Article written by Michael Shellenberger for the NY Post. Published with permission by the Post.
The increase in whale, dolphin, and other cetacean deaths off the East Coast of the United States since 2016 is not due to the construction of large industrial wind turbines, U.S. government officials say.
Their scientists have done the research, they say, to prove that whatever is killing the whales is completely unrelated to the wind industry.
But now, a new documentary, “Thrown To The Wind,” by director and producer Jonah Markowitz, which I executive produced, proves that the US government officials have been lying.
The film documents surprisingly loud, high-decibel sonar emitted by wind industry vessels when measured with state-of-the-art hydrophones. And it shows that the wind industry’s increased boat traffic is correlated directly with specific whale deaths.
My nonprofit organization, Environmental Progress, which is independent of all energy interests, funded the documentary because, like millions of Americans, we love whales and believe their extinction is an avoidable tragedy.
The documentary may not stop the industrial wind projects from being built. After all, the wind projects are going forward despite urgent warnings from leading conservation groups and a top scientist at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
But our documentary has hit a nerve. Within the first 48 hours of it being online, over 20,000 people re-posted it, and over 6 million people total, across two tweets, have viewed the posts with the embedded trailer for “Thrown To The Wind.”
And, now, Republican members of Congress tell me they want to hold hearings to investigate.
I have been involved in a lot of great causes in the 35 years that I have been politically active. This one, saving the whales, is easily one of the most noble and important. One of my first political memories as a boy was the Greenpeace “Save the Whales” sticker in my father’s food co-op.
Whales touch something deep within us. They care deeply for their offspring. They form communities. They sing.
Whales are, as the conservationists in “Thrown to the Wind” explain, magnificent spiritual beings, not just great biological ones.

There appear to be at least two distinct mechanisms by which wind industry activities are killing whales.
The first is through boat traffic in areas where there hasn’t historically been traffic. The second is through high-decibel sonar mapping that can disorient whales, separate mothers from their calves, and send them into harm’s way, either into boat traffic or poorer feeding grounds.
Whale deaths caused by boat strikes are not unrelated to windfarm works — as some have sought to claim — but fueled by them.
The waters around New York and New Jersey have seen three humpbacks die in August alone; two of them had blunt force trauma while the third was too decomposed for a necropsy.
Shot in the hand-held style made famous by Paul Greengrass, the creator and director of the Jason Bourne movies, Markowitz’s “Thrown To The Wind” gives the experience of being on the ocean and in the room with the film’s stars, Lisa Linowes, who correlated the whale deaths to wind industry activity with Eric Turner, and Rob Rand.
Linowes is a lifelong environmental activist, data analyst, and co-founder of the Save the Right Whales Coalition.
She’s also an obsessive data nerd who, working with her husband, sold their start-up software company over a decade ago and moved to New England where she does her conservation work full-time and without pay.
Rand, meanwhile, is a conservationist and one of the world’s leading underwater acoustics experts with over 30 years of experience.
The commitment by Markowitz to investigative documentary filmmaking led him to go out on the ocean with Rand to measure the sound of industrial wind activity.
It was on that trip that Rand and his team discovered high-decibel sound emissions that appeared to violate NOAA’s protective standards for marine life.
When combined with the work of Linowes and Turner, correlating whale deaths with wind industry vessel traffic, Rand’s acoustic research should have far-reaching implications, including halting all industrial wind activity along the East Coast.
After a dead whale washed ashore on Takanassee Beach in New Jersey two weeks ago, police blocked off the area so tractors could be brought in to remove it.
“We were sitting on the beach yesterday, and I noticed it when people started running up to it,” Soraya Nimaroff, who lives nearby, told the Ashbury Park Press. “I’m very sad. It is very sad.”
Our research shouldn’t have been necessary. Dr. Sean Hayes, a top NOAA scientist warned last year that industrial wind projects “could have population-level effects on an already endangered and stressed species.”
“Population-level effects” include extinction.
Dr. Hayes, NOAA’s chief of protected species warned that “oceanographic impacts from installed and operating turbines cannot be mitigated for the 30-year lifespan of the project unless they are decommissioned.” His warnings were ignored.

So, too, were the ones from scientists representing many of the same environmental groups supporting the industrial wind energy projects wrote in a 2021 letter that “the North Atlantic right whale population cannot withstand any additional stressors; any potential interruption of foraging behavior may lead to population-level effects and is of critical concern.”

But the scientists then stood by as their organizations sold out them and the whales.
Under pressure from the White House, the US government has ignored its top scientists and pushed forward to industrialize the oceans and risk the extinction of the North Atlantic right whale.
Part of the problem is that the wind industry spent years bribing the US government, scientific organizations, and aquariums to lie to the American people.
Wind energy companies and their foundations have donated nearly $4.7 million to at least three dozen major environmental organizations.
