Message from the Town of Cape Charles – The Life Jacket Loaner Station has once again been set upon the Cape Charles beach at the Monroe Avenue entrance!
For the safety of your children, please feel free to pick one up to borrow during your visit to our beach. Please return the life jackets to the Loaner Station as you leave.
During the July 4th holiday weekend, all the life jackets, with the exception of one, were used and NOT returned.
Thank you to Scott Insurance for their generous donation allowing us to replace the life jackets, and to Bailey’s Bait & Tackle for helping us obtain the new jackets so quickly!
I hope the town marked each life jacket very prominently with “property of Cape Charles” else my tax dollars are going home with the tourists/thieves. The wording on the sign that says “return when done” is too far down on the sign for most people’s attention span when “give them something” is about as far as they probably read. Oh, Look! More free stuff!
But thank you, Scott Insurance, for your generous donation!
Hey John, you probably don’t pay many tax dollars when you failed reading class. The life jackets were donated.
Evidently you failed reading as well since you missed my second comment. If the first batch was donated that wasn’t apparent in this or the first article on this subject hence my “tax dollars” comment.