February 19, 2025

28 thoughts on “Video: How much power does it take to charge an Electric Car?

  1. Why I will not buy an electric car.

    1. Battery manufacturers obtain metals like lithium from China as well as Argentina, Chile, and Bolivia. The lack of consistent environmental regulations and/or enforcement of regulations creates health risks and damage to the environment. There’s a high level of political uncertainty about China’s plans to conquer Taiwan within the next 3 years – that could spark a trade war between the US and China.

    2. If you consider the source of electricity to operate an electric car, 75% of US electricity is generated by fossil fuels. If you add the cost of electricity to refine these metals to produce batteries, the energy required to produce an electric car is much higher than for a conventional fueled vehicle.
    The Manhattan Institute, a “think tank” that includes energy policy stated that: “For example, a single electric car battery weighing 1,000 pounds requires extracting and processing some 500,000 pounds of materials. Averaged over a battery’s life, each mile of driving an electric car “consumes” five pounds of earth. Using an internal combustion engine consumes about 0.2 pounds of liquids per mile.”

    3. In the short term, the demand for additional electricity to recharge electric cars will have to increase to fund the expansion of power generation assets (including fossil fueled plants) and upgrade the distribution network (“the electric grid”). An increase in demand means: higher electric costs. The current administration has been providing rebates to incentivize consumers – but they are not supporting an increase in power production or distribution.

    4. Electric vehicles have a range between 110 and 3o0 miles. They’re not suitable for long-range driving – unless you travel in areas that have charging stations AND are willing to wait. If you have a Level 1 charger (2-5 miles per one hour of charging) – you will wait much longer than a Level 2 charger (10-20 miles per one hour of charging).

    5. The availability of charging stations and repair shops is very limited in rural areas. ANEC installed charging stations at the Exmore Royal Farms – but only Tesla automobiles can charge their car because Tesla has a unique charging device. There’s a new law that requires a common charging device; however, it will take time to retrofit existing charging devices – and if you own a charging station at your home, you will have to have an adapter if you want to use public charging devices.

    6. Finally, the Toyota offers only one brand of electric car; they are focusing on hydrogen power that has a much smaller environmental footprint than an electric car. There are very few public charging stations for hydrogen; however, some cities have hydrogen-powered public buses that operate in a well-defined area.

    1. And the very expensive EV batteries, while the Biden regime says they are guaranteed for 8 years, a lie, which is all the Biden regime ever offers, falsehood after falsehood after falsehood, are actually only guaranteed for two years, and are PRO-RATED after that, which means as they age, YOU pay more to replace them, and pity the POOR SUCKER who buys one of these BIDEN MOBILES used, and then gets slammed with the battery replacement charge.

      If an EV is no longer under warranty or if its battery is damaged in an accident and isn’t covered by insurance, estimates of the out-of-pocket cost for a replacement ranges from $5,000 to $20,000.

      BIDE-O-NISM in action!

      If you like getting ROYALLY SCREWED, and many in America do, your choice is clear – BIDEN/HARRIS 2024!


      1. Your comment about being in an accident just made me realize that we all pay for these electric vehicles in yet another way. If you have uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance, you are paying more in case you are involved in a collision with an electric vehicle; just because of that battery.

        1. According to the website of Progressive Insurance, even if your driving record is spotless, your car insurance can go up due to an increase in risk that’s outside of your control which could include reasons like increased claims in your area, and higher car repair and replacement costs, so you are being penalized for the actions of others.

          As to these expensive BIDEN MOBILES, and how they are impacting and indeed causing the increasing rates for car insurance those of us who don’t drive BIDEN MOBILES or JOE CARS are paying, consider these following news items:

          Insight: Scratched EV battery? Your insurer may have to junk the whole car
          By Nick Carey, Paul Lienert and Sarah Mcfarlane
          March 20, 2023

          Kelley Blue Book
          Lightly Damaged Battery? Your Insurer Might Total Your EV
          By Sean Tucker

          Insurers Are Totaling EVs For Minor Battery Issues, And That’s A Problem For Everyone
          Batteries cost a lot to replace, raising insurance premiums and damaging the environment

          Insurers Are Totaling EVs For Minor Battery Issues, And That’s A Problem For Everyone
          by Sebastien Bell
          March 20, 2023

          Fox Business
          EV batteries lack repairability leading some insurers to junk whole cars after even minor collisions – Unless EV batteries are more easily repairable, the pile-ups will increase — and so too, will premiums, expert says
          By Lawrence Richard FOXBusiness
          Published March 20, 2023

          GM Authority
          Insurers May Have To Total Electric Vehicles For Even The Slightest Damage To Batteries
          By Jonathan Lopez
          May 12, 2023

          Se we are indeed paying for these Joe Cars – in fact, we are taking it in the ***, big time.

          On that score, the big news up this way the other day was as follows:

          “Two killed in fiery Niskayuna crash after car hits tree”

          By H. Rose Schneider, Albany, New York Times Union
          Dec 23, 2023

          NISKAYUNA — Two people were killed after their vehicle crashed into a tree and caught fire in the early morning hours Saturday, police said.

          Niskayuna police and firefighters responded around 4:30 a.m. to the scene of where a vehicle crashed into a tree on St. David’s Lane near Morgan Avenue, a release said.

          The vehicle was on fire with both its occupants dead at the scene.

          end quotes

          These news stories are leaving out the make of the car, but I strongly suspect this was a BIDEN MOBILE, maybe a Tesla on autopilot, while the humans were inside copulating.

          Teslas on autopilot are involved in a number of crashes and accidents where pedestrians are killed, all of which affects our car insurance rates, because we all pay for losses caused by others.

          When Hussein Obama, who would know better than anyone else, said “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up,” he was not kidding, starting with our lives, our way of life, and our nation, and then the world, and for all we know, the galaxy, as well!


          1. There goes Mr Misinformation. Must be an EV because it crashed into a tree and caught fire. The lack of vehicle information must be because it was an EV. The White House must have issued orders to media outlets not to report EV accidents. It has nothing to do with the possibility of the media outlet or police withholding information because the occupants have yet to be identified or families notified.

