February 17, 2025

30 thoughts on “The Case of Ray Epps, Jan 6 Insurrection’s Agent Provocateur

  1. The one thing you can count on in most “Americans” is their lack of a working memory longer than a few nano-seconds.

    By noon, everything that happened before 11:59 has already been forgotten, as if it never was.

    Which takes us who do have working memories back to the Church Committee (formally the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities), which was a U.S. Senate select committee in 1975 that investigated abuses by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

    The most shocking revelations of the committee include Operation MKULTRA involving the drugging and torture of unwitting US citizens as part of human experimentation on mind control; COINTELPRO involving the surveillance and infiltration of American political and civil-rights organizations; Family Jewels, a CIA program to covertly assassinate foreign leaders; Operation Mockingbird as a systematic propaganda campaign with domestic and foreign journalists operating as CIA assets and dozens of US news organizations providing cover for CIA activity.

    Those of us with working memories well remember the federal government agents provacateurs infiltrated into various groups in the 60s and early 70s whose sole purpose, beyond spying, was to try and provoke the groups into committing acts of violence, to give the gummint an excuse to shut them down.

    So can anybody be surprised that they would resort to the same tactics on 6 January 2021, the day Nancy Pelosi installed Joe Biden as our next president?

    On August 17, 1975 Senator Frank Church appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press, and stated as follows:

    In the need to develop a capacity to know what potential enemies are doing, the United States government has perfected a technological capability that enables us to monitor the messages that go through the air. (…)

    Now, that is necessary and important to the United States as we look abroad at enemies or potential enemies.

    We must know, at the same time, that capability at any time could be turned around on the American people, and no American would have any privacy left: such is the capability to monitor everything—telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn’t matter.

    There would be no place to hide.

    If this government ever became a tyranny, if a dictator ever took charge in this country, the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know.

    Such is the capability of this technology.


    I don’t want to see this country ever go across the bridge.

    I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision so that we never cross over that abyss.

    That is the abyss from which there is no return.

    end quotes

    And here we now are!

    1. I remember same as you. Like when VALARIE PLAME and other rogue CIA agents tried to take down the Bush Admin.

      1. Tommy, I don’t care if you evaporated into thin air last Tuesday at noon, so why would I care what you type today?

        For you are as meaningless, to me, as the 137 gallons of urine that a 70 pound, domesticated canine releases from it’s bladder, every 12 months.


        1. Trump DID NOT appoint Fauci, he was stuck with Fauci just the way we, the American people, are stuck with that mouth-running fool who changes what he is saying every five minutes it seems.

          Do some studying, Tommy, so you don’t keep making a real fool out of yourself before several million people in here all over the world.


          “Dr. Anthony Fauci’s career under six US presidents”

          Updated 11:35 AM ET, Thu December 24, 2020

          Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key member of the White House’s coronavirus task force, is no stranger to leading the federal response to national health emergencies.

          Since 1984, he has been the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

          Fauci has served under six US presidents, starting with Ronald Reagan, and in 2008 he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

          1. Trump appointed lil Fauci to ‘his’ Covid Resopnse Team in 2019/2020 when the Chinese Flu was brought to our shores by airplanes. Yes, he was part of the swamp foe decades, before Trump selected him.

      2. Wow, Tom I had no idea that Donald Trump appointed Fauci to the NIAID in 1968. Freaking amazing!!!

        Excellent President AND TIME TRAVELER!!!!!

        As a FauciFan, do you also hate homosexuals and wish to see them dead, like AF did back during AIDS?


  2. Interesting. I wound up here because I started out looking for David Folkenflik who I heard on NPR stating that Tucker Carlson lied about January 6. I wended my way through MuckRack.com, the Twitter feed by Folkenflik, something called Flux I never heard of before, and the the mosh pit of DailyKos and Alternet.

    So they may have found something about the “Red Man”, I have not seen the video where he was said to be handing out hammers. BUT conspicuous by omission was anything addressing either Epps or this Osborne guy, who are very real seen and heard in many videos. Other than vague statements about the DOJ “circling” Osborne. What? When they kicked in the doors of completely innocent people who they thought “might”have Nancy’s fabled laptop?

    None of them face up to Tucker’s case of very questionable selective non-prosecution of others either. OR of the question of the initial breach–or even this weird business of the laptop (I have seen the picture of the guy, masked in battle dress, carrying the laptop). So it’s a bit of a stretch to proclaim Tucker’s case is “debunked”. Actually it’s THEIR case that looks like their usual Lies of Omission–like they did for 2 years + uniformly screeching about TrumpRussiaCollusion !

    Meanwhile it looks like the FBI director–the one compromised by the big $ his law firm got FROM CHINA–lied about whethef the FBI had informants inside the “Proud Boys”.


  3. Hearing that something was going to happen, my wife’s niece was at the back of the White House. She reported that nothing seemed to be happening.

    1. God will bless the USA when our women stop killing their babies. Thou Shalt Not Kill is pretty simple.

  4. Was John Sullivan ever arrested , the BLM member they have on tape inciting violence, and on video standing in the hallway outside the chamber when Ashly Babbit was shot.

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