With elections just over a month away, it’s time for all you candidates to get the word out. Signs and posters are fine, but folks really want to know who you are, and what you stand for. Your friends and family may already know, but many in the Counties do not. The Cape Charles Mirror is offering to provide you with the opportunity to get your message out.
You can send your platform letters to capecharlesmirror@gmail.com, and we promise to print them as is (we will copy edit for grammar and spelling just in case…we just wish we had someone to do it for us).
The Mirror will also come out for a full blown interview at the location of your choice.
Photos and pictures are encouraged.
The Accomack GOP Unit will be hosting a Meet n’Greet for VA Senate candidate Richard Ottinger. Monday at The Club Car Cafe in Parksley starting at 7PM. All are encouraged to attend, free refreshments. http://virginiaseasternshoregop.org
CBES is hosting Meet the Candidates forums on October. Many of the participants in upcoming Northampton, Accomack, and state elections will be present. Go to cbes.org to get more information.