January 16, 2025

39 thoughts on “Smoking Ganja on the Cape Charles Beach

  1. I certainly do not care for any form of smoke down wind . Getting (HIGH) from any substance is still being publicly intoxicated. And after you have gotten to that level , are you walking back to your residence or driving ?

  2. Seems like there’s better things to complain about, truthfully. Also way to go cape Charles mirror on posting the photo? Why?

    Editor’s Note: Folks like you obviously don’t understand what reader submitted means. If a reader took the time to comment and send in a pic to accompany, why would we ignore it? Truthfully, nobody is really complaining. We did remove the offending pic.

    1. You cannot just dodge the blame, cos you’re a news paper for a town that gets left off of maps.. You gave the person the platform and allowed the photo to circulate. I understand what reader submitted means, but do you not review these submissions? Isn’t that your job as a news source? Help me, because I must obviously be confused.

      Note: You are so confused, we don’t know where to begin. First, if you actually read the article, you will see it has little to with weed, but more to do with not being a dick (this is called a concept). It could be dicks with cigarettes, or cigars, loud music or beach tents. In this case, it was dicks with weed (and the Mirror has been 4/20 friendly for many years See:http://www.capecharlesmirror.com/?s=legalize+it). Sure, the dicks want to smoke weed on the beach, but have little consideration for others as long as they get their ya ya’s out. The reader that offered the submissions understood this (which was the point of the comments and photo).

      1. You are not right, are you?

        You are a few bricks shy of a load?

        Your elevator is not going all the way to the top?

  3. Not if someone has small children.

    Sounds like you either don’t, or don’t care, but hey, dude, it’s America, so today, anything goes, and maybe the libs and progs already have the kids smoking dope in school in imitation of Hussein Obama, which makes it alright because he got to be an American president that way!

    Or was it sniffing some blow like Hunter Biden that got him there?

    Oh, well, either way, he did set the example, and that is all that counts.

    1. Dope is a drug weed is a goddamn plant. Complaining about weed smell that wont kill you but not doing something about cigarettes that will kill your kids from the smoke is stupid asf

      Editor’s Note: Slow down sleepy. Nobody be ‘plainn’ about weed (this article goes back to 2018: http://www.capecharlesmirror.com/?s=legalize+it). Article is really about not being a dick and thinking about others. Capiche? We agree 100% about cigs…I think the beach should be no cig smoking too.

      1. Rashad, dude, you sound like a real honest-to-gosh Harvard graduate with a degree in rocket science coupled with a JD, and maybe a Ph.D. in fine arts and black studies as well.

        Marijuana is a weed?

        My goodness, dude, who would have thought it.

        I think you should get a Nobel prize for making that discovery, and a Pulitzer on top of that for reporting that earth-shaking news to the public.

        1. Seems like you are feel like you are superior to them just because their name is Rashad… might be telling on yourself or you are just happy to be openly hateful. Either way I’m not sure what Obama or hunter Biden have to do with any of this. Just typical right wing talking points. Hope you are having a great day though

          1. Ryan, what I personally like about the Cape Charles Mirror is the opportunity it affords me to meet such real nice people like yourself who epitomize intelligence and massive intellectual power all combined in one cranium, along with Rashad, of course, who has to be a Harvard graduate and Rhodes scholar, as well.

            And I was complementing Rashad on his achievements, being a Harvard grad and all, so how is that hateful, except to someone with a hateful small mind of their own?

            And while I got you on the line, so to speak, did you know that cigarettes are made from tobacco, and that tobacco, like marijuana is a plant?

            Yes, Ryan, like marijuana, which has been around for centuries, and is mentioned in the Bible, if I am not mistaken, and was imbibed by such historical luminaries as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to keep them from having severe respiratory symptoms, possibly leading to death, tobacco is a weed that grows from the ground, because nature ordained it to be that way, and like marijuana, tobacco has been around for centuries.

            And I sincerely appreciate you and Rashad for bringing that to our attention, and thereby making us smarter like you and Rashad.

            And if you are unable to understand on your own what Hussein Obama or hunter Biden have to do with any of this, I won’t waste breath trying to tell you, and Ryan, I am neither Democrat, nor Republican, I am an independent who thinks for himself and a CENTRIST who looks on left wingers and right wingers equally as deluded, mindless fools.

            And I’m having a great day to be truthful, reading these entertaining comments.

            How about you?

          2. Congratulations to Paul for once again completing missing the point. Seems like you like to come on here and think of yourself as somebody that knows more than everybody and hey whatever helps you get off is cool with me. I’m sure you are a delightful person to be around. I love people like you that just spew conspiracies around and call themselves centrist. You are the same as any other loon on the internet. Maybe one day you will realize that you aren’t as smart as you think you are. I would love for you to explain how president Obama and Hunter Biden have anything to do with any of this cause that would be the best fiction ever told on this godforsaken website.

