Accomack-Northampton Electric Cooperative (ANEC) will install two Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations in Cape Charles, Virginia.
The stations will be installed in the public parking area behind 300 Mason Avenue. The installation has been delayed for another two weeks–the actual installation date has not been determined.

The stations will offer both Level 2 and Level 3 charging capabilities
Congrats to Cape Charles and ANEC for endeavoring to advance the USA’s conversion to coal powered vehicles built with the aid of the happy child miners of the world.
I don’t want ethanol in my gas, much less an electric car.
Liberal Democrats are a sick bunch of people.
This is such bullsh@t! For years we heard about limited parking on Mason Ave. So the town approved for reverse parking because it provided more parking spaces. Now the town is going to take away parking spaces for the select few!
Who the hell cares about EVs? Its just the biggest waste of money. What are EV saving the the world from? Gas powered vehicle? More pollution is caused by creating Electric Vehicles than gas vehicles. Where the hell do you think the magic juice comes from to run these vehicles? How much does it cost to upgrade your home for these vehicle? Where does the energy come from to build these vehicle? Now think about where these batteries are made from to run these vehicles? CHINA! Who can cares less about the environment than any other country.
This town is a crock of crap!
I hope the people that use the charging station don’t have to call the police for EV charging hogs! And
I hope there is no golf carts blocking these spaces. And let’s not forget … you better reverse that EV in to charge.
Ask Ford how many billions of dollars they lost with their EV Ford F150!
This town is just stupid!
So DOUG, tell us how you really feel….
It’s just that I remember a guy from Ford. Trying to sell me the battery operated F150 for over $100 k. While I was in Cape Charles a couple years back.
I’ll try harder to curve my evil tongue.
Why take the few parking places in town?
Why not in the parking lot at Food Lion right near the highway.
We don’t want them either 😂 Put them at Royal Farms like the others.
How about stop pulling ethanol in our gasoline ?