And Facebook went so far as to censor my post linking whale deaths to wind energy off the East Coast of the United States.
The censorship came in the form of adding a link to a “” article from March 31, 2023, which relied entirely on U.S. government sources “Thrown to the Wind” debunks.
“Thrown To The Wind” exposes the reality that the U.S. government agencies and the scientists who work for them either haven’t done the basic mapping and acoustic research to back up their claims, have done the research badly, or found what we found and are covering it up.
Given the evidence presented in “Thrown To The Wind,” it’s clear that the American people and our representatives cannot trust NOAA and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), the two government agencies that, for years, have repeatedly betrayed the public’s trust in service to powerful industrial interests.
Because politics has corrupted the normal scientific and regulatory process for protecting the North Atlantic right whales, we are urging elected officials at federal and state levels to conduct an investigation, issue subpoenas, and hold public hearings.
Saving the North Atlantic right whale is a goal that is within reach and well worth pursuing. Yes, its numbers have plummeted from over 400 to just 340 at the last estimate.
But the species will likely rebound if the sonar mapping and new boat activity in previously untrafficked areas is ended.
The strong reaction to the documentary over the last two weeks, including from members of Congress, gives me hope that things will soon change.
When people see the evidence, the American people, their policymakers, and the courts will end this awful destruction of wild nature.
The government officials, scientists, and journalists who have been involved in promoting this project should quit their jobs and become whistleblowers before their work kills any more whales.
Michael Shellenberger is Founder of Environmental Progress and Public, a Substack publication. @shellenberger
This is tragic and must be stopped. Please contact your legislators and demand action.
Your legislators have written the laws that ALLOW this to happen.
They will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stop it or end it.
They don’t care because they don’t need to care, or are absent an incentive to care.
Whales don’t vote, and don’t have high-priced, rent-seeking lobbyists to represent them, while the wind industry does.
And U.S. government scientists have done the research to prove that whatever is killing the whales is completely unrelated to the wind industry?
My goodness but of course they have!
If they want to be a U.S. government scientist, then they better to know how and be ready to do as they are told by the U.S. government, which is Joe Biden, who has already ruled that there is a CLIMATE CRISIS and if he doesn’t act right now to get these windmills installed post haste, we are all going to be killed outright by CLIMATE CHANGE, and die as a result, and to save us from dying from CLIMATE CHANGE, it is necessary for the whales to die instead.
Instead of talking about it show the proof. Sonar mapping has been used for at least 30 years in the offshore oil industry, and a good deal of boat traffic constructing oil rigs- where are all the dead mammals from that?
For all you conspiracy freaks -wind and solar cut into big oil profits. You don’t think they are behind all the negative press on wind, solar, and electric vehicles?
Editor’s Note: Leftists are more worried about maintaining the precious lies than protecting whales. Even the Navy understands the issue and is very careful where and when it uses sonar–not along migratory routes. Oil exploration stopped in the 80s (guess why), and even so, it took place on the outer continental shelf–not along whale migratory routes. Pro-wind, pro-solar is murder. And it’s stupid.
The honorable and exalted J Wheaton: For all you conspiracy freaks -wind and solar cut into big oil profits.
You don’t think they are behind all the negative press on wind, solar, and electric vehicles?
ME: No.
wind, solar, and electric vehicles are earning negative press on their own merits because they are all stupid “solutions” to an imaginary problem, this CLIMATE CRISIS of DICTATOR Joe Biden’s which only exists in the fevered recesses of Joe Biden’s demented brain.
Have you ever wondered, J Wheaton, who you might have been if you hadn’t become a programmed, robot-like ideologue, instead?
And its 74 degrees here where I am, so where is the CLIMATE CRSIS your hero Joe Biden is always screeching about as he runs aro9und out there like CHICKEN LITTLE telling everyone the sky is falling?
But, oh, right, as a TOP DOG NOAA scientist once told me, just because it’s getting colder doesn’t mean it’s not getting warmer, and since he is a real government scientist, and I’m not, somehow, he must be right, if only I could untwist that warped logic to see some sense in it where it clearly doesn’t exist.
The Block Island wind farm has been online since 2016. Where did all the dead whales go?
The article lists whale deaths for less than a year. Coastal Virginia was planning construction for 2020 which means exploration was done before that. Ocean Winds, in NJ was expecting construction in 2024 which again exploration would have been done before
You want to believe wind power is the cause of the whale deaths but there isn’t a connection. There is no evidence. The article provided lots of words and tugged at the heartstrings but it lacks any evidence. I think 8 of the whale’s deaths were attributed to vessel strikes. Who says it’s not climate change that’s killing them? (That should rile someone up) Go find me the wind companies doing exploration between 12/22 and 8/23 and I might lean his way.