            I’m also having a great day knowing that one day all the old kooks like yourself will be dead and the country can finally more forward. Thanks for asking sweetheart 🙂

          3. Ryan, no offense intended, because you are so nice, but when you say I am the same as any other loon on the internet, you are comparing me to you!

            How about that for irony?

            And no, Ryan, I don’t like to come on here and think of myself as somebody that knows more than everybody.

            I actually like to come on here because it is so fun to get a chance to mingle intellectually with people like you and Rashad who give me such an intellectual work-out as the mind is a muscle, Ryan, so don’t let yours get flaccid.

            People like you and Rashad keep me on my toes mentally trying to keep up with you, and for old kooks like me who soon enough will be dead, so you and Rashad and Hunter Biden the country can finally move forward, that is very important.

            And you are sure I am a delightful person to be around?

            Not if somebody is a fool, a whiner, a drunk or a complete A-HOLE, but outside of them, and there are way too many of them in America today, I really am quite nice, if not a touch acerbic (sharp and forthright) and quick-tempered with idiots!

            But we all can’t be perfect, can we?

            And you love people like me that just spew conspiracies around and call themselves centrist?

            Uh, okay, but telling Rashad that marijuana and tobacco, which is what cigarettes are made out of, are both plants that grow naturally in the ground is hardly spewing any conspiracies around.

            And maybe one day I will realize that I aren’t as smart as I think I am?

            How about every day, Ryan, because I don’t think I am very smart, at all.

            I just am not as dumb or stupid as the majority of people in America today, which is what makes me stand out, I guess, although if I live another 100 years, I still will not be in a class with either you or Rashad, who far surpass me as far as sheer intellectual horsepower goes.

            As to what Hussein Obama and Hunter Biden have to do with any of this on this godforsaken website, where incidentally, you are posting your thoughts, I would refer you to the Letter to Marquis de LaFayette by George Washington, February 07, 1788 where he talks consequences which may be produced, in the revolution of ages, by corruption of morals and profligacy of manners, contingencies against which no human prudence can effectually provide, and if you meditate on that for a bit, I think it will all become quite clear to you, and once again, Ryan, have a fantastic day.

        2. You must be quite the intellectual yourself huh? Congratulations on completely missing the point and bring things back to an imaginary place. The evil Obama and hunter Biden are definitely plotting to destroy our children and make them GAY by making them smoke dope in kindergarten. This is America.

          1. Ahhh, another Year Zero youth speaks, Son, we can’t wait to look down and laugh as you light your candles and curse the darkness.

            Read your history son, your words have been spoken countless times before……and the Gods of the copybook heading laugh and laugh and laugh.

          2. Another Year Zero youth speaks?

            Are you talking about Ryan, CivilServant?

            You must be, because I am hardly a youth.

      2. I would not be understood my dear Marquis to speak of consequences which may be produced, in the revolution of ages, by corruption of morals, profligacy of manners, and listlessness for the preservation of the natural and unalienable rights of mankind; nor of the successful usurpations that may be established at such an unpropitious juncture, upon the ruins of liberty, however providently guarded and secured, as these are contingencies against which no human prudence can effectually provide.

        – Letter to Marquis de LaFayette by George Washington, February 07, 1788

  4. i like smoking every day because without it i will have severe respiratory symptoms, possibly leading to death. but did you know weed actually has a 70% chance of making you gay? maybe that’s why you don’t want to be around the smoke. that’s so homophobic! i would have expected better. i bet you didn’t even go to a pride fest this year.

    Editor’s Note: Dude, what newspaper is more 4/20 friendly than the Mirror?? Educate yourself, follow this link going way back: http://www.capecharlesmirror.com/?s=legalize+it. You can apologize for your ignorance later. Besides, that article has nothing to with weed, it’a about not being a dick. It could be cigs, or cigars, or beach tents.

    1. You sound like you actually have some severe psychiatric problems, dude, with that horse**** about smoking pot making you gay.

      Are you turning gay, smoking every day like you do so you don’t get severe respiratory symptoms, possibly leading to death?

      Are you having any thoughts about burying your member deep in some other man’s buttocks, or smoking his pole instead of a doobie?

      You’re a real trip, dude!

      Thanks for a good horselaugh, which is an excellent way to keep oneself from having severe respiratory symptoms, possibly leading to death, because it clears out the bad air from deep down in one’s lungs.

