CAPE CHARLES, Va. — The Quality Inn in Exmore is currently providing temporary housing for some residents amid uncertainties surrounding the future of Seabreeze Apartments.
Zoning Administrator Katie Nunez has been actively engaging with federal agencies including the USDA, HUD, ANPDC Regional Housing Authority, and a property management company to address ongoing concerns related to the Seabreeze Apartments.
Town Manager John Hozey emphasized the town’s limited role in the matter, stating, “The complex is private property, whose owners had a contract with federal agencies to provide low-income housing. Therefore, the town itself has no role in its operation or its future.”
Hozey added that the town has been facilitating meetings and advocating for residents’ needs while urging federal agencies to expedite assistance for relocation.
Recent developments have left Seabreeze tenants uncertain about their housing situation. A meeting held Tuesday between officials from HUD and the USDA shed little light on the future of the complex.
According to resident accounts, it appears unlikely that tenants will be able to return to their old homes. Those affected have been accommodated at the Quality Inn until March 11, with housing vouchers being offered as relocation assistance.
Tenant Nioka Marshall expressed gratitude for the vouchers but voiced concerns about finding suitable housing. “I’m still in limbo until I find something,” Marshall remarked.
Town officials announced plans for another meeting next month to further discuss housing voucher options with affected residents.
As the situation unfolds, residents and stakeholders remain hopeful for swift and effective solutions to ensure the well-being and stability of those impacted by the housing disruption.
For now, the town continues to work in collaboration with federal agencies and local organizations to address the evolving needs of Seabreeze residents and facilitate a smooth transition to alternative housing options.
Corrections: The Mirror originally said residents were at the Peacock Inn in Cape Charles, but we have been told by other residents that it is the Quality Inn in Exmore. We were sent a quote from WTKR that was attributed to Kimberly Marshall, it was Nioka Marshall.
Residents are not being housed at the Peacock. It is the Quality Inn in Exmore. Also, the quote about being in limbo, is NOT Kimberly Marshall. It is my quote. My name is.. NIOAKA Marshall. The town was not involved in the meeting on Tuesday. It was a couple of folks from HUD and USDA. We left with lots more questions than answers. So many lies told, I don’t know how these people sleep at night.
Note: Thanks for the corrections. There are many accounts coming in, trying to keep up with all of them.
In my view, NIOAKA, as she is now known, could teach a graduate level course on fibs. My condolences to the town of Exmore on their new resident.
And just exactly what fibs are you referring to? Just because I don’t agree withh your opinions or using your children to be sneaky does not make me dishonest. I have a right to my opinions.
You DO NOT have a right to your opinions when it involves libel. Your mouth and your keyboard can cause you problems.
And you are well aware of what i am referring to.
Not to be disputative here, but if one studies the Constitution of Virginia, supposedly law of the land in the Commonwealth, Nioka does indeed have the right to her opinions, just as you have the right to yours, and if in expressing her opinions, she ventures off into territory somebody else thinks or believes is libelous, it is their responsibility to call her on it in a court of law, and if they prevail by proving libel, well, so be it, justice has been done, and who in their right mind isn’t for that?
Reminds me of a famous case where somebody called a lawyer an A-HOLE, to which the lawyer objected, so the lawyer sued the dude and truth being a defense in libel cases, the accused went before a jury, his right as well as Nioka’s, and went into a detailed explanation of the circumstances, followed by a learned dissertation on the etymology (the origin of a word and the historical development of its meaning) of the word A-HOLE wherein he proved to the jury that while all lawyers might not be A-HOLES, according to the definition, that particular one was, and so, was acquitted, and once again, in America, justice was done.
Constitution of Virginia
Article I. Bill of Rights
Section 12. Freedom of speech and of the press; right peaceably to assemble, and to petition
That the freedoms of speech and of the press are among the great bulwarks of liberty, and can never be restrained except by despotic governments; that any citizen may freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right;
Yes, Mr Plant the option of filing a libel suit is absolutely an option. And at what cost? Does it make sense in your world to file a court action against a homeless person. If you front the legal fees, you may have half the judgement, if awarded. Deal?