Also this “article” is nothing more than a promo piece for his documentary. He is originally a PR guy by the way
Editor’s Noted: We know all about what Leftists are really up to, the whales are just collateral damage. Some people are just too stupid to get, and love being spoon fed the poison. Tie your own rope, it suits you weel.
Wind plants can impact local wildlife.
Although wind projects rank lower than other energy developments in terms of wildlife impacts, research is still needed to minimize wind-wildlife interactions.
Advancements in technologies, properly siting wind plants, and ongoing environmental research are working to reduce the impact of wind turbines on wildlife.
The federal government allows the killing of whales by the off-shore wind industry, J Wheaton – collateral damage, don’t you know:
What are some exceptions to the take prohibitions of the Marine Mammal Protection Act MMPA )?
The MMPA does include exemptions for the taking of marine mammals for certain activities and under specified conditions. For activities related to offshore energy and minerals exploration, development and production, this exemption is the form of an Incidental Take Authorization (ITA).
NOAA Fisheries
Incidental Take Authorizations for Other Energy Activities
This page lists Incidental Take Authorizations for energy activities other than oil and gas (including renewable energy activities and LNG).
Applications are typically posted once public review is initiated.
New England/Mid-Atlantic
Authorizations In Process
The following Authorizations are in process:
* Park City Wind, LLC Construction of the New England Wind Offshore Wind Farm Project off of Massachusetts
Summary: NOAA Fisheries has received a request from Park City Wind, LLC for Incidental Take Regulations and an associated Letter of Authorization.
The requested regulations would govern the authorization of take, by Level A harassment and/or Level B harassment, of small numbers of marine mammals over the course of 5 years (2025-2030) incidental to construction of the New England Wind Project.
Park City Wind proposes to develop the New England Wind Project in two phases, known as Park City Wind (Phase 1) and Commonwealth Wind (Phase 2).
Project activities that may result in incidental take include pile driving (impact and vibratory), drilling, unexploded ordnance or munitions and explosives of concern detonation, and vessel-based site assessment surveys using high-resolution geophysical equipment.
If adopted, the proposed regulations would be effective March 27, 2025, through March 26, 2030.
* Dominion Energy Virginia Construction of the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Commercial Project off of Virginia
Summary: NOAA Fisheries has received a request from the Virginia Electric and Power Company, doing business as Dominion Energy Virginia, for Incidental Take Regulations and an associated Letter of Authorization.
The requested regulations would govern the authorization of take, by Level A harassment and Level B harassment, of small numbers of marine mammals over the course of 5 years (2024-2029) incidental to construction of the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Commercial project offshore of Virginia within the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Commercial Lease of Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf Lease Area OCS-A 0483 and associated Export Cable Routes.
Project activities likely to result in incidental take include pile driving activities (impact and vibratory) and site assessment surveys using high-resolution geophysical equipment.
The proposed regulations, if promulgated, would be effective February 5, 2024, through February 4, 2029.
* US Wind, Inc. Construction and Operation of the Maryland Offshore Wind Project off of Maryland
Summary: NOAA Fisheries has received a request from US Wind, Inc. for authorization to take small numbers of marine mammals incidental to the development of the Maryland Offshore Wind Project (Project) in the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Commercial Lease on the Outer Continental Shelf OCS-A 0490 off of Maryland over the course of 5 years beginning on January 1, 2025.
NOAA Fisheries is announcing receipt of US Wind’s request for regulations governing the incidental taking of marine mammals.
* Sunrise Wind, LLC Construction and Operation of the Sunrise Wind Offshore Wind Farm off of New York
Summary: NOAA Fisheries has received a request from Sunrise Wind, LLC, a 50/50 joint venture between Ørsted North America, Inc. and Eversource Investment, LLC, for Incidental Take Regulations and an associated Letter of Authorization.
The requested regulations would govern the authorization of take, by Level A harassment and/or Level B harassment, of small numbers of marine mammals over the course of 5 years (2023-2028) incidental to construction of the Sunrise Wind Offshore Wind Farm Project offshore of New York in a designated lease area on the Outer Continental Shelf.
Project activities likely to result in incidental take include pile driving, potential unexploded ordnance or munitions and explosives of concern detonation, and vessel-based site assessment surveys using high-resolution geophysical equipment.
The proposed regulations, if adopted, would be effective November 20, 2023 – November 19, 2028.
J Wheaton you are indeed a hoot-and-a-half, if not more!
You debunk any study done by BOO HISS BIG OIL as biased and bogus, but when a so-called stu7dy is do0ne by BIG WINDFARM CORPORATIONS, why, my goodness, and by gosh, they are telling the gospil
Do tell, J Wheaton!
