February 19, 2025

6 thoughts on “Town debates selling harbor

  1. Editor’s Note: Actually, under Smitty, the Harbor operated at close to break even, but the debt service on the breakewaters, which the last two years was $184,222 and $185,442 caused the massive shortfall. For example, in FY 2013 the harbor spent $896,252 but brought in $897,365, for a net gain of $1113, but subtract $184,222 for the debt service on the breakwaters, and the net loss is $183,109.

    Sounds like the Shanty is getting a deal with parking. No charge and the town has to pay for upkeep. If the town does sell the harbor I would like to purchase for $1.00. How do you loose $186,000, did the harbor make that money and someone forgot to deposit? Is the town calculating on revenue they might have gotten as opposed to what was actually made. A simple check of the books should reveal where the money went if it was a loss. The harbor is great compared to when I was younger, don’t think the town should give up managing it or turn it over to a private investor. Keep the harbor.

  2. I usually stay out of this type of political mess but I am not going to on this one. Cape Charles has “One Harbor” so why in the world would you even want to consider selling it????? This is the second most ridiculous thing I have ever read. The first ridiculous thing happened years ago with the selling of the property at the mouth of the “Harbor area” to Dick Meyers. Guess no one has ever heard of a lease with the town holding all of the rights in their precious hands for ever and always. Find a lawyer that feels the way a lot of us do about the town — not one out for the money to be pocketed. Maybe if the residents had seen fit to elect officials (like Frank Wendell a born and raised Cape Charles resident) that would always look at what is best for our precious town we wouldn’t be in this mess. STOP SELLING CAPE CHARLES AND START FOCUSING ON THE REVENUE THAT CAN BE GENERATED FROM TOURISM.

  3. Look, the job is not that hard and there are probably dozens of people across the bridge who manage larger marinas who could handle it but not for the small paycheck that they pay here.

  4. Relax folks, they’re not going to sell it. The manager was simply laying out the 3 real options, one of which is obviously not going to happen, but it is an option, so he presented

  5. The first problem with the harbor is there should NEVER have been “charge accounts”. If someone needed fuel they should have paid for it with cash or credit card. Second problem is if the harbor was losing money there should be no discounts for anyone. Not on slips or fuel. If you can’t afford the going rate on a boat slip then don’t use a slip. If you need the discount then you don’t NEED a boat. Third problem is there is no need for all those employees at the harbor. If the town knew the harbor was in trouble why did they allow the harbor to hire so many people???

    My question is if the town’s mayor or manager’s house got a leak in the roof would they sell the house or call a roofer???

    The people running this town need to stop selling and buying property. A few years ago they sold the school for a whopping $10.00 because they “claimed” they had no money and then turned around and bought the bank to use as a library. The library is a money pit and brings in NOTHING. Then they bought 7 lots from that broke ass Dickie Foster for $100,000 so they would have a place for the WELCOME TO CAPE CHARLES sign. Do you people realize that for years the town didn’t charge TRICKY DICKIE taxes on those 7 lots AND paid his county taxes to boot???? Guess Dickie gets lots of “help” because councilwoman JOAN NATALIE is his friend???
    Oh and let’s not forget Steve Bennett…ANOTHER councilman that worked for Dickie Foster and when he found out that it was a conflict of interest….quit his job (if you are stupid enough to believe that) and got another job in about 2 days.

    I am far from the only person that thinks out town is being run by a group of people that have no common sense.

    The town is at least $12,0000,000.00 in debt, and going deeper all the time.

    Now they want to sell the harbor???? NO, NO HELL NO !
    The harbor is never going to really make a lot of money because of upkeep and employees, however, how dare “the powers that be” even think about selling the harbor. FIX the problems.
    To even think about stopping fuel sales if plain stupid. Where will the waterman and big yachts get fuel you bunch of dummies???

    The people in Cape Charles had better elect some people with common sense to run this town or it’s over for poor little Cape Charles. Tourism is fine but they had better get with the program and start worrying about the people that actually LIVE HERE YEAR ROUND.

    Oh and for GOD’S SAKE GET RID OF BOB PANEK! There is way more to him than meets the eye. A town of less than 1000 residents DOES NOT NEED AND ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER PERIOD. Since Bob Panek has been here the town has gone around $10 million in debt. He is used to spending other people’s money. He doesn’t give a rat’s ass about this town. He is here to line his pockets PERIOD.

    Best regards, 😉

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