            Go take your meds.

          2. J Wheaton, I, and of course many others not only all over the globe, given the global reach of the Cape Charles Mirror, but all over the universe, as well, do so love it when you make your appearances in here after being briefed by Joe Biden’s white house and his media lackey Ian Sams as to what your talking points should be in here today, and boy, are they a doozy, with you claiming the police withheld the make of the car involved in the crash on a straight stretch of road that hit a tree and was BURNING when police arrived, because they wanted to notify the family of the car.

            Yup, that must be it.

            And the dead give-away to me that it was a BIDEN MOBILE or JOE CAR was the fact that when police arrived, the car was burning.

            There are large wrecking yards near me full of regular cars that have been in accidents, and you don’t see them burned, and in fact several years ago, I hot some black ice in my Toyota pick-up, a non-BIDEN MOBILE, and ended up nailing a tree right between the headlights, which totaled the vehicle, and there was NO FIRE!

            Conversely, if you watch this video, you see a JOE CAR burning after barely hitting a garage:

            EV fires are tough to fight and pose new hazards. Inside the race to get responders ready.


            And here is a Tesla in Indianapolis making quite a bonfire after an accident, with two dead people in it:

            Electric car crashed and burst into flames


            And here is yet another, keeping in mind that my Toyota truck was totaled out after hitting a tree head-on, and yet DID NOT burn:

            Fire chief: Tesla crash shows electric car fires could strain department resources


            And if instead of coming in here to spread MISINFORMATION about how dangerous to society these BIDEN MOBILES really are, an ideal car bomb for the TERRORISTS Joe Biden is letting into the country, you tried to educate yourself, which of course would make you worthless to the Biden administration, you would see the media downplaying the risk to society of these BIDEN MOBILES, making it out as of my Toyota truck which didn’t burn, or even emit a puff of smoke, is actually more dangerous than a JOE CAR, which is HOGWASH, but when all the media does is tell us lies, what else can we expect?

            As to Teslas on AUTOPILOT, we have this:


            “Tesla Owners Use Autopilot Where It’s Not Designed To Work, With Deadly Consequences”

            Story by Collin Woodard

            11 December 2023

            According to Tesla, the driver-assist feature that it calls Autopilot is “intended for use on controlled-access highways” that have “a center divider, clear lane markings, and no cross traffic.”

            The owner’s manual also points out that it may not work well in areas with hills or sharp turns.

            Still, despite having the ability to limit where drivers can use Autopilot, it chooses not to.

            As the Washington Post found, that decision has led to at least eight serious and even deadly crashes.

            Take, for example, victims Dillon Angulo and Naibel Benavides Leon:

            After a long day of fishing in Key Largo, Fla., Dillon Angulo and Naibel Benavides Leon pulled to the side of the road and hopped out of their Chevy Tahoe to look at the stars.

            Suddenly, Angulo said, the “whole world just fell down.”

            A Tesla driving on Autopilot crashed through a T intersection at about 70 mph and flung the young couple into the air, killing Benavides Leon and gravely injuring Angulo.

            In police body-camera footage obtained by The Washington Post, the shaken driver says he was “driving on cruise” and took his eyes off the road when he dropped his phone.

            But the 2019 crash reveals a problem deeper than driver inattention.

            It occurred on a rural road where Tesla’s Autopilot technology was not designed to be used.

            Dash-cam footage captured by the Tesla and obtained exclusively by The Post shows the car blowing through a stop sign, a blinking light and five yellow signs warning that the road ends and drivers must turn left or right.

            Following the 2016 crash that killed Joshua Brown, the National Transportation Safety Board has encouraged the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to put limits on where driver-assistance features can be used.

            So far, though, NHTSA hasn’t, claiming that it would be too complicated and take too many resources to ensure that driver-assistance systems are only being used under the conditions they were originally designed for.

            Instead, NHTSA prefers to focus on trying to make drivers pay attention while using systems such as Autopilot.

            Tesla, meanwhile, has said since 2018 that it sees no reason to limit where owners can use Autopilot because “the driver determines the acceptable operating environment.”

            Drivers don’t have perfect judgment, though, and the Post found about 40 serious or deadly crashes that took place since 2016 that involved a Tesla owner using Autopilot at the time of the crash.

            At least eight of those crashes took place on roads where the driver shouldn’t have been using Autopilot.

            “If the manufacturer isn’t going to take safety seriously, it is up to the federal government to make sure that they are standing up for others to ensure safety,” NTSB chair Jennifer Homendy told the Post.

            But “safety does not seem to be the priority when it comes to Tesla.”

            She then took aim at the NHTSA, asking, “How many more people have to die before you take action as an agency?”

          3. J Wheaton says: The White House must have issued orders to media outlets not to report EV accidents.

            ME: Of course it has, because Joe is desperate because yet another of his GRAND SCHEMES, like BIDE-O-NOMICS, is a big ******* failure, like Joe, himself!

            Look at what he is telling the media to do with resp0ect to his failed BIDE-O-NOMICS:

            DECEMBER 24, 2023

            Remarks by President Biden Before Marine One Departure

            South Lawn

            (December 23, 2023)

            3:02 P.M. EST

            Q About the economy, sir, what’s your outlook on the economy next year?

            THE PRESIDENT: All good.

            Take a look.

            Start reporting it the right way.

            end quotes

            You go, Joe Stalin, er, right, Biden!


            And how about this dictatorial BULL**** with regard to JOE CARS and BIDEN MOBILES nobody wants:


            “Biden Wants to Force Automakers to Sell Electric Cars Despite American Skepticism”

            Story by Madison Cates

            16 December 2023

            A recent Associated Press poll reveals that only 19 percent of Americans are “very” or “extremely” likely to choose an electric vehicle (EV) as their next car, highlighting the ongoing challenge of persuading consumers to make the switch.

            However, President Joe Biden is determined to drive forward with a rule that could transform the automotive landscape by mandating increased EV sales.

