February 19, 2025

30 thoughts on “Tourist Boom Squeezes Cape Charles, Residents Say

  1. The historical concept of a “community” in America has become exactly that – a historical concept, deader than a dodo as the saying goes.

    There was a time in America when only FREEHOLDERS, i.e. those in Cape Charles who actually owned land in Cape Charles, could vote for town officials because the colonists believed only freeholders had a permanent stake in the stability of society of the town.

    Today in Cape Charles, it appears they have zero say and no stake whatsoever in the stability of society in Cape Charles, thanks to Mayor Adam Charney and Town Manager Hozey with his Alaska plates on his out-of-state registered vehicle, despite actually living there, as opposed to being an outside visitor in what appears to be an ANYTHING GOES burg where the long-term stability of Cape Charles society has been traded off for short-term financial gain by the powers that be.

    American history in action right before our eyes!

  2. The painful Catch 22 is the fact that the owner occupied properties that understandably want to limit STRs will transfer their property values to the current owners of STRs. Current STR property values will greatly increase due to constricted new supply while owner occupied homes will decrease in value due to not being able to generate enough income upon a sale. It’s a sad fact but owner occupied properties will subsidize, through lingering higher tax bills from once but evaporated property assessments, and give the largest wealth transfer to current out of town STR owners that Cape Charles has ever seen.

  3. The Cape Charles Town Council doesn’t care about the residents, it only cares about the almighty dollar / tourists! Remember the majority of the business owners and the STR property owners are not Voting Fulltime residents! (They live elsewhere!) My understanding is 1 of the council members is moving to Tower Hill to get out of Cape Charles! Maybe double taxation and lack of community are the driving forces for that move.

    Side note: Even Wayne moved out of the gigantic hotel that is Cape Charles.

    Vote for a council that supports fulltime resident growth!

    Vote them out!

    Voting Resident of Cape Charles


  4. I think it would be fair to put a cap on rentals and Loud noise you must have order in your community!!!

  5. Imho Cape Charles has always been run by a clique. Has anyone noticed that Town Projects rarely get finished in Cape Charles? That started to make me wonder. The infamous Town Trail, drainage ponds in the park and intersections with people kayaking in them has been going on since we got there. We bought in 2010 and sold in 2021. I was on The Planning Commission for 5 years. I tried my best to keep residents in the loop. When the accessory dwelling legislation was approved I saw the rental sunami coming. Not a day goes by that we don’t thank the Lord for guiding our exodus. We built a new house overlooking Hungars Creek in Machipongo. We left all the deceit and rancor behind and are thrilled to have all that stress out of our lives. People used to really care about Cape Charles. Those days are gone forever.

  6. Let’s not forget that even the Cape Charles police officers also moved/live out of town. Not one lives in town. Might as well move the department out of town too. Oh wait they are right? Over closer to Bay Creek?

    1. False at least 1 officer does live in town and if I was an officer in CC having to deal with clowns like you I def would want to spend my time off as far away from you as possible cause based off of all the super bright and sunny comments you make especially towards CC police you seem like you are SUPER fun to be around and my guess would be the PD has had their fair share of dealing with all your positivity…but you keep on doing you boo

        1. Her husband the cop. They live in Cheriton. If there is one cop in Cape Charles it is a new one. The others are all out of town, one even lives in Exmore.

          1. Ohhhhh booooy ya’ll just wanna think you know what you are talking about SO badly but missed the mark…shocker…

            Stuart- awwww thanks! to answer your question the list is long and distinguished but hey if the shoe fits right? Thanks for acknowledging that I seem to know a far great deal more than you.

            Nioaka-ohhhhhh Nioaka one would think you would just stop talking period but here we are. Not sure who you talking about but I don’t live in Cheriton…kinda weird you even make that assumption sort of gives stalker vibes no?(strike 1) the officer living in town is far from new and the two newest ones live outside of town so again false (strike 2) no officers at this time with Cape Charles live in exmore you probably are seeing ya know Exmore cops btw dont you live up there now?(strike 3)

            You dont know what your talking about please for all of us educate yourself before you speak or just don’t the ladder is probably best

          2. Ot is astonishing that someone like you, can run you mouth so efficiently. Ill bet Exmore is really enjoying your presence

      1. Obviously you think you’re right about everything, so if you think you know where everyone lives, if you’re right, thank that would make YOU the stalker ! STALKER! And why do you wanna keep trying to give people hugs without permission. That could be taken as assault or sexual assault. Stop Touching Me!

