January 14, 2025

4 thoughts on “Updates to Park Fountain Repair

  1. Hey town council!
    Does the work, come with guarantee? You better get the extented warranty! You guys don’t have a very good track record for doing the right thing. What about insurance?
    This is a disgrace! And a reflection of the town council countless times of wasteful spending tax payers money!
    What next, will you blame the fountain for the increase of water rates when you sale the water utilities?

    1. It is NOT the water utilities that are being sold.

      It is the rate payers who are being sold.

      That is what the for-profit corporation wants and needs – the rate payers, because it is aggressively seeking ROI, and the rate-payers is where that money comes from.

      Think of yourselves as a sports team, and you are going to become the property of a new owner, or perhaps master, in this case.

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