January 18, 2025

28 thoughts on “Secret Lives of the American Redneck

  1. “Poor White Trash” (PWT) is a derogatory and discriminatory political classification of disdain for people of no real financial means, and therefore, no political clout up here to the north of you in young Andy Cuomo’s corrupt state of New York, where in the words of U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, the culture of corruption grows like barnacles on a boat bottom.

    In New York state, acts of environmental terrorism can be committed against PWT’s, as being without financial means to buy political clout in a PAY-TO-PLAY state, PWT’s are without protection of law.

    They are NQH, not quite human in the eyes of the law.

    Being NQH, they are without a political voice.

    Whatever the term might mean elsewhere, that is what it means up here.

    Because of the classification of people as being without rights when it comes to public health protection because of their lack of financial means with which to buy protection, children in the Village of Hoosick Falls and the Town of Hoosick in corrupt Rensselaer County in young Andy Cuomo’s corrupt state of New York now have elevated levels of PFOA in their bloodstream as a result of drinking chemically contaminated groundwater through a public water supply contaminated with PFOA’s from unmonitored industrial activities in the area protected by the Village of Hoosick Falls, the Town of Hoosick, the County of Rensselaer and the state of New York with aid and assistance from the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of New York and the federal district court for the federal Northern District of New York, which court enforces the imposition of this classification on people without financial means and no political clout up here.

    When Hillary Clinton was U.S. senator from New York, she ignored the existence of these people, and thus, helped guarantee their plight and fate.

    For that alone, Hillary Clinton should climb into her own basket of deplorables and take her own rightful place in there where she belongs, a menace to civilized society who ignores the public health of poor children.

  2. Labels of anything, including groups of people, are conveniently used to discriminate . If we all are considered just “people” with the same rights, regardless of the tag, it makes it difficult to discriminate.

    1. Without discrimination, that would be the end of partisan politics as we know it here in the USA today.

  3. “Sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me”. When was that revoked?

    At age 5 or so my best friend was a Jewish boy and every now & then we would mix it up & one or the other might go crying home with a bloody nose. One day I called Arthur “a dirty Jew” (where did I pick that up?) and he went crying to my mother. My mother said, “then call him a dirty Irishman!” It was over, Off we went, best pals & back to playing in the yard.

    My town was middle class, hard working people of many different ethnicticities & it was normal to refer to one’s nationality or religon with a bad generic name and it never meant much. Being Catholic I might be called a “Mackerek Snaper” or a “Fish Monger” & being Irish & German a “Mick” or a “Kraut”. It never meant anything & it wasn’t taken seriously. People today are too damn thin skinned.

    When we moved to our farm we bought a trailer for $4000 and lived in it for 5 years with all the comforts of home and after we got a new double wide sold the trailer for what we had paid. OK, we were “trailer trash” but we lived well and it didn’t cost a fortune.

    An avid hunter & fisherman I worked with in NJ came down to visit & we both toward evening grabbed our rifles & took stands hoping to nail a couple deer. I managed to get one & Gene did not and seeing my new way of life called me a “Redneck”. I am happy & proud to be a redneck & I used to have my .30-06 hanging in the back window of my pick up.

    Now it turns out I am “deplorable” & since I detest the liberal agenda I automatically wear other labels; ask Hillary or any other member of her mob.

  4. I didn’t select my labels. Some were picked by friends & they make sense while those from Hillary are simply to silence the opposition. You know, I’m kind of happy to be “deplorable” because I put in a lot of hard work & sacrifice to get to this point & I believe I am “in a basket” with millions of other “deplorables”. I don’t pay attention to all the “ists” & “phobics” she screeches at us just because we support her opposition.

    Most conservative types avoid personal put-downs; however, when I see certain people I do not like, to myself I call them a “chamber of horrors”. In that group are the hard core left who to me make no sense. Again, to myself I may call that group “Commies”, “perverts” or “athiests”.

    My parents were loyal Democrats & if you were middle class & worked for a living, the choice was cear, that’s where you belonged. As a youngster I loved FDR, he was elegant, and as a senior in high school pulled for HST’s re-election. At 21 I could vote & JFK was my pick. I later voted for Carter and up until then I believe the Democratic Party was still basically for the average Joe six pack, & then a HARD left. LBJ was a little much with his “Great Society” which reminded me of another sciety called “The Super Race” many of whom were interred in the POW camp we used to drive past.

    I don’t see them anymore as giving a hoot for the working person or Americans in general. I don’t think they care about defending our country or law & order. All I believe they care about is getting elected & staying in power and dividing the pie & the spoils among themselves. To do this they enlarge their base & buy votes. Free college anyone? How about we cancell your school loan or mortgage debt? So what if the national debt soars to 40 trillion. The fools will never notice that they, their kids & grandkids will never know prosoerity but will be paying debt service forever.

  5. In the end, it does not matter one bit what labels one attaches to oneself, for whatever reasons, nor does it matter to this discussion of who should be the next president of the United States of America, a critical issue facing all of us in here and out there, regardless of how we label ourselves, what labels society at large might pin on us at any given time for God alone knows what reasons.

    For example, being older, I find myself sometimes addressed by those of younger generations as “You old ****, get out of my way!”

    As for me labeling my self, I use “human being” because it is easy to remember, to be truthful.

    And if Hillary Clinton were nothing more than some loud-mouthed drunken lout from Santa Monica, California all tricked out as a cowboy with a BIG Stetson, a fancy vest with silver conchos, and hand-tooled pointy-toe boots and silver spurs in a faux cowboy bar in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, sneering and hurling contemptuous slurs at all the common folks going by out on the sidewalk, calling them in a condescending way rednecks because they happen to work outside on ranches as cowboys and have sunburn on their necks, or a basket of deplorables because they happen to smell like they ride horses for a living, then that would simply be a comment about Hillary Clinton her own self.

    But Hillary Clinton is not some fancy dime-store cowboy mouthing off in a cowboy bar somewhere, nor is Hillary Clinton some type of reality TV Archie Bunker wannabee in a sick sit-com which has Hillary sitting there in her big throne-like chair hurling insults and deprecations at the common people because they are not super rich like she is.

    Hillary Clinton is someone put forth by less than ten (10) percent of the people in this country who are eligible to vote to be the next president of the United States of America, and she has a proven history of both violence and repression to her credit.

