Nothing is ‘built’ — nothing is ‘back’ — and nothing is ‘better’. The economy is contracting. The slowdown in manufacturing activity on display in reports from the Federal Reserve banks of New York and Philadelphia was confirmed by a survey from the Richmond Fed indicating that factory activity contracted in the mid-Atlantic region in May. But, On a $180K per year salary, former Biden Press Secretary Jen Pskai made over $27M the last 2 years. That’s a neat salary trick, isn’t it?!
So, the Texas school shooting story is that an unemployed 18 yr old living with his grandmother had 2 BRAND NEW Daniel Defense AR15 rifles, worth almost $5000, plus ammo, plus optics. Add to that a $70,000 F250 pickup and body armor??? Okay, there are questions…Nothing about the Uvalde school shooting massacre makes any sense whatsoever.
And then we have supposed reporters for the WAPO like Chris Murphy, “Oh my god. I’m shaking. I’m just shaking all over. With fear. With anger. With resolve.” Behaving like a teenager with borderline personality disorder is now a conspicuous status marker within the American elite. Just stop.
Everyone keeps posturing about gun reform, but in reality, there are more guns than people. Unless you are going confiscate them all, that cow’s already left the barn. There are bad actors, that is the reality. At what point do we harden the schools so that they can’t just waltz in and do damage. Crazy.
The WSJ reported that out of the $122 billion allocated to K-12 schools in the American Rescue Plan, 93% remains unused. That doesn’t even consider previous relief allocation. You can upgrade security in every school in the country with that money. Stop leaving our schools as soft targets.
The deadliest mass shooting in US history was in Las Vegas when 60 people were killed and 411 injured on October 1, 2017 at the Route 91 Harvest music festival. Still don’t really know what that was all about, do we? This week, watching these opportunistic parasites politicizing a devastating tragedy has issued in a new level of disgust. This is why no one can have a genuine discussion on solutions. Half of it is 99% this. People like this aren’t interested in any solutions, they just want to be ghouls.
We can spend $40 billion so Ukraine can launder the money into more boats and mansions for the oligarchs, but we can’t secure our schools: single point of entry, full-time security, etc….Democrats are already rejecting calls for more security and single entry points for schools (refusing to concede single points of entry with multiple exits is possible). They only want gun control, which won’t pass the Senate. That means they want the issue, not a solution.
On Covid: Thanks experts. We shut down the global economy, deprived children of education and trampled on human rights for this… Lockdowns saved just 10k lives in Europe and US combined, according to John Hopkins study.
First, the CEO of Pfizer describes how they could enforce “compliance” by using microchips in pills, now the president of Alibaba Group brags about a “carbon footprint tracker” that keeps track of and reports on everything you buy, eat, and where you go. As World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab proclaimed that “the future is built by us” at the opening of the annual Davos gathering, two other European elites declared that the global energy crisis is a “transition” that will be “painful” for most, but should not be resisted by nations tempted to preserve their own sovereignty over the “global agenda.”
German vice-chancellor Robert Habeck spoke about the energy crisis, warning that governments of individual nations should not seek to protect their own citizens, but instead follow “the rule of the markets”.
In other words, countries need to fall into line with the globalists’ ‘Great Reset’ agenda. Norwegian finance CEO Kjerstin Braathen described global energy upheaval as a “transition” while admitting there will be mass shortages and economic hardship, but claiming the “pain” is “worth it.” Joe Biden said the same thing, on the same day:
Human garbage flying in on private jets to whine about climate change with zero self-awareness:
Side Note: The word “chief” will no longer be used in reference to job titles in the San Francisco Unified School District in an effort, school officials said, to avoid the word’s connotation with Native Americans. A replacement term has not been determined. However, Chief is an English word that comes from a French word that comes from a Latin word, so….???
We’re being reduced down to such a level of sheer stupidity not only in this country but in the world around us as well that it is becoming impossible to comment on how stupid it has become because the words to describe this level of stupidity haven’t been invented because it has never been this stupid before, so there was no need for those words.
And no, we are here!
An emergency situation!
No baby formula!
Another emergency situation!
And Ukraine, the biggest emergency of them all, as we, a supposed “democracy,” itself a very stupid word, are using our tax dollars to support an incipient fascist state under martial law under a dictator with the constitution suspended, which reminds mme of the end of the democracy of the Weimar Republic in Germany, which democracy ened literally overnight, as has been the case in Ukraine.
But notwithstanding, Joe Biden and ditzy nancy Pelosi tell us our tax dollars are going to defend the democracy in Ukraine that does not exist, and we cheer, and feel good about ourselves as a result!
