February 19, 2025

1 thought on “Saltwater Intrusion Threatens Delmarva Peninsula

  1. Regarding the lower Shore, and especially Northampton County, it is incredibly important that we limit the withdrawal of potable water from the Upper, Middle and Lower Yorktown Aquifers. It is the pore pressure in these sediments that keeps the salt water from encroaching further inland, poisoning our pristine and millenia-old pristine drinking water supplies. ESVA Groundwater Committee officials have recently taken to calling those who raise this alarm “chicken little” while at the same time miserably failing to address the depletion of our sole source aquifer -perhaps not wanting to thwart “economic development” that appears to be the brass ring or end of the rainbow pot-of-gold for the real estate industry which seems to have the full attention of the majority on the Board of Supervisors as I write.
    Stiking their head in the sand while red-carpeting the burgeoning tourist industry at the sake of our sustainable future by ignoring what science is telling us about salt water inrusion eventualities may work for them in the near term, but bodes an ill wind blowing for those who love and cherish here, a rural quality of lifethat cannot be continued or replaced once the taps start spitting air.
    Hoping to work more effectively with the regulators and the folks with their hands on the tiller in the New Year in a more amicable and productive manner.

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