From Cape Charles Treasurer – Due to a software conversion at the county for the assessment records, there were many adjustments to be made prior to sending out the tax bills – both real estate and personal property. Real property tax bills were mailed on Wednesday, November 9 th with a due date of December 5th. There is no estimated date for mailing the personal property taxes yet, however the due date will be three weeks from the billing date. Only 2 weeks are required by law, but with the postal service issues experienced in the past 2 years we will allow an additional week.
If you received a personal property tax bill from the town last year and would like to prepay a portion of this year’s bill, we are able to accept those payments. You will be billed for the difference when the system difficulties have been resolved.
Personal property tax shouldn’t even be allowed.
Its nothing more than a back door tax .
Taxing you to own after already being taxed to purchase then register and if you own a business tools and equipment is completely wrong .