Reader submitted content. We agree, this is certainly quite rude and annoying.
The first time we found this large pile of poop in our butterfly garden, a couple of weeks ago, we thought it must have been a tourist because surely no one who lives here would disrespect someone else’s hard work and considerable expense in providing a habitat conducive to ( soon to be designated endangered) monarch butterflies.

However, yesterday, we were “gifted” with another large pile in the same place.
Shame on you, whoever you are, that you would bring your dog into the yard and “do business” in the garden, killing 3 new native plants in the process.
You should know that the Town has an ordinance with an associated fine of up to $250 per offense, for owners who do not clean up after their dogs. I have alerted our neighbors to be on the lookout for you, and, starting with this photo, will be documenting any subsequent offenses.
On a similar note… Many times on the beach, I’ve picked up a blue bag full of dog poo and put it in the trash can. Some people are so lazy, rude and inconsiderate. They walk right past the trash can upon leaving the beach…. but they won’t carry it! SMFH
Dog worship has now taken the place of child worship. Dogs bite 4.5 million Americans every year. Every 70lb dog leaves 135gallons of foul smelling urine on our Earth each year with no way to remove. It kills flowers and grass. Smell your hands next time you rub on a dog. It can take 2 complete washings to remove that type of stench, all by design. Get a whiff of what comes out of their anal scent glands. Lovely creatures, man has created.
“Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. Of all the creatures ever made (man) is the most detestable. Of the entire brood, he is the only one… that possesses malice. He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.” Mark Twain, a Biography.
A dog will live with a murderer, the same as a rapist just as long as they feed and pet it. There is nothing more disgusting that to hear a child of God call a ball-licking beast their child…except watching a dog lick it’s anus then lick a child’s face.
I believe that Mark Twain was referring to politicians down in the foetid, miasmic swamp of Washington, D.C. when he said that.
He had been a newspaper correspondent in the ****hole during the impeachment trial of Andy Johnson before he said that about the politicians, that if Heaven went by merit, they would stay out and their dogs would go in, and of all the creatures ever made, politicians are the most detestable because of the entire brood, they are the only ones that possesses malice and are the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain,” which I think is an accurate observation about them, and he got so disgusted with the politicians that he left and never went back.
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.
Mark Twain
How on earth is a dog, whether starving or not, made “prosperous,” where prosperous means successful in material terms, flourishing financially, as in “prosperous middle-class professionals?”
I don’t respond to nonsense as a rule but Blue Hoss your comments are absurd. Service dogs, war dogs and many are left behind, Companionship for the elderly. Cattle dogs. Guarding our homes on and on. The fact that dogs have such a positive impact on humans is undeniable. Yes, pick up after your dogs, Hell, pick up your own trash while you’re at it. Yes, animals have been urinating on our planet for longer than you’ve been around and will be when you’re long gone. Any fool knows that man has had more of a detrimental impact on our planet that on 4 legged friends.
Blue Boss= JERK
Watch your dress, your slip is showing…
I really don’t give a flying hoot if you know who I am. You are obviously a pet hater which is cool, but most serial killers and abusers sldo have a penchant for animal cruelty. Change your name Dog Troll. I am a responsible pet owner, and I do know that a lot of people aren’t. Do not judge all by a few.
I do as I damn well please…
So will I a**hole. Troll. I think you either had a bad experience with animals, or maybe you are still cleaning poop off your shoes. If you sir, do not like my wit, you can eat my dog’s balls of s**t. Get up early son, you will not get the best of me. Troll on.
Bless your heart…Certainly you have better things to do than feed trolls like me…
I really do, but I can make the time to respond to ridiculous people like you.
No, because you married a constable on patrol. So you have plenty of ‘back-up’.
You may want to look at the log in your eye before you point out a splinter in others.
I have always been my own person, not hiding behind anyone. Who do you hind behind? A dog’s bark? You can ask any one you’d like about me. Assuming things from my Facebook page could be a mistake.
How do you know it’s dog poo?
Has Joe Biden been through there in that time frame?
He would be a top suspect if that was the case.
I think I found an answer to all of this. From a butterfly’s perspective, larger animals like humans are probably just big restaurants. And what leftovers! Animal poop is full of all kinds of helpful nutrients, which butterflies will feast upon when given the chance.
If you pour bacon grease on it, the next dog that comes by will eat it, before their owner can stop looking at their cell phone long enough to stop it.
Stay Hydrated!
Blue Hoss is right….
Dog bite statistics ::
Each day nearly 1,000 U.S. citizens require emergency care treatment for serious dog bite injuries.1 Annually, about 12,480 citizens are hospitalized due to dog bite injuries.2 The below statistics and studies examine injury occurrence and the breeds of dogs most likely to inflict severe and fatal injuries. Reviewing Quick Statistics and recent Dog Bite Studies are good starting points. Also see our report that reviews Level 1 trauma center studies from 2011 to present.