    With respect to her history of violence, this link will take you to a picture of then U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton https://libyanfreepress.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/hillary-madbich-2.jpg in Libya with her own private mercenary army which she had kill Gaddafi and thereby send Libya reeling on the path to being the terrorist-infested failed state that it is today.

    That person standing there in that picture with her personal terrorist army in Libya that she used to overthrow Moammar Gaddafi is who is calling loyal Americans, myself included, a “basket of deplorables” simply because we do not drink her Kool-Aid.

    Just this morning, in fact, the BIG NEWS her campaign was trying to duck by shifting attention back to that poor, overweight woman, the beauty queen the Hillary campaign is fixated on, was whether in fact while secretary of state, the violent Hillary Clinton, who was said to have cheered as she watched on live TV Osama bin Laden get killed, was going to have Julian Assange taken out by a HELLFIRE missile fired from a state-department armed drone.

    When confronted with that question, her adolescent campaign manager Robby Mook started furiously tap-dancing and thereby managed to shift the questions back to the on-going issue of the overweight beauty queen, whatever that issue might in fact be outside of Hillary Clinton’s vivid imagination that she uses to find fault and make slights about the majority of people in the United States who do not apparently come up to her high standards, as did those terrorists who worship her as their queen in Libya, or next Bashaw of Tripoli.

    According to an article in The Hill by Lisa Hagen this morning, Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook declined to comment about an alleged remark by the Democratic nominee asking if a drone strike could go after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

    Amid speculation about the release of an “October surprise” by Assange, WTTG Fox 5 DC reporter Ronica Cleary published a video clip of her interview with Mook on Monday.

    In it, she asked if the report was true and if the comment was made in jest.

    That started the furious tap-dancing by Mook:

    “I’m reticent to comment on anything that the WikiLeaks people have said.”

    “They’ve made a lot of accusations in the past,” Mook told Cleary.

    end quotes

    How very weak, Robby, dude, was that your best shot?

    According to The Hill, Mook, with his furious tap-dancing, then shifted the attention back to Donald Trump in his interview with Cleary, claiming the GOP presidential nominee and his allies are using Clinton’s alleged comment as a distraction from the GOP nominee’s debate performance last week.

    “Donald Trump and his allies are trying to do everything they can to change the debate here right now,” Mook said.

    “They’ve got to find some way to change this up and they’re trying to do that by doubling down on conspiracy theories.”

    end quotes

    Get real, there, Robby, you can fool most of the Hillary supporters most of the time, and that is for sure, but you can’t fool the rest of us out here who aren’t fools to begin with.

    The fact that Hillary Clinton had Gaddafi first humiliated by having him sodomized with a stick and a knife by her mercenaries, and then murdered, is a matter of record, as is the fact that Libya is now a dangerous, terrorist-infested failed state that is a breeding ground for future terrorists, thanks to Hillary Clinton.

    So when she starts hurling deprecating labels and pejoratives at loyal American people who don’t toe her line, I think that is a very dangerous situation, especially when she has announced plans to bring all police agencies in the nation under her personal control if she, God forbid, somehow was elected president.

    Someone who has such a visceral hatred for so many of the American people as Hillary Clinton does, does not deserve to be our president, plain and simple.

  6. “The fact that Hillary Clinton had Gaddafi first humiliated by having him sodomized with a stick and a knife by her mercenaries, and then murdered, is a matter of record, as is the fact that Libya is now a dangerous, terrorist-infested failed state that is a breeding ground for future terrorists, thanks to Hillary Clinton”

    Now, now pants on fire! I think your nose just grew long enough to hit your monitor while seated. Do you really believe that?

    Try this:

    or this


    Your disdain for Hilary is driving you to make things up. I’m sure in your mind she is responsible for cancer, zika and hurricane Matthew.

    1. Hillary Clinton has committed perjury while under oath to Congress. This is a felony; the same felony her husband was impeached for committing. If not for Obama and the MSM’s illegal protection, she’d be behind bars at this very moment.

      Try as she might, Hillary will never distance herself from Obama’s horrific middle class killing policies; the difference between the two is negligible. Hillary IS Barrack Hussein Obama. She is a narcissistic sociopath who lacks any ability to demonstrate actual compassion for another human being. She has no friends, just victims and potential victims. She epitomizes a totalitarian existentialist.

      Trump/Pence 2016!

    2. Good morning, tkenny, it is always so nice to see you come into these important discussions to grant us access to some of your wisdom as we weigh these knotty issues confronting us in here.

      If I may say, it seems that the sun is somehow higher in the sky when you are around, so great is your brilliance compared to that of those of us occupying the crowded confines of Hillary Clinton’s “Basket of Deplorables” because we don’t drink her Kool-Aid.

      And no, tkenny, while many may in fact be, I am not so silly as to think, despite her claims of omnipotence, omniscience and infallibility, that it is in any way possible that a mere human like Hillary Clinton could possibly be responsible for cancer, zika or hurricane Matthew.

      She simply does not have that kind of power, tkenny, no matter how god-like her followers might think she is.

      But, tkenny, it is and has been a matter of public record that before he was hunted down and killed by all those smiling faces you see in the link I posted above of Hillary and her private mercenary army in Libya, Hillary was calling for Gaddafi to be killed.

      In fact, just recently, on March 30, 2016, the NATIONAL REVIEW had an article by George Will entitled “Libya Debacle Undermines Clinton’s Foreign-Policy Credentials” dealing with that very subject, to wit:

      On Oct. 20, 2011, Clinton, while visiting Afghanistan, was told that insurgents, assisted by a U.S. Predator drone, had caught and slaughtered Qaddafi.

      She quipped: “We came, we saw, he died.”

      She later said that her words expressed “relief” that the mission “had achieved its end.”

      Oh, so this military adventure was, after all, history’s most protracted and least surreptitious assassination.

      Regime change was deliberately accomplished by the determined decapitation of the old regime, and Libyans are now living in the result — a failed state.

      end quote

      Note the key words in there, tkenny, assassination and slaughter and failed state.

      Hillary called for it to be done, “kill Gaddafi,” and like the Roman Centurion in the Bible, her command was carried out.

