January 16, 2025

2 thoughts on “SHER HOROSKO: Shore Beauty Never Leaves Us

  1. Sher is so right, even in the depths of despair, beauty never leaves us. We are the ones who forget to remember. I am glad Sher can help us all remember. I live in Maine and the sounds and sights never leave my soul, no matter where I go, they are a part of my DNA. Find her blog, weseeyounow.com and let her help you see in a new way through her eyes.

  2. Sher’s words resonate with me as they must with many of us Shore dwellers, both transplants and lifelong residents. They remind us of our abiding relationship with the land, the water, and the creatures that share their homes with us. The sadness of Sher’s having to leave is palpable. Her hope that “the beauty of this place would somehow endure” requires that those of us fortunate enough to live here be engaged in the task of protecting it. Planting pollination meadows and butterfly gardens helps; becoming involved in the civic life of the community by attending public meetings and letting elected officials know how you feel helps, too.

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