The following data was submitted by a Mirror Reader.
Green New Deal???
The EU has 468 – building 27 more… Total 495
Turkey has 56 – building 93 more.. Total 149
South Africa has 79 – building 24 more… Total 103
India has 589 – building 446 more… Total 1035
The Philippines has 19 – building 60 more… Total 79
South Korea has 58 – building 26 more… Total 84
Japan has 90 – building 45 more… Total 135
China has 2,363 – building 1,171 more… Total 3,534
That’s 5,615 projected coal powered plants in just 8 countries.
USA has 230.
And Democrat politicians with their “green new deal” want to shut down those 15 plants in order to “save” the planet.
This makes the point. Whatever the USA does or doesn’t do won’t make a Tinker’s Dam regarding CO2 unless the rest of the world, especially China and India reduces coal-fired power plants as well.
The whole “global warming” and “climate change” gambits by Democrats are to create a *supposedly* sound, scientific basis to justify a federal government power-grab and the passage of MORE laws to increase taxes and increased control of the privately owned power industry and its distribution. Never forget the *main* motivation they have!
“Oh, we will SAVE the planet!!”
No wonder Trump left the Paris Climate Agreement!
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Paul Plante says
See THE CAPE CHARLES MIRROR December 8, 2019 – Opinion: Pelosi announces formal surrender of US to IPCC
Joe McDonald says
This is a list of operational coal-fired power stations in the United States.
In 2019 there were 241 coal powered units across the United States[1] which generated 23% of the United States electricity in 2019,[2] an amount of electricity similar to that from renewable energy or nuclear power[3][4] but about half of the amount generated by natural gas plants.
Installed capacity was about 236 GW.[5]
Coal plants have been closing at a fast rate since 2010 (290 plants have closed from 2010 to May 2019; this was 40% of the US’s coal generating capacity) due to competition from other generating sources, primarily cheaper and cleaner natural gas, (a result of the fracking boom) which has replaced so many coal plants that natural gas now accounts for 40% of the US’s total electricity generation, as well as the decrease in the cost of renewables.[1]
However, some coal plants remain profitable because costs to other people due to the health and environmental impact of the coal industry (estimated to average 5 cents per kWh[6][7]) is not priced into the cost of generation. Some coal plants are considering only operating during periods of higher electricity demand, from December to February (winter) and from June to August (summer).[8]
Harry Dunn says
The U.S. had 252 operating coal-fired power plants as of 2021. That is dramatically, lower than the super-low 15 that you falsely claim! Shame on you! Do a better job of proofing info that you receive before publishing same! Simple common sense would say that it would be stupid to raise a fuss about a lowly 15 plants!
Elie says
Sorry fellow, lets assume your number is correct, do you think 252 will make a dent in the world?
Wagner says
I, like millions of other educated and savvy Americans are bored with this climate bull shit. AOC should be exiled fir the wealth the green new deal has plundered. It’s all about her ego.
Stuart Bell says
Sandy’s life experience was a liberal brainwashing at college and being a waitress. She is an ‘Empty Suit’. Al Gore and every liberal that parroted his mantra is to blame….it was all a money making scheme and millions of sheep followed.