January 13, 2025

34 thoughts on “This Weekend: Musical Don’t Stop Believin’ and Rosenwald School Documentary

  1. …built …during “legal segregation” suggests that segregation was legally valid and morally valid. It is a twisted concept. It was never “legal” and always forced.

    1. Sadly, they are more self-segregated, nationwide, than they ever were in the segregated south. They want you to not see skin color but never stop reminding us they are black. They will not let slavery go, wanting reparations, but pass a white man (usually their ancestors owners) last name on to every kid they have. Their manta does not add up. There are tax payer funded programs in place for them from the cradle to the grave….free breakfast, tutoring, funded college, minority business loans, special government projects(RFP) that demand high percentage or 100% minority participation….ect. Their manta is what liberal democrats have taught them, coupled with no father in the home and gangster rap…..Their minds have been properly programed. Look at Baltimore and Chicago for the results.

      And Racist…no need to reply with that tired mess. No one cares any more, who you feel is racist. It sounds like ‘Wolf”, ‘Wolf’ , ‘WOLF’.

      1. Really, where do they think their last names come from? Political Correctness stops people from bringing it up. Thanks for doing so.

      2. To me, they have not kept their end of the bargain up. They begged to be allowed to integrate, but they do not appear integrated to me.

        Asian countries for Asians.

        Black countries for Blacks.

        but White countries for everybody?

        That’s genocide.

        Anti-racist is a code word for Anti-White

        Cassius Clay says it best right here… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqiWFLsgVi4

  2. It took a war in which approximately 600,000 lives were lost to start the process. It is no surprise that without focus, nothing changes. There was never a “bargain”; each gain was obtained with a lot of toil as history reveals. Not intending to create a firestorm, but research discloses that the welfare rolls include a lot of publicly uncounted—everybody seems to take advantage of it—race aside.

  3. Splitting hairs is making unnecessary distinctions between things when the differences between them are so small they are not important. I refer to Mr. Taylor’s charge of segregation was “never legal” and always forced. With all due respect, it was legal to segregate and the laws were an integral part of America society, especially in the south, for nearly three hundred and fifty years. With the first vestiges of slavery, to the Jim Crow enacted laws, blacks and whites have been kept apart in a multitude of ways. Most Americans politely call it segregation, while the rest of the world views it as America’s Apartheid. And I do agree with Mr. Taylor’s assessment of the ethical nature of these laws. But, they were laws nonetheless. However, “forced” on people of color kidnapped and “forced” from their homelands and families for “forced” labor practices. Filling the white master’s pockets with capital and building an infrastructure for a young America for free. For free, meaning generations living in poverty, beholden to their master’s generosities or lack of it.
    And yes, some freed slave families did take the last name of their owners. Many others did not, opting to take the last names of the blue uniformed soldiers that marched through their plantations and exhorting them to run away. Realize, however, by the time of their emancipation, the old African family structure had been so radically destroyed by a white society controlling them, they had nothing to fall back on. Their heritage was gone. Their history was gone. Their families were gone. Their culture was gone. All of it…taken aboard ship and cast into the Atlantic passage. Their own ideals were started from scratch.
    The lasting scars of slavery and the re-commitment of controlling freed-slaves came about with Jim Crow Laws. Sitting in the back of the bus, unable to ride trains in some cases, unless in special cars or unless as a Pullman porter. Unable to vote or to own property in some counties. Numerous lynching’s and murders without recompense or any form of justice from the white courts. These were all part of the social fabric. Those machinations still reverberate today.
    Bayou Blues speaks of “them” taking. Taking from the tax payer. Free breakfast, tutoring, funded college, minority business loans, special government projects(RFP) that demand high percentage or 100% minority participation. I am always amused by this one-sided, one color, vantage point. Does Blue even realize how many white children participate in the free breakfast programs, or how good friends of mine went full scholarship to Norfolk State or Hampton University just because of their skin color? And reparations? Seriously? So, if someone were to ask Blue to come put up a fence and to bring his children to help and then forgoes paying them, only to tell them afterwards;” I fed you, gave you cool clear water to drink…you should be happy.” But in the meantime, one of Blue’s kids turns up missing…sold down river…well, you get my drift.
    You see these programs are in place because America has not dealt with its poverty yet. We have welfare, because we cannot bear to watch the extremely poor, the infirmed or the elderly die by starvation and depravation. These folks you call “THEM” are the poor in this country. The war on poverty is just that, sir…A War on the Poor. But, to give subsidies to General Motors, Exxon Oil, Lockheed, farmers for not planting a certain crop and a one point five TRILLON dollar tax cut to the upper one percental of the richest Americans is just fine with you sir. Am I correct in hearing you? You sir, would be stepping up to be declared just a racist…you are a despicable human being. Forget looking north to Baltimore and Chicago. Look at yourself.
    Lastly, I watched that You Tube of Muhammad Ali. (by the way, you got his name wrong). He was talking Nation of Islam rhetoric, which I completely disagree with. The Nation of Islam is racist, I will clearly tell you that. But, Ali did say something very interesting. It was a misogynistic phrase and so stated “I ain’t that much in love with one woman to go through all that hell. Ain’t no one woman that good.” The interviewer replied, that he believed that it was a philosophy of despair. Quite honestly, Muhammad Ali came off looking more like Archie Bunker than the prize fighter he once was. Ali might have been a great boxer, but he wasn’t as intelligent in this interview as others I’ve seen him in.
    As far as the self-segregated, we are all culpable. We do tend to gravitate to our own tribe. I am never more comfortable and relaxed, then when I am with family. It is when the rules and regulations from the outside, pin us down from the inside…we become lost. Jim Crow and its laws were a wicked outcome of a completely evil period in American history. Like those who say…know your history or become doomed to repeat it. Black, white, yellow and red. We are all Americans. Whether you’ve been here for one generation or twelve, we are all citizens of this nation. You don’t have to love everyone. But, you should follow the golden rule.

