On Thursday November 10th, the Town of Cape Charles will hold a public hearing and then vote to sell (or not) the water and wastewater utilities to Virginia American Water. The Special Meeting is scheduled for 6:30 at Cape Charles Civic Center on Tazewell Avenue.
There are several parts to the transaction:
– Town Council Vote re: Comprehensive Asset Purchase Agreement
– Town Council Vote re: Sale of Water & Wastewater Systems
– Town Council Vote re: Granting of Franchise for the Use of Public Places to Acquire,Maintain and Operate the Water and Wastewater Systems
– Approval of Transition Contract with Virginia American Water for Consultation of
Wastewater Treatment Plant Maintenance and Operations
The first is a resolution to adopt the Comprehensive Asset Purchase agreement that contains the terms and conditions of the sale. However, because this action divests the Town of real property, it also requires adoption of an ordinance authorizing same. Both the resolution and ordinance require super majority support of the Town Council for adoption.
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Brand says
Doug Luther says
It was already sold in June.
Virginia Gentleman says
This is simply a financial rescue of Preserve Communities, who are financially and legally obligated to pay for the expansion of the utilities. This is the main reason Brown & Root got out, it is the reason Foster could no longer borrow from the the Buckner Estate and its gift to The Union Mission in Norfolk, it is the reason Mr. Oh from South backed out in 2007, and the same reason Sinclair Broadcast Group (Keyser-Sinclair) dumped this obligation on the unsuspecting Preserve Communities. Under the Town’s omnipotence, everyone will now pay, not jus the developer of the expansive land acquired from Brown & Root by Keyser-Sinclair in 2014 for $8m+, and certainly not Preserve Communities. Even the financially struggling residents on fix income will pay a greater share of their earnings or financial assistance to rescue Preserve Communities. What a shell game. The 1992 Annexation Orders by the Court(s) contained Agreements by Brown & Root, it successors and assigns, then Baymark (Foster), then Keyser-Sinclair, and now Preserve Communities were and are obligated to fund the expansion. Those Agreements precisely stated that the individual owners of lots in Bay Creek would not pay one cent to expand or upgrade the utility plants. The Town, the County, and Brown & Root all agreed in their November 25, 1991 Settlement Agreements, this would be the cost of approving the Town’s Annexation Petition, resulting in the acquisition of County land into Bay Creek, the South Tract of the Town’s PUD.
Paul Plante says
What an excellent factual summary!
A real public service.
Daniel Burke says
The smart money got out of Cape Charles in 2021.
Payback says
Hey dickhead, good morning! Most of what you report I agree with, but your crush on Laura I never understood, along with your issue with Mayor Smitty. Well, guess your 0-2 this morning huh? Have a great day!
Note: Why would you post something that exposes you as being such an ignorant fool? By the way, it is actually Luria, and her press team sent the Mirror releases almost every week so her constituents would know what she was doing. So, smart guys like you are saying the Mirror should not publish them? Will Kiggins do the same? The Mayor Dize thing has more strings then you even know about, but I guess you don’t want to know what’s really going on, do you? Do you? The Mirror never loses, I’m leaving this stupid crap up just long enough for you to read it, after which it will be deep sixed. So, you have a great day too.
Mercy says
Got a problem?
Paul Plante says
As someone who is a LOYAL AMERICAN CITIZEN who greatly appreciates the fact that the Mirror DID publish all of Elaine Luria’s political propaganda without making judgments so all of America who were interested, like myself as a veteran, would have the opportunity to read from her own words what her position of issues were, thus affording us the opportunity to study her positions and then refute them in writing, which is what TRUE AMERICAN DEMOCRACY is really all about, I believe the Cape Charles Mirror was performing a real important public service leading up to the mid-terms where candidate Luria was defeated based on her published opinions that were rejected by the voters based on knowledge, not supposition as to what her positions on issues of importance to Americans really were.
Just saying.
And performing a public service by posting her propaganda was hardly then was hardly a “crush on Laura” that you could never understood, because you started with that as a false premise.
That was kind of dumb on your part, n’est-ce pas?