The Cape Charles Police answered 88 calls for service in town, and 10 outside of town including 8 assists to the Northampton Sheriff’s, and 2 times with the State Police.
There was one felony arrest for hit and run, and 8 misdemeanor arrests including drunk in public, DUI (4), destruction of property, refusal to accept orders from the police, and an assault and battery (family member).
The CCPD issued 22 traffic summons, 15 traffic warnings. There were no parking tickets issued in November.
The force logged 35 foot patrol hours, and 17 hours patrolling Bay Creek.
The office volunteered for the 8th year with “freedom hunters”. All officers completed annual firearm qualifications.
Have you ever wondered, how many calls the Northampton County Sheriff’s Dept. answered for for the people of Cape Charles?
I know the two times I needed assistance, from the Cape Charles police. The Sheriff’s dept. had to responded.
Give me dates and your address and I will look into the reason . Thanks
If you are living on plum tree road, this is not our jurisdiction so that would be why sheriffs office answers your calls.
Listen Chief! I called your dept. twice (actually three times) for assistance in town! And I KNOW where your jurisdiction is located. Now that you put my address out there for everyone to see ( very professional of you, by the way).
One of the times I called your dept. was to report an accident involing personal injury. The second time was to return a credit card, I found on the beach. The third time, I gave up on your police dept. Responsing . And returned a purse,(I found on the beach) at your dept’s door step. All the said incidents, occurred before 7am during the durring the summer months.
Now use your investigating skills (instead of having someone else do your job for you) if you want the exact dates, look in police log for incidents that ocurred in Cape Charles. You know, YOUR jurisdiction!
From one retired crime fighter to another crime fighter. If you can’t stand a little heat. Get out of the kitchen. And quit bully people by following them in town and trying to scare them. Some of us don’t scare that easy.
Hey Doug Luther not sure your aware how the internet works and public record but since you disclosed the basic information of your name and your complaints of Cape Charles Pd a quick little google search of “doug luther cape charles” quickly brought up a name and address. And if you read correctly the chief said “if you are living on plum tree road” not sure where your house number or anything was said there? But simply what you disclosed I was able to see that per PUBLIC RECORD….The chief seemed to be addressing ur complaint and you weren’t expecting that so had to find something else to complain about…so maybe take your own advice of “if you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen”…as someone who held the “thin blue line for 28 years” you are clearly bitter towards police and have zero concept of police protocol in general and mastered being a bully yourself as your lovely rants on here have displayed.
Uh, not to put too fine a point on it, but he clearly said that he was a police officer for 28 years, which makes your comments that he is clearly bitter towards police and has a zero concept of police protocol in general interesting.
Why would someone who was a police officer for 28 years be bitter towards police and have a zero concept of police protocol in general?
There is the conundrum you have handed us, and it is a stumper.
Can you at least give us some hints?
Chief Pruitt
If one solicits or using NCIC/VCIN to inquire any information about myself. That person will be in violation of state and federal law. I will seek civil litigation against that person and the town they work for.
I only say this to avoid any legal problems that may arise from your response.
I have done nothing wrong. I just asked a simple question. How many times has the Northampton county Sheriff dept response to calls for assistance from Cape Charles. Now you can put any spin you want on the question. Whether people who visit CC have a right to call the police for things that happen in CC or not.
It seems to me, you like to try and be little me for asking a question.
I have only met you twice. And both times, you struck me as a person who is standoff-ish. You wouldn’t shake my hand or speak properly to me. You have no real hospitality, couth or ethics. But I have learned not to expect too much from the officials of CC.
It’s time for accountability.
My next question, what happen to the property I turned over to your police dept.?
You should be able to tell me. The names of the people who received their property, the date, time and who was the officer was surrounded items and who found them.
A properly run police dept should have a incident base log. You know to show accountability.
Now a little more advise. You and your #2 man( he wouldn’t give me his name, only he was the #2 man in charge). Enroll in police ethic classes. Its the basic for any law enforcement agency.
