February 19, 2025

1 thought on “School Alternatives: The Church-Based Micro School

  1. I read your article with interest as I have been teaching and leading school programs for over 40 years. Because I look for a balanced approach to news, I was disappointed there wasn’t even a mention of the “ other side” of the issue. What are the down-sides? Only one expert or proponent was quoted. That seems a bit lazy to me.
    Do school leaders typically have education experience? How are major decisions made? Are special needs children turned away?
    Is the curriculum research based?
    This seems more like a sponsored ad…

    Editor’s Note: The reason we cover school alternatives is because the people that have been involved in our education system for 40 years have been doing such a wonderful job (not). Micro schools, and in particular Fatih Based microschools are very new. The Mirror is exploring this very new concept, and you can call us lazy, but this is the 3rd article we have published on Mschools (http://www.capecharlesmirror.com/?s=microschool). Feel free to submit you own work on the subject (we won’t hold our breath though).

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