      As to Hillary being treated like a queen in Libya, or the Bashaw of Tripoli, your choice, for proof of that all we need do is turn to a Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 3:56 pm Press Release of the U.S. State Department entitled “Remarks With Libyan Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril October 18, 2011,” wherein we find from the official record as follows:

      SECRETARY CLINTON: And on behalf of the American people I congratulate all Libyans.

      It is a great privilege to see a new future for Libya being born.

      This is Libya’s moment.

      This is Libya’s victory and the future belongs to you.

      PRIME MINISTER JIBRIL: Thank you, your Excellency.

      end quotes

      Thank you, your Excellency?


      What is up with that, tkenny?

      What public official in our government is addressed as “your Excellency?”

      Is the president of the United States of America addressed as “your Excellency?”

      But there I am being silly, aren’t I, tkenny.

      Of course not, because we do not have royalty in this country, and “your Excellency” is how one addresses royalty.

      So, tkenny, what is up with that, then?

      Why is Hillary Clinton having the Libyan people address her as “your Excellency” when all she really was, was U.S. secretary of state, a sinecure granted to her as a failed Democrat presidential contender?

      Does she really see herself as their queen?

      Or as the Bashaw of Tripoli?

      And when she becomes president here, will we American people have to address her as “your Excellency?”

      Any wisdom and enlightenment you can give us on this subject will be greatly appreciated, tkenny, so please, don’t keep us waiting, for the suspense may be more than we can possibly bear.

  7. As I recall, in the UU S Army there is or was a branch called “Military Government”. The idea was, or is, that when through warfare the regular government has been destroyed a substitute, temporary government steps in to fill the vacuum. The occupation of Japan following their surrender in WW II is a case in point. General of the Army MacCarthur was exactly the right person to take over the running of Japan and there was an ORDERLY transition back to normal government.

    Much the same thing occurred in Germany with the U S Army Constabulary maintaining law & order until Germany could get back on its feet.

    President Bush, 41 knew that invading Iraq was not a good idea but his son failed to heed dad ‘s advice & we marched right in. As I watched our invading convoys rolling on the road toward the Capitol I was mortified to see the opposite lane clogged by civilian traffic. How different from the days of General Patten! Things were about to get worse, much worse. We eliminated Saddam Husein & as I understand it the people cheered BUT then we left a vacuum. No government, no leadership, no police, no army and naturally, MAYHEM. All through this long drawn out conflict we have allowed civilians to use the roads our military uses and the net effect has been thousands of IED’s & thousands of killed & badly wounded soldiers. Where is Patten when we need him? Of course he has gone to his reward; however, if he were to fight the war as wars should be fought he would be relieved in a heartbeat.

    Then we go to Lybia & do the exact same thing. What kind of a mess did we abet in Egypt? Whatever in the world are we doing in Iran and what is the full story and just what is true. One thing for sure, we have destabilized the entire Middle East.

  8. I’m sorry Paul, I did not see where you said ” You’re right Tkenny, I made up that assertion that Hilary told her mercenaries to sodomized Gaddafi with a stick and a knife .”

    Can you find me the reference where she told the Libyans to call her “Your Excellency”? Paul, I think your nose grew another foot. Wanna check out this link:

    There it is in black and white – PRIME MINISTER JIBRIL: Thank you, your Excellency. Hmm, let me guess, English isn’t the first language of Prime Minster Jibril. He was the only foreigner to speak English. Everything else was translated from Arabic to English. (since this was held in Libya, technically Clinton was the foreigner but anyway)

    And another point, US military in 2003 put the price on Gaddafi’s head. Remember, he was the ace of spades and just to catch you up she became SoS in 2008. That was subtle but again incorrect.

    Paul, I don’t give a shit who you vote for. I do have a problem with the current trend of just making crap up.

    1. tkenny, I must hand it to you.

      You have totally baffled me here, with your superior intellect and rhetoric leading to your conclusion that you think my nose grew another foot, when as you say yourself, there it is in black and white – PRIME MINISTER JIBRIL: Thank you, your Excellency.

      We are saying the same thing here, tkenny – the prime minister of Libya called Hillary Clinton “Your Excellency,” and she did nothing to correct him, to let him and the people of Libya know for a fact that in the United States of America, we have no royalty, thus, we have no “Your Excellency’s” here, starting with Her Highness Hillary Clinton.

      But enough of that mere triviality, tkenny, arguing over whether Hillary Clinton should be called “Your Excellency,” when we are both mature adults who both know for a fact that Hillary Clinton really is royalty, and let neither of us be foolish enough to ever forget it.

      Yours is an intellect far too precious to waste on piffle like that when we have something much more important to discuss with respect to Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy experience.

      So we are all on the same page here, I am referring to the picture this link will take us all to:



      1) Is that Hillary Clinton in that photograph looking out at the camera with a goofy expression on her face, or is that really somebody else?

      2) Where exactly is Hillary Clinton in that photograph, as in what country is she in?

      3) Why does she have her left hand in the air making the sign of the VEE?

      4) Why is there a big United States Air Force jet in the background?

      5) Is that Hillary Clinton’s own personal U.S. Air Force jet assigned to her by Barack Obama for her own personal use?

      6) What was on that big Air Force jet, arms and armaments and ammunition and pallets of money?

      7) Who is that white dude in the background with the dazed look on his face?

      8) And tkenny, who are all those people?

      9) What are those badges they are wearing?

      10) What is up with the swarthy dude in the right-hand corner looking back at Hillary like she just brought him all the candy in the world?

      11) Who is the big dude next to him with the white fringe beard and sunglasses?

      12) Who is the smiling dude in the background with the turban, sunglasses and fu Manchu mustache?

      13) Exactly how many private mercenary armies does Hillary Clinton have stashed around the world now like this one?

      14) How much U.S. taxpayer money does Hillary Clinton have stashed around the world, being protected by private mercenary armies like this one?

      And come along here, Tkenny, with all of her secrecy, and her own private communications system which has been expertly erased, do you really think we common folks are going to actually find where Hillary Clinton told her mercenaries to sodomize Gaddafi with a stick and a knife live on camera before killing him?

      If you think that, tkenny, then you are not so smart and intellectual as I thought you were, is all I can say in reply.

      If that is the case, I sincerely apologize for misjudging you so.

  9. The Corps of Cadets going from Lexington to Washington for a football game in the fall of 1950 by train passing by the backs of homes along the right-of-way where most had on display the Confederate Battle Flag. I’m a Yankee & proud of it but I respect that flag as standing for a large part of the country I love.