  4. Wow, Stuart, such a well thought out and constructive reply to my comment, I hardly know where to begin. But, you see, that’s just what I have come to expect from a Neo-Con Sheeple like you. Blindly knowing what they want you to know, all the while; kowtowing to the incessant ranting and raving of the propaganda machine, slowly killing and dying along with any thought of personal freedom and self-respect you may have once possessed. You really want to know what is looney? I’ll be happy to tell you. The idea that America has squandered its wealth, its prestige, its ideals of democracy within a standing Republic, all for the sake of trying to mold the rest of the world in some twisted idea of a McDonald’s in every town, a Seven-Eleven on every corner and a diet coke in every over weight, bloated, uneducated person’s hand the world over. While stealing from the poor and the middle class to do so. And folks like you cannot even see just how far down into the bowels of hell that has taken us. So, you just keep paying your taxes like a good little boy. You keep praying to God’s only begotten while looking down your nose at that brown man sitting across the diner counter from you wondering why he is there in the first place. Keep on loving your neighbor as yourself, as long as they agree with you…everyone else is either, 1. Liberal Loon 2. Ill begotten Come Heres and brown foreigners. 3. Busy body ecology do-gooders or 4. Or a member of the Kellam family who set out solely, to make your life a living misery. Keep the faith brother, cause after this administration and its loon of a leader is done with their swamp and feeding all their alligator friends, faith will be all you will have left. That and your magical, clever wit!

    1. Things to keep away from liberals:

      1. Liquor
      2. Firearms
      3. Women
      4. Positions of power
      5. Voters
      6. Podiums with microphones
      7. Smartphones
      8. Voting booths
      9. email
      10. Hammers
      11. Children, and our children’s children (edit)
      12. Slush funds
      13. Foundations
      14. Uranium (Yellow cake)
      15. Russians (Yes, this includes Black Russians)
      16. Tarmacs
      17. Cigars
      18. Tax revenue
      19. Education
      20. Local city council
      21. Interns
      22. Schools and colleges
      23. Bleach-bit, or cloth
      24. Oval Office
      25. Fake news camera’s….
      26. Illegal Aliens (edit)
      27. The United States Constitution

      1. Things to keep away from trolls: Yawn…

        I would say opposite sex, but there is no danger in them ever meeting someone
        Keys to their mom’s basement door

        1. You Sir, are a Damned Fool…not many basements on the eastern shore, just wet crawl spaces. Not many folks called chas either. We would have bullied you to tears, in fact I still would.


    2. You forgot number 5 in your list:

      5. Keep your foot up a liberal’s a$$ seven days a week and twice on Sunday.

      1. “Virtue is persecuted by the wicked more than it is loved by the good.” And another: “I do not deny that what happened to us is a thing worth laughing at. But it is not worth telling, for not everyone is sufficiently intelligent to be able to see things from the right point of view.” Don Quixote

        And as far as bullying is concerned, Stuart…I cannot be bullied. I cannot be cowed, and I will not shut-up. My methods may not be the best course of action or the straightest distance, point to point…but my journey is a noble one and I have a heart of the people. You sir, have no heart, no compassion, no empathy. And as far as my name is concerned…Chas is a derivative of Charles, as in Cape Charles; your hometown. Ironic? Don’t you think.

        Matthew 5:22 – but I say unto you, that every-one who is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council; and whosoever shall say, Thou Fool, shall be in danger of the fires of hell. Jesus of Nazareth

        And one last parting shot…a quote from Stuart Handy (remember him?) Such a manly man…he said, and I quote…” Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: ‘Mankind.’ Basically, it’s made up of two separate words, mank and ind. What do these words mean? It’s a mystery, and that’s why, so is mankind.”

        Have a great day.

        1. In the spirit of P. Plante:

          60 Hard Truths about “Liberals”

          1. At the most basic level, the Liberal is anti-God. He is an intellectually dishonest, unprincipled, mentally immature, spoiled child who is forever in search of a world without moral consequence. That is why the Liberal makes “The State” his god. The Liberal worships THE STATE. The Liberal attempts to use his god (government) to eliminate all moral consequences for immoral behavior. In the name of “Justice,” the Liberal also pretends to make his god (The State) “level” all peoples so that the wise or the beautiful or the genius will have no advantage over the unwise, the ugly and the simpleton in the marketplace. The Liberal calls this tyrannical State of Government, UTOPIA.

          2. The Liberal vainly imagines that freedom from moral consequence can be secured by a collectivist, totalitarian state.

          3. Liberals use moralistic platitudes and catchy phrases like “social justice” and “The Brotherhood of Man” to appeal to the naive masses who are duped into believing that the ultimate goals of Liberals are genuinely benign and beneficient. However at the root, like the Prince in Machiavelli’s greatest work, the single moral principle that Liberals adhere to is the continual accumulation and centralization of all power.

          4. The ideologies of Liberals must inevitably end in world-wide totalitarianism.

          5. All non-sexual individual freedoms are despised by the Liberal. Why? Because those kinds of individual freedoms, (such as economic self-reliance) demand moral responsibility.

          6. The fundamental power struggle of Liberals may be classified as the individual versus the collective. The Liberal supports the collective in every contest against the individual. The individual must be relieved of all power in favor of the collective. All power must be centralized.

          7. Liberals hate Individualism because it demands moral responsibility. Liberals support collectivism because they hope to eliminate the need for moral responsibility.

          8. The U.S. Constitution and specifically the support for rugged individualism which is evident in the Bill of Rights, is the enemy of the Liberal.

          9. The Liberal despises the United States because it is the premier protector and promoter of individualism in the world.

          10. In the mind of a Liberal, all institutions and concerns schools, environment, courts, etc. – serve no relevant purpose other than the promotion of collectivism.

          11. In the depraved thought processes of a Liberal, abortion becomes necessary to guarantee sexual freedom and eliminate moral consequence.

          12. The basis of traditional healthy psychology is to help individuals take personal responsibility for the choices they have made and to help them make better choices in the future. The basis of modern psychology as defined by the Liberals who are members of the self deluded, isolated and ill-educated Professorial Class living in their government financed socialist Ivory Towers, is the elimination of moral responsibility.

          13. In order to advance their agenda, Liberals create an atmosphere of crisis and fear that is used to justify their collectivist oppression. Liberals love to go to war against other nations for it is during times of war that they are most successful in getting the most oppressive legislation passed in Congress. Check your history books and you will see that every major war America has fought in the last 100 years was started by a Liberal or a statist who philosophically supported centralized government

          14. Any religion or religious person who believes or teaches that there are moral consequences for sin, is the enemy of Liberalism and must be oppressed.

          15. Western nations and Western Civilization have produced more liberty and more prosperity for more people than any other culture in History. Christianity is the foundation of the culture upon which Western civilization was built. A genuinely Christian populace will reject collectivism and support individualism. A genuine Christian populace will live moral lives and thus they will support governmental policy that encourages individual, personal, moral responsibility. A genuine Christian populace will reject collectivism and centralized government. A morally debauched populace will look to the government to support them and shelter them from their bad moral choices. Thus for the collectivist Liberal bent on imposing socialism upon a nation, Christianity is the number one enemy above all other enemies. Christianity must be eliminated.