  5. I do believe the article was about having RESPECT for others. Of course, that is hard to find anywhere now days.

  6. I smoke weed at cape Charles beach every day and night at 4:20 when I’m walking my damn incontinent dog. I hope y’all smell the weed and not the liquid diarrhea my poor mutt spews onto the sand. I like using the beach because I don’t have to pick his poop up and I can just mix into the sand barefoot(so I don’t get any on my shoes) and then wash my feet off in the water. I obey leash laws cause I know this bad boy of mine would be halfway across the bay hunting down some dirty norfolk bitches by the time I got him back if I let him go. I’m smoking big fat blunts on the beach as a courtesy to y’all so you don’t have to smell the rancid dog doo doo coming out that poor butthole, so I’m a little offended by this article.

  7. I love the smell of ganja in the morning!

    Editor’s Note: Don’t we all…🤣😂🍕🌭🍟 How’s my driving??

  8. Dope, hooter, whacky weed, reefer, ganja, mary jane, etc., call it what you will, has been around for centuries now, it’s as common as dirt, it grows wild, and I have been aware of it since the 60’s, which is over 57 years ago now, and the only thing I am quite curious about today, given that people have been smoking and toking for centuries now, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, is why people today feel some kind of need, be it psychological, or emotional, or whatever, to make a big thing out of the fact that they smoke weed, as if it is some kind of major accomplishment on their part that the whole wide world needs to know about.

    What exactly is up with that, I wonder, and maybe somebody in here can enlighten me as to what it is that makes them have to tell the world they smoke pot.

    BIG ******* DEAL!

    So what!


    And my recollection of what this thread was about had nothing to do with people being proud of the fact they smoke dope.

    If I recall, it had something to do with CONSIDERATION of others who may not be all that impressed by the fact you smoke dope, or like its smell in the morning, especially if they have small children, to wit:

    Sparking up a doob on the beach, during the day, is pretty rare, but it seems to happen around me at least 3 or 4 times a season.

    I don’t care about it myself, but others might.

    If you have a young family, you may not want second-hand weed smoke wafting around your kids.

    Regardless of legal regulations, it is more important to consider the other beachgoers.

    Getting high may be great for you, but maybe not for the family sitting downwind from you.

    Smoking weed on the beach may impact the experience of those who do not wish to be exposed to secondhand smoke or the smell of marijuana.

    Apparently, this is a difficult concept for many to grasp – respecting the space and preferences of others is crucial for maintaining a positive beach environment.

    Dude, toke up in your house then come to the beach.

    end quotes

    In the “anything goes and I’ll shove it in your face” version of America that exists today, that concept of RESPECTING the space and preferences of others, which is crucial for maintaining a positive beach environment, isn’t just difficult for many to grasp, it is impossible!

    Somebody wants to blow their reefer smoke in my grandkids’ faces, I’ll return the favor by pissing on your leg or head, and we’ll call it even.

  9. It’s been a long road to legalization. It’s a clear victory over the small minded and the corrupt, who have used this issue to hurt and harass a lot of good people for a very long time It’s seems to me a joint on the beach on the 4th of July is as American as it gets. Way over due. Of course be mindful of those around you but I say let your freak flag fly. Lord knows we’ve had to be tolerant with other peoples flags this month.

    1. Marijuana was outlawed by the federal government when prohibition was repealed, to make people buy alcohol, which is taxed, while marijuana wasn’t.

      In 1936, a propaganda film titled “Reefer Madness” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhQlcMHhF3w came out which had a bunch of absolute A-HOLES in it making it seem like smoking pot was going to turn people into A-HOLES, when it actually is the other way around, with the A-HOLES, and America today is chock-a-block with them, giving pot and people who smoke po9t but aren’t A-HOLES a bad name, just as these A-HOLES do today who think because they are an A-HOLE smoking pot, that that gives them a right to blow their smoke in the faces of others.

      So the moral of the story is that pot should not be illegal – what should be illegal is A-HOLES smoking pot and giving other people who aren’t A-HOLES a bad name.

      But being an A-HOLE in America is protected by the Constitution, so we are stuck with them.

      And marijuana is legal and has been for some time, maybe not in Virginia, but Virginia isn’t America.

      And getting ****-faced drunk on the 4th of July is what is as American as apple pie, not smoking dope.

      And if you need to get high to enjoy the beach, don’t be an A-HOLE – be civilized and make some brownies, instead!

      What a ******* infantile nation this has become with people turning blue in the face and throwing temper tantrums because somebody else don’t like pot smoke blown in their faces!

      Or cigarette smoke, either.

    2. Let the freak flag fly?


      Normal people smoke pot.

      People flying freak flags smoking pot are the ones who give normal people smoking pot a bad name.

      People flying freak flags smoking pot are what should be made illegal, not pot itself.