            Consumer Hesitation

            The poll indicates that while 19 percent of respondents express strong interest in EVs, an additional 22 percent consider it “somewhat likely” that they will opt for an electric vehicle for their next purchase.

            Notably, nearly half of those surveyed remain hesitant about embracing electric cars, primarily citing cost as a major deterrent.

            On average, EVs come with a price tag at least $10,000 higher than their gasoline-powered counterparts.

            Biden’s Bold EV Agenda

            Despite this hesitance, President Biden is poised to introduce a consequential environmental rule through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

            The rule, expected to be announced soon, will impose stringent emissions limits on vehicles sold in the United States.

            To meet these limits, U.S. automakers will be required to ensure that two-thirds of the vehicles they sell are electric by 2032.

            Challenges on the Road to EV Adoption

            While Biden’s push for EVs is bold, it presents significant challenges.

            Transitioning two-thirds of the vehicle market to electric in just over a decade is an ambitious goal.

            Moreover, the cost implications extend beyond higher sticker prices for EVs.

            Experts argue that the United States needs to build more than 2 million charging stations to support such a transition, whereas the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law allocated funding for only 500,000 stations.

            Additionally, upgrading power grids to accommodate the increased electricity demand from millions of EVs will likely require tens of billions of dollars.

            Promises vs. Realities

            President Biden has promised that his electric vehicle agenda will fuel a “manufacturing boom” and create “new economic opportunity and tens of thousands of good-paying and union jobs.”

            However, labor leaders are skeptical, suggesting that the transition to electric vehicles could lead to job losses in the auto industry.

            Electric cars typically require fewer workers for production.

            Navigating the Road Ahead

            Balancing the aspirations of reducing emissions, stimulating economic growth, and addressing consumer concerns will be the key challenge for the administration as it pursues its EV agenda.

            Overcoming public hesitation and ensuring the necessary infrastructure and investments are in place will be essential to make this ambitious vision a reality.

            end quotes

            And you’re surprised, J Wheaton, that Joe wants any news of BIDEN MOBILES and JOE CARS being FLAMING DEATH TRAPS or FLAMING COFFINS like tanks hit with an RPG when in an accident?

            How naive you are!

            As Hussein Obama, who would know better than anyone else, famously said “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up,” because he well knew, as do we who are not BIDEN IDEALOGUES well know, Joe Biden is himself a ****-up from the word GO, ******* up- EVERYTHING he puts his ham hands on, starting with our lives, our way of life, and our nation, and then the world, and for all we know, the galaxy and universe, as well!

            And on that note, we also have this:

            Remarks by President Biden Before Marine One Departure

            South Lawn

            (December 23, 2023)

            3:02 P.M. EST

            Q Do you have any message for Africa?

            THE PRESIDENT: For whom?

            Q For Africa.

            THE PRESIDENT: Yes, it has a great future.

            We’re going to continue to work with Africa to build the infrastructure and to grow that continent.

            A billion people.

            A billion people.

            end quotes

            Something else for Joe Biden to **** up and WASTE our tax payer dollars on!


  2. Funny Paul, I just made a 16-hour road trip, I was passed by a lot of Teslas, a couple of EV BMWs, and a Rivian. I saw 3 vehicle fires. Yup, 2 diesel trucks and a Nissan Rogue. Not one EV.

    You know the adage “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” Obviously, you don’t read the stuff you copy and paste “Drivers don’t have perfect judgment, though, and the Post found about 40 serious or deadly crashes that took place since 2016 that involved a Tesla owner using Autopilot at the time of the crash.” How is that an EV problem?

    And do I understand you are advocating the Government should intrude on my driving pleasure? ““If the manufacturer isn’t going to take safety seriously, it is up to the federal government to make sure that they are standing up for others to ensure safety,” You want more big brother?

    You’d be arguing against Henry Ford and his vehicles if you were around then. Whoever heard of an Engineer fearing technology? Guess it only happens with retired, unlicensed ones.

    1. J Wheaton, the entertainment value you alone provide in here far outstrips the combined output of HOLLYWOOD and New York’s theater zone combined.

      How many BIDEN MOBILES did you see in accidents along the way?

      And why don’t you give us some further details on those three fires you say you did see after driving sixteen hours looking desperately for them?

      Were they in accidents at the time?

      Or were the fires caused by something else?

      I’ve been driving since 1964, including cross-country trips, and in all that time and all those miles, I have seen a literal handful of vehicle fires, and none from accidents.

      Conversely, a BIDEN MOBILE or JOE CAR can be in a minor accident and can go off like a Roman candle.

      And talk about DICTATORIAL GOVERNMENT OVEREACH AND COERCION intruding on YOUR driving pleasure as we get yet more BIG BROTHER jammed down our throats by the DICTATORIAL Biden regime, that wants to control EVERY aspect of our lives, including our ceiling fans, because BIG BROTHER knows ALL:


      “Biden Wants to Force Automakers to Sell Electric Cars Despite American Skepticism”

      Story by Madison Cates

      16 December 2023

      A recent Associated Press poll reveals that only 19 percent of Americans are “very” or “extremely” likely to choose an electric vehicle (EV) as their next car, highlighting the ongoing challenge of persuading consumers to make the switch.

      However, President Joe Biden is determined to drive forward with a rule that could transform the automotive landscape by mandating increased EV sales.

      end quotes


      And I don’t fear technology, per se. J Wheaton – but I do fear HALF-ASSED, poorly-designed and ill-thought-out technology like these JOE CARS and BIDEN MOBILES that put EVERYBODY’s life, health and property in jeopardy, as Joe Biden forces his INSANE GREEN DREAM onto America and the world.

    2. J Wheaton: Whoever heard of an Engineer fearing technology?

      ME: How about GM engineers:

      “Cruise recalls all self-driving cars after grisly accident and California ban”

      Associated Press

      Wed 8 Nov 2023

      General Motors’ Cruise autonomous vehicle unit is recalling all 950 of its cars to update software after one of them dragged a pedestrian to the side of a San Francisco street in early October and a subsequent ban by California regulators.

