January 13, 2025

1 thought on “The Fails Continue: Biden’s Gaza Pier Has Fallen Apart

  1. This is all so much pure BIDEN BULL****, this Gaza pier fiasco, and it is so typical and indeed emblematic of the SHALLOW-THINKING and SHORT-SIGHTEDNESS of senile old Joe Biden and EVERYBODY in his administration.

    Joe lacks imagination, as does EVERYBODY he has chosen to be his minions, lackeys and servants, and so he and they are unable to project out ahead to see what folly might be out there waiting for him and them, like waves on the Mediterranean sea, as if that were an unusual event.

    The facial contortions of Joe’s lackey John “JACKIE BOY” Kirby in this Washington Post video as he tries to explain what happened to Joe’s pier are hilarious and pathetic at the same time as Joe’s lackey John “JACKIE BOY” Kirby was a REAR BADMIRAL in the Navy, and as such you would expect that he would have to know that unlike the pond in New York’s Central Park, the waters of the ocean and seas of the world are not flat as a pancake and have waves, something an E-4 Navy aerographer would have been able to predict far in advance, which shows just how stupid, ignorant and uninformed Joe’s lackey John “JACKIE BOY” Kirby really is, to wit:

    Kirby blames ‘Mother Nature’ for pier problems

    White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby spoke about the Pentagon’s Gaza pier on March 28, after deliveries over the pier were suspended.


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