WARREN delivering the opinion of the Court, as follows:
We granted certiorari because of the very important questions of constitutional law presented. 352 U.S. 822, 77 S.Ct. 62, 1 L.Ed.2d 46.
We start with several basic premises on which there is general agreement.
The power of the Congress to conduct investigations is inherent in the legislative process.
That power is broad.
It encompasses inquiries concerning the administration of existing laws as well as proposed or possibly needed statutes.
It includes surveys of defects in our social, economic or political system for the purpose of enabling the Congress to remedy them.
It comprehends probes into departments of the Federal Government to expose corruption, inefficiency or waste.
But, broad as is this power of inquiry, it is not unlimited.
There is no general authority to expose the private affairs of individuals without justification in terms of the functions of the Congress.
This was freely conceded by the Solicitor General in his argument of this case.
Nor is the Congress a law enforcement or trial agency.
These are functions of the executive and judicial departments of government.
No inquiry is an end in itself; it must be related to, and in furtherance of, a legitimate task of the Congress.
Investigations conducted solely for the personal aggrandizement of the investigators or to ‘punish’ those investigated are indefensible.
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Yes, indeed, it is going to be a very interesting appeal, assuming which is not a certainty at all, that Bannon were to actually be convicted after a fair trial, which takes us back to CNN for some partisan political BULL**** from Biden-ista Merrick Garland, to wit:
Attorney General Merrick Garland has been under tremendous political pressure to indict Bannon since the House referred the Trump ally to the Justice Department for contempt on October 21.
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And my goodness, let us not kid ourselves here – of course he was has been under tremendous political pressure to indict Bannon since the House referred the Trump ally to the Justice Department for contempt on October 21, because thi8s WITCH HUNT and KANGAROO COURT being conducted by Bennie and the WITCH HUNTERS is very much political, which takes us back to CNN and Merrick Garland, to wit:
“Since my first day in office, I have promised Justice Department employees that together we would show the American people by word and deed that the Department adheres to the rule of law, follows the facts and the law, and pursues equal justice under the law,” Garland said in a statement Friday.
“Today’s charges reflect the Department’s steadfast commitment to these principles.”
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Oh, really?
And how many of those people you just smeared there, Merrick, were DOJ employees when Trump was president?
Are you saying, Merrick, as you blatantly play at partisan politics here, that when you took over the DOJ, that there were Justice Department employees who were not by word and deed adhering to the rule of law, nor following the facts and the law, nor pursuing equal justice under the law?
Did you fire them all?
Getting back to CNN and the fate of Steve Bannon, who is now Supreme Court bound, we have, to wit:
Bannon, 67, was charged with one count related to his refusal to appear for a deposition and another related to his refusal to produce documents.
Each count carries a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of one year in jail, the Justice Department said.
Without an indictment, critics have said, there’s doubt over how much power the House January 6 select committee has to compel cooperation from former White House and Trump administration officials.
Friday, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows failed to appear for a deposition, sources familiar with the investigation told CNN, setting up a potential showdown that could lead to the panel beginning a criminal referral process against him as well.
And last week, former Trump Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark, who had been subpoenaed, appeared before the committee for more than an hour but declined to answer questions.
“The grand jury was presented with overwhelming and irrefutable evidence of Steve Bannon’s violation of a congressional subpoena,” Rep. Jamie Raskin, a Maryland Democrat who’s a select committee member, told CNN.
“The justice system of the United States is not going to tolerate these contemptuous violations of the rule of law,” he added.
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Which raises the very serious question of how this WITCH HUNTER and ACE CRACKERJACK DEMOCRAT CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR Jaime Raskin, the author of the famous SECOND FAILED TRUMP IMPEACHMENT, knew what was presented to the grand jury, given that here in America, OUR country, grand jury proceedings are secret, because secrecy prevents those under scrutiny from fleeing or importuning the grand jurors, encourages full disclosure by witnesses, and protects the innocent from unwarranted prosecution, among other things.
So how did Jaime Raskin then know about what took place in the grand jury that indicted Bannon for contempt?
Is Merrick Garland unlawfully and illegally leaking grand jury proceedings to Jaime Raskin, which would be a serious breach of law, indeed.
Getting back to CNN:
The case has been referred to District Judge Carl Nichols, who was appointed by Trump.
The House January 6 committee subpoenaed documents and testimony from Bannon in early October.
Bannon’s lawyer, Robert Costello, told the committee the former Trump adviser would not be cooperating with the investigation because he had been directed not to by Trump.
Pointing to claims from the former President that the documents and testimony being sought were potentially protected by executive privilege, Bannon’s lawyer told the committee that “the executive privileges belong to President Trump” and “we must accept his direction and honor his invocation of executive privilege.”
