Eastern Shore Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ESCADV) would like to remind the community that April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Sexual Assault is the conduct of a sexual nature that is non-consensual and is executed through threat, coercion, exploitation, deceit, force, physical or mental incapacitation, and/or power of authority.
Every 63 seconds an American is sexually assaulted, every 9 minutes the victim is a child.
In 2021, ESCADV served 53 adult sexual assault survivors and 15 children. That’s nearly double the number of cases ESCADV advocates handled over each of the last five years, for adults and children. These are only the survivors who worked with ESCADV and reported their assault. There are others in our community who have never reported their sexual assault.
On the Eastern Shore, ESCADV is the organization that survivors of both sexual assault and domestic violence can turn to for help. Our sexual assault services include our 24/7 crisis hotline, hospital and courtroom accompaniment, legal advocacy, rape crisis services, individual counseling, our emergency shelter, assistance securing safe housing, transportation assistance, information and referrals, children’s services, and much more. ESCADV has advocates who speak both English and Spanish and are trained to work with survivors of sexual assault. All services are free, confidential, and provided for men, women, and children. To learn more about ESCADV’s service visit escadv.org.
On average, from the time a survivor is referred to us or first seeks our services, their advocate works with them for 24 months. From hospital accompaniment to access a PERK test, to filing a police report and moving through the legal process their advocate is with them every step of the way.
If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted please call 757-787-1329 for services.
To learn more about sexual assault, ESCADV’s mission, and resources for survivors, follow ESCADV’s Facebook and Instagram. In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, ESCADV will be sharing facts, stats and information throughout April.
Eastern Shore Coalition Against Domestic Violence is a 501c3 non-profit. Its mission is to provide support and empowerment to victims of domestic and sexual abuse and to provide programs that increase awareness and prevention in the community.
Phone: (757) 787-1329 Email: escadvoffice@escadv.com Web: www.escadv.com
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