As to these so-called studies, let’s go to an Associated Press article (Associated Press is very PRO JOE and thus can’t be biased against him) titled “As US East Coast ramps up offshore wind power projects, much remains unknown” by Wayne Parry on 12 September 2023, where we have the following, to wit:
A joint study in March by two federal scientific agencies and the commercial fishing industry documents numerous impacts that offshore wind power projects could have on fish and marine mammals, including noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields and heat transfer that could alter the environment.
In most instances, report authors agreed that more studies are needed.
end quotes
More studies are needed?
But how can that be, J Wheaton, when you are telling us EVERYTHING that needs to be known is already known?
What on earth is up with that?
And what about this from that same article:
And in May, the Biden Administration offered an $850,000 grant to collect more information on the hearing abilities of critically endangered North American right whales, citing “knowledge gaps” in how the animals behave.
The request was made “in support of the rapid development of offshore wind,” according to a notice on the website.
end quotes
“Knowledge gaps?”
Doesn’t that strongly imply, J Wheaton, that not everything is known?
It used to, anyway, and that is the Biden regime saying that knowledge gaps exist, not me, so how are you going to be able to spin that?
And have you noticed that when you are posting in here, UFO traffic to earth rapidly escalates, which is sign of just how popular you are with the extraterrestrial community that avidly follows your posting in the Cape Charles Mirror.
As to climate change killing whales, I have spent the last several hours perusing all, the top scientific publications, plus contacting TOP DOG scientists, and the indication from all of that is that you are pissing in the wind.
But you already knew that didn’t you, you sly devil, you!
How childish, naive, and jingoistic of you but would anyone expect less? Only a simpleton would think their experience with climate could be extrapolated into a larger picture of climate.
What is the conspiracy theory on the 20 some other Countries that are also warning about climate change? The world doesn’t agree on economics but there is a general overall consensus on the changing climate. How does that happen? How can countries fight over policies but when it comes to climate they are in agreement?
Paul, you’re getting older. there is nothing you can do to stop aging but you are also sounding more stupid by the day – you can do something about that. Give it a try
Jingoistic, J Wheaton?
“Jingoistic” means characterized by extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy.
There you are talking about THE TEFLON DON, Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior, not me.
That dude is a JINGO on steroids, and then some!
And thanks for all the red meat you have tossed out on the floor here – a veritable feast for me, anyway!
J WHEATON: What is the conspiracy theory on the 20 some other Countries that are also warning about climate change?
ME: That’s a no-brainer – HUGE COIN!
The Daily Caller
“NOAA Throws Cold Water On Media Hysteria Over Earth’s ‘Three Hottest Days On Record’”
Story by Nick Pope
7 July 2023
Numerous corporate media outlets drove the narrative that July 3-5 was the hottest 72-hour stretch ever on record, citing a computer model from the University of Maine which the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has warned is not as dependable as traditional observational data.
The New York Times, Fortune, Axios and CBS News each cited the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer computer model in various Thursday reports asserting that this week’s global temperatures broke the previous record for hottest three-day stretch.
The coverage came as NOAA said Thursday that the model’s findings are not a suitable substitute for observational data, since the model depends in part on unverifiable, computer-generated outputs, according to The Associated Press.
Axios’ Thursday headline asserted that “Earth sees three hottest days on record,” while The Times wrote in its Thursday story that “the past three days were quite likely the hottest in Earth’s modern history.”
CBS News ran a chyron on a Thursday television segment which read, “Earth sees third straight hottest day on record,” while the first half of Fortune’s Thursday headline stated that “Earth hits record heat third day in a row.”
The Reanalyzer uses observational data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and then calculates various global temperature estimates based on that data using its model, according to the Reanalyzer’s website.
The Reanalyzer’s model found that this week was the hottest week it has ever recorded.
NCEP is part of the National Weather Service, which is part of NOAA, according to the National Weather Service’s website.
NOAA, The New York Times, Fortune, Axios and CBS News did not respond immediately to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.
Jingoism is nationalism in the form of aggressive and proactive foreign policy, such as a country’s advocacy for the use of threats or actual force, as opposed to peaceful relations, in efforts to safeguard what it perceives as its national interests.[1] Colloquially, jingoism is excessive bias in judging one’s own country as superior to others – an extreme type of nationalism
Only you would take my opening sentence as a positive trait. Your singular focus on global issues is a hoot. It’s like I’m debating with a 10-year-old. Speaking of debating, which you aren’t doing – just throwing nonsense up on the page for attention. I’m outta here on this topic. As usual, you’ll have the last word and I’m sure it will be filled with personal attacks. Enjoy
Thanks for sharing your vast knowledge with us, J Wheaton – you’re an absolute prince of a guy!
And your learned dissertation on JINGOISM describes Joe Biden, the quintessential lying, dog-faced pony soldier to a tee!
So thanks for edifying us, as well!
