February 17, 2025

1 thought on “Monsanto Herbicides killing Monarch Butterflies

  1. If Greenpeace had their way we’d be living in caves. Things in nature were probably put there to be used, not just looked at. The waters, woods, fields & minerals provide the items we need for survival and have existed since the Garden of Eden. After Adam & Eve the world’s population has increased somewhat and modern agriculture has so far provided the food required.

    I believe the Monark butterfly was in trouble before Round-Up and genetically modified seed. There is a problem with frogs and honey bees and the cause is not known. We have problems with autism, allergies, early puberty and anti-biotics that no longer work. There are theories and that’s all they are; just theories. In science you change only one thing and then observe the result and then repeat this experiment over and over. If the same results occur each time then and only then can you reach a conclusion. This is know as “The Scientific Method”. The problem we now have is that hundreds of things in our foods, drinking water and in our environment have changed and so it’s not possible to find a cause for a number of things.

    It doesn’t seem logical that certain types of corn, soybeans and wheat would zero in on Monarks and leave all the other bugs, butterflies, caterpillars and worms alone!

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