      The company said in documents posted by US safety regulators on Wednesday that with the updated software, Cruise vehicles will remain stationary should a similar incident occur in the future.

      The 2 October crash prompted Cruise to suspend driverless operations nationwide after California regulators found that its cars posed a danger to public safety.

      end quotes


      Why, I bet those same people would be arguing against Henry Ford and his vehicles if they were around then.

      Going back to why those vehicles, which are modified Chevrolet Bolt EV vehicles, or JOE CARS, pose a danger to public safety, something a REAL ENGINEER like myself of good moral character would be concerned about, given my duty to society is to SAFEGUARD (a measure taken to protect someone or something or to prevent something undesirable; protect from harm or damage with an appropriate measure) life, health and property, especially from out-of-control WHACK-A-DOODLE-DOOS like Joe Biden with his INSANE GREEN DREAM that is a clear and present danger to each and every one 0f us, we have as follows:

      The state’s department of motor vehicles revoked the license for Cruise, which was transporting passengers without human drivers throughout San Francisco.

      In the crash, another vehicle with a person behind the wheel struck a pedestrian, sending the person into the path of a Cruise autonomous vehicle.

      The Cruise initially stopped but still hit the person.

      But it then pulled to the right to get out of traffic, pulling the person about 20ft (six meters) forward.

      The pedestrian was pinned under one of the Cruise vehicle’s tires and was critically injured.

      1. Gibberish. I have no idea what you are talking about now. You were arguing that all EVs will catch fire in an accident. It’s a fact – EV are less likely to catch fire than other vehicles. Look it up. They are just disproportionately reported in the media.

        1. J Wheaton, IF in fact, as you so clearly admit right above here, you have no idea what I am talking about, it can only be because you simply lack the mental capacity to understand pretty much everything going on in the world around you, as you so clearly are a prime example of what the DEMOCRATS have achieved in their efforts to DUMB DOWN AMERICA to create a mindless society incapable of critical thinking and rational analysis who are therefore incapable of questioning EVERYTHING Joe Biden and the DEMOCRATS are telling them, for their own good, of course, because BIG BROTHER BIDEN knows all, especially about ceiling fans.

          And so, because Joe Biden is backing these flaming coffins known as BIDEN MOBILES and JOE CARS, in your diatribe above, you simply parrot Joe Biden by telling us that EV’s are less likely to catch fire than other vehicles, they are just disproportionately reported in the media, which is what Joe Biden is saying when he tells the media to “report it the right way,” which is to say, the way Joe Biden wants it reported, REGARDLESS OF FACTS.

          And speaking of facts, here is where we need to start, regarding your supposed statistical analysis above here where you try to prove that ICE cars have more fires than EV’s, with this question, to wit:

          What percentage of EVs are on the road in the US?

          According to recent data from the U.S. Department of Energy, out of the 281 million cars registered nationally, electric (EV) and plug-in hybrid (PHEV) vehicles represented only 1.2% as of November 21, 2023.

          Given that close to 281 MILLION cars on the road are ICE’s, it in fact stands to reason that there would be a greater CUMULATIVE number of them in accidents than is the case with EV’s, which make up a miniscule percentage of the cars on the road, and out of that, you derive your statistic that EV’s are VERY SAFE compared to ICE’s.

          Well done, J Wheaton!

          Except that is totally BOGUS reasoning, as you have NO true basis for comparison with such a small percentage of EV’s to work with, and no knowledge of how they are used, and where, as compared to ICE vehicles which are everywhere.

          As to better statistics than yours, which epitomize gibberish, a recent study by US insurer, AutoinsuranceEZ found that hybrid cars had the worst fire record, while EVs were the least likely type of car to catch fire with hybrid cars having 3474.5 fires per 100,000 sale; petrol cars having 1,529.9 fires per 100,000 sales and EVs having just 25.1 fires per 100,000 sales.

          But given there are so few EV’s actually on the road compared to hybrids and petrol cars, even those statistics are questionable.

          But back to you, J Wheaton, for some further data smoothing on your part as you try to convince us that yes, BIDEN MOBILES and JOE CARS are the safest things on the road, because that is the way Joe Biden wants it reported.

          1. Well, aren’t you a master debater.

            “Except that is totally BOGUS reasoning, as you have NO true basis for comparison with such a small percentage of EV’s to work with, and no knowledge of how they are used, and where, as compared to ICE vehicles which are everywhere.”

            If I don’t have any basis for a comparison because of a small percentage of EV neither do you. Nice argument killer there.

            Lawn tractors with batteries, Leaf blowers with batteries a brave new world in which you can’ handle change, no one cares what you think. Your predictions and insights have missed the mark more times than they have been on point.

          2. J Wheaton, the level of mirth you afford not only me in here, but people all over the globe, given the global reach of the Cape Charles Mirror, and the galaxy and universe, as well, which makes you a true interstellar media phenomenon, is a veritable gift to all of us in these otherwise BLEAK days under the thumb of the DEMOCRAT DICTATOR Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior, the first of his name to be a DICTATOR in America, as well as being something wondrous for us beleaguered Americans suffering greatly from BIDENFLATION caused by BIDE-O-NOMICS, which is crushing us financially, and who are otherwise devoid of hope to behold.

            And speaking of you so willingly coming in here to play the fool, an essential character role in a philosophical discussion such as this one, as Aristotle made incandescently clear when he famously said “A fool contributes nothing worth hearing and takes offense at everything,” where you say “If I (J Wheaton) don’t have any basis for a comparison because of a small percentage of EV neither do you (me),” I must truthfully respond AU CONTRAIRE, dude, because while you are spouting empty BIDEN PROPAGANDA while trying to push these BIDEN MOBILES and JOE CARS on us, I have been engaged in rational and logical analysis, so that AFTER scientifically determining the number of BIDEN MOBILES and JOE CARS actually on the road, which is not many, because most people DO NOT want one, I can then find out the number of accidents those BIDEN MOBILES are actually involved in, compared to normal cars, which results in some fascinating finds, such as the following, to wit:

            Darrigo & Diaz Attorneys at Law


            As with any technology shift, however, there will be unintended growing pains and safety consequences.