The honorable, esteemed and exalted J Wheaton: Only a simpleton would think their experience with climate could be extrapolated into a larger picture of climate.
ME: J Wheaton, this is why you are so universally loved not only here on earth, but throughout the solar system and galaxy as well, which is why we have all these extraterrestrials flocking to earth these days in the hopes of getting your autograph, because when it comes to making moronic and imbecilic statements like this one above, you are absolutely fearless.
And with that imbecilic and moronic statement. you have proved beyond a shadow of any possible doubt that you, along with Joe Biden, haven’t a clue as to what climate really is.
So to edify you, because I too do like you, J Wheaton, despite the fact that you are a conditioned and programmed ideologue incapable of rational or logical thought, the term “climate” simply means the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period, as in “our cold, wet climate” or a region with particular prevailing weather conditions, as in “vacationing in a warm climate” like Cape Charles, Virginia.
Climate is not an absolute term and never has been and never will be and climate is always changing, because it is never constant.
“Weather,” however, is defined in absolute terms and means the state of the atmosphere AT A PLACE AND TIME as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc., so that the weather, and hence the climate, on the north side of an east-west running ridge will be different from the weather on the south side of the same ridge, even if separated by a handful of miles.
Altitude affects weather, as well, and hence climate, which is why we have a term called microclimate which means the climate of a very small or restricted area, especially when this differs from the climate of the surrounding area, as in “the microclimate of the valley is fairly mild.”
So when I talk about the temperature where I am, that is an absolute term, as it would be if I said it is raining or snowing.
So who is doing the extrapolating into a larger picture of climate is the lying, dog-faced pony soldier in the Washington white house named Joseph Robinette “CHICKEN LITTLE” Biden, Junior, along with all these political whores who call themselves “climate scientists,” as we see in the following from July 20, 2022, and “Remarks by President Biden on Actions to Tackle the Climate Crisis” from Brayton Point Power Station in Somerset, Massachusetts, where we have as follows:
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
I come here today with a message: As President, I have a responsibility to act with urgency and resolve when our nation faces clear and present danger.
And that’s what climate change is about.
It is literally, not figuratively, a clear and present danger.
The health of our citizens and our communities is literally at stake.
The U.N.’s leading international climate scientists called the latest climate report nothing less than, quote, “code red for humanity.”
Let me say it again: “Code red for humanity.”
It’s not a group of political official — elected officials.
These are the scientists.
end quotes
A clear and present danger?
That’s horse****, plain and simple!
As was the case with COVID, those are the “scientists,” which is a very empty word because anybody can call themselves a scientist, given there are no standards or qualifications, who will say exactly what those in positions of power want them to say.
In other words, they are political opportunists, or more appropriately, science whores, and if they were professional engineers, what they are doing would be known as “selling the stamp” in reference to professional engineers affixing their stamp to garbage in an effort to legitimize it.
And back to you, J Wheaton, we go!
Just one question for you. There never was a shrimp industry off the coast of Delmarva. Since 2020 there has been. Shrimp have always been found in the bay and off the coast but never in enough abundance to support an industry.
The shrimp industry used to be only as far north as North Carolina. Why can we now find them off of VA/MD?
Your obsession with Biden seems to be quite unhealthy. You, like Trump have this weird understanding of Presidential powers. It’s amazing what you both think the President can do. It’s like you think Elon Mush tightens every nut on a Space X rocket, Buden must write every press release for any government agency, conducts research, etc.
J Wheaton, your erudition, intellect, intelligence and absolute knowledge of current events never cease or fail to amaze me, and that sir, is a natural fact, and here is yet another case in point with this shrimp industry thing you bring up from your vast storehouse of knowledge.
Obviously the shrimp have moved because they find favorable conditions to move into, and that is as a result of the ocean currents coming north with the Gulf Stream.
Here’s an informative article on it from January 22, 2019 that you should find of great interest to yourself:
“Shrimping Industry Booms As Harvest Region Moves North”
WUNC | By Rebecca Martinez
The shrimping industry is booming as more of the crustaceans are being harvested farther north and later in the season.
The Virginian-Pilot reported trawlers bringing in tens of thousands of pounds of shrimp off Corolla in recent weeks.
Sara Mirabilio, a fisheries extension specialist with the North Carolina Sea Grant, says January is traditionally a lean month for commercial fishermen and their families.
“They don’t catch a lot and they’re trying to buy their supplies to gear up for the spring fish and everything,” Mirabilio said.
“So they’re out-laying a lot of money and no money’s coming in.”
“So, yeah, I think that this is pretty good to have this fishery out there at a time when they can’t fish on anything else.”
Climate change is leading to warmer, saltier water, and Mirabilio suspects that’s what’s attracting the surge of shrimp over the past few years.
