February 19, 2025

2 thoughts on “Town Council Vote on Peach Street Lighting Project

  1. Oh my! Just my opinion but that’s going to be a mighty full hen house on Peach Street. Not to worry tax payers. They have a big fox to watch over that henhouse.🤑 I lived on Madison. They put a new light in front of our house that was so bright I could read the newspaper at 10 PM. The vdot engineers are very single minded. Their concept is more lumens/dollar = success. Cape Charles is supposed to be dark sky compliant. It’s a migratory flyover path. I’m not sure vdot even knows what that means. The Mayor and Town Council had very little interest. Not sure they do either. Anyway, it didn’t happen in front of their house/business so it was a non issue. When I first came to Cape Charles (2010) I used to sit on my back porch and watch the lightning bugs. They’re not there anymore. The excessive lighting everywhere (and from imbeciles that use flood lights) prevent them from mating. Cape Charles was a little miracle by The Bay when we first got there. We would spend the whole day on the beach, with our two big dogs, in hopes of meeting new folks. It may be hard to believe now but many days we never saw a soul. I was on the Planning Commission for 5 years. It became apparent to me that Cape Charles was going in a direction I was not happy with as the business interests took over the Mayors Office and Town Council. Anyway, that light in front of my house was the final straw. I escaped (with a very handsome profit) and built a brand new house all on one floor at Hungars Creek on a big private lot. I sit on my back porch and watch the lighting bugs.

  2. Pre rehearsed drama, the madame of CC knew this was the way the plan was to roll out in advance of the council meeting, The outcry was to give the little people the impression that she cares what you think. Guess what?

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