Town staff is implementing a new, more integrated communications approach to keep residents, visitors, and business owners informed of local government actions and priorities.
Beginning February 1, 2019, the town government will launch a Facebook page (Cape Charles Memorial Library, the Cape Charles Town Harbor, and the Cape Charles Police Department already have pages) for official news, events, and information.
In addition, the town is implementing a series of high and low-tech communications strategies ranging from twitter to refrigerator magnets. Staff is especially interested in reaching summer visitors and part-year residents.
The key phrase is the last line. Read that and let it sink in.
Hi Nioka,
Thanks for your comment. Yep, reaching the part-year resident and visitor population is important because these folks typically aren’t following the local information sources, including the Mirror. For example, during the two hurricanes last fall numerous properties around town weren’t “battened down” making for potential hazards such as porch furniture and garbage cans subject the being wind-blown debris. Same for participating in the town’s sandbag program we had last year and will continue this year. Part-year resident property owners are full-year taxpayers, after all. Reaching out to them is only responsible, and that’s why I said what I said. I sure hope it sinks in.
Sorry for misspelling your name, Nioaka.
Are you sure you want non-residents to be exposed to the bickering and antediluvean opinions that fill the Cape Charles Mirror? I think it would be best if we reached out to these potential guests through a more neutral web site.
Note: More neutral? We just published your comment, didn’t we?
Good morning, John Read, and if you don’t mind my saying so, that seems an odd comment for an American citizen to be making in what is a uniquely American publication.
You don’t think very much of your fellow American citizens, do you.
What do you think would be a more neutral site?
The Washington Post?
I don’t support the idea of a facebook account. Facebook is one of those social media sites that has been challenged by many sides with regards to their fraudulent, dangerous and illegal sales and lack of protection for the private and personal information of those using Facebook. Should Cape Charles join that maelstrom ? I almost signed up for an account once, and changed my mind. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. Fewer folks are using Facebook every day, and fewer want to. Why force people to have a facebook account in order to discover Cape Charles ? You need an account for access. I recommend that Cape Charles instead create their own website. There are a lot of people out there like me who say, “you have a facebook page ? I’ll never visit it”.