    There is a lot more of “Southerner” in me than even I suspected. Perhaps partly because in WW I my father was in the NJ National Guard when they were called to active duty & they became a part of the 29th Infantry Division, the Blue & Grey. The shoulder patch is a circle, half blue, half grey and that is because it was made of guard units from the north and from the south. Mom & dad were stationed in Aniston, Al & they came to enjoying southern food & I was exposed to such as corn bread and I loved it. I love “greens” & my garden always had turnip, mustard & collard greens and sweet potato pie & sweet potato biscuits are the greatest. A racoon or a possum prepared & cookedproperly is delicious. My kids were raised on venison.

    At one time along with my rifle I had a Confederate flag in the rear window of my pick up. I had no thought that this in any way had anything to do with racism. The civil war was a horrible time in our history, a time when brother fought brother and I’m sure not all in the south favored slavery. Even though many try, we can’t re-write history. I displayed that flag simply because I wanted to proclaim that I am now a Southerner.

    I love Jeff Foxworthery & his poking fun at his roots. He is brilliant to have taken a simple idea & made a fortune with it. I loved his “Smarter than a 5th Grader”. The kids were great & he was wonderful with them. The questions made you think & try to remember, oh so long ago. Some contestants were very good, some didn’t remember much and some who were experts messed up.

    1. Walmart’s is said to have a white wine, moderately priced, that is supposed to be simply divine either cold or room temperature when served with possum.

  10. Paul, your argument is thin and you haven’t admitted yet that you made stuff up. She didn’t ask for him to call her that and if you look at the video, she is nowhere near a microphone to correct him. In fact you can’t even hear that on the video. Oh, and by the way it’s said once. Again Paul it’s BS.

    You’re getting your information and pictures from libyanfreepress.files.wordpress.com? LOL. You realize that’s a blog and for all we know it might be a cousin of yours who lives in a cave with internet connection in who knows where.

    That’s an interesting image you link to. Want to know the story behind it? Check this link:

    If you scroll down you’ll find the picture.

    This is the website of the photographer who took the picture He was the pool photographer traveling with Clinton when she was SOS, covering seven countries in seven days (Malta, Libya, Oman, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) Oh, and those private Clinton mercenaries? They were members of the Transitional National Council fighters sending her off; she was on her way to the next stop.

    Here is the description for the photo – The departure made for some more celebratory images, little did we know the real celebrations would begin less than two-days later… after the capture and killing of Muammar Gaddafi.

    Guess that debunks the mystery.

    And finally back to Hillary and her sodomizing mercenaries. First you say it’s FACT now you’re saying us common folk will never know but you did say it was FACT. That’s puzzling. Just admit it – you made that up!

    Everyone has a right to an opinion and everyone has a right to express their opinion but trying to persuade people with some bullshit argument that’s short on real facts is just …. bullshit.

    Paul, I’m sure you’ll have the last word and then some but I’m done. I think I proved my point quite clearly.

  11. tkenny, with respect to your specious charge above that I am “just making crap up” when I say Hillary Clinton publicly calling for Gaddafi to be executed was a matter of public record in 2011, I refer you to this article on the subject of Hillary Clinton calling for Gaddafi to be executed by Shirin Sadeghi, an Independent TV & Radio Host ex-BBC & Al Jazeera from 10/19/2011, entitled “Hillary Clinton Wants Gaddafi Killed,” wherein we were all told, including yourself, as follows:

    It was just this week that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton openly called for the political assassination of Moammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader.

    “We hope he can be captured or killed soon,” she said — while in Libya, to Libyans.

    end quote

    If you Google that phrase, tkenny, you will see that the news at the time was saturated with that comment, so I am at a loss to explain how it was that you missed it.

    And in fact, The Guardian, a British newspaper, was even more explicit on the subject of Hillary Clinton calling for Gaddafi to be executed in an article by the Associated Press from 18 October 2011 entitled “Hillary Clinton details new aid package to Libya” wherein was stated:

    The Obama administration offered millions of dollars in new aid to Libya as secretary of state Hillary Clinton encouraged the country’s unsteady new leadership to commit to a democratic future free of retribution, and acknowledged in unusually blunt terms that the United States would like to see former dictator Muammar Gaddafi dead.

    “We hope he can be captured or killed soon so that you don’t have to fear him any longer,” Clinton told students and others at a town hall-style gathering in the capital city.

    “The most important thing now is to make sure that Gaddafi and his regime are finally prevented from disrupting the new Libya,” Clinton said.

    “We want to do everything we can to prevent him from causing trouble.”

    end quote

    So before Gaddafi was executed in cold blood, Hillary Clinton was publicly calling for him to be executed, and she was doing that on Libyan soil, where she was addressed as “Your Excellency.”

    But that is old news, tkenny.

    What is more important to this discussion is found in the rest of the Shirin Sadeghi, article, as follows:

    It is actually against the law, what the US government is doing. (calling for Gaddafi to be executed)

    And not some kind of United Nations “law” or international legal standard (of the sort that sound fantastically humane but are actually just unenforced moral standards that most countries, especially superpowers, routinely ignore).

    State-sponsored assassination is actually illegal according to the laws of the United States itself.

    In the decades before and since President Gerald Ford signed United States Presidential Executive Order (EO) 11905 on February 18, 1976, the US government has directly and indirectly assassinated people — many people.

    And EO 11905 is not exactly ambiguous legal speak — it’s one of the most straightforward pieces of legal documentation you will find.

    In Section 5, subsection G, it clearly states that “No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination.”

    end quote

    But as gentlemen, tkenny, can we just agree that because Hillary Clinton is special, that section of law does not apply to her, just as every other section of law also does not apply to her and move right along here to why Hillary Clinton hates so many people here in the United States of America, which she proves by calling them a “Basket of Deplorables?”

  12. The wine sounds good! Many turn their noses up at really wonderful food; things taken care of properly at the start & then cooked like the good food it is and not handled like it’s a piece of wood.

    A colleague & hunting & fishing buddy had a long commute through the woods of South Jersey & kept his eyes open for “road kill”. On his way to my boat for a fishing trip in the ocean he picked up a newly killed racoon. At the dock he cleaned it out & rinsed the insides. To dry the water we hung the coon in the boat’s outrigger and as we proceeded down the bay people were asking where we caught the racoon. Never one to pass an opportunity to tell a tale I said they were biting about 2 miles back. That was mean.

