December 3, 2024

9 thoughts on “Town Ice Cream Social Sept. 27th

  1. Will Mr. Hozey be there to answer questions as to why he has Alaska plates on his vehicle which allow him to not pay the Virginia property tax on the vehicle like the common folks have to?

    1. That you cannot understand why I and others bother ourselves is merely a statement about yourself, and I suppose there could be myriad reasons for that inability, but it is America, afterall, and you are entitled to not be able to understand things obviously beyond your ability to understand, and not be thought of as a bad person, as a result.

      And I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

        1. Another word for someone who has an ability to understand?

          Or the concept itself, that there do exist those who have such an ability?

          How about somebody who is not a brain-dead ignorant ******* A-HOLE, the kind that takes immense pride in their benighted ignorance, as if it were an achievement on their part, which achievement puts them in their warped and twisted minds above others who are not similarly situated, because those others do possess the ability to understand and to question, like the Viet Nam veteran schooling a corrupt town supervisor at a town meeting on the meaning of community and citizenship duty in this YouTube video, who is a prime example of what I am talking about:

          Starts at 7:03:

          September 14, 2023 Poestenkill Town Board Meeting

    2. I am still waiting for you to answer numerous questions on numerous post you made over numerous years…..Seems you have much to say until asked a question, you must be a democrat, the very worst thing you could be.

    1. You seem to be a few bricks shy of a load.
      Freedom of speech is unnecessary if the people to whom it is granted do not think for themselves

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