          16. Despite decades of spectacular failure in nation after nation, the Liberal clings to his collectivist dream because it is far more than a theory of government. It is a religion.

          17. The Liberal seeks to dominate any institution that can interfere with, weaken or destroy individual parental rights. Thus you will note that Liberals completely control and dominate public schools, child abuse agencies, pediatric associations, welfare departments, social service agencies and all NGO’s that feign concern for the welfare of children. Why? Because in order for Liberals to impose socialism upon a people, they must undermine the ability of the people to govern themselves according to God’s moral law. To accomplish this they must weaken the main support of morality. Strong families are one of the greatest threats to the final goals of Liberalism. The total disintegration of the American family in recent decades among some ethnic communities has occurred as a direct result of the design and intention of Liberals. Feel the hate. Hate is good when directed at these demonic Liberals who are the avowed enemies of God, Family Values and freedom.

          18. The Liberal applauds the imprisoning of home-schooling parents who dare to raise their children outside the control of collectivist public schools.

          19. Private ownership of guns is the single greatest symbol of individual power, and therefore is despised by Liberals.

          20. All individual freedoms demand the responsible behavior of the individual, and therefore demand a moral code. Liberals despise freedom because they despise morality.

          21. The Liberal loves Bill Clinton because of who he is, not in spite of who he is.

          22. The Liberal despises national sovereignty. Why? Because the best protection of individual freedoms is found in small decentralized governments.

          23. The Liberal promotes the growth of multi-national and international governments such as the European Union and the United Nations because these organizations advance the cause of socialism and seek to destroy the very individualism that is best protected by sovereign states.

          24. The Liberal fears any hint of individualism in any part of the world, and is obsessed with the centralized control of all human activity and thought. Thus the Liberal constantly seeks total control over all forms of media. The Internet is driving Liberals crazy with fear that more people will start thinking for themselves and demand limited decentralized governments in nations around the world.

          25. “Multi-culturalism” is the code word for a single, oppressive, collectivist culture. The root word of “culture,” is the word “cult,” meaning religion. Christianity is the only religion that finds a perfect balance between allowing mankind maximum liberty within the guidelines of clearly delineated moral absolutes, without the need for an oppressive State. Because a genuine Christian populace will be self governing in the matter of moral issues there is no need for an all-powerful government to police an unruly populace. The Eighth Commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Steal,” presupposes the right of individuals to own private property. The Eighth Commandment is therefore the foundation of Western Capitalism and the engine of our prosperity. This is another reason why Liberals hate the Bible. If Liberals are successful at transforming America into a totally multi-cultural, i.e., multi-religious, non-Christian society, we will lose our freedom.

          26. Liberals speak often of tolerance, but they only tolerate Liberals and Liberal ideas. For instance, Liberals hate Christianity and conservative Bible believing Christians are persona non grata in any gathering of Liberals. Liberals are extremely intolerant concerning Christianity because of its insistence upon personal responsibility and moral absolutes. Liberals know that a society without moral absolutes and a society without strong emphasis upon personal responsibility will fall like a ripe apple into their greedy socialist clutches because self reliance and rugged individualism are traits that are only found amongst moral peoples who come from strong families.

          27. The Liberal seeks to criminalize any speech that promotes morality or individualism as “hate speech.” Thus we see Liberal Judges and Liberal Courts outlawing the Bible and gutting the free speech provisions of the first amendment of the constitution. Liberal Judges are now declaring that the Bible’s proscriptions against homosexuality are illegal “hate speech” and scripture is now in the process of being outlawed from any appearance in public discourse or the public square. If one speaks in favor of individualism and against affirmative action in a public forum at work, Liberal Judges and Liberal Courts are now saying that such speech amounts to intimidation of minorities and is prohibited by law.

          28. Environmentalists lie as a matter of course. Why? Because environmentalists have a false god too. Whereas the god of the Liberal is “The State,” the god of the environmental extremist worships is “the creation,” rather than the Creator. This warps their thinking and as a result they become anti-human. They fall into all kinds of error such as elevating the rights of animals above those of mankind. Whereas the Christian world-view teaches men that they are to be “Good Stewards” of the earth and all it’s creatures. The Christian world-view instructs men that they are to be kind to animals, but that they are not to elevate anything above the value of human life. Why? Because the Bible teaches that mankind is the crown of God’s entire Creation. The Bible teaches that “Man was created in the image of God.” Thus human life is profoundly sacred and highly valued far above that of any animal or wilderness or wetland (swamp). Thus genuine Christians who hold to a Biblical world-view will know that private property rights trump the claims of the EPA “nature nazi’s” to regulate how a farmer may use his private property. Genuine Christians who hold to a Biblical world-view will know that these “Watermelon” Environmental Extremists have no right to tell a man how to use his own private property unless it can be proven that the owner is doing damage to his neighbors property. (PS A “Watermelon Environmentalist” is a person who is GREEN on the outside (i.e., they claim to care about the environment) but they are truthfully COMMUNIST RED on the inside (i.e., they do not really care about the environment. They are just using the moral cause of preserving the environment as a means of consolidating their power and advancing the cause of Socialism and One World Government.)

          29. The Liberal’s only method of debate is to appeal to the emotions of mis-educated and illogical persons. Liberals seek to insult and discredit anyone who dares to disagree with them, especially in the college class-room. Why? Because the facts of logic and history do not support the agenda they are seeking to advance.

          30. When possible, Liberals oppress anyone who questions their beliefs. Is that “Liberal?”

          31. Liberals despise all innocence – especially the innocence of a child. Thus Hollywood Liberals seek to steal the innocence of our children as early as possible and the public schools assist them in this goal.

          32. Liberals seek to sexualize our children, eliminate age of consent laws and promote the normalization of pedophilia, all in the pursuit of sexual freedom.

          33. In the Liberal mind, your freedom is their oppression.

          34. Private property and individual wealth is integral to individualism, and the enemy of the Liberal.

          35. The Liberal hates you.

          36. The Liberal seeks to replace a moral world-view with an emotional world-view. For instance: If you protest that it is wrong for them to steal your money (via confiscatory taxes, forcibly collected to support welfare programs) against your will and give it to persons that you do not know and do not care about, Liberals will counter your argument with an appeal to the emotions of the listeners. They will drone on about how we are the wealthiest nation in the world and surely we can afford to make sure that THE CHILDREN in the ghettos of America are afforded free dental care.

          37. The Liberal typically chooses a career in a field that produces nothing of value. A Liberal will look for employment in field such as public education, an employee of local, county, state or federal government, an “activist,” a lawyer, or a bureaucrat in a tax free foundation or an NGO devoted to advancing Liberal goals, etc. Then the Liberal will use government to extract wealth from others by force via the power to tax.