    Back home I skinned the coon & cut it in pieces for the pressure cooker being careful to, as I had been told, remove the fat & all the glands. Served with my dear wife’s fantastic mashed potatoes & perhaps Swiss chard or beet tops from my garden it was fit for a king. The meat was about like good pot roasted beef.

    My firefighter Dad was in charge of the Civil Defense fire department & he & Mom threw a feast in a local tavern for the department. The menu consised of racoon from our hunting club & German kartofellglaze with gravy from the coons.

    Back to my hunting/fishing buddy. Our school Home Ec & Soc Studies depts threw a feast for the students of early American fare. Charlie donated road killed venison, racoon and probably rabbits & pheasants, maybe squirrels. Corn would have seemed appropriate but we will never know since neither Charlie or myself were invited. Human nature. Charlie was steamed at the slight & vowed to never again cooperate.

    Many of these wild animals eat the same foods as do cattle & other domestic animals & if they are promptly emptied out & cooled, kept refrigerated, there is no such thing as a “gamey taste”. Naturally each food has its own flavor and a medium rare venison chop treated like choice beef is as good or better & just plain ground venison makes a great burger.

    1. Your post, andy zahn, goes to why the “Bernie thing” turned out to be a parade of fools.

      The author says it lacked the true belligerence and populist anger and resentment that the Trump campaign embodies, but I think there is more to it than that.

      As your post makes clear, just as Hank Williams, Jr. did, the country boy can survive.

      Because you can’t starve us out

      And you can’t make us run

      ‘Cause one-of-’em old boys raised on shotgun

      And we say grace and we say Ma’am

      And if you ain’t into that we don’t give a damn

      Those people don’t need the government stopping by every day to tell them how to live and what to think that day.

      Those people don’t need Barack Obama to come on the radio and tell them it’s going to rain, so better get inside before you get wet, and oh, by the way, be sure to obey the voice of authority when you hear it.

      Those are the people who heard JFK when he said don’t ask what your country can do fir you, and said, “right on, Jack!”

      Those people know that if you want something from the earth, you have to put something in, first.

      I can plow a field all day long

      I can catch catfish from dusk ’til dawn

      We make our own whiskey and our own smoke, too

      Ain’t too many things these ole boys can’t do

      We grow good ole tomatoes and homemade wine

      And a country boy can survive

      Country folks can survive

      Not so the Bernie people.

      They want the free ride.

      Do ask what your country can do for you, and make sure you ask for plenty.

      All the difference in the world, I would say.

      1. I have been away for a few days and I see that this conversation has taken a turn for the worst. First, Paul, TKenny had called you out on the sodomized statement purportedly made by Secretary Clinton. I want to know as well, did she or did she not say those exact words. And if so, please show reference. Secondly, the point; made by TKenny of second language and the usage of “Your Excellency”, is a strong one. But, I am sure she smiled when he said that. That would not have surprised me.
        The fact that ALL politicians (Save for a few honest and hard-working ones – I wish someone would point them out to me) feel deserving of that title and the privileges that go along with it, does not surprise either. Our government has fallen/risen to the level of such utter crass and unrepentant moral and spiritual corruption, it is just a matter of time before the entire rotten thing comes crashing down. This era of unmitigated lying and fact distortion (Kool-Aid for the masses – Cheery Cherry for the right/Bullshit Blueberry for the Left) is getting kind of old. And if folks can’t see the forest for the trees, then I just feel sorry for them. From you, on the other hand, I expected the higher road. I realize and accept your stance on Hillary Clinton. I respect you for your position. You do not need to get down in the mud with the rest of the rabble and sling your share of bullshit. The history and their facts speak for themselves. We ALL know what a debacle Libya was/is. But, there is more to the story than most American’s have been told. There were guns and weapons being sold/stolen. There was money exchanged/lost. It truly was a foreign policy nightmare. But, so was Iraq. So is Afghanistan. So was Lebanon in the Eighties. So was Nicaragua and San Salvador. So was Vietnam and Korea. Shall I go on?
        This country is on a path that was started before I was born and you were just a small child. You know history. You know the causes OSS and the CIA took up in the forties, fifties and sixties. You know where they have led us. Now today, we have so called leaders (politicians?) who not only screw things up, but are way in over their heads. And we have a choice between a career politician (WOW! Is that a scary thought or what?) and a career con man. (WOW! Is that a scary thought or what?) Do you think we are screwed or what? To call them both liars is to scream at the sky and call it blue! So, for your dignity and your intellect, pull yourself up out of the mud. Tell the truth about the present times and these candidates and present yourself so that I know I have someone I can intelligently spar with and converse with to gain my own bearings. Because, as for me…going any way the wind blows is looking pretty damned attractive right now.
        As far as Clinton’s statement on Kaddafi, please address (for a final time) and provide reference. And I will put this small gaff behind us. Peace

        1. Circumstantial evidence, Chas Cornweller.

          As the prosecutor, that is what I have to offer you.

          I did hear Hillary Clinton call for Moamar Gaddafi to be killed, as did anyone in the world whose ears or head were not stuffed with either cotton or bricks.

          And Moamar Gaddafi was subsequently killed as ordered or directed by Hillary Clinton, known in Libya as “Your Excellency.”

          If we have any doubts about Gaddafi being killed, all we need do is go to YouTube and there we can see it live as it happened.

          So, we had an order or command from Hillary Clinton to murder a man she didn’t like, and the murder took place.

          That can be firmly established from the incontrovertible evidence the jury, including yourself, has before it.

          In the course of being murdered, Gaddafi was sodomized, which is also an incontrovertible fact.


          The question before the jury, inbcluding yourself, is did Hillary Clinton expressly demand that Gaddafi be sodomized, or did she simply imply that she would be happy and pleased if in the course of murdering Gaddafi, his murderers would take the extra liberty of sodomizing him.

          As the prosecutor without direct access to the murderers to ask them if they had specific instructions from Hillary Clinton to sodomize Gaddafi before they carried out her instructions to murder him, I must admit that I am forced to speculate.