Strange times, indeed!
And as J9oe Biden builds America back better than it has ever been built back before, here are some highlights of what “building back better” looks like in real life:
“Retail sell-off: discounters, auto stores lead losses”
By Sinéad Carew
May 20, 2022
May 20 (Reuters) – A rout in consumer stocks gained more steam on Friday, as shares of Ross Stores led a retreat of other discount stores to cap off a bleak week for retailers.
NBC News
“Roofing scams put Florida’s property insurance market ‘on the verge of collapse’”
Jon Schuppe
21 May 2022
An avalanche of lawsuits fueled by roofing scams has plunged Florida into a property insurance crisis that has forced dozens of companies to shut their doors, drop customers, raise rates or flee the state.
“Exclusive: White House weighs waiving smog rules on gasoline to lower pump price”
By Jarrett Renshaw and Stephanie Kelly
May 23, 2022
May 23 (Reuters) – The White House is considering waiving U.S. gasoline environmental rules aimed at reducing summertime smog as a way to combat rising pump prices, according to three sources involved in the discussions.
The Wall Street Journal
“Rising Risk of Recession Creates New Headache for Biden”
Amara Omeokwe
22 May 2022
The Federal Reserve’s efforts to slow inflation are raising the possibility of higher unemployment, a slower-growing economy and a recession, prospects that could create new headaches for the Biden administration.
The Wall Street Journal
“Pentagon Weighs Deploying Special Forces to Guard Kyiv Embassy”
Gordon Lubold, Courtney McBride, Warren P. Strobel
22 May 2022
WASHINGTON—U.S. military and diplomatic officials are weighing plans to send special forces troops to Kyiv to guard the newly reopened embassy there, proposals that would force the Biden administration to balance a desire to avoid escalating the U.S. military presence in the war zone against fears for the safety of American diplomats, U.S. officials said.
“Biden’s confusing Taiwan-China remarks reveal a troubling pattern”
Opinion by Zeeshan Aleem
23 May 2022
President Joe Biden turned heads on Monday when he pledged that the U.S. would militarily intervene against China if it invaded Taiwan, and signaled that his commitment to the island was stronger than to Ukraine.
“FERC Approves Gas Pipeline Projects To Increase U.S. Exports”
by Bojan Lepic | Rigzone Staff
Friday, May 27, 2022
In the first quarter of 2022, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved three projects intended to increase U.S. natural gas exports via pipeline and as LNG.
“Fed carrying $330B in unrealized losses on its assets according to Q1 financial statement”
May 27, 2022
WASHINGTON, May 27 (Reuters) – The U.S. Federal Reserve is carrying $330 billion in unrealized losses on its holdings of U.S. Treasury and mortgage-backed securities as of the end of March, according to newly released financial statements showing the impact of rising interest rates on the market value of the Fed’s balance sheet.
“U.S. retailers’ ballooning inventories set stage for deep discounts”
By Siddharth Cavale and Arriana McLymore
May 27, 2022
NEW YORK, May 27 (Reuters) – Major U.S. retailers that recently scrambled to restock shelves amid product shortages disclosed this week that their stores are now packed with too much merchandise, and some are even doing what was unthinkable just a few months ago: discounting unsold goods.
The Boston Herald
“Howie Carr: Just another delirious day trip for Biden, unstuck in time again”
Opinion by Howie Carr
28 May 2022
Dementia Joe Biden has come unstuck in time again.
His latest Billy Pilgrim moment happened Friday, graduation day at the U.S. Naval Academy.
Brandon was delivering his usual incoherent stew of demagoguery and senility — equal portions of deranged whispers and sudden shouts, punctuated with one preposterous lie after another, about the number of trips he’s made to Iraq and Afghanistan, the economy, his athletic career etc. etc.
Among other things, he said the graduates had spent “four days” in college.
And as Joe Biden and the liberal media screech, hollar, weep, wail, and moan and groan about “innocent” civilians being murdered in Ukraine by the OGRE Putin, the most evil man the universe has ever produced according to the propaganda out from Washington, D.C., the home of propaganda, idiocy and stupidity in not only this country, but the world, as well, this response from REAR ADMIRAL John Kirby as to why it is not war crimes when we kill innocent civilians is a real classic, to wit:
At a Pentagon news conference on Tuesday, Mr. Kirby defended General Garrett’s report and its lack of any disciplinary measures, arguing that U.S. ground commanders made the best decision they could with the information they had at the time.
“Yes, we killed some innocent civilians, women and children,” Mr. Kirby said in response to questions about holding military personnel accountable for the civilian deaths.