            Accordingly, a spate of concerning EV crashes in recent years have experts and consumers alike wondering “are electric cars more dangerous?”

            Only time — and careful statistical analysis — will tell the true answer to that question.

            Exploding and Re-igniting Batteries

            One of the biggest concerns surrounding electric vehicle accidents is that the batteries that power them have unique risks of fires and explosions.

            While gasoline-powered vehicles are, of course, at risk of combustion, manufacturers have made great strides in recent years for preventing ignition of the fuel tank.

            Reinforcement, shutoff valves, and other safety measures all reduce the risks of fuel igniting or exploding in most collisions.

            Electric vehicles, however, have their own sets of concerns in the event of a collision.

            These vehicles are powered predominantly by lithium-ion batteries, which have a reputation for spontaneous overheating and explosion even when in a compact form in consumer electronics.

            Most EVs use the same sort of battery technology, albeit multiplied many times.

            The entire floor of the vehicle is often lined with lithium-ion battery cells.

            When these battery components become damaged or overheated in an accident, it can lead to a chain reaction known as thermal runaway.

            Further, batteries that have burned or been seriously damaged can retain heat for days after impact, sometimes spontaneously re-igniting long after the initial fire was doused and the vehicle has been towed away.

            The hazards of battery fires, which include risks of explosions and hazardous gas discharges, are catching first responders and towing companies off guard.

            Many are unaware of the safety techniques required in response to battery fires or lack the necessary training.


            The Brussels Times

            “Electric cars involved in more accidents than regular vehicles, study shows”

            Sunday, 11 September 2022

            Electric cars are involved in 50% more traffic accidents than their petrol and diesel counterparts, according to a study by insurer Axa.

            The high number of accidents has actually nothing to do with the technology, but everything to do with the driving behaviour of the drivers.

            It is mainly the fast and sharp acceleration that surprises drivers, especially those new to the cars, and leads to accidents.

            Battery fires are dangerous

            It is important to be careful if an electric car is hit from behind in a traffic accident or if, for example, it drives too abruptly over a speed bump or over a bumpy surface, where the bottom of the car rubs on the road.

            The batteries are located at the bottom of the car.

            If the bottom plate of an electric vehicle is badly hit and the protection around the batteries is also damaged, they can catch fire.

            And this is a serious problem.

            The current lithium-ion batteries are extremely hard to extinguish.

            And an electric car has thousands of batteries.

            For the fire brigade, the only solution is often to immerse the car in a container filled with water for a number of days.

            There are cases where electric cars were taken out of the water tank after a few days and yet caught fire again.

            This is a problem that remains a challenge for the manufacturers and the emergency services.


            William Mattar Law Offices

            “Do Electric Cars Cause More Damage in Accidents?”:

            posted: april 28, 2023

            Electric cars may cause more damage in collisions than conventional cars, according to the German-language reports of a study by the insurance company AXA Switzerland, as written about in Streetsblog NYC.

            This can be attributed to electric vehicles’ greater weight and quicker acceleration, according to the report.

            The Swiss insurer should know what it’s talking about; AXA crashed electric cars to see how they would fare in collisions.

            The increased weight of electronic vehicles could lead to more pedestrian deaths, according to the study.

            Significantly Faster Acceleration

            Electric cars accelerate faster than conventional cars because their engines are more efficient, according to an article in Streets Blog NYC, which examined the study.

            So quick to accelerate are electric cars, in fact, drivers experience an “overtapping effect,” whereby they push too hard on the accelerator, causing the vehicle to jerk forward.

            AXA predicts overtapping may be a factor in “increased claims frequency” for high-performance electric cars.

            Under normal conditions, a Tesla can accelerate from zero to 60 mph in about 2.5 seconds, according to MotorTrend.

            If you’re new to driving an electric vehicle, quick acceleration can potentially surprise you when you’re used to operating a gas- or diesel-powered car, leading to more accidents.

            Generally speaking, electric cars can be heavier because they have more batteries, a reinforced framework, and protective armor around the battery.

            The added weight doesn’t just slow down an EV; it also makes an electric car a formidable force in a collision.

            Electric Car Safety

            The AXA Switzerland study reports that new cars weigh about 25 percent more than vehicles made 20 years ago.

            A growing body of research suggests that today’s oversized vehicles are deadlier to everyone not inside them, including the drivers and passengers of smaller cars, anyone riding bicycles or motorcycles, and pedestrians.

            SUVs and trucks are deadlier to pedestrians.

            According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, pedestrian fatalities involving SUVS increased at a faster rate than pedestrian fatalities involving a passenger car.

            While bigger vehicles can be safer for drivers, they’re more dangerous for anyone not inside them.

            The Risk of Battery Fires

            Battery fires can be a risk when driving an electric car.

            The battery is at the bottom of an electric car, so “if the bottom plate of an electric vehicle is badly hit and the protection around the batteries is also damaged, they can catch fire,” according to The Brussels Times.

            Many manufacturers recently recalled electric vehicles due to fire risks.

            For example, General Motors found that the batteries in the Chevrolet Bolt were defective.

            The $800 million recall impacted 69,000 of the cars globally, including 51,000 in the United States, according to CNBC.

            Along with battery fire risks, there is also research that supports the conclusion that cold weather conditions can temporarily reduce electric vehicle (EV) battery range.

            AAA research found that colder temperatures can cut such range in half.

            Electric Car Accident Statistics

            The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released car-accident data for cars with automated driving systems (ADS) and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).

            They discovered there were 42,915 fatalities from car accidents in 2021.

            This is a 10.5 percent jump from 2020 and the highest number reported since 2005.

          3. J Wheaton: Lawn tractors with batteries, Leaf blowers with batteries a brave new world in which you can’ handle change, no one cares what you think.

