February 19, 2025

10 thoughts on “Amnesty for Undocumented Workers–YES

  1. A quick history lesson:
    North America was settled by Anglo/Celts and has enjoyed prosperity, peace and freedom unparalleled in human history.
    Central and South America were settled by Hispanics, and have has revolutions, generalissimos, poverty, disease and strife forever.
    Now our betters want to bring that Eden of “diversity” here.

    1. Wow! Can’t be anymore brief than that “Quick” history lesson. However, so very wrong. Actually, North and South America was settled by Spain (first) France (second) and your beloved English (third). Our prosperity was built upon the backs of indentured and enslaved peoples basically for free. (talk about your profit margin) The freedom was not free. Two wars with your beloved English, one with Mexico (which we started) and one with each other. The rest were expansionistic motions into the rest of the world. Spanish American War/Philippines, WWI and WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War and now Mid-East/Afghan conflicts.
      The strife you refer to in Central and South America so cavalierly, as being the fault of the Hispanics, I take issue with. The history of the meddling of the United States in Central and South America in the past one hundred years is both long and dirty. I suggest you take a “quick” history lesson and read up on the CIA, Marines and various other “Black” factions that have blocked, provoked, inspired, stymied, overthrown, assassinated, tortured and generally screwed up our neighbors to the south. That is not even to mention the European factors that were there doing the same thing several hundred years before us. And you wonder why they are pouring over our borders into our country. Wow!

      1. How sad it is when a group of people can not protect it’s lands or it’s loved ones from a group of people who are willing to take both.

        1. Yep, I’d agree. Pretty sure that’s how the general populace felt when General Pinochet took over Chile in an illegal coup sponsored by the United States’ CIA and then started to round up the youth of that country and killing them. You hit the nail on the head there, Mr. Bell. In my honest opinion, xenophobia will be the downfall of all the nations, unless we can learn to open our borders and share our vast wealth with those less fortunate. But, we as a nation are too busy selling arms to factions that intend only harm and subjugation of its own people. We will never progress as an enlightened nation as long as we look to the bottom line of what I’ve got is mine and to hell with everybody else.

  2. What I have IS mine, Mr. Chandler, and if and when I decide to give any of what I have to anyone, it is my choice, not someone telling me I have to “share the wealth”.

  3. I appreciate your candor, Ms. Urban. And yes, I’d agree, what you have IS yours. I was not implying that we have to share our good fortune with others. I realize that that is a choice. However, that said, I believe that too few Americans have an abundance while too many others have very little. As for me, I am somewhere in the middle. I have my health, a good job, a family that loves me and a circle of friends that are near and dear to me. I have resources from that good job that enable me to acquire the means to live a comfortable life. So, in many ways, I am rich. And, given the choice, would I forfeit all of this to be destitute and alone? I seriously doubt that I would. So, somewhere in the middle, again, I try to give back to my community to help out those less fortunate than I. Also, that is MY choice. I have talents that enable me to do a type of charity work to where I have raised money in the past to purchase uniforms for inner city kids for baseball clubs. I have also raised money for cancer awareness. I have raised money to purchase and donate groceries to families with health issues or have lost a family member. Does this make me feel I am sharing my wealth? No! I am sharing other peoples’ wealth while I am sharing my talents. But it does feel like giving.
    There is a lot of pain and suffering in the world, Ms. Urban, which I do hope you are aware. I was speaking of those that chose to turn a blind eye to that suffering and do nothing. I know of people who have a lot of money, but very little joy. I also know of people who have very little materialistically, but the love and joy that shines from them glitters more than gold. I don’t know if you are a “churchy” type of person or not…personally, I am not. (I only play a preacher on the internet…little joke there). But there are several verses in the New Testament that really put emphasis on what I am trying to say here. If you would take the time to locate and read this and then respond, I would appreciate that. They are, Matthew 5:3 and Matthew 19:24 thru 26. This to me, is the honest understanding of our place in the world and where our treasures are truly stored.

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