January 13, 2025

7 thoughts on “Cape Charles: Time to make Bay Creek developers pay what they owe

  1. Is it time for Cape Charles to set up voting districts? Set up three districts, each with the same number of registered voters, and each with 2 elected members of Town Council. Voters would have a lot more say in who represents them. This system worked real well for county voters in District 4 at the Board of Supervisors election 2 weeks ago.

    1. Good thought, Bobby. You’re right, the county system worked very well in the recent election. Maybe Cape Charles does need to follow suit.

  2. Before the last election council woman Joan Natalie contacted all of the property owners in Bay Creek and convinced them to change their voter registration address to Northampton County, thus giving Bay Creek a really big block of voters. She told them that they could simply change their registration back to where they really live fulltime after the election. I know this to be a fact because she approached a friend of mine. This was pretty much illegal because those people are not paying personal property taxes in Northampton County. Ms. Natalie got away with this once, however before the next election the Northampton County registrars office will be notified of this illegal action.

    The town of Cape Charles should NEVER have allowed a gated community within the towns boundaries but in the HOT LITTLE GREEDY PURSUIT OF $$$$$ they did. Now the town is pretty much being RUN by Bay Creek. Bay Creek is never going to pay the money they owe the town when they have 2 council members living in Bay Creek protecting them.

    Bob Panek and the town council are running this town into deep debt with now way out. The way they are spending money is beyond belief and there is not a single thing the tax payers can do about it.

    Very sad state of affairs here in little Cape Charles.

    1. Folks with no Bay Creek No Cape Charles!!!!!

      No Bay Shore no Cape Charles!!!!!

      No Cherrystone Camp Ground no Cape Charles!!!! Look at the license plates at the beach during the summer and say otherwise…

      To even think otherwise is foolish

      Everyone needs to stop the bitching and work together wake up and realize what you truly have here.

      B O B

      1. The County lost 1,000 people since Bay Creek started to be built. The County and Cape Charles used to be more people and better cost of living. Now because of the sewer, even a small business can’t open in Cape Charles without a $42,000 hook up fee. People here are not stupid. Great ideas-build fancy houses for the rich and expensive sewers……that did not bring jobs.

  3. Why are they afraid to enforce their sewer agreement? Or are the Bay Creekers so entrenched in local government that they prevent that from happening because they know their own fees will increase? Must stink to own property that is underwater with no resale market.

    1. The last time a town manager sent a letter to Bay Creek demanding that they pay up the manager got fired !!! Ridiculous huh ?

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