            Your predictions and insights have missed the mark more times than they have been on point.

            ME: You’re a real HOOT, J Wheaton, and that is a fact you can take to the bank!

            It’ll be a brave new world, alright, Joe Biden style, which means like everything else Joe Biden touches, it’ll be guaranteed to be ALL ****** UP (cue Bessie Smith “Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhL2zukNLyU ):

            Charging lithium-ion battery sparks fire, explodes in family’s garage
            By KCAL/KCBS via CNN Newsource
            Published: Nov. 27, 2023 at 6:05 AM EST

            LOS ANGELES COUNTY, Calif. (KCAL/KCBS) – Sparks flew and a fire started in a California garage due to a lithium-ion battery or its charger, firefighters say.

            Video inside a garage in Garden Grove shows the moments the fire started just before noon Saturday.

            First, there’s a click, and then, 18 seconds later, sparks fly.

            Within minutes, the garage was burning.

            “It was a rack of battery docks for your power tools, leaf blower, drills, that kind of stuff.”

            “They just had it charging in the garage, like anyone would,” said Chase Parsons, who lives across the street.

            The family was home and called 911.

            As they evacuated, they could hear the batteries exploding in the garage.

            Lithium-ion batteries have been blamed in previous fires.

            In fact, the Consumer Product Safety Commission says it had more than 200 reports of fires or overheating of lithium-ion batteries last year.


            CNN Business

            “Lithium-ion battery fires are happening more often. Here’s how to prevent them”

            By Samantha Murphy Kelly, CNN Business

            March 9, 2023

            CNN — Lithium-ion batteries, found in many popular consumer products, are under scrutiny again following a massive fire this week in New York City thought to be caused by the battery that powered an electric scooter.

            At least seven people have been injured in a five-alarm fire in the Bronx which required the attention of 200 firefighters.

            Officials believe the incident stemmed from a lithium-ion battery of a scooter found on the roof of an apartment building.

            In 2022, the the New York City Fire Department responded to more than 200 e-scooter and e-bike fires, which resulted in six fatalities.

            “In all of these fires, these lithium-ion fires, it is not a slow burn; there’s not a small amount of fire, it literally explodes,” FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh told reporters.

            “It’s a tremendous volume of fire as soon as it happens, and it’s very difficult to extinguish and so it’s particularly dangerous.”

            A residential fire earlier this week in Carlsbad, California, was suspected to be caused by an e-scooter lithium battery.

            On Tuesday, an alarming video surfaced of a Canadian homeowner running downstairs to find his electric bike battery exploding into flames.

            A fire at a multi-family home in Massachusetts last month is also under investigation for similar issues.

            These incidents are becoming more common for a number of reasons.

            For starters, lithium-ion batteries are now in numerous consumer tech products, powering laptops, cameras, smartphones and more.

            They allow companies to squeeze hours of battery life into increasingly slim devices.

            But a combination of manufacturer issues, misuse and aging batteries can heighten the risk from the batteries, which use flammable materials.


            Cureus. 2019 Aug; 11(8): e5355.
            Published online 2019 Aug 9. doi: 10.7759/cureus.5355
            PMCID: PMC6783228
            PMID: 31608190

            “E-Cigarette Battery Explosions: Review of the Acute Management of the Burns and the Impact on Our Population”

            Monitoring Editor: Alexander Muacevic and John R Adler
            Luis Quiroga, corresponding author
            Mohammed Asif, Tomer Lagziel, Deepa Bhat, and Julie Caffrey


            Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes (E-cig), are lithium-battery-powered devices, which became available for sale in the United States in 2017.

            It has gained significant popularity among younger-generation tobacco smokers due to its advertisement as a non-toxic inhalation property and a potential smoking-cessation aid.

            The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been regulating e-cigarettes as tobacco products and not as drug-delivery devices, as many medical experts think it should be categorized.

            In the last few years, the medical community has encountered increasing episodes of burn injuries secondary to e-cigarette battery explosion.

            Explosions occur through a process known as a “thermal runaway.”

            This process occurs when the battery overheats and the internal battery temperature increases dangerously high, to the point of inner fire and explosion.

            Overcharge, puncture, external heat, short circuit, amongst others, are conditions that cause a “thermal runaway.”

            This is a retrospective review and analysis of six patients with superficial, partial, and full-thickness burn injuries related to e-cigarette battery explosions managed at Johns Hopkins Bayview Burn Center over the course of one year.

            New efforts should be made to educate the community and healthcare providers regarding the potential hazardous implication of carrying these batteries.


            NBC News

            “Vape pen explodes, shattering teen’s jaw amid rising concerns over batteries”

            June 19, 2019, 5:01 PM EDT

            By Erika Edwards

            Austin Adams, 17, was trying to quit smoking.

            So he turned to electronic cigarettes in an attempt to ease his addiction to tobacco.

            He found the one he wanted — a device from a company called VGOD — and asked his mother, Kailani Burton, to buy it for him.

            She did.

            Adams had been using the new device when it exploded in his mouth.

            The force knocked out several teeth and shattered his jaw.


            Lawnmower’s lithium ion battery said to be cause of house fire

            Lithium-ion battery in lawnmower causes explosion in Birmingham garage

            Dewalt Battery Lawn Mower Catches Fire At Largest OPE Tradeshow in The World

            E-cigarette explodes in man’s pocket

            Exploding E-Cigarette Sparks Concern

            Video of trucks burning in Dearborn highlights what makes electric vehicle fires so dangerous

            Electric car catches fire, burns passenger

  3. “…I have been engaged in rational and logical analysis,” You think so? Not even close. Go take your meds, stay in the house. Staying in the house will ensure you don’t become a victim of a lithium-ion battery fire/explosion.

    Maybe you should keep your laptop in a metal trash can too.

    1. J Wheaton, you are so good for all our immune systems, those of us who get real good laughs from your verbal pratfalls, which you deliver up with style and flair combined, which makes them such enjoyable reading!