“We actually do feel bad about this.”
But, he added, “It was in the midst of combat, in the fog of war.”
– “Pentagon Faults Review of Deadly Airstrike but Finds No Wrongdoing,” New York Times, 17 May 2022
So one has to wonder if that excuse for getting away with murder when we do the murdering of innocent civilians would apply to Putin, as well, or if he is held to a stricter and more limiting standard.
FIFTH GRADE CIVICS QUESTION: Who guards U.S. emabssies across the world?
A: Embassy duty is a crucial aspect of the Marine Corps’ mission with a long tradition; the Corps is currently tasked to train and maintain a cadre of guards to cover 181 embassies and consulates worldwide with the ability to augment assigned forces as necessary.
FIFTH GRADE CIVICS QUESTION: What is the mission of the Special Forces?
A: Special Forces (Green Berets) units perform seven missions – unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, combating terrorism, and counter-proliferation.
FIFTH GRADE CIVICS QUESTION: So why is Joe Biden talking about having Special Forces guarding the U.S. embassy in Kiev when that mission belongs to the Marines?
A: He is trying to sneak U.S. combat troops into Ukraine without anyone thinking he is sneaking U.S. combat troops into Ukraine, as if anyone would not know the difference, that U.S. Special Forces do not guard embassies, which is a sign of just how stupid Joe Biden thinks the American people and the people of the world really are.
And speaking of the incredible transition Joe Biden is taking us through with his point of inflection we are now at, that according to Joe Biden himself, an acknowledged expert on points of inflection and their various meanings in different cultures across the face of the earth because unlike most of us, Joe went to law school and that is the kind of stuff they learn there to be good lawyers in his Remarks by President Biden at the United States Naval Academy’s Class of 2022 Graduation and Commissioning Ceremony on May 27, 2022, where Joe told the graduates that he was appointed to the Academy in 1965 by a senator who he was running against in 1972, notwitstanding that in 1968, Joe was earning a Juris Doctor from Syracuse University College of Law, ranked 76th in his class of 85, which means Joe would have been in law school when he got appointed to the Academy, but Joe did not go because as he told the graduates he wanted to be a football star, and they had a guy named Staubach and Bellino here, so Joe went to Delaware, even though he was really at Syracuse Law School, but what difference do facts make when you are at a point of inflection which in Joe’s words to the graduates, this after he told them “I’ve been in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan over 40 — I think 38 times,” 38 being a bigger number in Joe’s mind than 40, is as follows and this is straight from Joe himself without any editing by his mistakes as when they changed four days to four years and North Korea to South Korea, as if even though Joe said “days” and “North”, everybody really knows he meant “years”
and “South,” to wit:
“And, Class of 2022, you are graduating at an inflection point not only in American history but in world history.”
end quotes
See what I am saying about Joe Biden knowing these things even when nobody else who is not only president of the United Statres but leader of the world as well knows these things?
Getting back to what Joe knows about points of inflection that nobody else knows, we have as follows:
“And I mean it.”
end quote
That people, is true decisiveness of a world leader on display there – Joe does not equivocate of shilly-shally but gets right to the heart of the matter with sheer grit and determination, which takes us back to what Joe Knows, to wit:
“The challenge we face and the choices we make are more consequential than ever.”
“Things are changing so rapidly that the next 10 years will be the decisive decade of this century, because they’re going to shape what our world looks like and the values that will guide it not just for the immediate future, but for generations to come.”
“And that is not hyperbole.”
en d quotes
No, people, that is Joe Biden speaking so it can’t be hyperbole, because Joe Biden would never do that or even think of doing that, so it simply would not happen, Joe Biden resorting to hyperbole, and since it would not happen, it logically follows that it didn’t happen, but what did happen and what is not hyperbole but fact, given that I just paid $5.00 per gallon of gas for the first time in my life, is when Joe Biden said he was going to make gas prices go down, they go up, and that might not be hyperbole from Joe, but it sure has been BULL**** this talk of him reducing gas prices in the US when he is the cause of them rising.
And as Joe Biden continues in his own mind to build America back better than it has ever been built back before, because nobody builds back better than Joe Biden in his mind, anyway, here is more of what “building back better” looks like in real world outside of Joe Biden’s head we all inhabit, to wit:
“Fed Vice Chair Lael Brainard says it’s ‘very hard to see the case’ for the Fed pausing rate hikes”
Jeff Cox
June 2, 2022
Labor productivity in the first quarter contracted at the fastest pace since 1947, and the Atlanta Fed is tracking an anemic 1.3% growth rate for second-quarter GDP, which contracted 1.5% in the first quarter.