It’s that time of year again when we often stop and take a moment to consider the many things in our lives for which we’re thankful. I hope that list is very long for each of you, and that you count among those blessings your connection to Cape Charles. This is a special little town, full of wonderful people, yet not without its share of occasional issues or controversy. Though despite possible differences of opinion, the people of Cape Charles are typically respectful and very kind. A timely example for the rest of the nation.
During this time of reflection, we ask if you would also consider providing the town with some feedback. The Mayor and Town Council do a great job representing all of us, but every once in a while, they also need some direct input. Early in 2021 the Council adopted a new Community Strategic Plan. It laid out a vision and basic goals for the town. We’ve been working hard on this plan for most of this year (see our report card), and it will soon be time for an annual update.
The Strategic Plan update process will begin in January and involve Town Hall style meetings and survey data. But because of the holidays and the time needed to do the prep work, the survey for this is being released now, and will also cover some recent topics the Town Council may be considering in the near future. The survey is relatively short and shouldn’t take too long. This survey is available in hard copy and electronic versions. Hard copies were mailed out with recent utility bills and is available at Town Hall and the Library. The electronic version is available here.
All responses are due back by December 17th.
I’d like to thank all of you in advance for your time and thoughtful consideration as we work to keep Cape Charles prosperous, while also being the coolest little town on the Eastern Shore. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a joyous holiday season!
‘Hozey’??? Another fine Eastern Shore family name.