The Cape Charles Town Council approved the projects that are to be funded by the US Department of Agriculture Rural Development Agency when the FY 2023 budget resolution was passed. USDA Rural Development, if the application is approved, would fund these purchases with a $26,000 grant and a $48,800 five-year term loan. The Town Council will approve the grant resolution at the March 16th Regular Meeting.
The application has been completed and submitted for the purchase of a new police vehicle and public works equipment.
Below are the items slated for purchase:
Police vehicle & outfitting $41,000
RTV (utility vehicle) $26,000
Heavy duty 60” cutter $ 2,625
Box blade $ 1,000
72-inch finish mower $ 4,175
Total requested $74,800
Paul Plante says
The US Department of Agriculture under Joe Biden now funds police cars?
Silly me, I always thought that the US Department of Agriculture existed to assist farmers.
As we see from the US Department of Agriculture propaganda page, however, under Joe Biden, their mission has become focused, like the rest of Joe Biden’s LEVIATHAN, on EQUITY and I guess to have equity, it requires police with new cars, maybe better weapons, as well, to enforce equity in this brave new world we are now in:
We provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on public policy, the best available science, and effective management.
Rural Development
Rural Development fosters opportunity and economic security for people and communities in rural America through a broad range of investments.
These investments open doors to better jobs, create access to innovation and technology, while promoting the promise of rural prosperity, equity, and climate resilience.
Paul Plante says
I like that term the US Department of Agriculture propaganda page uses there: the best available science.
What a stupid political term that is.
In their case, the “best available science” is that “science” dictated to them by Joe Biden’s “WOKE” crowd that justifies their policy of the “promise of rural equity, and climate resilience.”
So what on earth, then, is this “rural equity” horsecrap they are peddling here with our tax dollars?
I have lived in rural areas all my life, and in a rural area, there is no equity and it is stupid to think such a thing exists, or could exist, where the term “equity” means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances.
Oh, really?
D. Luther says
Heeeeeyy how about police golf carts?!
I mean, it’s not like CC police are in high speed pursuits throughout the town. They only go around town just to be seen. Plus you can get two golf carts for the price of one police cruiser. They would be great for the environment and would fit into the new green plan!
No more worries about gas prices or expensive maintenance bills.
The CC police golf carts would fit in fine with the town’s council image of crime friendly town.