      And I don’t have a laptop, J Wheaton, they’re a dangerous fire hazard, which you would know if you yourself were capable of engaging in rational and logical analysis:

      Teen’s Dell Laptop Bursts Into Flames

      Laptop explodes in Letchworth office

    2. J Wheaton, when people all over the world watch this following video of the lithium battery on a BIDEN SCOOTER or JOE BIKE exploding, catching the driver and passenger on fire, and burning the passenger’s bum, in their minds they picture it as being you and Ian Sams out there on your CRUSADE on behalf of Joe Biden to convince the people of America that indeed, the LITHIUM BATTERIES being pushed on the people of America in quantity by Joe Biden, and Podesta and good old Jennifer Granholm, Joe Biden “energy secretary,” who just happens to be a Canadian-American lawyer, which makes her special, as well as being an educator, an author, a political commentator, and, of course, a politician with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Berkeley in 1984 and a Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School in 1987 who despite knowing absolutely nothing whatsoever about energy or much else for that matter, except looking pretty for Joe, which he likes, (But oh, he loves to watch her strut, oh, he do respect her butt) became Joe’s “energy secretary” because she was a proven party loyalist who was a member of the presidential transition team for Hussein Obama before he assumed office in 2009 and then she became host of “The War Room” with Jennifer Granholm, and in 2017, she was hired as a CNN political contributor, and more importantly, at least as far as Joe is concerned, because Joe made a campaign promise to select a team that “looks like America” and modernizes the predominantly male, white institution, she won the Miss San Carlos beauty pageant, and then as a young adult, she attempted to launch a Hollywood acting career but abandoned her efforts at age 21, and after that, in 1978, she appeared on The Dating Game, another top qualification to be a member of TEAM BIDEN (cue Bob Seger – Her Strut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C51c0vuLEng ) and of great importance to Joe, and as to her main qualification to be Joe’s energy secretary and help him push LITHIUM BATTERIES on us in quantity, she held jobs as a tour guide at Universal Studios and in customer service at the Los Angeles Times and was the first female tour guide at Marine World Africa USA in Redwood City, piloting boats with 25 tourists aboard, are REALLY VERY SAFE, and won’t catch on fire like sceptics like Paul Plante, a retired, unlicensed engineer and suspected NEO-LUDDITE who fears technology and who would be arguing against Henry Ford and his vehicles if he was around then, whose predictions and insights have missed the mark more times than they have been on point, are saying they will because Paul Plante doesn’t like Joe Biden and so is spreading MISINFORMATION in a bid to make Joe Biden look bad in the eyes of the American people going into November 2024 presidential election where the only name on the ballot will be Joe Biden:


  4. Our good friend J Wheaton took a 16-hour road trip from one undisclosed location to another undisclosed location, which could have been the origi9nal undisclosed location if he took a round trip. looking for BIDEN MOBILE or JOE CARS burning up by the side of the road because their LITHIUM batteries exploded, and not having seen any in 16-hours, which time could actually have been spent sitting in a massive traffic jam on the Washington beltway, J Wheaton has concluded that LITHIUM battery fires on EV’s simply do n0t happen, but here is one he obviously missed, probably because the road had to be closed, so J Wheaton was forced to have to go some other way, to wit:

    The Western Journal

    “Alabama Firefighters Forced to Close Interstate, Pour 36,000 Gallons of Water Into Burning EV to Put It Out”

    Story by C. Douglas Golden

    30 December 2023

    A car accident on Christmas Day caused a fire that required four tankers, over 10 rescue organizations and 36,000 of gallons of water to put out.

    The catch?

    Not a single drop of gasoline was involved.

    According to WIAT-TV, authorities in Pine Level, Alabama had such trouble putting out a fire caused by a Tesla accident on Interstate 65.

    The department said in a statement that they were dispatched to the single-vehicle accident at 11:14 p.m. on Dec. 25.

    “911 advised our units that an electric vehicle was involved.”

    “Assistance was immediately requested from Marbury, Booth, Independence, White City, Old Kingston, and Verbena Fire Departments, along with Haynes Ambulance, ALEA, Autauga Co EMA, ALDOT, and Autauga Co Sheriff’s Office,” the statement read.

    “When the first engine arrived, they found a Tesla Model Y automobile fully involved in fire,” the statement continued.

    “It was determined the driver of the vehicle was uninjured and had escaped the vehicle before the fire department arrived.”

    Thanks to a process known as “thermal runaway,” which causes lithium ion batteries to reach incredible temperatures, 36,000 gallons were needed to put the fire out.

    A normal fire in an internal-combustion car only takes 500 gallons.

    “This was a first for Autauga County.”

    “Electric vehicle fires are unusual and present unique challenges and dangers to firefighters,” the statement from Pine Level Fire Department read.

    “These vehicles can reignite hours or days after they are first extinguished.”

    “They burn at temperatures exceeding 2500 degrees C.”

    “The smoke from these burning electric cars produces Hydrogen Flouride and Hydrogen Chloride gases – both of which are toxic to breath and requires firefighters to wear breathing apparatus.”

    According to a CNBC report from January of 2022, while electric vehicle fires don’t happen often, they’re much more dangerous because of the threat of thermal runaway.

    “Chas McGarvey, the Chief Fire Officer of Pennsylvania’s Lower Merion Fire Department, told CNBC that one Tesla Model S Plaid fire his department handled in 2021 burned so hot that it melted the roadway beneath it,” the report read.

    1. Not only is your logic faulty but your reading comprehension is dismal.

      1. Nowhere have I ever said EV fires do not happen. “Wheaton has concluded that LITHIUM battery fires on EV’s simply do n0t happen” but we all know how you rearrange facts to fit your narrative.

      2. Interstate 65 is the major north/south route from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes. In Alabama, it passes through 4 of the state’s major metropolitan areas. How many millions of vehicles do you think pass through Autauga County in a month? Yet your article states “This was a first for Autauga County.” (EV vehicle fire)

      3. Not only was it their first one but the article you quote goes on to say ““Electric vehicle fires are unusual…” Furthermore, you added this quote “According to a CNBC report from January of 2022, while electric vehicle fires don’t happen often …” Don’t happen often – image that.

