Bethany’s philosophy: “Don’t stop your brain until the canvas is full.” Now is the time to let your canvas overflow with your mind’s vision.

Have you been itching to paint but need a gentle push? Bursting to create but need some guidance translating your inspiration onto canvas? Join LemonTree artist-in-residence Bethany Simpson for a three-part workshop series to explore technique and style. Bring an object or an image, or just have something in mind, and Bethany will help you develop a well-composed painting around it. Participants are also welcome to copy Bethany’s works-in-progress if that is preferred.
Workshops will be held October 11, October 25 and November 8 from 10am-2pm.Cost: $45/workshop
$120 for all 3
Most materials are not included. Participants must provide:
A small canvas (around 8″x10″)
A small acrylic paint set
An assortment of brushes
Bethany will provide calligraphy brushes.
Participants should bring a bagged lunch and water.
Just contact us at or call 331-GEAR (4327) to register.
Bethany have you sold the above picture my sister loves it and would love to buy it or can you paint something similar to it this is Sharon Renner