I maybe old and a little slow. But I would always stop and help a brother in Blue, if he needed help.
You know who I am. I don’t want your job. I held the Thin Blue Line for 28 1/2 years. I would expect the upmost courtesy, as any Law abiding citizen would expect from your police dept. And I will hold your agency to the highest standards, accountability and expectation as was demanded from me. If you can’t handle the heat … well you know what you can do. And I’m not interested, in meeting up with you. I have nothing more to say to you. But I will continue exercise my 1st adm. Rights.
Oh and by the way, putting my location out to the public was not cool. YOU endangered myself, my family and my neighbors. I was greenlighted you J—-ss!
If you’d like I can tell you your age, specific address, income(estimated) and assets. All pulled in .003 seconds by googling your name.
Take a pill, buddy. Your BP is gonna pop.
As for the items you dropped off, guess what? You have no right to know the disposition of them. None. Not even a little bit.
And most PD’s train their staff to be somewhat aloof; it cuts down on favoritism accusations. Sad for the cop, having to minimize their circle of acquaintances.
Bet you vote democrat too.
I wasn’t going to answer any of these comments, but I guess I have to be noisier than a cricket in a hubcap to get my point across.
Publius Amerianus, nice of you to worry about my health and finances. But what you stated is Malice Intent towards me.
When I ask a question, I don’t hide behind false names. Its called being truthful. I’m not a Democrat. I am a person who wants accountability.
You are missing the point.
I asked chief Pruitt a simple question.
Chief Pruitt lets everyone know that his dept assist other law enforcement agencies, I thought it was only fair to ask this question.
How many calls does the Northampton county Sheriff’s dept answer for assistance by the people in Cape Charles? ( I called twice and was transfered to the Sheriff’s dept.)
I didn’t think it was that tough of a question.
The proper response, would have been. ” I’m sorry to hear this Mr. Luther, I will check into this and get back with you.” Which at lease sounded sincere. But after he checked my identy ( either NCIC/VCIN or as mention the internet) he went on the offensive and said if it happened where you live Plum Tree rd, its not my jurisdiction.
Well, you may ask. Why would he say that? Instead of inquiring the location of the incidents first? This is Basic police investigation 101. Is he stupid ( I dont think so)? Did he do this to intimidate me ( to let me know, he know where Im at) I mean there is documention that he and the #2 man follow me around town. Or is he lazy and passing the buck or is it because I called out the town council and demand accountability?
The cheif cannot stack the cards all in his favor and not expect someone to challenge him.
If Chief Pruitt can’t stand a little heat … get the hell out!
If you took the time to really look at my response to Cheif Pruitt. You would notice, I didnt put his home address out there or any information about his health or his financal sitution. That is RESPECT!
I’m looking to buy more land in Northampton county,(just got off the phone with the bank) however. The surveys that are on the internet are not that accurate and you have to do more investigation.
And If you are aware Mr. Publius Americaus, there is a little thing call FOIA. It is use to check on the ACCOUNTABILITY of government agencies! Which there seem to be a lot of requests for in Cape Charles area. And yes I’m entitled to it, as of any free citizen of Cape Charles!
So if you see the need to attack someone, who is asking for accountability from a public officials. Then sir you are a Democat!
If you bother to google “Aloof” you would see the meaning “not friendly or forthcoming cool and distant. Conspicuously uninvolved and uninterested, typically
through distaste”.
As a cerified Virginia Criminal Justice Instructor, we did not teach “Aloof” behavior.
I taught police ethics which is Moral Values, Respect, Honesty and Courage. “Aloop” must be a Northern behavior.
I would send a pic for ya, of me ASS TALL in cotton, but you would think it a racist pic.
That means “I’m doing fine” Mr. Publius Americanus
Geez, bud you got issues.
Yeah, me a democrat. LOL.