      4. The real kicker is the actual CNBC article. Here is the link https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/29/electric-vehicle-fires-are-rare-but-hard-to-fight-heres-why.html Here are some highlights from the article:

      “…Vehicles with lithium ion batteries can be especially dangerous when they catch fire.

      The good news is battery electric vehicle fires don’t happen often.”

      As you go along you read this jem “… but preliminary studies indicate fires in fully electric cars are rare.”

      “Research by another firm, AutoinsuranceEZ, says battery electric vehicles have just a .03% chance of igniting, compared to internal combustion engine vehicle’s 1.5% chance. Hybrid electrics, which have both a high voltage battery and an internal combustion engine, have a 3.4% likelihood of vehicle fires according to their study.”

      “We’ve had a long time to fully understand the risks and hazards associated with petrol and diesel cars. We’re going to have to learn faster how to deal with the challenges with electric vehicles. But we will”

      Why did you fail to produce that information??? I’ll restate again – nowhere have I said that EVs don’t catch fire. EV fires are disproportionately reported in the media which gets nuts like you all riled up.

      Paul, how about this – you probably don’t drive more than 3 miles at a time, if at all. You aren’t going to be buying a new car in this stage of your life. So, just shut up with the misinformation.

      1. The Western Journal

        “Alabama Firefighters Forced to Close Interstate, Pour 36,000 Gallons of Water Into Burning EV to Put It Out”

        Story by C. Douglas Golden

        30 December 2023

        A car accident on Christmas Day caused a fire that required four tankers, over 10 rescue organizations and 36,000 of gallons of water to put out.

        A normal fire in an internal-combustion car only takes 500 gallons.

        end quotes



        Those are FACTS, J Wheaton.

        And 36,000 of gallons of water is a lot of water.

        Staying with those FACTS, there are 2.4 million EVs on the road that pose a grave fire risk.

        As the article says, thus, while this may have been “a first for Autauga County,” odds are this won’t be the last time they’ll have to deal with an EV fire that they’re not necessarily prepared to tackle.

        And they’re hardly alone.

        That should scare drivers from coast-to-coast.


        Not hardly!

        And how about these facts:

        The LA Times

        “Electric vehicles less reliable, on average, than conventional cars and trucks”

        Story by TOM KRISHER

        30 December 2023

        Electric vehicles have proved far less reliable, on average, than gasoline-powered cars, trucks and SUVs, according to the latest survey by Consumer Reports, which found that EVs from the 2021 through 2023 model years encountered nearly 80% more problems than did vehicles propelled by internal combustion engines.

        Consumer Reports said EV owners most frequently reported troubles with battery and charging systems as well as flaws in how the vehicles’ body panels and interior parts fit together.

        EVs from the 2021 and 2022 model years overall had more than twice the problem rates of internal combustion vehicles.

        In 2021, General Motors recalled its popular electric Bolt from the 2017 through 2022 model years to replace the batteries because of manufacturing defects that could cause fires.

        Fisher said Bolt owners had to limit how much they charged the batteries and had to park them outdoors until replacement batteries became available.

        end quotes

        Not surprisingly like EVERYTHING Joe Biden gets involved with, with taxpayer dollars, these BIDEN MOBILES and JOE CARS are unreliable pieces of CRAP, like Joe, himself.

        BOTTOM LINE?

        I’m quite happy with my Toyota truck and its very reliable ICE, and I DO NOT want one of these unreliable pieces of CRAP known as BIDEN MOBILES and JOE CARS forced down my throat by Joe Biden.

        As to the EV fires Joe Biden DOES NOT want reported on:

        Mercedes electric car catches fire while charging at showroom

        Video captures electric car burst into flames while charging outside home
        6abc Philadelphia

        “Video Shows Rivian R1T Erupt In Flames And Explode While Charging At Electrify America Station”
        by Sebastien Bell
        June 8, 2023

        And it is not only the cars themselves that are fire hazards, so too are the charging stations:

        “Conn. firefighters battle EV charging station fire in parking garage”
        New Haven Register
        October 09, 2023 10:03 AM

        NORWALK, Conn. — Norwalk firefighters responded to a fire at the SONO Collection Parking Garage, 100 N. Water St., Saturday morning on a report of an electrical vehicle charging station on fire inside the garage, officials said.

        Firefighters responded to the garage at 7:38 a.m., Fire Department officials said in a release.

        According to the release, the shift commander arrived to find smoke coming from an upper floor on the back side of the garage, and crews arriving on scene found an electric vehicle charging station fully involved.

        Thirty-three fire personnel were involved in the operation, according to fire officials.

        end quotes

        So, J Wheaton, is Cape Charles prepared to deal with these BIDEN MOBILE and JOE CAR fires and the toxic fumes they emit?

        And what about all the other lithium batteries Joe Biden is forcing on the people of America with his EDICTS, and the fire risk they represent?


        1. We need the far left woke out of there and Biden before they make us like China and Russia because Biden is owned by them


    “A lithium-ion battery fire in a cargo ship’s hold is out after several days of burning”


    Updated 8:23 PM EST, December 31, 2023

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — After lithium-ion batteries burned in a large cargo ship’s hold for a number of days, the U.S. Coast Guard said late Saturday that the fire was out and directed the ship to anchor near Dutch Harbor, Alaska.

    The 19 crew members of the ship, Genius Star XI, were uninjured and technicians from the Salvage and Marine Firefighting team remain onboard to ensure the fire doesn’t return, according to a Coast Guard press release.

    “This protected anchorage … will allow the vessel to remain stable, minimizing risk of any re-flash of the fire as we continue our response,” Capt. Chris Culpepper said in the press release, which said an investigation into the fire’s origins will begin once response efforts wrap up.


  6. I wouldn’t be surprised if this senile fool Biden comes out with an executive order declaring it to be HIGH TREASON to disagree with him.

    Talk about a clear and present danger to our democracy, it is Joe Biden.


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