As of September 2nd, the Wastewater plant treated an average of 192,552.3 gallons a day. The most usage occurred on September 2nd, using 247,312 gallons. The Town Utility Staff continued to do normal maintenance on the plant and collection system, made repairs and installed sewer valves. Staff also did 30-mark-outs for new construction, installed water service at several new homes, and serviced the bypass pump at Mason Ave. The Utility staff also made a small repair at Washington Ave Water Plant Manager.
During the month, staff continued routine maintenance processes including filter backwashing and softener regenerations, daily water quality testing, and analysis. Bacteria samples collected for VDH.
The Wastewater Treatment Plant operated for 113.5 hours with an average daily operation of 16.2 hours. The plant averaged 228,864 gallons of daily production with a peak of 305,820 on 9/2/23. 1,602,050 total gallons were produced with approximately 209,000 gallons used for processes.
'Can someone tell me what the town manager does? ' Draw a paycheck.
Can someone tell me what the town manager does? What is the need for a Capital project manager. It not…
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They will all be pardoned in a few weeks...
Your forgiveness, generosity, and willingness to carry others is noteworthy sir. You are a special person. I am not. President…