          38. Liberal do-gooder programs enrich Liberals and do little to actually help the poor.

          39. The Liberal despises masculinity as a symbol of individual power.

          40. Feminists groups are about lesbianism, socialism and hatred of men, not equal rights for women.

          41. Liberals are perfectly willing to destroy you financially, remove your children, and imprison you for what you believe. They are not open-minded and tolerant. They are viciously intolerant of any divergence from the dogma of left-wing ideology. They are perfectly willing to subject you to a Liberal version of an Inquisition and the penalties of this “modern” Inquisition are no less severe than the penalties doled out by the original inquisitors. These modern Inquisitors will use the full powers of the government, the police state powers, without hesitation, in order to enforce the decrees of their priestly class, the justices in black robes. Who are the justice’s in black robes? They are the federal judges who have been highly exalted and lifted up, by Liberals, far above all other men as final arbiters of what is right and wrong, thus taking the place of God. And that is the real goal, the ultimate goal of all Liberals. They want to dis-
          place and dethrone Almighty God. Liberal emulate their father the devil, in as much as they likewise, want to be god. Just as Satan promised Eve in the garden, “Ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil,” so is the Liberals lust for power is driven by their desire to determine good and evil for all mankind, apart from and without respect to Almighty God.

          42. Liberals fear technology and change – because neither can be centrally controlled.

          43. Liberals are not obsessed with sex, but with promiscuity. Promoting promiscuity among the masses is the primary mission of the Liberals who control the Hollywood, Television and print media monopoly. Why? Because Liberals know that the twin pillars that support conservatism are family values and faith in God. By promoting promiscuity Liberals know that they are simultaneously attacking both of the main support pillars of rugged individualism. Liberals know that a man of sterling character and discipline who is a moral, God fearing family man has no need of state support in the form of welfare programs. Liberals know that such a man is a dedicated and formidable enemy of those who are determined to foist socialism upon the nations of the world.

          44. Liberals despise the suburbs as a manifestation of individual prosperity, private property ownership, and the independent family.

          45. Liberals say that they despise marriage and family because they are “patriarchal institutions” that 6op press women and children. But the real reason they despise marriage and family values is because these institutions oppose, disapprove and limit promiscuity thus undermining one of the principal supports for Liberalism.

          46. Liberals are never satisfied with the current level of power they have gained over the lives of individuals. They are compelled, internally driven to control every thought and detail of human activity and they will never stop until they have condemned the entire world to live in a hellish slave camp, under the heel of a socialist bureaucratic boot otherwise known as One World Government.

          47. Liberals seek to control public schools, and force all children into them, in order to foster promiscuity and instill collectivist ideology into the minds and hearts of our children.

          48. Other diseases kill many millions more people, but Liberals are obsessed with Aids because it is a moral consequence of promiscuity.

          49. Liberals are more committed than conservatives because their politics is also their religion.

          50. Liberals are obsessed with demonstrating their putative “moral superiority.” Thus even though they live their lives without really helping anyone, the political activism they engage in is dedicated to convincing themselves that they are truly good people. Liberals are driven by the need to validate the unspoken assertion that “I care more than you do,” which is ironic in the extreme since none of the government programs liberals have designed can be shown to have an overall positive influence in our society.

          51. Mark this! Whenever a Liberal expresses concern “for the children,” invariably they are using and targeting children to expand their own power, promote promiscuity, advance collectivism and enlarge their personal income at the expense of the taxpayer.

          52. Because collectivist politics is their only morality, Liberals have no problem with deceit, oppression, or violence in their pursuit of collectivism.

          53. Liberals are elitists who exempt themselves from the oppressive rules they impose on the general population.

          54. Liberals howl if a homosexual transvestite or convicted felon is even slightly offended, but they openly bash Christians.

          55. Liberals dream of a return to a centralized, 1940’s urban environment. They would have us all ride a bus from a small, dirty, big city apartment to an 8-5 union job as it was in the old USSR. Perhaps now you will understand why Liberals support every form of “public transportation” whether buses or subways.

          56. Liberals believe that wealth is static. Liberals believe that anyone who makes money must be stealing it from someone else. Liberals do not understand that in a free market, wealth is created and is constantly expanding. Liberals do not understand the simple dictum that “A rising tide lifts all boats.” Liberals do not understand that the free market lifts the economic conditions of all men. Liberals do not understand that it is the creativity, ingenuity and hard work of the self-made millionaire’s who creates better products or a better service and thus a better life for all mankind. A rising tide does indeed, lift all boats.

          57. Liberals claim to be against violence, but make excuses for Liberals like Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Castro who murder and torture political dissidents. Liberals claim to be against violence, but they seek to disarm individuals and render them powerless before the thugs, thieves and murderer’s who rule the inner cities. Liberals claim to be against violence, but they are liars. Liberals only oppose violence when it fits their agenda, but they are perfectly willing to use violence to advance their agenda.

          58. Liberals have enormous compassion for criminal predators, but little for the victims.

          59. In the Liberal world, all problems stem from individualism, and all solutions are collective.

          60. Liberals believe that passing religious values to children is a form of child abuse.

          Note: This was gifted to me with a request to pass it along. I do not know who wrote it (the words mean the same) and I do not care if a word is misspelled.

  5. Ah, Chas Cornweller, first off, let me say what a pleasure it is to see you posting in here.

    You never fail to say at least one thing, if not a multitude, that has me saying to myself, “now, WTF is he on about there,” and you know what, Chas Cornweller?

    That is a good thing for America and the American people, because they need someone like you to wake them out of their slumber, as if you were a modern-day Cuculain come to save the people from the spell of the evil mage so he could steal their bull, like a scene out of “The West’s Awake” by Thomas Osbourne Davis, to wit:

    When all beside a vigil keep,
    The West’s asleep, the West’s asleep –
    Alas! and well may Erin weep
    When Connacht lies in slumber deep.
    There lake and plain smile fair and free,
    ‘Mid rocks their guardian chivalry.
    Sing, Oh ! let man learn liberty
    From crashing wind and lashing sea.

    end quotes

    Substitute America for Connacht, and you have where we are right now, which is why your lone voice is so important, Chas Cornweller.

    Getting back to that saga, Chas Cornweller, of which you could be the hero who wakes the west, we have:

    That chainless wave and lovely land
    Freedom and nationhood demand;
    Be sure the great God never planned
    For slumb’ring slaves a home so grand.
    And long a brave and haughty race
    Honoured and sentinelled the place.
    Sing, Oh! not even their sons’ disgrace
    Can quite destroy their glory’s trace.