Quick statistics
A collection of national nonfatal and fatal dog bite statistics and study-specific statistics. Data include the number of people injured and killed by dogs each year, hospitalization rates for dog bite injuries, costs associated with dog bite injuries, single and combined year dog bite-related fatality statistics, as well as national and worldwide breed-specific law statistics. Sources of these statistics are government bodies, medical researchers, insurance and nonprofit organizations.
View quick statistics »
Areas within Quick Statistics are reviewed and updated each year. The most recent dog bite study based on federal data was published in 2020 (See all Government dog bite studies).
Dog bite studies
View literature reviews of retrospective medical studies (2011 to present) and (2009 to 2016) examining dog bite injuries in Level 1 trauma centers across major U.S. geographical regions. Current dog bite fatality studies and studies examining the effectiveness of breed-specific legislation are listed as well. Most studies listed on this page are open access. Sources are peer reviewed medical science journals, studies by government bodies and nonprofit organizations.
View recent dog bite studies »
For a full listing of dog bite injury and related studies divided into multiple categories, please visit our Studies Index, which includes many more open access dog bite-related studies.
Dog bite fatalities
A growing collection of U.S. dog bite fatalities separated by year and their related statistics starting in 2005 to present day recorded by Each annual report contains an analysis of that year, including breeds of dogs involved in fatal dog attacks, ages and gender of victims, risk and relationship factors, such as family dogs versus non-family dogs, attacks by chained dogs, attacks involving four or more dogs (pack attack), dog ownership information and state level information.
View dog bite fatalities »
In May 2018, we issued a multi-year fatality report: U.S. Dog Bite Fatalities: Breeds of Dogs Involved, Age Groups and Other Factors Over a 13-Year Period (2005 to 2017)
Dog bite fatality citations
A collection of news reports, separated by year, that are gathered in real time during and after a deadly dog mauling by For instance, in 2019, we collected over 1,025 news reports from local, regional and national news sources pertaining to all dog bite fatality victims for that year. We also collect photographs, videos, audio dispatch logs, police reports, legal documents and legislative materials. Learn about the 33 parameters we collect in our data collection method.
View dog bite fatality citations »
From 2013 forward, each year contains our annual Breed Identification report that contains images of the involved dogs from news reports, law enforcement and social media websites.
Dog bite studies index
Our studies index contains U.S. dog bite injury studies separated into categories, including: Nonfatal Dog Bite Injury Studies, Fatal Dog Bite Injury Studies, Government Dog Bite Studies, Case Reports & Presentations, Breed-Specific Legislation Studies, Aggressive Dog Behavior Studies, Pit Bull Ownership Studies and more. Some are cross-listed in more than one category and many are open access. Studies marked by an “abstract” label require payment to read in full.
View dog bite studies index »
Studies in our index include all studies used in our literature reviews, such as our review of Level 1 trauma center dog bite studies (2011 to present) and our similar 2016 special report.
The Changing Epidemiology of Dog Bite Injuries in the United States, 2005–2018, by Tuckel PS and Milczarski W, Injury Epidemiology, 01 November 2020.
U.S. Inpatient Stays for Dog Bite Injuries (1993 to 2014) and U.S. ED Visits for Dog Bite Injuries (2006 to 2014). HCUP Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS). Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project HCUP. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (Accessed: December 13, 2018)
89.7 million dogs in the US
Not one thing you list above is comparable to the damage and pain and destruction caused by liberals, and yet I don’t get to neuter THEM.
So, me and my dawg will just pass you by as you whine. At least my dawg has nards to lick, unlike the nutless wonders commenting above.
Wow! look at how humans treat other humans over a ball-licking-beast.
‘So will I a**hole. Troll. I think you either had a bad experience with animals, or maybe you are still cleaning poop off your shoes. If you sir, do not like my wit, you can eat my dog’s balls of s**t. Get up early son, you will not get the best of me. Troll on.’
WOW! This from the director of nursing? This is how you treat people?
You would do well to take a look in a real mirror, not the cape charles mirror.
Update yourself. Retired, and have plenty of time to finally address haters.
Update yourself. Retired, and have plenty of time to finally address haters. Don’t need a mirror, like myself. Just glad Cape Charles has plenty of room for those like you.
No thank you, as I really do not care if you evaporated into thin air last month on a Saturday evening.
Lol. You really are a troll. Scroll on, maybe you can find someone who gives a poop.
A person that did not ‘give a poop’ as you say, would not continue to respond.
I think you are on the wrong dating site lol
Now who’s trolling?
Bev Mancuso, a come-here, looking for the last word.
Sad. Responds in a true knee-jerk reaction just like a well stimulated lab rat.
Thanks for the free entertainment. We enjoyed it.
Lol, Been here probably linger than you. Perhaps you could fill your need for self importance by helping yourself to a pile from the Butterfly Garden. Its so easy for you to feel the power of insult behind a hidden name. Take your mask off, or simply move on.