Town Council and Town Staff met Thursday at the Civic Center for Ethics training. The training was put on by the town attorney Vandeventer Black, Mike Sterling, and Chris Ambrosio.
The training encompassed how to conduct meetings for the council, boards, and commissions, as well a the broader topic of ethics in local government. The core of the training involved conflicts of interest, bribes, retaliation, gifts, Town Personnel Policies, confidentiality, FOIA, and Federal corruption statutes.
The training was critical for a town like Cape Charles, given the nature of our elected officials, many of who are business owners. A case in point is Andy Buchholz, who is the owner of the only local printing service. If the town were to purchase signage or tee shirts, they more than likely would have to use Buchholz’s Eastern Shore Signs. Attorney Sterling noted that, besides ES Signs, the council has also had Bed and Breakfast owners such as Chris Bannon. In each case, Sterling noted that documentation and full disclosure is critical to avoid staying out of trouble.
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