    For often, in O’Connor’s van,
    To triumph dashed each Connacht clan.
    And fleet as deer the Normans ran
    Thro’ Corrsliabh Pass and Ardrahan;
    And later times saw deeds as brave,
    And glory guards Clanricard’s grave,
    Sing, Oh! they died their land to save
    At Aughrim’s slopes and Shannon’s wave.

    And if, when all a vigil keep,
    The West’s asleep! the West’s asleep!
    Alas! and well may Erin weep
    That Connacht lies in s1umber deep.
    But, hark! a voice like thunder spake,
    The West’s awake! the West’s awake!
    Sing, Oh! hurrah! let England quake,
    We’ll watch till death for Erin’s sake

    end quotes

    In our times today, Chas Cornweller, the voice that like thunder spake is yours, and how the sleeping nation needs to hear your words.

    As to Jesus, Chas Cornweller, are you aware of how many times in history his name has been invoked by both sides in a battle to justify their actions?

    Have you ever read “The Cousins’ Wars: Religion, Politics, Civil Warfare, And The Triumph Of Anglo-America” by Kevin Phillips, Chas Cornweller?

    He talks about all the times in history Jesus was represented on both sides of a battle.

    According to a review, and yes, I have read the book, the question at the heart of “The Cousins’ Wars” is this: How did Anglo-America evolve over a mere three hundred years from a small Tudor kingdom into a global community with such a hegemonic grip on the world today, while no other European power—Spain, France, Germany, or Russia—did?

    The answer to this, according to Phillips, lies in a close examination of three internecine English-speaking civil wars—the English Civil War, the American Revolution, and the American Civil War.

    These wars between cousins functioned as crucial anvils on which various religious, ethnic, and political alliances were hammered out between the English-speaking cousin-nations, setting them on a unique two-track path toward world leadership—one aristocratic and aloof to dominate the imperial nineteenth century and the other more egalitarian and democratic to take over in the twentieth century.

    They also functioned as unfortunate and deadly cultural crucibles for African Americans, Native Americans, and the Irish.

    Phillips’s analysis shows exactly how these conflicts are inextricably linked and how they seeded each other.

    He offers often surprising interpretations that cut across the political spectrum—for instance, that the Constitution of the United States, while brilliant in many respects, was also a fatally flawed political compromise that contributed mightily in setting the stage for the final—and the bloodiest—cousins’ war: the American Civil War.

    With the new millennium upon us and triggering widespread assessment of our nation’s place in world history, “The Cousins’ Wars” provides just the kind of magisterial sweep and revisionist spark to ignite widespread interest and debate.

    This grand religious, military, and political epic is the multi-dimensional story of the triumph of Anglo-America.

    end quotes

    A question for you, Chas Cornweller, since you seem to be acutely aware of it, is when did that triumph begin to end?

  6. Chas, rest assured that you are the only voice of reason and originality in this sea of right wing Russian divisive propaganda. Whenever I read these ridiculous lists raving against liberals, I remember the similar Russian lists we memorized about how the West was corrupt, rotten, immoral, decaying in its last stage of imperialism, depraved and inhuman. I’ve never in my wildest dreams thought of reading this type of propaganda tunes here in the USA. I’m sure the best Russian minds wrote it for you, and you, like good sheep that you are, parrot it proudly, like we dummies did decades ago.

    1. “I remember the similar Russian lists we memorized about how the West was corrupt, rotten, immoral, decaying in its last stage of imperialism, depraved and inhuman.”
      Derp, if that was what you were being made to memorize, you were CLEARLY in a RUSSIAN school!!!


      Look out, there’s a RUSSIAN behind you!!!!!!!! Booo!!!!

      And to think, I am old enough to recall when the LEFT LOVED THE COMMIES.

      Still do, donchaknow.

  7. Ok, I overlooked Paul’s originality, and no, he’s not parroting Russian lists. (But I was forced to read Joyce’s Ulysses .. .the stream of consciousness is too much for my old brain.)

    Note: Just when the editor’s think of doing away with this local rag, and moving on to attempt something else, a post like this changes our minds. Here, it is a basic press release mainly about beautiful musical performed by Shore Kids, kids who rehearsed upwards of 4 times a week since January, yet, like Libian notes, it has wandered off into the margins where tribes can do battle. The forum and platform is the message…

  8. Well, I guess, I perhaps owe an explanation. Or perhaps some retort to your questions, Paul. But, spying Libian’s humbling comment, I will admit…I am taken aback. I just want to voice my concerns for the future of that most beautiful of lands between two waters. That fragile and yet so splendid of vistas of marsh and sky, trees and fields and its older homes and even older history. I have seen it. Some might say I am of it. Some might say, I am FULL of it. All would be correct.

    This sparring with Mr. Bell, Mr. Plante and others here, is not personal. I am not attacking their integrity. Believe me, integrity and viewpoint are two separate things. When you become a politician, the fusion becomes much, much more indiscernible. In fact, what most don’t realize, politics is compromise. As in…you compromise your integrity to get things done, when you become a politician. Simple as that. That is why I would rather write and point out the endeavors, rather than foment them. When Paul Plante speaks of the “Cousins’ War”, we here in the south speak of it as the “Northern Aggression”. At least that is what I was taught in the fourth grade and again in U.S. History in the tenth grade. When, in truth, it was the “War of Brother against Brother.” And strangely enough, the more I read about war (and yes Paul, I have a shelf dedicated to those books – Ambrose, Ryan, MacDonald, Kershaw, Hemmingway, Kagan) the more I realize, that they ALL are wars of Brother against Brother. But, I digress. Reading Mr. Plante’s copious and enlightening views has a way of doing that to me. For those of you with short attention spans, I feel for you. He brings a lot to the table. It is difficult for me to disagree with all he has to say. But, I will answer him this…to wit, I disagree heartily. I am not acutely aware of anything. I have spent my entire life trying to become acutely aware, only to find myself still chained within Plato’s Cave facing that blank wall. Supposed that I were to be that one prisoner freed. What then? Who would believe me? Who would even listen? What would be my fate? Was this the final chapter in the Nazarene’s existence?

