February 19, 2025

8 thoughts on “LETTER: Wedding Guest on Parking Ticket Fiasco

  1. Matt, please stop back in with your bride! It would be our pleasure to get a “Do -over” with you!
    Gene Kelly

  2. I simply can’t see how the Town is harassing anyone; the Town is enforcing its laws. Perhaps, as a new resident, you can actively work to change the laws you don’t like.

    The only harassment I am reading about here is aimed at our Police Chief (congratulations for subscribing to a lifetime of potential ass-chewing, by the way). If you expect leniency, then, as a police officer, could you possibly please just wave me through when I drive 100 mph through Norfolk tomorrow?

  3. With a name like Lascu, you can’t see the issue of undebated laws being foisted upon a citizenry by power mad dictator types?
    Drove through town on Friday. Saw 4 almost accidents as that fukakta parking layout will surely create. And that was one 10minute ride through town.
    And the exhaust POURING into the faces of the visitors? Yummmmmmmmm!
    But hey, lay face down and accept the lashing by your masters.

  4. Hey, Kuzma, calm down. We elected Town government and have to live with its decisions. I don’t like reverse angle parking anymore than you do (and most of Town Council decisions for the past several years, as well as its reckless spending), but I live with it all, in this magnificent wonder of an autrefois America we call Cape Charles. Suck it up and deal with it and hope that an intelligent electorate will show up and vote sometime. But don’t allow anyone to take frustrations out on the cops. They are the reason we don’t live in Baghdad, so show some gratitude.

  5. Now there is a new Town Council – they should repeal the reverse parking. Nobody likes it. Let’s get over it and move on.

  6. Mrs. Lascu in regards to your hope for an intelligent electorate I refer you to Mr. Taylor’s comment and urge you to NOT hold your breath waiting.

  7. Maybe instead of ticketing out of state vehicles whose owners were probably not aware of the town’s ridiculous, and needs to be revoked reverse parking law, they should give them a warning first. Slapping tickets on peoples vehicles that are visiting is a good way to ensure they will spread the news about their experience. What they should be doing is cracking down on all the locals that speed through town every day! People, and the majority are locals, speed through town and it’s not like they don’t know. The police do not do enough when it comes to getting people to obey the speed limit as you come into town. When I drive into town and the speed drops from 55 to 40, and then 25, I watch as locals continue to speed right through. And God forbid if you actually obey the speed…because then you have some idiot riding your bumper! You have a lot of disabled people living in Heritage Acres and you also have the physical therapy office so you would think the police would want to keep the speeding to a minimum. They could go through a ticket booklet in an hour if they did some enforcement! Once a week they should be handing out tickets till people start getting the message.

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