February 19, 2025

4 thoughts on “HGTV coming! Cape Charles Museum Needs Your Help

  1. I’m really glad to hear about the Museum spiff up. HGTV is here to once again to feature clients of Blue Heron Realty’s agent Eva Noonan. Eva’s previous HGTV show appearance in 2013 certainly created a lot of positive publicity for both Cape Charles and the Eastern Shore generally. It would be great if the whole town would be at shining best during the upcoming filming — publicity like this provides invaluable PR for our area.

    1. Any idea when the episode will air?

      NOTE: Spoke with Eva Noonan, our local start realtor of the show, and she says right now, they only know it will be sometime this fall. We will be sure to publish the date as soon as we get it.

  2. do you know this episode will air?

    Season 13 will start on New Year’s Day. The Cape Charles show will air either at the end of season 13 or in season 14. They will let us know as soon as they can. One season lasts about 6 or 8 weeks.

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