    The Mirror is an interesting blog. I am/was drawn to it from the previous blog, Cape Charles Wave. You see, I have a heart for the Eastern Shore because of what I said in the previous first paragraph. I have read of many missteps taken by the powers that be. I have been following these missteps since about two thousand and four. I personally knew Mr. Foster and knew of then and have followed the progress of the planning and building of the golf course, the Colony and lastly, Bay Creek Resort. I will not go into particulars of how I knew of the planning and progress, but it is my livelihood to know of these things. I truly believe, in the beginning, the entire project was on the up and up. The under the table dealings began when the money was rolling, then the economy collapsed and corners had to be cut. A lot of money rolled in, and rolled out again. In the meantime, good hearted and well-intentioned folks from all over were buying and restoring cheap houses in town, with good bones and either moving or renting to hungry tourist. In essence, Cape Charles was, for some, a boom town once again. (just look back to the nineteen forties – during the war years for the other boom cycle) The town council took their eye off the ball during those years and perhaps did some things that weren’t exactly ethical. After all, they were politicians. There were compromises and deals. Big money was being spent. Money the town didn’t have. I followed all of this. I commented on some of it. A lot, I remained silent on.

    You have some really concerned folks in your town. Rightly so. Some, like the Benders, have moved out of town. That is a shame. They seem reasonable and genuinely worried about the direction the town has taken. What is the future? What does it hold? How will the mountains of debt be paid and who will pay it? Honest questions. How is it that a pumping station just built ten years ago that cost x number of dollars be complying when just four blocks away, toilets over flow and cannot be used? What happens when the tourist (who by the way, most come from efficient and comfortable situations in their cities and will not abide that situation for long) stop returning? How many homes are permanent residences versus tourist cottage industry?

    Cape Charles (and the rest of the Eastern Shore for that matter) is at a cross roads. A difficult decision, if not, a series of difficult decisions need to be made. Folks like Deborah and Don Bender, Granville Hogg, Ken Dufty, Wayne Creed and Stuart Bell, among many thousands of others have a stake in the future of one of America’s most pristine and nature wonders left in this country. The fact that it is an outlier of a community less that twenty miles across the water of over a million souls, with its massive infrastructure, use of resources and military outpost stations is not lost on most. To make the Eastern Shore a bedroom community of those folks and same from the north, would be an easy feat. But, at what costs? The risk of raising economic and wage status for the extremely poor (of which both Northampton and Accomack County have their disproportionate share) is a real issue. But at what costs? How to balance the natural beauty which draws the tourist and the tourist dollar and viable industries for everyday working folks is a real issue. Again, what are the costs? What are the gains? And what will be the losses.

    This is why I write. Not to agitate Mr. Bell. Not to fence with Mr. Plante. Though I do admit, I enjoy that as well. But, truly, my heart is with the well-being of those Shore folks. Proud, hard -working, decent people with integrity and grit and faith. As this world turns, fate burns. Time waits for no one. You don’t have time for another “Brother’s War”. You only have time to save yourselves. Use it wisely. This is why I write.

    That it winds up in the comment section of an article called “ Musical Don’t Stop Believin’ and Rosenwald School Documentary” is not only ironic, but fitting and is not lost on me. Don’t Stop Believing Cape Charles/Eastern Shore. Believe in yourselves.

  9. Mike, are you a Russian troll? You sure sound like one, with your sarcastic divisive rants. Just googled your last name. Russian. Harasho, Baby!

    1. Well, I was talking with Mike Kuzma, Jr

      You know the way I always do

      Well how was I to know

      He was with the Russians, too

      Send lawyers, guns and money

      Daddy, won’t you get me out of this

  10. I was drawn to this blog when I saw homosexual wedding destination, Cape Charles. That did it for me. It felt the same as when I got a phone call that Nandua High School let two little boys(sissies) go to the prom together. I called the school and the school board, neither returned my call. You see, these types of changes have caused me great pain, showing me that these people are not like the rest of us. Their values, morals, and dreams are so different that I do not recognize them as Americans. Therefore, I am compelled to fight it tooth and nail or as I like to say…..’Keep a foot up a liberal a$$ every day and twice on Sunday’. To me it is very personal.

  11. WOW!



    The commentary is overwhelming!

    I had to go back to the beginning to see where this train of thought or stream of consciousness which has sucked me into its vortex came from, and my conclusion is that it came from that picture of that schoolhouse above here, as if this thread and the CCM were on online ink blot test being monitored by cosmic psychologists in an effort to determine if there is any possibility of there being intelligent life on earth, and seeing that picture then caused Charles Taylor to erupt in indignation @ May 12, 2018 at 11:16 am, “…built …during ‘legal segregation’ suggests that segregation was legally valid and morally valid. It is a twisted concept. It was never ‘legal’ and always forced,” and that in turn caused Libian to say @ May 17, 2018 at 4:24 am, “Chas, rest assured that you are the only voice of reason and originality in this sea of right wing Russian divisive propaganda.”

    And that in turn caused Wayne Creed to say “Just when the editor’s think of doing away with this local rag, and moving on to attempt something else, a post like this changes our minds.”

    “Here, it is a basic press release mainly about beautiful musical performed by Shore Kids, kids who rehearsed upwards of 4 times a week since January, yet, like Libian notes, it has wandered off into the margins where tribes can do battle.”

    “The forum and platform is the message…”

    end quotes

    And that in turn sparked some soul-searching by our dear friend and fellow American patriot Chas Cornweller, he who has spent his entire life trying to become acutely aware, only to find himself still chained within Plato’s Cave facing that blank wall, which soul searching then caused him to exposit profoundly as follows:

    Supposed that I were to be that one prisoner freed.

    What then?

    Who would believe me?

    Who would even listen?

    What would be my fate?

    Was this the final chapter in the Nazarene’s existence?

    end quotes

    To which I answer, “why worry about it, Chas Cornweller, so long as you can believe yourself,” and as to the Nazarene, the final chapter of his existence began when he spoke truth to power by calling the Pharisees a bunch of hypocrites.

    That is a simple story to understand.

    And from there, we warp back around to Libian @ May 17, 2018 at 4:24 am saying:

    Whenever I read these ridiculous lists raving against liberals, I remember the similar Russian lists we memorized about how the West was corrupt, rotten, immoral, decaying in its last stage of imperialism, depraved and inhuman.

    I’ve never in my wildest dreams thought of reading this type of propaganda tunes here in the USA.

    I’m sure the best Russian minds wrote it for you, and you, like good sheep that you are, parrot it proudly, like we dummies did decades ago.

    Ok, I overlooked Paul’s originality, and no, he’s not parroting Russian lists.

    (But I was forced to read Joyce’s Ulysses .. .the stream of consciousness is too much for my old brain.)

    end quotes

    To which I could just say, “HUH, WTF planet is this that I am on, and who are these people,” and blow it off as perhaps the ravings of a lunatic, or the howling of the insane, but instead, I will treat it quite seriously, precisely because Libian does raise a lot of very important existential questions that are quite relevant to our lives as American citizens today, as opposed to yesterday or tomorrow, starting with these Russian lists Libian memorized about how the West was corrupt, rotten, immoral, decaying in its last stage of imperialism, depraved and inhuman.