Mirabilio adds that shrimp are not as closely monitored as other fisheries species, but she and other experts say shrimp are attracted to warmer, saltier water that’s sticking around later into the year and moving northward.
“It’s really plausible that really this is just sort of a range expansion of shrimp,” she said.
“Because of changing climate, they’re actually now presenting themself (sic) with more regularity, to the point that the state of Virginia opened up shrimping.”
Mirabilio also credits water quality improvement efforts in the Chesapeake Bay for improving young fish habitat in the region.
“If your estuaries, if your sounds, if your bays are having improved water quality, and you’re doing a better job of protecting nurseries and stuff, one would also suppose that the shrimp harvest would increase just because the habitat is more favorable for them,” she said.
Bravo Paul!
It was just last week that I saw ten Bubba Gump shrimping trawlers off the coast of the Outer Banks.
Second Edition
By H.H. Lamb
(Who was Hubert Lamb and why is he important? Hubert Horace Lamb (1913-1997) was one of the first meteorologists to point to changes of climate in human history.)
The ocean circulation also plays a part in the transport of heat towards the poles.
Within the tropics this is the main share of the total heat transport according to modern measurements.
At latitude 20°N it seems to account for 74 per cent of the total; at 50°N it is about 30 per cent, and over the whole realm between the equator and 70°N the oceans, contribution averages 40 per cent.
But the figures must vary when different epochs are compared.
The changes in the ocean surface, with which we are here mostly concerned, are greatest near the boundaries of different ocean currents and where there are shifts in the boundaries of ice on the polar seas and of cold upwelling water in the tropical or
subtropical oceans.
Fig. 23 illustrates how the boundary between water of Gulf Stream origin and the polar water at the surface of the North Atlantic Ocean has varied.
The biggest temperature changes are found near the furthest advances of the cold water or ice replacing a previously warmer surface (or vice versa).
Thus a large area between the Bay of Biscay and mid-Atlantic was 10–12 °C colder at the climax of the last ice age around twenty thousand years ago than in our own times.
An area between Iceland and the Faeroe Islands (61 °N) seems to have been 5°C colder than the modern average between about AD 1675 and 1705.
Where shifts of the current boundaries such as this take place, the ocean fails to exercise the moderating influence on climatic variability that we otherwise expect of it.
The southward limit of the polar water east of Iceland indicated for 1675–1705 in fig. 23 has sometimes been approached over short periods of up to a few weeks in recent years.
For example, in April 1968 and again in 1969 this water-mass advanced to near the Faeroe Islands, and more briefly a number of times in the first half of 1979, but no comparable advances seem to have occurred for 40–50 years previously.
Fluctuations of the boundaries and variations of the strength of the various ocean surface currents, the latter clearly related to anomalies in the large-scale wind circulation, are commonly observed; in consequence the ocean surface temperature is liable to show anomalies of up to 2–4°C on either side of its usual value in such regions for some weeks or even for a few months.
Another example occurred in the western North Atlantic where the northern limit of the Gulf Stream water was south of its usual position during much of 1968.
More is known now than when this book was first published about the exchanges that go on between the Arctic seas and the climate over wider areas and longer times (which we return to on p. 271).
The great increase of ice on the East Greenland Sea in the mid-1960s, and the low salinity water that accompanied it, migrated from there slowly to affect the western Atlantic in the years that followed and, after a long clockwise circuit over the western ocean, was carried back into the Iceland region after fourteen more years.
In the meantime there had been a rather warmer, more saline phase near Iceland.
A study by Dickson and others in 19881 followed the progress of the anomaly and the cycle of changes that went with it over nearly two decades.
And this inspired others, notably Mysak and his co-workers at the Centre for Climate and Global Change Research and the Department of Meteorology at McGill University, Montreal, to trace the anomaly back through its earlier history before it first reached the Greenland Sea.
Its origin is found to have been in a greatly boosted run-off into the Arctic Ocean north of Canada from the North American rivers, mainly the Mackenzie River system in the western part of northern Canada, in the early 1960s.
This was associated with enhanced downput of rain and snow and sharper development of the upper (cold) trough in the winters over the Canadian Arctic and the islands.
There was also a noteworthy tendency in those years to develop two other troughs, one north of Greenland towards the northwest Siberian coast and the other over the far eastern part of northern Siberia.
These features amounted to a radical change in the configuration of the large-scale wind circulation — a ‘climate jump’, as defined by Knox et al., that would be associated with increased cyclonic activity and cloudiness in those parts of the high Arctic.
The resulting flush of river water into the Arctic Ocean in the polar basin was accompanied by an increased supply of Pacific Ocean water, which is also of low salinity, through the Bering Strait.
This is how what Dickson called the ‘great salinity anomaly’ came about.
It extended the relatively fresh water on the surface of the Arctic Ocean, which arrived in the East Greenland Sea some four or five years later, increasing the ice there and bringing a dramatic fall in the Arctic temperatures.