President Joe Biden’s White House has declined to assert executive privilege regarding witnesses and documents related to January 6, citing the extraordinary nature of the attack on the Capitol.
The White House counsel’s office has written to Bannon’s attorney to tell him it won’t support his refusals to testify.
The White House declined to comment on Friday’s indictment.
In seeking his cooperation, the committee has pointed to reports that Bannon spoke to Trump in the lead-up to the Capitol riot, that he was present in the so-called “war room” of Trump allies at the Willard hotel in Washington as the attack was unfolding and that he made comments on his podcast the previous day predicting that “all hell” was “going to break loose” the next day.
“In short, Mr. Bannon appears to have played a multi-faceted role in the events of January 6th, and the American people are entitled to hear his first-hand testimony regarding his actions,” the House committee said in its report putting forward a contempt resolution against Bannon.
Legal experts also have expressed skepticism about Bannon’s decision not to comply with the subpoena, given that the question of whether Trump as a former President can assert privilege is unsettled and that Bannon was not working for the government in the period being examined by the committee.
The criminal case against Bannon could take years to unfold in court, and a successful prosecution isn’t a certainty.
Historically, criminal contempt of Congress cases have been derailed by juries sympathetic to the defendants and by appeals rulings.
Bannon’s case is likely to raise novel legal questions about executive privilege and about the House’s ability to enforce its investigative subpoenas when it seeks information about the executive branch.
The House has pinned its hopes on the prosecution of Bannon as well, with the committee trying to make him an example of the possible consequences for uncooperative witnesses.
Democratic Rep. Pete Aguilar of California told CNN that Meadows should be watching closely after skipping Friday’s deposition appearance.
“Mark Meadows should take note,” Aguilar said.
“We expect answers to lawful subpoenas.”
Select Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat, and Vice Chairwoman Liz Cheney, a Wyoming Republican, said in a statement on Friday that Meadows’ actions force the panel to consider criminal contempt against Trump’s former chief of staff.
“If his defiance persists and that process moves ahead, the record will reveal the wide range of matters the Select Committee wished to discuss with Mr. Meadows until his decision to hide behind the former President’s spurious claims of privilege,” the lawmakers said.
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And as they say in the media bidness, people, that is the news!
But it is not all the news, just the breaking news, so please, stay tuned, because the WITCH HUNTERS SPECIAL is just now starting to jump the tracks, so it promises to be an exciting show yet to come, courtesy of the grand pallidum of American liberty, the Cape Charles Mirror, without which we would all be in the dark as to what goes on in what is supposed to be our nation’s capital, but in fact right now is a Democrat-occupied city that is a clear and present danger to the future of OUR Republic.
And as the Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTERS ramp up their subpoena mill to warp speed, let us take a moment to review a video from Wed, December 8, 2021, 11:37 PM entitled “Fmr. Impeachment Mgr.: Meadows’ lawsuit against Jan. 6 Cmte. undermines rule of law,” which is the most absurd HORSE**** to pour forth from these Democrats, to wit:
In that video, we have as follows:
Rep. Eric Swalwell and Rep. Ted Lieu join Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss what the frivolous lawsuit from Mark Meadows and the Trump team stonewalling the January 6 Committee means for its investigation and the trickle-down effect on the rule of law, as Rep. Swalwell says, “If people start to believe that law and order doesn’t matter anymore, then as a democracy and as a country, we’re lost.”
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And talk about some real red meat, people, there it is right before our eyes, because filing lawsuits against these WITCH HUNTERS, who are the ones truly undermining RULE OF LAW, just as they did on 6 January 2021, is an exercise in upholding RULE OF LAW, and don’t let these Democrats tell you otherwise.
And people start to believe that law and order doesn’t matter anymore when they are taught by their “leaders,” Nancy Pelosi, Charley “Chuck” Schumer, the pencil-necked Adam Schiff who blew the first Trump impeachment, Jamie Raskin, the crack Democrat constitutional scholar who blew the second Trump impeachment, and Virginia’s Elaine Luria, that law and order do not apply to them, so why then should it apply to anyone?
That is when as a democracy and as a country, we’re lost, and we are most certainly on the road there right now, which brings us to this novel concept the WITCH HUNTERS are hurling around as they bluster and posture and hurl charges, which is “CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS,” which I in turn call the American people holding this farce of a congress in the contempt it deserves to be held in, which takes us to a Gallup Poll question, “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job,” where in the period Nov 1-16, 2021, only 20% approved, while 77% disapproved, and 3% had no opinion.
So talk about the American people holding congress in contempt, because the Democrat congress is so contemptible, there we have it because numbers don’t lie.
Only the Democrats and their media lackeys do that, which is what makes them so contemptible.