          I wasn’t there, myself, and neither Hillary Clinton nor the murderers have seen fit to include me in what deliberations took place between them before the actual murder took place.

          So if the jury chooses to disregard the circumstantial evidence that it is in Hillary Clinton’s character to have Gaddafi, who she didn’t like and wanted murdered, sodomized, as well, and determine that Hillary Clinton stands innocent of having ordered Gaddafi to be humiliated by being sodomized before he was murdered, that is the prerogative of the jury, and of course, yourself as a member of it.

          That is why we have juries, afterall.

          And Chas Cornweller, thank you for, pressing the issue, and asking for further clarification.

          Had tkenny chosen to act professionally as you have, instead of resorting to pouting and taunts and insults as he did, we might have gotten to this same point earlier in the discussion, but alas.

        2. Chas Cornweller, Sir!

          You can’t be serious here when you say, “Secondly, the point; made by TKenny of second language and the usage of ‘Your Excellency’, is a strong one.”

          Not hardly.

          We don’t have the words “Your Excellency” on OUR Language, so why would someone with supposed minimal experience of the English language as used by the free American people think that the words “Your Excellency” are a part of our language.

          Where on earth would he have gotten such an idea from?

          Certainly not from watching American movies.

          And are we to believe that those are the only American words he knows – “Your Excellency?”

          How about this as an alternate scenario, Chas Cornweller:

          Before Hillary Clinton actually got there, her protocol people got there first, and they had Gibril prettied up, and made sure he didn’t smell like camel dung, and they told him he had to address Hillary Clinton as “Your Excellency.”

          That is far more plausible to me than this “English as a second language” scenario tkenny, a rabid Hillary Clinton partisan, is trying to peddle in here.

          What do you think?

        3. With that said, Chas Cornweller, we need to go back and re-examine your serious concern that I have gone over to the dark side, or I have slipped off the path and have fallen down into the mud and have become a liar, a much more serious charge brought forth by the formidable tkenny in here while you were away.

          So without further adieu, let us go to tkenny’s first post which commenced this fray on October 5, 2016 at 1:15 am, where he or she says as follows:

          “The fact that Hillary Clinton had Gaddafi first humiliated by having him sodomized with a stick and a knife by her mercenaries, and then murdered, is a matter of record, as is the fact that Libya is now a dangerous, terrorist-infested failed state that is a breeding ground for future terrorists, thanks to Hillary Clinton”

          Now, now pants on fire!

          I think your nose just grew long enough to hit your monitor while seated.

          Do you really believe that?

          end quote

          Do I believe what I said, Chas Cornweller?

          Most assuredly I do, and I believed it when I wrote those words, and that belief was formed back in 2011, when all of that went down in real life, which I happened to be living at the time, just as I was living life in real time when JFK was killed in 1963, and when the French fortress at Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam fell on May 7, 1954, after a four month siege led by Vietnamese nationalist Ho Chi Minh.


          Was I lying, as tkenny asserts?

          Was I making things up?

          In response, I would be lying if I had made that up, which would be apparent if tkenny could prove that it never happened that way I stated.

          But tkenny can’t prove that.

          End of issue.

          Could I have phrased it better?

          Of course.

          I should have said it this way:

          The fact, IN MY MIND, BASED ON WHAT I RECALL OF THAT OCCURRENCE, is that Hillary Clinton had Gaddafi first humiliated by having him sodomized with a stick and a knife by her mercenaries, and then murdered, WHICH is a matter of record, as is the fact that Libya is now a dangerous, terrorist-infested failed state that is a breeding ground for future terrorists, thanks to Hillary Clinton.

          end quote

          I think that more properly states what it is I said there.

          The two links tkenny posted don’t in any way refute or controvert that, so when tkenny came back on October 5, 2016 at 3:04 pm and said, “I’m sorry Paul, I did not see where you said ‘ You’re right Tkenny, I made up that assertion that Hilary told her mercenaries to sodomized Gaddafi with a stick and a knife,’” it’s because tkenny was not right.

          I did not make that up.

          That is the impression that I got from the time that happened, which I had been blogging about on a daily basis as it was happening, getting all the print news accounts that I could and posting them as evidence to bolster my opinions as to what was going on in Libya regarding Hillary Clinton and Gaddafi.

          If tkenny wants to PROVE that impression is wrong, let him or her do it with facts, as opposed to resorting to simply calling me a liar.

          And that brings us to this statement of tkenny on October 5, 2016 at 7:51 pm:

          Oh, and those private Clinton mercenaries?

          They were members of the Transitional National Council fighters sending her off; she was on her way to the next stop.

          end quote

          As you will recall, Chas Cornweller, that photo referred to by tkenny was in October of 2011.

          As I am sure you will also recall, two months earlier, in August of 2011, the print media was chock-a-block with the news that Algeria was accusing the same NTC of being infiltrated by al Qaida.

          Quoting the LA Times story “ALGERIA: In no hurry to recognize Libyan rebel government” on August 25, 2011, some weeks before the visit of Hillary Clinton, where she is surrounded by all those smiling NTC fighters, as tkenny calls them, we have this:

          Algeria will not recognize Libyan rebels’ new government until it makes a strong commitment to fight Al Qaeda in North Africa, an Algerian government source told Reuters.

          The high-ranking source, who asked not to be identified, also said Algeria, a U.S. ally in the campaign against Al Qaeda, had evidence that Libyan militants it had handed over to Moammar Kadafi’s government are now at large in Libya and some have joined the rebels.

          “There is proof that Libyan Islamists who were delivered by Algeria to Tripoli have managed to flee and join the rebels.”

          “We even saw one of them on Al Jazeera television, speaking in the name of the NTC,” said the source, referring to the rebels’ National Transitional Council government.

          end quote

          Is it even remotely possible that Hillary Clinton was unaware of that, when it was common news?

          Is it possible as well that tkenny could have been unaware of that when he or she so blithely blew off my question above as to who those smiling faces surrounding Hillary Clinton in Libya belonged to?

          Having been alive and aware in August of 2011 of charges that al Qaida had infiltrated the NTC, my question to tkenny about who those smiling faces actually were had a factual basis to it, especially when we read in the British newspapers, which incidentally have much more about what is going on in this country than our MSM does, that when then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a surprise trip to Libya in October 2011, the vetting for her security was such that a man who was known to be suspected of having links to Islamic terrorism was in charge of her security.

