February 19, 2025

3 thoughts on “Op-Ed: On Green Hydrogen

  1. This thread, courtesy of the Cape Charles Mirror, in one of a series of articles in the Cape Charles Mirror going back to September 8, 2019, and a story titled “The Great Climate Hoax” http://www.capecharlesmirror.com/the-great-climate-hoax/ , where we were informed, as follows:

    CNN and the field of Democratic Candidates proved once again that we are indeed living in clown world.

    For seven hours, the brainy individuals engaged in a forum discussing climate change and the coming end of the world.

    end quotes

    Yes, people, the end of the world!

    But that was September 8, 2019, FOUR (4) years ago, now, and still we wait, sitting on the very edge of our seats, spurred on by CLIMATE CRISIS HYSTERIA stoked up by the dictatorial Joe Biden regime, watching out our windows for the end 0f the world to come, which in a way makes us special, because no other generation before ours has actually gotten to see and experience the end of the world.

    EXCEPT, the world is not ending, at all, it is still carrying on, which takes us back FOUR LONG AND TEDIOUS YEARS to September 8, 2019, and the conclusion of that CCM article referenced above, to wit:

    So, stop listening to these people.

    As we speak, California is planning to add climate change fear to the school curriculum.

    We are raising a generation of kids who are living in fear, like the poor girl from Holland that says every day she wakes up afraid for her future, so much so that she had to sail to New York.

    All of this is based on theory, and not empirical evidence, or as some call it, science.

    end quotes

    The “little girl” referred to there, of course, is little Greta Thunberg who stars in a video linked to in that article where little Greta, the driving force behind this CLIMATE CRISIS HYSTERIA that has swept all across America, reducing the minds of a majority of the American people to a sort of unthinking mush, due to an overload of fear, tells us, as follows:

    “Our house is on fire.”

    “I’m here to say, our house is on fire,”

    “According to the IPPC, we are less than 12 years away from being able to undo our mistakes.”

    end quotes

    That was in 2019, people, that we only had 12 years left to live, and four of them are now gone, which leaves just eight years left before the earth becomes a raging fireball consuming all and everything and leaving mothing left but a charred wasteland, which takes us back to little Greta, to wit:

    “On climate change, we have to acknowledge that we have failed!”

    “Solving the CLIMATE CRISIS is the most complex challenge that homo sapiens have ever faced.”

    end quotes

    And there, people, is the basis of Joe Biden’s specious claim that we have a CLIMATE CRISIS – he heard it from little Greta Thunberg, who hasn’t the slightest idea as to what she is talking about, but is listened to and taken seriously regardless by the caitiff media, which thinks she is just the cutest thing ever, cuddly like a little kitten, and because the caitiff media takes her seriously, then so does Joe Biden, which takes us back to little Greta, to wit:

    “The main solution is so simple that even a small child can understand it.”

    “We have to stop the emissions of greenhouse gases!”

    “And either we do that, or we don’t!’

    end quotes

    And for the record here, people, since we are going to be talking about burning hydrogen as Joe Biden’s solution to this problem, the combustion product of which is water vapor, according to NASA, water vapor is Earth’s most abundant greenhouse gas, being responsible for about half of Earth’s greenhouse effect — the process that occurs when gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap the Sun’s heat, and it just so happens that it is those greenhouse gases little Greta and Joe Biden want to stop the emissi0ns of, that keep our planet livable, which takes us back to this hysterical raving from little Greta in 2019, to wit:.

    “Either we avoid setting off that irreversible chain reaction beyond human control, or we don’t!”

    end quote

    Irreversible chain reaction?

    My goodness, do tell, Greta!

    And here is little Greta’s solution, to wit:

    “We must change almost everything in our current society.”

    end quote

    Right, right, Greta, tell you what, we’ll get right on it for you, changing everything in our current society, just so you can feel good about yourself and all warm and squishy inside because you single-handedly saved the earth from people like us, which takes us back to for Greta, given she was on a roll that day with her scripted performance, to wit:

    “Adults keep saying we owe it to the young people to give them hope.”

    “But I don’t want your hope.”

    “I don’t want you to be hopeful!”


    “I want you to feel the fear I feel every day!”

    end quotes

    And on that command from this little girl with some serious psychological problems attributed to damn poor parenting linked to improper potty training, four years ago in 2019, as if Pavlovian dogs, the majority of the American people heard her command, and obeyed her, and went into the panic mode she demanded of them, so that they are now easily manipulated by Joe Biden, who is milking this crisis created by little Greta Thunberg with a looting of our treasury to the tune of $TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars that Joe is now using to reward and enrichen some of the richest and most powerful corporations in America, as well as to buy this next presidential election!

    Think I’m Kidding, people?

    Not a joke!

    And for proof of that assertion, let us go to a Reuters article titled “Biden administration to announce $7 billion in hydrogen hub grants Friday – sources” by Jarrett Renshaw and Valerie Volcovici on October 10, 2023, where we have as follows:

    WASHINGTON, Oct 10 (Reuters) – The Biden administration is expected to announce on Friday the winners of $7 billion in federal grants to build out regional hydrogen hubs, three sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.

