Cape Charles still has open positions on two of the Town’s Boards:
• Two positions on the Building Code Board of Appeals
• Three positions on the Wetlands & Coastal Dune Board
To apply, you must be a citizen of the Town of Cape Charles. If you are interested in serving on
one of these boards, or any of the other town boards or Planning Commission, please complete the Application for Boards and Commission and return it to:
Town Clerk Libby Hume at 2 Plum Street, Cape Charles, VA 23310 or email it to
Position Details
The Building Code Board of Appeals meets as needed to hear appeals concerning the Uniform Statewide Building Code. This board consists of five members who serve five-year terms.
The Wetlands / Coastal Dunes Board Reviews applications for certain activities in wetlands and dune areas. The Wetlands Board consists of five members who serve five-year terms.
After the town receives an adequate number of applications (hopefully more than one), interviews will be scheduled with the Town Council prior to the Council making the appointments.
Hello to the Cape Charles Town board this is Tom Napier I am a resident right here on Mason Avenue and I am willing to volunteer if you have a position that you would like to be filled you can email or phone call either one thank you so much Tom 757-955-0952.
Editor’s Note: Tom, they are not going to contact you. Please contact the Town Clerk at 757.331.3259 x10 or