Searches for earlier examples of such a sequence by inspecting the very long, year-by-year, records of ice at the coasts of Iceland seem to suggest a tendency for somewhat irregular recurrences at about twenty-to thirty-year intervals, though the amplitude of the swings also varied from case to case.
Statistical examination of the long series of Iceland ice records, using Koch’s index, showed a peak frequency at about twenty-seven years, which fell just short of statistical significance, but there were significant peaks at frequencies of about 5 and 88 to 100 years.
The Canadian investigators consider that this evidence points to an Arctic (roughly) interdecadal cycle as of some importance, mentioning as examples the relatively warm (little-ice) years around 1900, the 1920s, the late 1930s, 1950s and 1970s, which were all followed by ice increases.
The cycle is not symmetrical: the increases of North American run-off and of ice extent on the Arctic seas take place generally much more sharply than the subsequent ‘returns to normal’.
They also speculate that climatic jumps like the particularly sharp one about 1962 could either enhance or damp out altogether the global warming widely predicted as part of the ‘carbon dioxide effect’.
The fabulous, fantastical, amazing J Wheaton: Your obsession with Biden seems to be quite unhealthy.
You, like Trump have this weird understanding of Presidential powers.
It’s amazing what you both think the President can do.
It’s like you think Elon Mush tightens every nut on a Space X rocket, Buden must write every press release for any government agency, conducts research, etc.
ME: What I like about our very own J Wheaton, who once again, true to form, picked up his marbles and stormed off after throwing a Hillary Clinton style hissy fit that had him stamping his heels on the ground and turning puce with rage because I didn’t buy into his absurd theory that so-called climate change is really what is killing the whales, as opposed to activities related to siting windmills out in the ocean, is that he is the living proof of what a programmed, conditioned ideologue incapable of questioning anything the Biden government says looks like in real life, as in these words of J Wheaton right above here about presidential power, when it is obvious that Joe Biden, the quintessential the lying, dog-faced pony soldier, is a Joe Stalin CLONE, who controls EVERYTHING that anyone in his administration says, so that everyone in his administration is nothing but a POLLY PARROT, spouting the gibberish Joe “CHICKEN LITTLE” Biden says about the (SHUDDER SHUDDER BE VERY SCARED WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE) CLIMATE CRISIS.
But’s let not merely take my word for it, let’s see the beef, to wit:
“Despite Economic Hurdles the US Says Climate Crisis Is Opportunity”
by Bloomberg | Jennifer A Dlouhy
Monday, February 13, 2023
“The PRESIDENT HAS BEEN CLEAR that we are in a CLIMATE CRISIS, we have a responsibility as the federal government to do something about that and we can turn that into an opportunity to transition to cleaner sources of energy,” Klein told Bloomberg in her first interview in the new role.
July 28, 2023
Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre En Route Brunswick, ME
BINDER (Karinne Jen Pierre, Chief Biden Propagandist): So, look, one of the things that I want to be very clear about is: As you know, the President is taking climate change and the climate crisis incredibly seriously.
You’ve heard me say this throughout the week about how his plans, his action have been ambitious to combat the climate — the climate crisis.
The President has been very clear about what climate change is doing, that we’re in a climate crisis.
The Inflation Reduction Act was incredibly important as we look at investments to — to really deal with the climate crisis.
August 16, 2023
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, FEMA Administrator Criswell, Senior Advisor for Clean Energy Innovation Podesta, and Domestic Policy Advisor Tanden
Senior Advisor to the President for Climate Innovation and Implementation, John Podesta: To stop these disasters from getting even worse, we have to cut the carbon pollution that’s driving the climate crisis, and that’s what the Inflation Reduction Act is all about.
The Inflation Reduction Act is tackling the climate crisis with a government-enabled, private sector-led approach.
With respect to CHICKEN LITTLE, it was a 1943 short film created by Walt Disney during World War II and directed by Clyde Geronimi.
The short was based on the European folk tale “Henny Penny”, known in the United States as “Chicken Little,” and it was an anti-Nazi film showing the evils of mass hysteria, which is a lesson the J Wheaton generation in America never learned, and so they are succumbing of the evils of the MASS HYSTERIA being spread by the lackeys and lickspittles and bootlickers of the Biden regime.
As to the moral of the story of Chicken Little that I learned when but a child and never since have forgotten, it is as follows:
We might summarise the moral messages of the story as follows: 1) don’t form incorrect conclusions from insufficient data; 2) don’t stoke fear in others without good cause to do so; and 3) don’t take other people’s word for things, especially when those other people are making extraordinary claims.
On another note, I have to confess that I had a fire going this morning.
I know I shouldn’t have.