Mr. Oliver, I was merely responding to your post concerning what you believed Nioaka’s rights under the Virginia Constitution, which I thought were rights EVERYONE had, homeless or otherwise, were or not were, as if you were the judge and jury regarding such matters.
If you think in your mind that you have been libeled by Nioaka, that means nothing at all.
It is for a jury to decide.
Is that going to cost a small fortune to get some lawyer involved, even one who is incompetent and loses your case for you because the dude was another A-HOLE?
Of course it is!
Did I say otherwise?
Of course I didn’t.
There is so very much wrong with this article. Where on earth did you get the information for it? You should definitely check your sources.
The Town of Cape Charles is doing absolutely NOTHING to help these residents.
The condition of Seabreeze in Cape Charles, Virginia, is incredibly disappointing. How did the town, the government, and the owners allow this building to deteriorate to the point where residents had to move out? What steps are being taken to address this? Who is responsible for rectifying these issues, particularly considering the property was backed by government loans? The property owner had clear responsibilities, so why was the building not maintained up to code? When will residents be able to return to their homes, and when will these critical issues be resolved? These questions demand answers, especially considering the lack of affordable housing options on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Where will these displaced families go? While vouchers are mentioned, what exactly do they cover—rent, property purchase? What measures are in place to ensure everyone has a place to call home? In Northampton County, new houses are being built, yet they remain unaffordable for most. Let’s prioritize aiding these residents in returning to Seabreeze by bringing the building up to code.
Sounds like it is past time to go to East Baltimore to recruit three or four busloads of hardcore protesters and bring them back to Cape Charles to stage a demonstration outside of Cape Charles City Hall in solidarity with the displaced Seabreeze residents who can be Uber’ed in to stand up on a flatbed truck with a bullhorn to tell their stories to the national news networks gathered there to record the play action for posterity.
I am a displaced resident with 3 teenagers and a full time job….all the vouchers mean nothing if there is no place to move into…everywhere has a waiting list …now to be told after March 11th we will be homeless is the most stressful thing ever
Here is a definite ray of hope for these beleaguered Seabreeze residents if only the town of Cape Charles would take the initiative here and do something for these people by having Joe Biden send money to Cape Charles to correct this problem:
“US Treasury eases rules on unspent COVID aid to boost affordable housing”
By David Lawder
March 5, 2024
WASHINGTON, March 5 (Reuters) – The U.S. Treasury Department on Tuesday announced new steps to boost the supply of affordable housing by unlocking billions of dollars in unspent COVID-19 aid funding to state and local governments to support a wider array of housing projects.
The initiatives are part of a Biden administration drive to address a key economic challenge facing Americans: lack of housing affordability.
In the biggest of the moves, the Treasury said it would allow state and local governments to use unspent funds from the $350 billion State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund to support housing projects serving families earning up to 120% of the area’s median income, a big jump from 65% previously.
These funds can also now be spent on projects that meet the terms of one of a dozen or more federal housing programs as well as those supported by government mortgage enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to house essential workers such as teachers, firefighters and nurses.
This will open up a significantly wider array of housing projects eligible for support.
The amount of funding still available for such projects could be as high as about $40 billion, based on Reuters calculations.
Another step announced by Treasury will allow communities with unspent COVID-era Emergency Rental Assistance Program funds can divert them to supporting “pre-development” and land acquisition costs for low-income affordable housing projects, in addition to construction and rehabilitation costs allowed previously.
As of June 30, 2023, the most recent data available, about $6.9 billion was left in the original $46 billion rental assistance program started by the Trump administration and expanded under Biden to combat homelessness during the pandemic.
The Treasury also said it was indefinitely extending the Federal Financing Bank’s support for a housing project risk-sharing initiative between the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and local housing agencies.
The program was restarted in 2021, leveraging $5 billion in investments to develop and rehabilitate 42,000 affordable rental homes for low-income families, and Adeyemo estimated that the extension will add tens of thousands more units over the next decade.
The Federal Financing Bank provides financing for federal agency borrowing and lending programs.
