February 19, 2025

5 thoughts on “What really happened to WTC 7 on 911?

  1. Did a hot furniture fire really bring down World Trade Center 7?

    Oh, my goodness, of course it did!

    It was really the drapes and the pictures that people kept on their desks that were the main cause.

    WHAT BULL****!

    And I recall talking about a controlled demolition years ago now, because there was no other way that building could have come down like it did.

    And thermite, which is used to weld rebar together, is as common as dirt and have been around for decades.

    But notwithstanding, of course it had to be the office furnishings that did it, for what else could it possibly have been?

    1. History is what those in power want history to be, and thus it has always been, probably for all time, and that is hardly unique to us, today, and here is yet another case of it right above here.

      And it is so easy for those in power, i.e. Joe Biden and DEMOCRAT CENTRAL, the Democrat brain center that controls the minds and thought of all Democrats as if they were the Borg on Star Trek, a true GROUP THINK MIND in the programmed minds of those who are card-carrying Democrats, to do so today, have history be what they want it to be, depending on the day of the week, and the needs of the moment, because for so many generations now, Americans have been conditioned to obey, not question.

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