I know it is an act of disloyalty against Joe Biden who has been promising us that it is going to get warmer, and I should believe in him, but my hands were stinging this morning and I could feel the cold seeping into my bones, because instead of getting warmer up here like Joe promised, it is getting colder, and so, I was forced into an act of disloyalty by starting a fire, which felt so good once I got it going.
Maybe tomarrow, the heat Joe promised us was coming might get here, but it wasn’t here today, and so I had a fire.
Sorry, Joe, but that is just the way it goes!
So, yes, people, the moral of the story of Chicken Little that I learned when but a child and never since have forgotten, which is as follows, to wit:
1) don’t form incorrect conclusions from insufficient data;
2) don’t stoke fear in others without good cause to do so; and
3) don’t take other people’s word for things, especially when those other people are making extraordinary claims.
end quotes
And who is forming incorrect conclusions from insufficient data while stoking fear in others, like our own J Wheaton, without good cause to do so, by making extraordinary claims about a CLIMATE CRISIS that is going to kill each and everyone of us unless we grant Joe Biden true dictatorial power over our lives as if he were an Augustus Caesar or a Hitler or Joe Stalin is our quintessential lying, dog-faced pony soldier Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior, aka THE BIG GUY.
What are Joe’s claims about a CLIMATE CRISIS based on?
We don’t know.
What is Joe’s evidence that there is a CLIMATE CRISIS?
He doesn’t have any, but that makes no difference because Joe is intent on spreading MASS HYSTERIA in America, and he is doing quite well at it, and when people like J Wheaton are living in a state of terror induced by Joe Biden, they are unable to think, which is the purpose of spreading MASS HYSTERIA in the first place, to reduce the population to the status of gibbering idiots who are incapable of questioning anything Joe Biden says.
Take J Wheaton’s absurd claim, for example, that CLIMATE CHANGE is killing whales by shifting the track of the Gulf Stream, as if the Gulf Stream has had a co9nhstant track for millennia, and all of a sudden, due to Joe Biden’s CLIMATE CRISIS, it is suddenly shifting.
But that is pure BULL****, because the Gulf Stream has not had a constant track, as we see by going back to CLIMATE, HISTORY AND THE MODERN WORLD, Second Edition by H.H. Lamb, to wit:
Thus, Thomas Barker of Lyndon, Rutland (England), whose daily weather observations were maintained from 1733 to 1798, writing in 1775, noted a general increase of rainfall since the 1740s and, in particular, a remarkable change in the character of the weather that accompanied east winds: in the 1740s such weather had been generally cold and dry, stopping the vegetation in spring, ‘but for the last ten years the East winds have often been very wet; many of the greatest summer floods came by rains out of that quarter’.
In a similar shaft of light in 1846, Sabine recommended research into the cause of ‘the remarkably mild winters which occasionally occur in England’, noting that in the case experienced in 1845–6, as in 1821–2 and in November 1776, ‘the warm water of the Gulf Stream spread itself beyond its [then] usual bounds…to the coast of Europe’.
Investigations of the sea bed on the coast of Maine, in the northeastern United States, indicate that Gulf Stream water regularly followed the coast as far north as that all through the warmest post-glacial times until roughly 1500 BC.
Since then, it has moved out into the Atlantic (as the warm saline North Atlantic Drift) from more southerly points on the American seaboard and has never renewed its dominance so far north.
The failure of the cod fisheries in the region all round the Norwegian Sea, and as far south as Shetland, in the last quarter of the seventeenth century, is believed to indicate that the sea surface temperatures north of about 60–61°N had fallen below 2 °C.
This evidence from the fisheries and the ice — compiled in the last twenty years — indicates that prevailing sea surface temperatures in the region between the Faeroe Islands and Iceland in the last quarter of the seventeenth century were of the order of 5°C lower than today.
The development seems to have begun between about 1600 and 1615.
The recovery was by no means complete before 1750 to 1840, and there were further setbacks in the 1880s, when the Arctic ice reappeared near the Faeroe Islands, and in the late 1960s.
This is not just a bizarre discovery but demonstrates a latent instability in the ocean current climate that should not be overlooked.
The very marked chilling of the waters in this northeast Atlantic area means that the warm North Atlantic Drift (Gulf Stream water), on which the familiar climates from the British Isles to Iceland and north Norway depend, must have been largely diverted elsewhere in the period(s) discussed — presumably a smaller scale shift of the same nature, and in the same region, as has been shown by the CLIMAP project work at the Lamont-Doherty Observatory in the United States to have characterized the last major glaciation twenty thousand years ago.
The winters of the 1840s in England were also a ‘mixed bag’, including at least three that were very cold but one (the winter of 1845–6) that was so mild that it led Sabine, then Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society and soon to be one of the founders of the Meteorological Society, to observe that the Gulf Stream extended far beyond its usual bounds.