WTOP – Reasearchers at Chesapeake Dolphin Watch are confirming what most of us already know about dolphins. The researchers say the bottlenose dolphins normally live in coastal ocean waters, but they do come into the Chesapeake Bay.
“We’ve seen evidence of them foraging and feeding, we’ve seen evidence of them rearing their young and nursing their young, giving birth and mating behaviors,” said Chesapeake DolphinWatch project coordinator Jamie Testa.
You can share your dolphin sightings with the researchers.
“We might find dolphin year-round in the lower part of the bay, closer to the ocean,” even in rivers and creeks near the lower and middle bay, she said.
When to comes to dolphin sightings in the middle and upper portions of the Chesapeake Bay, “May to September is your window. June to July is the peak — the best opportunity,” she said.
Fortunately for humans, when it comes to the dolphins’ eating habits, “We don’t have any evidence that dolphins are eating crabs in the bay.” They mainly enjoy smaller fish, such as juvenile bunkers.
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