      1. Paul, my post was made with a bit of whimsy, a wee bit of fun. I try to not take myself too serious, maybe you should follow suit. More ink does not make you right. Brevity being the soul of wit.

        1. We are cool to use an outdated phrase, and I sincerely wish you a wonderful day, and we are actually on the same page, although we might express ourselves differently!

  10. If I could cancel my last response to Paul, I would. In reflection, I believe there is enough conflict and division in our world. I don’t want to add to it. My best Paul!

  11. The problem you and I face, Boy, is that while words may mean something to you and I, and I think we would be great friends outside of here, in here, where the world is watching, words like “freak flag,” a harmless term in private conversation between, conjures up the images in “Reefer Madness,” and brings in the famous unproven theory of marijuana as a GATEWAY DRUG, so that one toke is all it takes to turn you in a Hunter Biden and a cocaine and heroin addict, which is BULL****, but nonetheless, as unproven as the theory is, it remains quite mainstream, so that anybody who even hints that they smoked pot is tarred with that same brush, and if one googles the subject, one finds the theory being peddled by the National Institute of Health and the CDC.

    Public Health Ontario has an informative article on “Is cannabis a ‘gateway drug’?” at https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/Documents/Q/2019/qa-cannabis-gateway.pdf?rev=89f0c374dcc449b59d3f6a380d71c72f&sc_lang=en

    As to the so-called “Gateway Drug Theory,” pushed by the federal government as fact back during the administration of Big Bush as I recall, this before the age of the internet so there was no chance of rebuttal, Kandel and Faust published original work in the 1970’s that described a sequence in substance use initiation in a longitudinal study of secondary school students in New York State, progressing from alcohol use to tobacco use, followed by cannabis and subsequently other substance use, and although the authors initially cautioned that this finding should not be considered causal, it suggested that some substances are a “gateway” to others, which became known as the “gateway hypothesis.”

    And the term “freak flag” unfortunately feeds right into that.

    Should children have pot smoke blown in their faces?

    No way in hell.

    Should parents at a small public beach like of Cape Charles be pissed off because of pot smoke being blown in the faces of their children?

    Of course.

    Which takes us back to where this thread started which was DON’T BE AN A-HOLE at the Cape Charles beach by blowing pot smoke in other people’s faces.

    You and I, Boy, have no issues between us, other than use of words, and I wonder if anyone even knows what whimsy is anymore, and wouldn’t it be a grand world if it was the A-HOLES who were outlawed instead of reefer.

  12. Gasps in horror.

    Oh the OUTRAGE, smoking CANNABIS in PUBLIC.

    Let’s make a comparative list of how people behave on alcohol (socially accepted, if not glorified in Cape Charles) versus Marijuana.

    Alcohol: People get violent, causes cirrhosis, wake up next day feeling like shit, causes people to have more confidence to: violate boundaries, share too much information, perpetrate unwanted sexual advances, gives people the confidence to drive, even while intoxicated, is toxic.
    Marijuana: People chill out, prevents pain, wake up next day feeling peaceful, causes people to chill out and enjoy the moment, gives people the confidence to text someone else and say, I’m too stoned to drive, pick me up, has known medicinal value.

    I’m sure the Classes of 1971-79 from the Cape Charles Old School probably smoked marijuana on the beach together with little to no provocation from local police. Those were the days, before Cape Charles got uppity.

    Thanks land developers and greedy jerks! Thanks HGTV, thanks money hungry real estate agents-ya’ll ruined a perfectly good town.

    Yeah, it might’ve been a little beat up and run down but it sure turned into a little Stepford Wives generic drinking town in 2.5 seconds or less.

    Anyone offended by the smell of marijuana smoke probably never had a day of fun in their entire life.

    1. Have you smoked so much pot, Barbie, that it has addled your wits and destroyed your reading comprension abilities?

      This thread is not about smoking pot in public, it is about not being a dick or A-HOLE, which many pot smokers are, despite your attempt at defending them, bu smoking pot at Cape Charles beach, and thereby I(NVADING the sp0ace of people who have as much right as thye pot smokers to not have to breathe pot smoke, or more to the point, not have to have their CHILDREN breathe pot smoke.

      I’m curious as why you find that somehow offensive, that people who don’t smoke pot have any kind of right to not have to breathe the smoke from it, or have it blown in their face because some INCONSIDERATE A-HOLE, and there are many, feels he or she has more rights as a pot smoker than does the non-smoker.

  13. Funny how folks sit around waiting for other folks to tell them what they can and can not do.

    Stay hydrated, fools.

  14. A proposed solution:
    Howbout we erect a sign
    on the beach.
    As far as the Dog Poo
    ……let’s just hope it’s dog poo.

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