    (It’s a good thing we are on the computer right now, because I have to confess that has me laughing right out loud, but I wouldn’t want to do that to Libian’s face)

    Where on earth was that happening?

    And when?

    And why?

    (I’m laughing because the very concept of doing that sounds so stupid to me; I was taught to question authority, not memorize stupid lists of inanities provided by the Russians, of all people; when I was young, the Russians were the ones who were going to invade us and enslave us, and we were taught as children to be ready to stand up to them, starting with shooting them while still in the air if they tried to take control with paratroopers by vertical envelopment, so the last thing we would have been expected to do was to submit to them telling us how we have to think in this country)

    And more importantly, where else on earth are you going to find the level of intellectual horsepower anywhere else that is found in here on a daily basis?

    Not the New York Times, which is stale by comparison, and not the Washington Post, which is snooty and ingrown and much taken with itself, like Narcissus.

    I come here because the CCM is a rare place in CYBERSPACE, and I am drawn by the intellectual content, even though I often feel as if I am checking in across time from a different century than the one many in here seem to occupy, especially Libian.

    And that makes me intellectually curious, which is good for the soul and necessary for the mind.

    In a speech in the Connecticut Constitutional Convention on January 09, 1788, Connecticut governor Samuel Huntington said as follows:

    The happiness of civil society depends not merely upon their constitution of Government, but upon a variety of circumstances.

    One constitution may suit one particular nation exceedingly well; when a different one would suit another nation in different circumstances.

    Even among the American States there is such a difference in sentiments, habits, and customs, that a government, which would be very suitable for one, might not be agreeable to another.

    end quotes

    It is in that same spirit that I come into here to enter into these debates with distinguished oratorical luminaries like Chas Cornweller, not to contend on a personal level, but to contest the thoughts and ideas of Chas Cornweller, which is the only pure democracy we will ever have in this country, citizen talking directly with citizen, as opposed to through some mealy-mouth half-wit of a hack politician, and it is that ability to be able to do so in here which makes the CCM so valuable as a tool of citizenship and direct democracy.

    But then governor Huntington went on as follows, which brings us to the observations of Wayne Creed about the CCM being the place where tribes can do battle, to wit:

    But still the people themselves must be the chief support of liberty.

    While the great body of the freeholders are acquainted with the duties which they owe to their God, to themselves, and to men, they will remain free.

    But if ignorance and depravity should prevail, they will inevitably lead to slavery and ruin.

    end quotes

    That was in 1788, which is 230 years ago, or some 12 generations, which leads us to this question, to wit:

    Are the great body of the freeholders in the United States of America today acquainted with the duties which they owe to their God, to themselves, and to men, so that they will remain free?

    Or is that just some empty blather from the past that means nothing to anyone today, because we have become a nation where nothing has any meaning starting with words and the concept of rule of law?

    And if ignorance and depravity should prevail, as they seem to do today in this country, will they will inevitably lead to slavery and ruin?

    Or have we become immune to that eventuality, just like debt no longer matters in America?

    (Perhaps Libian would be better served pondering these questions instead of being obsessed with Russian lists to memorize)

    And then governor Huntington said this:

    Mankind may become corrupt, and give up the cause of freedom; but I believe, that love of liberty which prevails among the people of this country, will prevent such a direful calamity.

    end quotes

    Two hundred and thirty years later, has mankind in America become corrupt?

    Has mankind in America given up the cause of freedom?

    Or is there a love of liberty which still prevails among the people of this country that will prevent such a direful calamity?

    I know my thoughts on the subject, but if you only listen to yourself, yours will be the only voice you will hear, which is a good way to learn nothing at all while preserving the purity of your ignorance, so I get around that by coming to the Cape Charles Mirror, the only place in America I know of where you can hope to find rational answers to those questions.

    If they are not here, they are not anywhere.

    As to tribes, so far as I know, I am the only living member of the tribe I am a member of, so if there are other tribes in here, I am not a member of any of them.

    Just saying.

    And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

  12. Chas Cornweller, dude and fellow American patriot, as to all your questions above as to finding yourself still chained within Plato’s Cave facing that blank wall and supposing that you were to be that one prisoner freed, what then, who would believe you, who would even listen, what would be your fate, and was this the final chapter in the Nazarene’s existence, I would counsel patience, Chas Cornweller.

    Why do you expect those answers to come to you when you are still so young?

    Why do you seek instant gratification here when it takes others at least a lifetime to find those answers?

    As to still being chained within Plato’s Cave facing that blank wall, how do you know the wall is blank?

    Because somebody told you it was?

    Have you fully examined it yourself?

    Or are you taking somebody else’s word for it?

    And if you are, why?

    Have they a better view of what is in front of your face than you do?

  13. The mark of a moderate man, Chas Cornweller, and this is important to understand as one progresses through life, is freedom from his own ideas.

    Tolerant like the sky, all-pervading like sunlight, firm like a mountain, supple like a tree in the wind, he has no destination in view and makes use of anything life happens to bring his way.

    For us in here, that includes the Cape Charles Mirror.

    For that, we should be thankful, at least in my scheme of things, as simple as it is.

  14. So I came on here to see what everybody thought about the play, you know, what a great job the kids did, and how Amy and Wayne made magic happen again on the Palace stage. But instead I see the same tired, hateful back and forth between the usual folks. Can you all take it some place else a little more appropriate like a political site? Please?

    That said: Great job Cast and Crew! It was a very pleasant Mother’s Day matinee.

    Note: Thank you Terry!

    1. To see hate, Terry Flynn, you need to have it in yourself first.

      You see hate in here because you choose to, for your own reasons, not because it exists in reality.

      Why do you insult people like Charles Taylor and Chas Cornweller and Libian by calling them haters?

      And this thread was posted on May 10, 2018, while Mother’s Day was the 13th of May.

      And ten (10) days later, there you are, coming in to condemn everyone in here that does not share some viewpoint of yours as haters who should “all take it some place else a little more appropriate like a political site.”

      But this is a political site, Terry Flynn, and very much so.

      So why should people you don’t like have to be segregated from here for the reason that you don’t like them, and don’t want them polluting the earth you walk on?

      As to speech, Terry Flynn, way back on June 8, 1789, James Madison, in the House of Representatives, stated: ”The people shall not be deprived or abridged of their right to speak, to write, or to publish their sentiments; and the freedom of the press, as one of the great bulwarks of liberty, shall be inviolable.”

