February 17, 2025

3 thoughts on “Ukraine and the War of Lies

  1. Viet Nam all over again!

    But nobody remembers!

    And still I persist in wondering whether folly must always be our nemesis.

  2. This is well written, by the way, with reference to the “FALLING DOMINOS” if Ukraine goes down, which will give Putin the opportunity to bring down the “IRON CURTAIN” on the rest of Europe to make it FORTRESS RUSSIA, except he forgot to fit in anywhere to make it more complete the “light at the end of the tunnel!”

    With regard to Viet Nam:

    From pp.366,367 of “A BETTER WAR, The Unexamined Victories and Final Tragedy of America’s Last Years in Vietnam” by Lewis Sorley:

    In 1974 (Vietnamese) President Thieu sent General Cao Van Vien to Washington to make the case for continued U.S. aid to South Vietnam.

    At the Pentagon, where Vien briefed on the current military situation, complete with photographic evidence of mounting enemy violations and massive movement into South Vietnam, he was assured of full support.

    On 6 May 1974 a legislative amendment proposed by Senator Edward Kennedy – one of those members of Congress most determined to pull the plug on South Vietnam – was accepted.

    It cut $266 million for South Vietnam from a supplementary military aid bill and signified, suggested (Sir Robert) Thompson, “that perhaps the major lesson of the Vietnam war is: do not rely on the United States as an ally.”

    end quotes

    Substitute Ukraine for South Vietnam and it will be the same story all over again.

    The Ukrainians must be clear out of their minds to put their trust in a senile old fool like Joe Biden who was one of the Democrats who voted to cut off aid to Viet Nam when he was feeding off the taxpayers and getting his palm greased and his pocket stuffed as a US senator, and put to a jumped-up TV comedian like Vladimere Zelensky who has trouble sounding out the word “war” because it has too many syllables in it alo0ng with a lot of consonants and vowels in charge of their war effort.

    The whole farce is a tale of woe from straight out of the pages of TALES OF THE EXTREME BIZARRE!

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