          What the Daily Mail called “a shocking security blunder” was first revealed in a new book, “Jihadi John: The Making of a Terrorist,” by Robert Verkaik.

          More recently, Chas Cornweller, on January 6, 2016, in a FOREIGN POLICY JOURNAL article entitled “Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention” by Brad Hoff, we were informed thusly about the terrorists who had in filtrated this same NTC:

          Newly disclosed emails show that Libya’s plan to create a gold-backed currency to compete with the euro and dollar was a motive for NATO’s intervention.

          The New Year’s Eve release of over 3,000 new Hillary Clinton emails from the State Department has CNN abuzz over gossipy text messages, the “who gets to ride with Hillary” selection process set up by her staff, and how a “cute” Hillary photo fared on Facebook.

          But historians of the 2011 NATO war in Libya will be sure to notice a few of the truly explosive confirmations contained in the new emails: admissions of rebel war crimes, special ops trainers inside Libya from nearly the start of protests, Al Qaeda embedded in the U.S. backed opposition, Western nations jockeying for access to Libyan oil, the nefarious origins of the absurd Viagra mass rape claim, and concern over Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves threatening European currency.

          It appears that Clinton was getting personally briefed on the battlefield crimes of her beloved anti-Gaddafi fighters long before some of the worst of these genocidal crimes took place.

          The same intelligence email from Sydney Blumenthal also confirms what has become a well-known theme of Western supported insurgencies in the Middle East: the contradiction of special forces training militias that are simultaneously suspected of links to Al Qaeda.

          Blumenthal relates that “an extremely sensitive source” confirmed that British, French, and Egyptian special operations units were training Libyan militants along the Egyptian-Libyan border, as well as in Benghazi suburbs.

          While analysts have long speculated as to the “when and where” of Western ground troop presence in the Libyan War, this email serves as definitive proof that special forces were on the ground only within a month of the earliest protests which broke out in the middle to end of February 2011 in Benghazi.

          By March 27 of what was commonly assumed a simple “popular uprising” external special operatives were already “overseeing the transfer of weapons and supplies to the rebels” including “a seemingly endless supply of AK47 assault rifles and ammunition.”

          Yet only a few paragraphs after this admission, caution is voiced about the very militias these Western special forces were training because of concern that, “radical/terrorist groups such as the Libyan Fighting Groups and Al Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) are infiltrating the NLC and its military command.”

          end quote

          So, Chas Cornweller, I leave it to you – was I lying as tkenny would have you believe?

          Was I making things up as tkenny would have you believe?

          I leave the choice to you to decide.

  13. And just to set the record straight here, since words can indeed hurt us when they mislead us, Gaddafi of Libya was never the ace of spades.

    Who the US military in 2003 designated as the ace of spades was Saddam Hussein in Iraq, a totally different country from Libya, on a totally different landmass.

    As to words hurting us, which indeed they can, especially when uttered by a sociopath who calls American citizens a “Basket of Deplorables,” as if being a sociopath is somehow honorable, at the top of that list of words that can hurt us, or vying for the top of that list are the words “proscription” and “extrajudicial killing.”

    According to WIKIPEDIA, an extrajudicial killing is the killing of a person by governmental authorities without the sanction of any judicial proceeding or legal process.

    Barack Hussein Obama, who wants Hillary Clinton to succeed him as head of the imperial government of the United States of America, is very big on extrajudicial killing, which has become a sort of sport, with Obama’s victims as the ultimate big-game animals.

    Not surprisingly, according to WIKIPEDIA, extrajudicial punishments are mostly seen by humanity to be unethical, since they bypass the due process of the legal jurisdiction in which they occur.

    But as we know from these discussions in here, not all of humanity sees extrajudicial killing to be unethical.

    As to proscription, WIKIPEDIA tells us, in current usage, it is a “decree of condemnation to death or banishment” (OED) and can be used in a political context to refer to state-approved murder or banishment.

    Those of us who bother to study history will of course recall that the term originated in Ancient Rome, where it included public identification and official condemnation of declared enemies of the state.

    Sulla the tyrant was very big on proscription as a political tool to crush dissent, and Mark Antony had Cicero proscribed because Cicero talked smack about him and mocked him, which resulted in Cicero being murdered and his head and hands being removed from the rest of what was left of him for display in Rome.

    Proscription has been used broadly since to describe similar governmental and political actions, with varying degrees of nuance, including the en masse suppression of ideologies and elimination of political rivals or personal enemies.

    While U.S. senator from New York, Hillary Clinton was a proponent of proscription as a means of crushing dissent, as I can personally attest to.

    With respect to Libya, and Gaddafi, and schizophrenic foreign policy, and Hillary Clinton calling for Gaddafi to be murdered, or as it is known, “extrajudicial killing,” as an element of her schizophrenic foreign policy, according to a Council on Foreign Relations publication “How Libya Got Off the List” by Eben Kaplan on October 16, 2007, in the “Introduction,” we were informed as follows with respect to Gaddafi and Libya:

    On May 15, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced that the United States was removing Libya from its list of state sponsors of terrorism and would soon resume normal diplomatic relations with the one-time pariah.

    Rice said the move was in response to “historic decisions taken by Libya’s leadership in 2003 to renounce terrorism and to abandon its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs.”

    In that same publication, in the section “How did the United States respond to Libya’s change in behavior?” we were informed thusly:

    Just as Libya’s concessions came in stages, so too did the incentives it received.

    In February 2004, U.S. officials reopened a diplomatic mission in Tripoli and lifted the travel ban preventing Americans from visiting Libya.

    Two months later, the diplomatic mission was upgraded to a liaison office.

    Just over a year later came the announcement that the United States would lift its sanctions and restore full diplomatic relations with Libya.

    In October 2007 Libya was voted onto the UN Security Council as a nonpermanent member.

    Though Washington did not endorse Libya’s candidacy, it did not block it either, as it had with previous attempts by Libya to join the Security Council in 1995 and 2000.

    end quotes

    Three years later, three years after Libya was voted onto the UN Security Council as a nonpermanent member in October of 2007, in October of 2011, U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton, she who accuses loyal American citizens who don’t bow or kow-tow to her of being a “Basket of Deplorables,” was calling for Gaddafi to be murdered, which is to say, she proscribed him, and so he was murdered.