      Wayne Creed, to his great credit, is one of those in America who seems to take that quite seriously, and I think that is what upsets you so much in here – the fact that he allows others to speak in here besides those you would have it limited to.

      And the famed jurist Blackstone said this on the subject, and you should spend some time meditating on his final words, to wit:

      ”The liberty of the press is indeed essential to the nature of a free state; but this consists in laying no previous restraints upon publications, and not in freedom from censure for criminal matter when published.”

      “Every freeman has an undoubted right to lay what sentiments he pleases before the public; to forbid this, is to destroy the freedom of the press: but if he publishes what is improper, mischievous, or illegal, he must take the consequences of his own temerity.”

      “To subject the press to the restrictive power of a licenser, as was formerly done, both before and since the Revolution, is to subject all freedom of sentiment to the prejudices of one man, and make him the arbitrary and infallible judge of all controverted points in learning, religion and government.”

      end quotes

      Would you make yourself the arbitrary and infallible judge of all controverted points in learning, religion and government in here, Terry Flynn?

      1. Wow, Paul, you really got me there.
        I am without doubt the most hateful, fascist person on the lower Shore, maybe even all the way to the MD line on a good day. People see me coming and cross the street so my baleful gaze does not melt their groove, as the summer sun does a soft serve cone.
        I am impressed, my good sir, your powers of extrapolation far exceed your wit and charm.
        But seriously, what DID you think of the play?

        1. Keeping in context with the other comments…….Enjoy!

          Democrats want to turn our sons into women and/or homosexuals and our daughters into man haters.

          Democrats want to release dangerous criminals into the streets while taking away our right to protect ourselves and our families.

          Democrats care more about illegals than they do citizens.

          Democrats hate Christians but love muslims.

          Democrats demonize business owners who work 60 hours a week but glorify bums who choose not to work.

          Democrats hate law abiding gun owners but support cop killers like BLM.

          Democrats love taxes, rioting and burning the flag.

          Democrats don’t even know what bathroom to use.

          Democrats hate freedom of speech and try to silence those they disagree with through violence and intimidation.

          Democrats kill babies and defend MS-13.

          Democrats think they own the black community because of their handouts and are the new plantation owners.

          Democrats support Planned Parenthood, an organization founded with the sole purpose of murdering black babies, which its founder called “human weeds”. Yet they call everyone else racist.

          Democrats hate all that is good and pure and love evil. They are not just the enemy of America, they are the enemy of humanity. Liberalism is a cancer that rots and destroys everything it infects, schools, churches, governments, etc.

          I pray you Dems go the way of the Whigs….

        2. Personally, I thought the play was fantabulous, and why wouldn’t it be, considering how hard the kids worked, and what a great job the kids did, as a result, and kudos to them for that, and how Amy and Wayne made magic happen again on the Palace stage, how could it have been anything other than great, Terry Flynn, and you would have to be a callous lout to say otherwise.

          Great job Cast and Crew!

          As you say, Terry Flynn, for you, it was a very pleasant Mother’s Day matinee, and for that I am quite happy for you, as well.

          As to “Wow, Paul, you really got me there,” not hardly, Terry Flynn, but that was a nice rhetorical flourish, nonetheless, very dramatic, which is what keeps bringing me back to the Cape Charles Mirror, because where else can you hope to match the intellectual content in here?

          The Atlantic?


          Perhaps on occasion, but certainly not in the New York Times, which like Uncle Joe in the song is afraid to cut the cake, and isn’t big on citizen input and direct democracy as the Cape Charles Mirror is, and not in the Washington Post, either.

          Speaking of intellectual content, Terry Flynn, look at our dear friend and fellow contributor Chas Cornweller above here, re-casting the metaphors and allegories and multiple paradoxes of Plato’s Famous Cave and transforming them quite brilliantly, if you are into existentialism, anyway, from the perspective of the expositor, you know, the one who sits there on stage on a stool in summer stock theaters and tells the story from the perspective of someone watching Chas Cornweller writhe and twist in agony at being unable to unchain himself to see what is in the rest of the room, to the experiencer himself, in this case, Chas Cornweller himself, who relates first-hand, not third-hand like the summer stock dude, what it is like to actually be chained to the wall, being looked at and studied as if you were as bug by the summer-stock dude, so he could have a summer-stock gig as the expense of Chas Cornweller.

          As to you being without doubt the most hateful, fascist person on the lower Shore, maybe even all the way to the MD line on a good day, you know what?

          In the spirit of egalitarianism , and tell me where else that exists, and certainly not on Democrats Underground, you have just as much right to come into here and express yourself as does anyone else.

          No one in here is going to hold that against you in my estimation, anyway.

          Out there in the material world, people might see you coming and cross the street so your baleful gaze does not melt their groove, as the summer sun does a soft serve cone (isn’t that a real *****? I run into that up here, too), but in here, Terry Flynn, nobody can see you, so nobody cares.

          Your words might make the faint at heart run and hide, but they are more likely to be on TWITTER, anyway, TWEETING away in bursts of drivel no more than 180-characters, but any baleful gaze you are capable of mustering out there in reality won’t be worth a hill of beans in here, where it can’t melt anybody’s groove.

          As to your being impressed with my powers of extrapolation and my wit and charm, I would attribute those to the high editorial standards in here, myself, as well as the razer sharp and well honed debating skills of our own Chas Cornweller, and the dude whose name I’m not supposed to ever mention again, so I won’t.

          And my goodness, Terry Flynn, what do you think of Mike Kuzma being outed in here as some kind of Russian bot causing the Cape Charles Mirror to become a literal sea of right wing Russian divisive propaganda full of stuff about how American liberals are making the West corrupt, rotten, immoral, decaying in its last stage of imperialism, depraved and inhuman, which has caused some, anyway, to exclaim that never in their wildest dreams did they think of reading these type of propaganda tunes here in the USA, being sure that the best Russian minds wrote it for Mike, who like the good sheep that he is, parrots it proudly, like somebody who was a dummy did decades ago.

          Now, tell me, Terry Flynn, is that drama, or is that drama?

          Where else on the internet are you going to find drama as convoluted as that, occurring on many subtle levels of existence as it does?

          Can you imagine some creative writer down here getting his hands on that for a script?

          I think it would pack the house, myself, especially if it was done as slapstick comedy.

          How about you?

          Or do you like more serious drama?

          In that case, it could be cast more like a mystery you would see on BBC.

          That’s the beauty of it as a dramatic vehicle, it has a lot of flexibility.

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