February 19, 2025

1 thought on “Is High-Powered Sonar Killing Shellfish?

  1. Concerning the Long Island NY Peconic Bay Scallop die offs.
    In case you are unaware, scallops are one of if not the most delicate animals in the water. Algae blooms, red tides and high nitrogen levels can kill and even devastate the entire population.
    Sonar? I don’t think so.
    Long Island’s Peconic Bay is a shallow partially landlocked body of water (max depth maybe 40 feet). It’s eastern entrance from Gardiners Bay is intersected by several land masses/islands that change the direction of the relatively narrow channels.
    Dense residential and commercial development right up to the waters edge are the more likely culprits. Zoom in on Google Earth and you will see why the bays and harbors around Long Island are distressed.
    Turf Lawn fertilizers, leaking septic systems, and neighborhood black top asphalt road run off have helped created summer Brown and Red tides with oxygen depletion in the bays.
    NYS DEC Announces Detection of Parasite in Peconic Bay Scallops.
    The detection of this parasite in bay scallops from Peconic Bays is considered a contributing cause of the die-off last year. Juvenile scallops were not impacted by the die-off.

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