    In a Politico article entitled “Qadhafi death blunts GOP’s critique” by Josh Gerstein on 21 OCTOBER 2011, we are told as follows:

    Qadhafi’s death came seven months after Obama and European leaders launched a military campaign, eventually headed up by NATO, aimed at preventing the Libyan leader from massacring his own people.

    But the death of the Qadhafi, following the triumph of rebel forces in overthrowing his government, allowed Obama to declare success in a statement in the Rose Garden.

    “Today, we can definitively say that the Qadhafi regime has come to an end,” he said, adding that “we achieved our objectives.”

    end quotes

    “We” achieved our objectives?


    Who is the “we,” besides Obama and Hillary Clinton, both proponents of extrajudicial killing, and what kind of lunatic objectives did they achieve?

    As was made in candescently clear just recently in an article in THE GUARDIAN entitled “MPs deliver damning verdict on David Cameron’s Libya intervention – Foreign affairs committee says ex-PM was responsible for failures that helped create failed state on the verge of civil war” by Patrick Wintour and Jessica Elgot on 14 September 2016, the achievement of Obama’s objectives has led to Libya becoming a failed a state on the verge of all-out civil war.

    Can that be called anything but insane, another of those words that can definitely hurt us, and has, since Libya is now a breeding ground for terrorists?

  14. Paul Plante, you hit the nail on the head. Big Brother protecting us from ourselves. A large number of people have moved off the grid and far north in Alaska as well as in the hills of Virginia, the Carolinas & other places far in the boonies. What galls me most is people with room temp IQ’s knowing all about global warming & climate change which has always happened on this planet, before people, before fosil fuel & before motorized transportation. The next group of ninnies are the animal rights people whose qualifications are they went to the Bronx Zoo once & they saw a Disney movie. I don’t mean people who abhor the mistreatment of animals, I’m talking about the those who know better than the state fish & game people & who poke their noses into such as bear hunts when the number of animals has become not only a nuisence but a danger to people, pets & children.

    I look on my field & often I see many deer eating the soybeans I planted. When harvesting with the combine places that are bare amounting to several acres. There must be reasonable control or there will be no agriculture.

    We have done a lot of things to be self-sufficient but we are still city folk. We used to fill our freezers & give to our sons, grandkids & friends vegetables we raised, canned & froze, fish we caught & deer we stored away. We made corned beef, pastrami & had a smoke house where we made kielbasa, hams & bacon. A small flock so we had eggs, chickens, ducks, geese & turkeys. We heated with wood & used propane for cooking, hot water & a dryer. At one time we had a pitcher pump in the cellar but we kid ourselves. If the power fails we are in trouble. No water, no refrigeration & bad news for the freezer. So many things thanks to Edison & Tesla. We need to harden the grid & our leaders just sit there. We know an enemy can destroy the grid & it could take a year or more to get power. This is probably the biggest threat we face & we do nothing & the cost is not all that huge.

    A lot of things I wanted to do but never did. My own beef with some fat & a few hogs. Gallons of home brew & a little wine. We caught & canned some tuna & what a difference from Charlie. We had failures maybe because we couldn’t control temp & humidity. At one point we thought about homesteading in Alaska. 640 acres perperson & we had 6 people. That’s 6 sq miles but I knew all the good land was already taken. Only oil & gold left!

    By the way, what is NYSPE?

    1. A NYSPE is an out-dated and out-moded term in New York state, andy zahn.

      It used to stand for integrity, but no longer does, so my use of it in this political day and age is really kind of anachronistic, as I likely am, as well.

      It is New York State Licensed Professional Engineer.

      In NYS, engineers used to be licensed to protect and safeguard life, health and property, and moral fitness was a requirement.

      Can the person so licensed be trusted to do that – protect human life?

      I was one of those persons.

      To be a licensed engineer, one had to have education and training both, having to serve a minimum 4-year apprenticeship under a licensed engineer, and one had to take and pass two separate examinations of roughly 8 hours duration apiece.

      That, of course, was before like other things, politicians took control of the system.

      I personally am a famous case in the state of New York.

      I am not allowed to practice as a licensed professional engineer in New York state because I was not “compliant.”

      I wouldn’t “look the other way” and “go along to get along.”

      Grievous sins both in the corrupt state of New York, where the culture of corruption grows like barnacles on a boat bottom in the words of Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.

      As a public official in charge of protecting and safeguarding the public health of the people of Rensselaer County in New York state, this when Andy Cuomo’s dad, Mario, was governor, I would not take bribes or honor bribes taken by politicians to approve subdivisions without adequate water supply or provision for sewage disposal, and so, I had to go, and very publicly so, to send a very strong message to anyone else tempted to be like me and act with integrity as a public official.

      And so it happened.

  15. We are cut of the same material. I march to my own cadence & tell my superiors how it is, like it or not. In Alaska the company commander always called meetings at my beer time, 1700, and the 5 Lts sat & litened. This day he wanted us to push among our men that they should support the banquet for the basketball team. I blew my stack! We were on skis in the 40, 50, 60 below weather every day with overnights, etc & the jocks were in a nice heated gym. I told the old man it is WE who should have an affair in OUR honor. I was RA as was the XO so I had more to lose with my big mouth than the others but that was the end of the issue.

    I feel your pain as being from NJ we have the same corruption & I fought it for many years. Finally we had enough & voted with our feet. I never heard of any honest politician & not one governor, no matter what party was doing other than robbing the people blind. All the new taxes; sales, income, casinos, lottery money squandered or stolen & the state is broke & my pension is in jeopardy. Cuomo & Christie, strange bed fellows. Come to think of it, not strange at all!

    We don’t have a generator because we are a priority & rarely out more than an hour. Candles, oil lamps, gas range. Our oven has a pilot light & if the pilot is out 9V batteries to light it. That’s important as usual our government messed it all up with electronic ignition. The gen would almost never be used & when needed probably wouldn’t work. If the power is outfor a long spellgetting fuel may be impossible so a gen may be only a stop-gap. Then there’s the danger from C O & 120 & 22o V electricitywith we tground & rain/snow & then a large expense.

    Thanks for the info about NYSPE. It’s obvious you have a terrific education. Ever think about moving to the Eastern Shore? I’ll guarantee you would see a huge reduction in your taxes.

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