February 19, 2025

6 thoughts on “UPDATE: Still questions about tragic drowning in Harbor

  1. Wayne, this is flawed in many manners, and not the way it happened.

    I wish you would reach out for a business owners thoughts or comments on such a sensitive topic prior to writing something accusational.

  2. When are the town’s drinking establishments going to held responsible for their actions. Safety before tourism dollars .

    1. NEVER!
      All of the bars are looking to make as much money as possible.
      I know someone who was there the night of the drowning. To be honest it sounded like a suicide.
      Very sad.

  3. So once more where was the duty Police officer ? Obvious no Patrol By Police at Drinking establishments in Town .I think if officers were in contact with Bar owners and in formed of Intoxicated customers this would help solve this problem

    1. The comments by so many Social Justice Warriors are hilarious–there’s no discussion of the importance of individual responsibility in this matter. Restaurants and the Cape Charles Police Department are not parents. The guy wasn’t even driving! Comments portray this hopeless drunk as a VICTIM, which he wasn’t. If you play the game (drinking excessively), you take your chances. This guy played it and he lost.

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