  7. When you elect a mayor whose regular job is to sell mortgages, and elect and re-elect council members who benefit from tourism what do you expect??
    The latest “beach survey” should make it very clear to everyone ….tourism IS the primary priority.
    Time to wake up.

  8. Good Morning Folks……Just a thought that comes to mind, is to impose a “Township Tourism Tax”, on the STR’s ? (Possible even providing some relief to the Tax Rate(s) of the FULL Time residents, in the long run?). As I understand it, this Tax, would be “Deductible” to the STR’s Owners, as an expense I would think.
    Could it even cover the “CC Taxing” on our Personal Properties? (Any amount of $$ is a plus these days, as we all know.
    Our Tax for the County just did a 21% Increase, (Like everyone’s did “at least” from what we have been hearing).
    As a Full time resident(s), on a fixed retirement income, we have had to stop eating out and supporting the local restaurant(s). It is Really a shame. We do know they have inflation issues too, especially in the slow winter months, and we are sure we are not the only residents that have cut this out of their budgets.
    We would have MUCH rather spent 1200 dollars for the year, on eating out once a month, (especially during winter when the local Restaurant’s need us most).
    Put a Tax on it. Ease up on Resident$.
    Just a thought.
    Ned R

    1. Ned,

      “Bing” great points, it is less expensive to cross the CBBT and eat in Virginia Beach than to eat in the town of CC.

      I would bet the town will want to do a survey on an increased tax on tourism before any action is taken. That survey will go out to tourists, absentee and corporate STR owners, the people at Main Street, the non residents of Cape Charles business owners and the few remaining Voting Residents of Cape Charles. I am sure the survey will come back with an overwhelming NO to a tax increase on tourism so council will just increase the Personal Property Tax on us fulltimers.

      Vote them out!

      Voting Resident Of Cape Charles

      Phil Connors

  9. 3/2/24
    From CCMS Business Group FB page:

    John Hozey
    I agree, it would be great to have businesses provide input along with our residents. However, just so everyone understands where we are in the process; this topic is not ripe for discussion with the Town Council just yet. There is no pending business before either the planning commission or the Town Council regarding STR’s at the moment. My working committee will be meeting over the next two months to refine some recommendations, and then we will bring them forward for a public discussion again. So yes, please get organized and be ready to voice your opinions when the iron is hot. We’ll let everybody know when this will come up again for public business.

    The STR PROBLEM is no where near ending anytime soon. Time to identify council members who will protect the community, not their own (financial) interests.

  10. I can read. The white SUV on Oakland Drive in Exmore most definitely says Cape Charles on it. And you could absolutely use a class in spelling. “ladder” should say latter. Stop hiding behind an alias and hug yourself. Right, wrong, or indifferent, I post my name. Don’t agree? I don’t care. I will say whatever I think, believe, or know. I did not wake up in Russia this morning. First Amendment rights baby!! And how do YOU know who I was speaking about? Did I give a name? Next time, ask If you can’t understand. We know you really have a lower function of the learning capacity.

  11. 10-15 years ago it seemed like every other house in the historical district had a big orange sticker on their front windows. The investment from out of town saved Cape Charles and many long time residents made good money selling to ComeHeres. So, be careful what you wish for. If you want to go back to the days of repossessed/condemned homes and no restaurants etc, vote STR out.

  12. My wife and I lived in Ocean City MD for 27 years and saw the same back and forth complaints/issues/problems in a tourist town laden with over crowding, congestion, etc. Cape Charles is a special place and it seems progress will be made if every interested party gets together to work out details for satisfactory reasonable solutions.

  13. For the two folks who assume I live in Exmore, how do you know where I am? Assumptions! These are your stalkers. Not very good one either. Exmore was temporary. I can’t help but lmao at Stuart Oliver. Just like he thinks he knows what everyone’s assets are worth. You just don’t know where to look,or how. Go get them coins.

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