    The announcement caps months of intense political jockeying among states from California to Pennsylvania for their share of the $7 billion in federal dollars to set the U.S. on a path to produce 50 million metric tons of clean hydrogen fuel by 2050.

    The competitive process granted the White House unusual power to play kingmaker and reward allies in states like Pennsylvania and Michigan that could play a major role in whether President Joe Biden is re-elected in 2024.

    end quotes

    And with all that stated, it’s time to pause for station identification, but don’t change that dial, for we will soon be right back.

  2. Going back four years to September 8, 2019, and the Cape Charles Mirror story titled “The Great Climate Hoax,” we are confronted with this set of relevant statements, to wit:

    CNN and the field of Democratic Candidates proved once again that we are indeed living in clown world.

    For seven hours, the brainy individuals engaged in a forum discussing climate change and the coming end of the world.

    All of this is based on theory, and not empirical evidence, or as some call it, science.

    end quotes

    Empirical evidence, and this is important to understand, nor does it require anything more than a high school education to understand, is defined as “the information obtained through observation and documentation of certain behavior and patterns or through an experiment,” with empirical evidence being a quintessential part of the scientific method of research.

    Now with respect to Joe Biden’s INSANE GREEN DREAM and its massive price tag which is to be paid for out of the pockets and on the backs of the common American citizen, where along with windmills and solar panels, to save America in his warped and twisted mind, Joe is going to be producing massive amounts of hydrogen to fuel American industry, again in Joe’s mind, what we already know, and have known for many, many years now from empirical evidence is that first of all, hydrogen is lightest of all gases and, as a consequence, its physical properties do not fully match the requirements of the energy market, for reasons we shall explore and document, using the empirical evidence that exists as our guide.

    Secondly, we know, this again from empirical evidence, that production, packaging, storage, transfer and delivery of hydrogen, with those being all key components of an energy economy, are so energy consuming that to deliver one horsepower’s worth of energy, many more horsepower are required to produce that one horsepower’s worth, which makes it not at all an energy efficient process, which in turn will make it a costly process to maintain and a fuel to use.

    Thirdly, we know (HINT: think Hindenburg Disaster – Real Footage (1937) | British Pathé, “OH, THE HUMANITY” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fURATK5Yt30 ) that hydrogen is a highly inflammable substance and explosive in nature that cannot be easily transported from one place to another.

    And we also know, this from basic high school chemistry, that the combustion product of burning hydrogen to fuel our economy, as Joe Biden wants to do by producing 50 MILLION METRIC TONS of GREEN hydrogen fuel by 2050, is water, or H2O!

    And we know from NASA that water vapor, NOT CO2, is Earth’s most abundant greenhouse gas as well as the most important greenhouse gas, being responsible for about half of Earth’s greenhouse effect — the process that occurs when gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap the Sun’s heat, while we also know from the Encyclopædia Britannica that water vapor is the most potent of the greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere, so that water vapor is blocking more energy than carbon dioxide today.

    We know from basic high school chemistry that to combust hydrogen as a fuel, each pair of hydrogen atoms (or each molecule of H2) will combine with one atom of Oxygen (or one half molecule of O2) to form one molecule of H2O, or water, so that on a weight basis, each pound of hydrogen to be combusted requires 7.94 pounds of Oxygen for complete combustion, which will result in the production of 8.94 pounds of water coming out the tailpipe or smokestack and into the environment in vapor form, which will add to the greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere to make global warming worse, not better.

    And then we simply drop back in time to September 21, 2023, where we have the “FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Combat the Climate Crisis,” where Joe and Karmela are telling us that they are taking new steps will catalyze action across the federal government to account for climate change impacts in budgeting, procurement, and other agency decisions, and save hardworking families money.

    That bit about saving hardworking families money, of course, is pure Biden BULL****, because he is making things more expensive, like the $190 I just had to pay for the battery I just bought for my 2012 Toyota pick-up.

    But for the purposes of this discussion, the key words in that title are these, to wit: New Actions to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Combat the Climate Crisis!”

    Which brings us to the idiocy and hypocri8sy here because this new action by Joe and Karmela, this plan to burn hydrogen as a fuel to make steel and aluminum and concrete, not to mention powering vehicles, is going to add to the greenhouse gases, not reduce them, which will contribute to Joe’s climate crisis, not combat it.

    And once again, it is time for station identification, and when we come back it will be with this thought in mind, as Joe tells us his plan will save hardworking families money, to wit:

    The production of hydrogen is very energy intensive, even with mature technology, and hydrogen-based steel is about twice as expensive as coal-based steel as a result.

  3. Key aspects for managing the environmental and social risks …
    Another environmental risk associated with green hydrogen is the potential for land use and land cover change. The production of renewable energy, which is needed to power electrolysis, often requires large amounts of land.Jun 6, 2023. Sooo… sound like the land grabs happening on the shore?

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