While Seabreeze families struggle to find housing, how many STRs have been sitting empty since September? I can see 10 from my front porch.
While Seabreeze families struggle to find housing…rank ilegal aliens are being treated like royalty.
Asian countries for Asians.
Black countries for Blacks.
but White countries for everybody?
That’s genocide.
Anti-racist is a codeword for Anti-White
Mr Plante…..if someone strongly i ferred that you murdered your wife you would have a different outlook about constitutional rights. You do not have the “right” to shout fire in a crowded movie theater, or commit other reckless acts with your mouth or written word.
Your pedantic, long winded sophistry is quite tiresome. Good writing mandates not using a thousand words when 10 are enough. Please note that I am very succinct in my observation of you being a bloviating, pompous ass.
Mr. Oliver, dude (you’ll notice I was quite succinct calling you a dude), you’re a hoot.
And guess what, somebody, anybody, in his country can do damn well what they please, including inferring somebody killed their wife, or had carnal relations with a neighbor’s dog, sheep or pig, or shouting fire in a crowded movie theater, and if nobody stands up to them, and calls them out in a lawful manner, they got away with it scot free.
So suck it up, dude, and stop being such a bloviating, pompous ass about Nioaka talking smack about you, when you aren’t able to do anything to stop her.
It’s a cold, cruel world out there, Mr. Oliver, afterall, so my advice is to get yourself a good fur coat.
Get a hobby….there is more to life than playing on the computer… aren’t that smart….and you are not in a position to lecture anyone. I used to read some of your posts…..but they are the lomg winded rants of a half-wit.
Maybe when you grow up you can have your own website and talk about absolutely nothing all day long, every day. You will waste no more of my time!
Mr. Oliver, you have such a quaint and obviously cultured way with words that you must be a fine arts graduate or a lawyer, or both.
Well done on your educational accomplishments!
You seem nice, Mr. Oliver, if not more than a bit overwrought here, which understandably is making you quite cranky which in turn has you lashing out at me and getting quite snippy, to be truthful, when all I am doing, and have been doing, is trying to help you out here with respect to you bringing charges of libel against Nioaka for inferring that you murdered your wife or something along those lines, anyway, since it all is yet a bit fuzzy as to who said what and when and where and why, so to help you out further, I have been doing some legal research for you, which I am actually quite good at, and as we dig further here, you and I as a team, what we are finding is that you have a high bar to hurdle here if you want to be successful in your suit, to wit:
Defamation of Character: Libel and Slander Law in Virginia
by Lee E. Berlik
Expressions of opinion are also not actionable as defamation.
Statements of opinion, as opposed to assertions of fact, are deemed privileged and no matter how offensive, cannot be the subject of an action for libel or slander.
This is because a statement of opinion is not an assertion of fact that can be proven false, and falsity is a required element of a defamation claim.
Statements of opinion are also protected by the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech.
Distinguishing fact from opinion is not always easy.
Courts need to examine whether the specific language has a precise meaning, whether the statements are capable of being proven true or false, and whether the context in which the communication was made affects the meaning of the statement.
end quotes
See what I am saying, Mr. Oliver?
If there is more to life than playing on the computer, then why are you always on here?
Most likely because he is Free and Over 21.
Next question?
Stuart Oliver says @ MARCH 10, 2024 AT 6:02 PM: Mr Plante…..if someone strongly inferred that you murdered your wife you would have a different outlook about constitutional rights.
ME: Actually, no, I would not.
I’m a veteran, and I don’t choose who gets Constitutional rights and who doesn’t.
People infer all kinds of things about me!
Why, look at you right above here for example, going on about what you are calling my pedantic, long winded sophistry being quite tiresome for you while inferring, quite falsely, as it were, that I am a bloviating, pompous ass, when nothing could be farther from the truth, which is the equivalent of inferring that I murdered my wife, which is equally untrue, and you don’t see me running off to Wayne Creed demanding that he strip you of your constitutional right to come in here and use words to make a fool of yourself as you have above to the amusement of the candid world out there, so you can clearly see that my outlook on Constitutional rights even confers them on you.
No need for a man to murder his wife. When that perfect chemistry has turned into toxic waste and you realize that marrige is made in heaven and settled in court!
Call Divorce Attorney’s Drag Bottom & Associates. Your Eastern Shore country bumpkin law firm whose logo is “Once you used to lick them, now you want to stick them”. Drag Bottom also says “When they get a little whiney, spank them in the be-hiney”
Men do not fret! Drag Bottom & Assoicates only represents men! So when one of those new age women who beats their man into submission with a mouth that will not quit. Call Drag Bottom!
When you buy her a fur coat on Saturday and by Sunday she is mad at you again, Call Drag Bottom!
When she takes the TV remote away from you during the Super Bowl so she can tune into the reality TV show Cape Charles Cougars. Call Drag Bottom!
Call: 1.800.Dragbot
Scrapple, dude, a grateful nation thanks you profusely for taking the time out of your otherwise very busy schedule, right in the middle as it were of staging your next MAGNUM OPUS Scrapple Buffet Production titled with the catchy and captivating title of “Eastville Jail Breakout” featuring a rogues gallery of stars, with Brad Pitt rumored to be playing Chip Watson and Angelina Jolie as his love interest and significant other, to come in here, showing up in the nick of time as you have with an intervention for poor Stuart Oliver, who is quite literally at the end of his tether, with this rational, logical and sane alternative to murdering his wife, the prompt use of which will hopefully then get Nioaka off his back so the dude can get a moment’s peace in this otherwise chaotic and very hectic world.
And this is on top of your prodigious, and might I say, single-handed, effort, Scrapple, dude, to repurpose the famous Cape Charles Malaria Pond in Central Park into a habitat that an alligator would find welcoming to make it into an alligator sanctuary city so to speak, where an alligator can find comfort among its own kind, in order to have it infested and ready for the tourist season, swarming with alligators, to catch those Northerners who would otherwise swarm to South Carolina to see alligators, to have them swarm to Cape Charles, instead, which is guaranteed to bring HUGE COIN into the coffers of Cape Charles.
And once the gambling casino with its world-class pickleball courts overlooking the alligator sanctuary is completed, you’ll have all the bus tours of blue hairs that used to go to Branson coming there instead which will make Cape Charles a world-class tourist destination bringing them in from all over the world, and who isn’t for that?
How one man alone can accomplish all these tasks remains a mystery to us less blessed, and I say that from my heart, Scrapple, dude!
By your greatness, you inspire us to greatness, as well, and my goodness, but who can be against that!
Thank you again for your kind words. The last two weeks have been a little hectic. Between the visits to all of the late night talk shows, Fox News and the BBC, production on “Eastville Jail Breakout” has been a little behind but I do promise all of my well wishers that I will get this project back on track.
I do think Brad Pitt will portray Chip Watson in the finest of lights.
I salute you Sir!
Scrapple Buffet
“Don’t delay, call today!”
Have you taken a leave of your senses?
Leave of my senses? How dare you!
In the time of crisis through out these lands I have made it my life’s mission to spread laughter and love. And then you come along and question the ALL AND POWERFUL SCRAPPLE BUFFET?
Did you not read the kind words from Sire (Paul Plante)? The masses are waiting for another literary masterpiece and you try take to take a link out.of the chain by trying to disrupt my creative juices? This Is blasphemy!
I would ask you kindly to remove yourself from the matters at hand but it is too late.
So butt out. Speaking of of butt’s Barbara Penn I, bet your butt is as big as Penn Station in New York!
Thank you for your time,
Scrapple Buffet
Scrapple Buffet says @ MARCH 13, 2024 AT 12:49 PM: In the time of crisis through out these lands I have made it my life’s mission to spread laughter and love.
end quotes
Hear, hear, Scrapple, dude, tell it like it is!
Scrapple Buffet is good!
Scrapple Buffet is great!
Yay, Scrapple Buffet!
Cape Charles wanted to get rid of section 8 apartments so that they can continue to sell and build over priced homes.They do not care about those people who have lost their homes .Seabreeze wasn’t meant to be a retirement home.Its all about the Benjamins.